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RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map)

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RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/10/2020 12:38:46 AM   

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October 1940

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Post #: 61
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/10/2020 3:56:54 AM   

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November 1940

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Post #: 62
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/10/2020 5:59:21 PM   

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December 1940

As the bogged down war in China continues, in the West the majority of action is in the Mediterranean, where the Axis currently rule supreme. The Atlantic is awash with U-boats as well.

This turn, the Soviets demanded that Germany send military equipment promised in the Molotov-Pact. It's been a one-sided affair currently with Germany receiving MPP and the Soviets nothing.

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Post #: 63
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/10/2020 6:19:42 PM   

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January 1941

The Soviet Union received military equipment from Germany, lowering our mobilization. This hints that Barbarossa may not be in the early spring and my opponent may wait until summer. Aiding in that assumption is that neither Greece or Yugoslavia has yet surrendered. The Allies also invaded Syria this turn to protect against a possible amphibious invasion, the backdoor into Egypt would be near defenseless at this time.

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< Message edited by crispy131313 -- 9/16/2020 7:13:38 PM >


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Post #: 64
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/17/2020 12:27:13 AM   

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February 1941

My opponent has proposed a non-aggression pact between USSR and Japan (via decision event) and the Soviets boldly reject the pact. At this time it is uncertain if the Soviets will be able to successfully pressure the Japanese in Manchuria or if the USSR will have to transfer the Siberian troops yet to be deployed. Regardless the decision was made in effort to distract the Japanese have forces redirected from China as their defenses or slowly being eroded.

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Post #: 65
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/17/2020 12:31:50 AM   

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March 1941

Greece finally surrenders.

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Post #: 66
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/17/2020 12:50:26 AM   

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April - May 1941

War will soon come to the Soviet Union. Germany has now wrapped up all loose ends and at the end of May 1941 Soviet mobilization stands at 85%.

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Post #: 67
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/18/2020 1:58:14 AM   

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June 1941

USSR prepares for war, Barbarossa will be next turn.

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Post #: 68
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/20/2020 7:08:46 PM   


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Out of curiosity, why is there a German garrison unit in Italian West Africa?

EDIT: and also the Soviet navy in the middle east? I guess this is a product of them seizing the straits?

< Message edited by FOARP -- 9/21/2020 7:36:54 AM >


American Front: a Work-in-progress CSA v USA Turtledove mod for SC:WW1 can be seen here.

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Post #: 69
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/22/2020 4:28:39 PM   

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Out of curiosity, why is there a German garrison unit in Italian West Africa?

EDIT: and also the Soviet navy in the middle east? I guess this is a product of them seizing the straits?

Those are German volunteers in East Africa (German Motorized), the actual manpower of this unit was only about 150 so it's more for flavor than anything but it was a propaganda boost for the Italians, in the mod they are represented by a garrison and NM boost for Italy if formed.

And yes it's a result of the seizure of the Strait. In the Europe version of the mod the Navy deploys later to avoid the "Gaminess" that could result of having them out too early, it's something I'll update in my next build.


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Post #: 70
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/22/2020 4:37:53 PM   

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July 1941 - Part

Very big turn, refer to screenshots for comments!

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Post #: 71
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/22/2020 4:39:36 PM   

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July 1941 - part 2

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Post #: 72
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/22/2020 4:40:49 PM   

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July 1941 - part 3 of 3

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Post #: 73
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/22/2020 11:25:51 PM   

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August 1941 -

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Post #: 74
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/22/2020 11:59:59 PM   

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October 1941

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Post #: 75
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/23/2020 12:21:14 AM   

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November 1941

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Post #: 76
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/25/2020 12:40:49 AM   

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December 1941

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Post #: 77
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/25/2020 12:52:53 AM   

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January 1942

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Post #: 78
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/25/2020 7:48:44 AM   


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Hmmm... normally in WIE still being stuck west of Smolensk at the start of 1942 potentially spells trouble for the Axis, but WAW is pretty favourably balanced for the Axis player so let's see how this one plays out. Let's hope each side fights to the last bullet!


American Front: a Work-in-progress CSA v USA Turtledove mod for SC:WW1 can be seen here.

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Post #: 79
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/25/2020 1:44:44 PM   

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Hmmm... normally in WIE still being stuck west of Smolensk at the start of 1942 potentially spells trouble for the Axis, but WAW is pretty favourably balanced for the Axis player so let's see how this one plays out. Let's hope each side fights to the last bullet!

