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New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion

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New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion - 1/2/2021 11:56:18 AM   


Posts: 5508
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From: The Great White North!
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Much different than the last one, this should prove to be quite interesting:

This scenario is playable by either NATO or the WP:

Into the Bastion, is a small, submarine focused scenario with the most advanced submarines in the 1994 world pitted against each other.

As NATO you will take two Seawolf class SSNs into the Soviet Barents Sea Bastion, eliminate any Soviet SSNs and identify their SSBNs without being detected. The tracking data you obtain will find its way into President Medvedev’s hands as a signal of what the US can do - but didn’t.

As the WP player you have two Typhoon class SSBNs and their escorts. You expect the Americans to penetrate your bastion at some point and you are ready to destroy them when they do. Keep your Boomers hidden while you sink the intruders.

As always, comments, critiques and thoughts welcome.

Happy New Year.

Edit: Ver 1.4 uploaded

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< Message edited by Gunner98 -- 3/15/2021 1:11:08 AM >


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Post #: 1
RE: New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion - 1/2/2021 12:19:39 PM   


Posts: 1203
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Ah, a Seawolf vs. the bastion scenario. One of the things you can do in Northern Fury's time period.


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Post #: 2
RE: New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion - 1/2/2021 12:38:33 PM   


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Yeah, there are very few plausible opportunities for this one. Playtests have been interesting... you need some good sub skills

Edit random start positions will be coming in an update once any bugs are worked out.


< Message edited by Gunner98 -- 1/2/2021 12:51:21 PM >


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Post #: 3
RE: New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion - 1/2/2021 10:01:18 PM   

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Hi Gunner

I just gave this a try, and it´s indeed quite hard, but that´s submarine warfare for you.


If you haven´t tried this scenario yet, don´t read any further.


The Typhoon was designed for under ice operations, so I would have expected to meet Delta IVs not Typhoons in that area.
I know I´m being pedantic, but gameplay wise, the Delta IV is just as silent as the Typhoon, so it won´t make a difference, and if I don´t point that out, some one else is just gonna do it

The trigger to detect a WP SSN is set to known class instead of known type.
This means that you detect an SSN but are nor scored for it, even though you are expected to kill SSN contacts.

The Sierra II just stops and awaits an intercept. This means that it will usually be far away from the targets to intercept.
Perhaps adding another Sierra II, and attaching them loosely to the two patrol zones as interceptors, would make them more dangerougs.

When I first read the briefing, I thought that I had to track the typhoons for the duration of the scen, not just detecting them.
This made for some quite difficult tracking operations, but my limited submarine skills only managed to track them for a few hours at a time, before I was detected and attacked.
Perhaps a briefing note that detection is enough would be in place.

One last thing.

Since NF is an alternate timeline where the cold war didn´t end, would you consider adding the UUM-125 Sealance missile to NATO submarines?
This would make the WP side of this scen a lot more difficult, and also give the NATO player a chance in the NF#2 X-ray station scen, which have become a lot more difficult since creation because of progressive improvements to the game.


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Post #: 4
RE: New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion - 1/2/2021 11:55:31 PM   


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I think they were both under-ice capable. Maybe I can just move the whole thing under the ice - I'll check.

The Sierra will have random start points and should get involved more once that is fixed. Didn't want to add too steep of a curve for NATO

My original thought was track for a couple hours, but couldn't figure out how to do that. Might put the event on a recurring trigger

UUM-125 interesting, never heard of them before. Reading through the Wiki and it seems that the whole program was a bit of a mess, but ... interesting.

If I did add them it would only be for this scenario with a storyline of rushed into production i think. NATO isn't supposed to shoot in NF-2 anyway. And there are other reasons which will come out in the books. I will think on it but this is a very good idea..Thanks


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Post #: 5
RE: New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion - 1/3/2021 12:46:24 AM   


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Small sub, big ocean! The first couple of times I tried this I didn’t find anyone within the time limit, which is always a risk when you have a scenario with just a few subs in a large area. With ships on both sides creeping, detection range is only on the order of 10 miles, unless someone decides to duck under the layer into towed-array territory and make themselves very vulnerable.

I think this is definitely an easier mission for the Russians, since they have a tremendous ASW range advantage, due to their SS-N-15 and 16s. The Russian player can creep very slowly in a limited area, bring their attack subs in tight, and simply wait for a NATO target to present itself. NATO has to search a large area, and if they move with any speed the Russians are much more likely to detect them first. Their weapons are shorter ranged and slower (and currently suffer from that torpedo range bug), which makes it more difficult to get into a safe firing position.

