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Ancient Empire: Psaeko (that's me) (J) Vs. Q-Ball (A)

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Ancient Empire: Psaeko (that's me) (J) Vs. Q-Ball (A) - 1/9/2021 3:43:34 PM   


Posts: 14
Joined: 6/30/2020
Status: offline
Hello everyone,
First of all, I think some introductions are in order. As a longtime lurker, I have never played against someone from the forums here before. I have finished a few grand campaigns against one of my friends sharing the same computer, but he was not available and so I ended up looking for an opponent here. Q-ball graciously accepted to be my opponent and we started the game, which has been running for quite a while already now. We use basically the same rules as I've always used, which consist of:

Normal historical settings, PDU on
PP for units crossing borders
No 4e under 10k,
Restricted strategic (port and AF) night attacks early in the war (don't overuse them, max 1 squadron per base in 42, 2 in 43), restriction lifted in 44
No strategic bombing into or out of China until 44,
Same for bombing of Chinese industry
No turn 1 cv hunting
For allies only orders for TFs at sea and in China

Besides that, we are playing on the DIB-C mod (scenario 30) with a slightly modified PWHex data that comes from the RA mod.

With all that out of the way, time to get into the nitty gritty of it and tell the story so far. I'll take a few posts to detail how we got into the current situation, followed by the currently ongoing turns. All advice is appreciated, as well as any other comments you might have. I'm not sure yet how often I'll update the AAR as turns come in. It might not be every day, but I'll try to post at least once every few days.

< Message edited by Psaeko -- 1/9/2021 3:49:10 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: Ancient Empire: Psaeko (that's me) (J) Vs. Q-Ball (A) - 1/9/2021 4:53:03 PM   

Posts: 18046
Joined: 8/4/2010
From: Winnipeg, MB
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Congrats on taking the PBEM plunge, especially as the Japanese!
Since you have not written an AAR before my first request would be that every post of daily results start with the game date. It is hard to assess how you are doing without knowing the timeline.


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to Psaeko)
Post #: 2
RE: Ancient Empire: Psaeko (that's me) (J) Vs. Q-Ball (A) - 1/9/2021 5:37:35 PM   


Posts: 14
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A good idea. The current game date is the 6th of September 1942, proceeding at a pace between one and three turns per day depending on our schedules.

In other news, the fact I am a lurker throws a spanner in the works for my planned post, as I cannot post pictures until 7 days after my 10th post. A good security measure to avoid bots and spam on the forums, but it does mean you will have to use your imagination instead of pictures with brightly coloured lines for now.

On December 7th 1941, the IJN executed a unprecedented surprise attack on the port of... Manila. While it's possible to sink the old battleships moored at PH, I expected more out of a pre-emptive strike on Manila to decommission as much subs as possible. The results didn't quite materialize, but the 800kg betty bombs put quite a few US subs down, and the KB was in a good position to support the invasion of the DEI.

The story so far, subdivided per area

In China, I was quite slow on reorganizing the LCUs and only was able to make a push after the chinese already had taken up defensible positions in defensive terrain. The a halfhearted push on Sian was easily repelled, and this front was quiet for a long time. But in the summer months of 42, the decision was made to buy out several Kwantung army units. Combined with tank regiments, those proved to be enough to break through at Changteh. Overwhelmed, the chinese had no choice but to retreat to Chihkiang, which was also taken after a short siege. But that is where the advance ended. One hex west of Chihkiang was where the chinese made their stand, reinforced by tanks of the Indian 254th. Applying pressure was becoming difficult with a large number of Hurricanes and P-40s filling the skies above China.

Taking advantage of the commitment to Chichkiang, two tank division managed to take Nanning and Liuchow with little resistance, pushing all the way to Tuyun before being stopped, forcing a reaction from the allied tanks. And even more west of those positions, several units moved from indochina to take a position between Kweiyang and Kunming as recon indicated the last of the chinese reserves in the area had been thrown into the front to slow down the advance. From here, they marched to strike the chinese army from behind...

