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Reducing recon ops & flak losses

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Reducing recon ops & flak losses - 8/16/2020 11:54:24 AM   


Posts: 84
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I am in late October 1942, as the Allies, and beginning to counterattack in New Guinea and the Solomons. When suppressing a network of Japanese airbases (as in NE New Guinea), I’m trying to sweep and bomb in sequence (focusing on one or two bases at a time), however, this has not been tremendously effective (I’m sure for a whole bunch of reasons). I was evaluating my use of recon aircraft to see if that was an area I could incrementally improve things. I have two squadrons in Moresby - a shorter range RAAF group and a group of USAAF F-4s.

Do get the benefit of the DL increase from recon, am I correct that the recon flight has to go in before the bombers? I’ve been trying to manage this, but to bomb at say 9k, I’ve been sending the recon aircraft in lower, at 5-6k, to try to ensure they do get there first, and they do generally get there first. However, I’ve been taking higher attrition to flak and ops at those low altitudes, which, of course, I cannot afford in 1942 with the meager replacement rates (particularly for the F-4).

Everything I’ve read indicates that the DL from the previous turn’s recon doesn’t stay elevated, and if the recon flight has to go in first for the current air phase, is there an alternate approach to get my recon aircraft out of the flak?
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RE: Reducing recon ops & flak losses - 8/16/2020 12:46:50 PM   


Posts: 1674
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From: Brussels, Belgium
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I don’t think altitude matters for recon missions, so you might want to run them high. It might put them at risk of CAP, but at least it’ll protect them from AA.

Also, while it’s true that DL decreases over time, it’s only drastic for TF (DL being set to 0 each phase, MDL being halved), while for LCU & bases, it’s slower (I don’t have the manual with me for precise details, but Alfred will probably give the right reference, and anyway it’s in section 10 of the manual IIRC).

EDIT: additionally, make sure your pilots are top-notch (both XP and skills) for recon missions, well-rested, and their planes are in good state (check the plane’s damage levels).

< Message edited by Ambassador -- 8/16/2020 2:36:43 PM >

(in reply to scondon87)
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RE: Reducing recon ops & flak losses - 8/16/2020 3:59:57 PM   


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That helps - sounds like I was conflating the TF DL rule with the general DL rule. So if DL doesn’t get reset to zero for bases, you do benefit from recon from the day before.

< Message edited by scondon87 -- 8/16/2020 4:03:48 PM >

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RE: Reducing recon ops & flak losses - 8/16/2020 4:15:37 PM   


Posts: 1674
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From: Brussels, Belgium
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Yes. DL for bases and LCUs decreases by one for each phase (night and day), so as long as you get a recon each day, it will increase.

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RE: Reducing recon ops & flak losses - 8/16/2020 5:25:32 PM   

Posts: 13450
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You can also arrange for the air strike to go in the afternoon phase.


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RE: Reducing recon ops & flak losses - 8/16/2020 5:54:08 PM   


Posts: 84
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That helps a lot, thanks!

(in reply to RangerJoe)
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RE: Reducing recon ops & flak losses - 8/17/2020 1:33:49 AM   

Posts: 7472
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Do get the benefit of the DL increase from recon, am I correct that the recon flight has to go in before the bombers?

There's a sequence of play somewhere, and IIRC you'll find recon is done before bombing. Not 100% sure, so if I were you I'd check.


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RE: Reducing recon ops & flak losses - 8/17/2020 1:01:01 PM   

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ORIGINAL: rustysi


Do get the benefit of the DL increase from recon, am I correct that the recon flight has to go in before the bombers?

There's a sequence of play somewhere, and IIRC you'll find recon is done before bombing. Not 100% sure, so if I were you I'd check.

Recon is an air mission and takes place concurrently with other air missions. But bombers seem to be handled first so mostly I see the bombers go and then the recon, with a few late bomber sorties after the recon. It might be programmed this way because a lot of RL Recon was bomb damage assessment.


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RE: Reducing recon ops & flak losses - 8/17/2020 2:58:53 PM   
Ian R


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Put your recon squadron on 40% rest - the ops losses are reduced (and morale stays up) due to reduced fatigue of both crews and machines.


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