This isn't playing out like a vanilla match though!


(in reply to FOARP)
Post #: 80
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 9/26/2020 2:02:58 AM   

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Late January 1942

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Post #: 81
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 10/2/2020 5:30:09 PM   


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Good game and excellent mod!!

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Post #: 82
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 10/5/2020 12:48:44 AM   

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February 1942

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Post #: 83
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 10/5/2020 12:49:44 AM   

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March 1942

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Post #: 84
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 10/5/2020 12:52:46 AM   

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April 1942

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Post #: 85
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 10/5/2020 12:57:31 AM   

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May 1942

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Post #: 86
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 10/5/2020 1:05:40 AM   

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June 1942

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Post #: 87
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 10/6/2020 8:47:31 AM   


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Hmmm... Egypt falls, Stalingrad threatened, East Africa still not pacified, the Americans held up in Tunisia - not looking good for the Allies.


American Front: a Work-in-progress CSA v USA Turtledove mod for SC:WW1 can be seen here.

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Post #: 88
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 10/17/2020 5:02:18 AM   


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I haven't played world map since it was released (played a couple of games right after release) but a few things I remember about it:

1) The Chinese are too weak. Japan will basically crush China 99 out of 100 games if they want to, it's not very difficult. Something needs to be done to (in my opinion) deter Japan from trying to conquer China - maybe super partisan reaction, or an event that reduces JP income by 100 every turn that they hold key Chinese cities - something really painful for Japan that causes them to want to avoid entering the interior of China. I'm no expert on the war in China but historically the Japanese were unable or unwilling to advance deep into China. On the other hand we don't want super-China so something has to be done to make it hard for the Chinese to hurt the Japanese much or in particular advance out of China. Maybe Chinese units can all have 1 attack value but high defense values? China should be a distraction for Japan but not a situation that is "winnable" the way it is in this game.

2) The map just seems too small. I wish that the map had double the number of hexes. It feels very strange to be operating with so few hexes on the Russian front, in France, etc.

3) The pacific war felt weird. I didn't see a lot of reason for Japan to advance into the Pacific at all. They seem better off stopping at Philippines and Indonesia and focusing on India and China and Siberia.

(in reply to FOARP)
Post #: 89
RE: Fall Weiss II - PBEM AAR (World Map) - 10/17/2020 10:32:53 PM   

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ORIGINAL: jjdenver

I haven't played world map since it was released (played a couple of games right after release) but a few things I remember about it:

1) The Chinese are too weak. Japan will basically crush China 99 out of 100 games if they want to, it's not very difficult. Something needs to be done to (in my opinion) deter Japan from trying to conquer China - maybe super partisan reaction, or an event that reduces JP income by 100 every turn that they hold key Chinese cities - something really painful for Japan that causes them to want to avoid entering the interior of China. I'm no expert on the war in China but historically the Japanese were unable or unwilling to advance deep into China. On the other hand we don't want super-China so something has to be done to make it hard for the Chinese to hurt the Japanese much or in particular advance out of China. Maybe Chinese units can all have 1 attack value but high defense values? China should be a distraction for Japan but not a situation that is "winnable" the way it is in this game.

2) The map just seems too small. I wish that the map had double the number of hexes. It feels very strange to be operating with so few hexes on the Russian front, in France, etc.

3) The pacific war felt weird. I didn't see a lot of reason for Japan to advance into the Pacific at all. They seem better off stopping at Philippines and Indonesia and focusing on India and China and Siberia.

(1) I think cranking up the number of partisan hexes (both kinds: units and anti-supply events) would be the most reasonable solution.

(2) After slaving away on an enlarged version of the Euro map for 4 months now, I am now well aware of the massive work that would be involved. But yes I'd love to see a full 512 x 256 hex map (annnd someone said that there was a workaround allowing an even bigger one, using the map-to-hexes utility). I've actually been trying to talk myself into doing exactly that, since I am an IJN fanboi of sorts.

In any event the Pacific-only map in the Scenarios subforum is ~95% done in terms of terrain, and has a more acceptable scale (since it is based off of Grigsby's WitP map).

(3) Despite my proclivities alluded to above, few AARs ever seem to have any massive Pacific naval battles-and the AI can easily be divided and conquered (in one game I sunk like 40 USN units while only losing 3 of my own). I decided to stick with the Euro theatre because the AI there is more "mature."

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Post #: 90
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