I guess we're going counterclockwise when it comes to the order of areas. Anyways, Burma was initially taken by a recon-in-force coming over land from Thailand. Seeing the almost deserted cities, the decision was made to take the ports and wait for reinforcements before pushing up. These reinforcements were delayed due to shipping issues, and when the push was finally made, a large new chinese division at Taung Gyi and a large number of units near Katha as well as a large number of P-38 and assorted 2E and 4E bombers forced the advance to a halt. Daily bombing continued until a large scale interception from Magwe airfield downed quite a few bombers that were flying before the sweeps arrived. The area desperately needs something to avoid allied divisions rolling up in 43 and taking the place over. That said, I don't consider the area the highest of priorities.

Indian Ocean
Oh boy. Initially, I left the allies with port blair as a trap. There was a large force on the island, and any attempts to supply it could easily be intercepted. Well, he did come to supply it. And the supply ships didn't come alone. Frequent visits of the royal navy and their carriers ensured regular supply. I did try to intercept these, with mixed results. In fact, at one point I asked Q-Ball if we could redo a turn because an intercepting TF had no air cover despite being in range of 100+ zeros all set to LRCAP... without having a LRCAP target. When this happened we were doing 4 to 5 turns per day, so I must have messed up the targeting. In any case, he obliged, and the TF in question mostly survived, with the Ise eating 6 aerial torpedos and limping back to Tavoy before managing to somehow get to Singapore. It currently is still in the repair yard and will be for another 6 months.

To counter the constant air threat, I sent out a fleet of reserve carriers, the CVL and Junyou class CVs supported by Kaga, which was in Singapore after it had eaten a submarine torpedo early in the campaign and was out of action for 150 days. These carriers covered a force of the most modern heavy cruisers I could assemble in the area, and tangled with the Royal navy, with no decisive conclusion. In the end, the Junyou was damaged by bomb hits and forced to retire to port, and the enemy carriers broke off as well. Giving chase with the remainder of the task forces, the heavy cruisers intercepted the british carriers at night but failed to do lasting damage. As they were retreating at full speed, nothing ensued during the day. Tempted to capitalize, I managed to find myself in striking range of Colombo... completely undetected. The heavy cruisers ran into port with a bombardment mission and managed to find the british carrier fleet as the first encounter. A barrage of 8 inch gunfire and torpedos struck the british carriers, and two of them were outright sunk, with the third heavily crippled. After going through a dozen task forces containing hundreds of transport, firing all of their primary, secondary and AA gun ammo, there somehow was a heavy cruiser left that fired a single shell at the Colombo airfield which destroyed tens of planes and damaging over a hundred. Talk about effective. It wasn't a flawless victory however, as the Maya and a destroyer hit mines outside Colombo, with the Maya then getting torped by a submarine. During the day, the carrier strike finished off the last remaining British fleet carrier in Colombo. The next day, two escorting destroyers managed to distract a heavy cruiser task force that was hunting the Maya and escape unscathed, but it didn't matter as a land-based airstrike finished her off.

(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 3
RE: Ancient Empire: Psaeko (that's me) (J) Vs. Q-Ball (A) - 1/9/2021 5:42:35 PM   

Posts: 13450
Joined: 11/16/2015
From: My Mother, although my Father had some small part.
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If you go to other threads and post such as "The Thread" plus the "Australian Beauties" thread at the General Forum, those would help get your post count up.


Seek peace but keep your gun handy.

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

“Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).”
― Julia Child

(in reply to Psaeko)
Post #: 4
RE: Ancient Empire: Psaeko (that's me) (J) Vs. Q-Ball (A) - 1/9/2021 6:13:31 PM   


Posts: 14
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Indian Ocean (continued)
Wait, you thought that was it? Of course not. After the loss of the british carriers, the area was relatively quiet for some time. Then the next supply run on port blair appeared. Escorted by no less than 4 US fleet carriers, based on plane numbers. Flying some night strike betties for intel, it also appeared to be escorted by most of the US heavy cruiser fleet.. A heroic submarine went into port blair and managed to get two AKs before getting shredded by a british corvette, but that definitely will have given the troops there some breathing room. Rather than a trap, it now seems port blair is a thorn in my side. I think I have the troops to take it if I land, and a division prepped to land there but with the current pressure it's untouchable.