Assorted Items

The NATO side’s Connecticut Ptl allows its sub to leave the patrol area, so it will try and sail away to investigate any contacts Seawolf finds, instead of staying to look for its own target. Similarly, the WP’s Escort 2 mission also allows its sub to leave the patrol area to investigate contacts. All the other patrols are set to remain in their area.

The NATO Sub Detected event has the NATO SSN Sunk trigger.

Msg – NATO – SSBN Sunk has a typo: “or we won’t have much to come home too when we surface.” (to)

Scenario Description typo: “Therefor, NATO needs to send them a message” (therefore)

NATO Briefing typo: “the Nansen Bason” (Basin)

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Post #: 6
RE: New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion - 1/3/2021 2:36:19 AM   


Posts: 5508
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From: The Great White North!
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Thanks Andrew, will fix that up.

Schr75 suggested I add some UUM-125 Sealance to the NATO side. I think I'll do that which should even up the ASW ranges a bit.

Will add a tighter 'go hunting' box as well, will increase the likelihood of detecting at least something


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Post #: 7
RE: New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion - 1/3/2021 11:02:07 PM   


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Played it as the Soviets, set both Akulas to creep under the layer and eventually contacted both US subs...

Surprised I was able to detect both subs first, pretty sure they were only doing 5knts as well..



6x SS-N-16 Stallion ["RPK-7 Veter, UMGT-1 Torpedo]
3x SS-N-15 Starfish [RPK-6 Vodopad, UMGT-1 Torpedo]


2x SSN 21 Seawolf

8x ADC Mk3 Mod 0 Sonobuoy Countermeasure
8x ADC Mk4 Mod 0 Sonar Jammer
6x ADC Mk2 Mod 0 Torpedo Decoy
14x ADC Mk2 Mod 1 Torpedo Decoy

SIDE: Biologic



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Post #: 8
RE: New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion - 1/6/2021 6:32:09 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Gunner98
I think they were both under-ice capable. Maybe I can just move the whole thing under the ice - I'll check.

Hi Gunner
I didn´t express my self as clearly as I wanted to.
The Delta 4 is also under-ice capable, but the Typhoon is specially designed to punch through even very thick ice packs, so I would expect to find it almost exclusively under ice, unless in transit.
I might very well be wrong, but I don´t have access to classified info, so this is my own amateur analysis of the class


UUM-125 interesting, never heard of them before. Reading through the Wiki and it seems that the whole program was a bit of a mess, but ... interesting.

Damn. I thought you knew about Sealance. Otherwise I would have suggested it years ago
Anyway. If you move the scen under ice, this will negate ASW missile capability for both sides (if you add Sealance), so you will change the balance of the scen.

What can I say, I just like the Sealance. I have liked it since I played Red Storm Rising on the Amiga in the early 90´s


If I did add them it would only be for this scenario with a storyline of rushed into production i think. NATO isn't supposed to shoot in NF-2 anyway.

That´s fair enough, but I must admit that I have added them myself because I wanted to go hunting

Looking forward to the next version.


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Post #: 9
RE: New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion - 1/31/2021 2:11:16 PM   


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OK here is the update. Kept the fight in open water so we can give the US a chance to use the Sea Lance, which have now been added.

Also have random starting points for everyone.

Still need to sort out tracking time, currently as the US you get points for simply detecting the SSBNs but I need to work in a mechanism where you will need to track for several hours. Not there yet.



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Post #: 10
RE: New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion - 1/31/2021 2:20:01 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Gunner98

Still need to sort out tracking time, currently as the US you get points for simply detecting the SSBNs but I need to work in a mechanism where you will need to track for several hours. Not there yet.

Put a movement-linked box of reference points around the SSBN and a "unit remains in area" trigger for your own subs?


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Post #: 11
RE: New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion - 1/31/2021 2:54:22 PM   


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That would work, have the event activated by the detection and then remain within XX nm to track.



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Post #: 12
RE: New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion - 3/15/2021 1:10:15 AM   


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Modified to give points for US tracking the SSBNs for min of 4 hrs. Pls let me know what you think.

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Post #: 13
RE: New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion - 3/23/2021 4:28:11 PM   


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Anything more on this one guys?


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Post #: 14
RE: New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion - 3/23/2021 9:24:12 PM   


Posts: 5508
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Actually looking at the new physics of ASW implemented in 1147.18, this may change how this scenario plays fairly significantly.

Any thoughts?


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Post #: 15
RE: New Scenario for Testing: NF#44 Into the Bastion - 4/6/2021 11:47:26 PM   


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OK this one is going to the Community Pack. Thanks for the testing.


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