Dutch East Indies + Malaya
The original landings were several months ago in real life now, so it isn't too clear in my memory. However, I do remember that I landed at Mersing and had pulled troops from other invasions to assemble an overwhelming force to take Singapore early. This succeeded, and Palembang was taken relatively short after. However, losses in air and shipping forced me to delay the landings on Java, and this was a big blow. Planes delivered from US carriers to Java made a strike at the KB when they passed, and the only saving grace was that none of the carriers got hit as most of the bombers were fragmented and unescorted. This moment was also where the Kaga took a torpedo, further adding issues. In the end, the invasion went relatively smoothly, but the dutch defenders had already managed to hole up in Bandoeng, with a ton of supplies. I could not afford continuous bombing, as fighter planes were sporadically moving in and out to intercept the raids, with an airfield too big to quickly close. It is actually still an issue as I pulled away troops from Java to reinforce other areas, and the worrying part is that the place can be reached by a P-40E flying from Cocos island, a base that he guarded with his carriers when they were moving to the indian ocean, and is very much upgraded. It also is an atoll, and there's a large infantry concentration there.

And if you though that was worrying: It gets even better! You see, while the major ports and airfields east of Java were mostly taken quickly, I had neglected Koepang and Ternate. Koepang had been reinforced by australian troops, and required me landing one division, and then another one if I remember correctly. An invasion of Ternate with some SNLF squads was planned, but called off in the end when the transports were assigned elsewhere, and I didn't learn from my mistake at Koepang, believing that the worst he could do was base floatplanes there and snoop some ship movement. I believed that as long as I had Ambon, Ternate would be relatively harmless. Well, let's say I was wrong. You see, as the conquest moved on and I decided against invading Darwin, the H6K4s at Ambon were replaced with mediocre skill low range floatplanes. The same happened at Koepang. Combine this with the fact I hadn't taken all base hexes in the eastern part of the DEI due to a mix of lazyness and other priorities, and you can imagine I had a rough wakeup call when some of these bases suddenly increased in size. In short, there's troops at Endeh, right next to Koepang, and a confirmed allied presence at Kaimana, Sorong and Morotai. As I said to Q-Ball, flying recon flights there now feels like poking a hornet's nest, seeing more and more angry allied landing units show up as you poke it.

But not all is lost. While he definitely pulled the wool over my eyes there (or to more accurately say, I did that to myself by believing I had proper naval search set up), I do have several divisions in the area, as well as the transports to move them, and a carrier fleet to support them. The longer his carriers stay in the indian ocean, the more time I have to root these landings out before that establish themselves (even more). Not to mention, with the A6M5 coming into production, a carrier engagement might even be in my favour if he does decide to come. There are still two carriers unaccounted for though, and we'll have to see when and where they decide to show themselves.

(in reply to Psaeko)
Post #: 5
RE: Ancient Empire: Psaeko (that's me) (J) Vs. Q-Ball (A) - 1/9/2021 6:36:59 PM   


Posts: 14
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If I just split the posts like this I also can get my count up, Joe

I pulled troops away from here during the initial invasion, then didn't concentrate enough troops at either Clark Field or Manila to decisively win either. An organizational mistake, and by the time I corrected it I got overzealous and lost even more time due to a badly timed shock attack. After that, I played it safe, and bombed the place into dust before easily forcing the defenders to surrender. The initial landings were also opposed by raiders and PT boats, losing the Chitose and the Mizuho. I should have not left them in their original transport TF, but I figured I had enough cover. I didn't. A half-hearted landing at Mindanao drove the defenders into Malaybalay but had to be reinforced to truly clear them out. Another waste of time, and one of the reasons the smaller islands in the area weren't taken as I used the forces there instead. Not much else to say here actually.

New Guinea, Southeast Pacific, Marianas and beyond
I'll just lump the outer islands together here. Little resistance overall, with a quickly taken Moresby and Rabaul. A first landing at Tarawa ended disastrously with a cruiser, probably the Pensacola if I remember correctly, finding half a dozen transports and eating them alive. The only exciting part about the early game here was a race between infantry marching from Koumac to Noumea and US transport delivering reinforcements. Noumea fell with the reinforcements just days out, and has been held ever since. Not that it has done me much good, as US construction stated ramping up the base levels of the New Hebrides. Large troop concentrations at Luganville and Efate, with a secondary base at Tanna and floatplanes at Ndeni. Meanwhile, in the Gilberts a naval guard and some construction were landed at Tabiteuea, where some a marine raider group had set up shop. After the addition of several other naval guard units they finally managed to kick out the squatters and set up a forward airbase.

Back to the New Hebrides though, because as it appeared my opponent was planning to bypass New Caledonia I decided to counter the buildup. Two divisions, a tank division and the Guards mixed brigade were committed with a third division on standby. Heavy shore bombardment by battleships including the Yamato appeared to do nothing at first but then brought the defenders to their knees the next day with assault values collapsing overnight. At this moment, Ndeni, Luganville, Efate have all been taken, with Tanna under siege.

And that actually concludes the tour. I'll do a separate post on the home front when I get the next turn, as that would be most convenient. To give you the short version though, Palembang and Miri were damaged by bombing so oil while oil is still aplenty that does factor into how much I want to use my fleet, but it's nothing critical. Magwe was relatively undamaged but my opponent took advantage of his carrier venture to sneak in some hits on it when CAP was more concerned with a possible port strike in Rangoon.

< Message edited by Psaeko -- 1/9/2021 6:40:20 PM >

(in reply to Psaeko)
Post #: 6
RE: Ancient Empire: Psaeko (that's me) (J) Vs. Q-Ball (A) - 1/10/2021 8:03:10 PM   


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September 6, 1942

Alright then, let's get into it.

Night Time Surface Combat, near Horn Island at 91,128, Range 11,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Arashi
DD Asashio
DD Oshio, Shell hits 1
DD Kasumi
DD Hatsuharu

Allied Ships
DMS Long, Shell hits 3, on fire
xAK Canadian, Shell hits 21, and is sunk
xAK Minnesotan, Shell hits 20, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
xAK Puerto Rican, Shell hits 30, and is sunk
xAK Charles H Cramp, Shell hits 26, heavy fires, heavy damage

Night Time Surface Combat, near Horn Island at 91,128, Range 7,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Arashi
DD Asashio
DD Oshio
DD Kasumi
DD Hatsuharu

Allied Ships
AM Cairns, Shell hits 12, and is sunk
xAKL Patras, Shell hits 28, and is sunk
xAKL Wollongbar, Shell hits 31, and is sunk

Night Naval bombardment of Horn Island at 91,128

Allied aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft losses
B-25C Mitchell: 4 damaged
P-38E Lightning: 6 damaged
P-38E Lightning: 1 destroyed on ground
Beaufort V: 2 damaged

Japanese Ships
DD Oshio
DD Asashio
DD Arashi

Airbase hits 12
Runway hits 11
Port hits 2

Destroyers from Port Moresby hitting Horn Island, where he has a large airbase. They already shot half their torpedoes at a convoy resupplying Terapo. Tankers spotted at Merauke, but these guys are low on fuel and ammo and will have to retreat. The naval bombardment doesn't do much but confirms his P-38Es are still there, meaning I have to be weary with CAP.


Morning Air attack on TF, near Port Moresby at 97,133

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes

Allied aircraft
B-25C Mitchell x 4

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
DD Asashio

Aircraft Attacking:
4 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 3000 feet
Naval Attack: 6 x 500 lb GP Bomb

These B-25s are the only naval strike aircraft operating in the area, and they haven't had much luck so far against the nimble DDs. I'd love to put CAP over them but Moresby and Lae get bombed daily by 4E planes, and my fighters are not in the area.


Morning Air attack on Shwebo , at 59,45

Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 31
Hurricane IIa Trop x 15
Hurricane IIb Trop x 24
Wellington Ic x 16

No Allied losses

Airbase hits 2
Airbase supply hits 5
Runway hits 23

Aircraft Attacking:
15 x Blenheim IV bombing from 9000 feet
Airfield Attack: 4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
16 x Blenheim IV bombing from 9000 feet
Airfield Attack: 4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
16 x Wellington Ic bombing from 9000 feet
Airfield Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb

Speaking of fighters not being in the area, on the Burma front roughly 200 bombers escorted by 140 fighters hit Shwebo. Most of my planes are concentrated around Magwe and Rangoon, so no actual losses on the ground, but the numbers are concerning.

Next up was a string of unescorted airfield bombings on New Guinea that I'd love to intercept, but I can't do so in force at the moment.


Afternoon Air attack on Sydney , at 90,167

Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 44

Allied aircraft
P-40B Warhawk x 25

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
P-40B Warhawk: 10 destroyed

Aircraft Attacking:
31 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet

CAP engaged:
49th FG/9th FS with P-40B Warhawk (0 airborne, 17 on standby, 0 scrambling)
8 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 6000
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 22 minutes
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Sydney at 90,167

Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 96
B5N2 Kate x 90
D3A1 Val x 24

Allied aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed
B5N2 Kate: 3 damaged
D3A1 Val: 2 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Beaufighter Ic: 3 destroyed

Allied Ships
xAK Defiance, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK West Planter, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAK Admiral Wood, Bomb hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
xAK Admiral Wiley, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAK Arkansan, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAK Liberty, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAK Peshawur, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
xAK City of Dalhart, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAK Hollywood, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
AO Tippecanoe, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
AM Mirimichi, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk

The big cheese of the day. The carriers these planes are coming from covered the landings at Luganville, Efate, Tanna and Norfolk island. While near Norfolk, submarines spotted a convoy heading to Sydney coming dangerously close. The KB moved west to intercept, and I decided to check it out while also sweeping Sydney to down some rookie pilots. This is not the convoy I was expecting to hit, that one is two hexes west of the KB but no planes launched against it. In fact, it seems to be escorted by a separate TF consisting of light cruisers and some destroyers. I'm very tempted to detach the KB escorts and hit it at night, but considering there are still two US carriers unaccounted for, as well as several fast or at least reasonably fast battleships I might not do it. There's not much to be gained here and a lot to lose.


fternoon Air attack on TF, near Lord Howe Island at 99,173

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Japanese aircraft
B5N2 Kate x 27

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N2 Kate: 1 damaged

Allied Ships
DM Pruitt
TK Camden, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
AO Bishopdale
TK Fosna
TK Gulfbreeze
TK Montebello
TK Larry Doheny

Aircraft Attacking:
27 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 45cm Type 91 Torp

This task force however looks a lot more interesting. These tankers are several hexes southeast of the KB, heading east. Unfortunately returning empty, but considering the Camden was a 20 VP ship these are some of the larger TKs. Sinking them would be great, and they are further away from port than the TFs to the west. Subs in the are are sicced on the tanker convoy as well, and I might be able to get a few good hits in.


ASW attack near Tanna at 120,157

Japanese Ships
CL Kashima, Torpedo hits 1
AMC Bankok Maru
AMC Akagi Maru
LSD Akitsu Maru
LSD Shinshu Maru
xAP Tango Maru
xAP Baikal Maru
xAP Ural Maru
DD Yugao

Allied Ships
SS S-23

SS S-23 launches 4 torpedoes at CL Kashima
S-23 bottoming out ....
DD Yugao fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Yugao fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Yugao fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Yugao fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Yugao fails to find sub, continues to search...
Escort abandons search for sub

The only US sub hit of the day. Last day saw a torp hit on the Junyo and the Taiyou, both failing to detonate. This was an S-boat so the torpedo did explode, but for minimal damage. At 13 floatation and 7 system with 0 fire, she'll make it.



Ground combat at 77,50 (near Chihkiang)

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 55363 troops, 829 guns, 480 vehicles, Assault Value = 1369

Defending force 55478 troops, 281 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1180

Japanese ground losses:
26 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Allied ground losses:
380 casualties reported
Squads: 16 destroyed, 11 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 9 (4 destroyed, 5 disabled)

Now to China. This spot is where my advances have been halted for a time. The reinforcement of this location caused Kweiyang to empty and let me take advantage of the situation. Right now the troops are battered and retreating according to recon, but at the moment it's impossible for me to break through.


Ground combat at Kweiyang (74,49)

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 13441 troops, 118 guns, 63 vehicles, Assault Value = 397

Defending force 24306 troops, 117 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 474

Japanese adjusted assault: 492

Allied adjusted defense: 201

Japanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 0)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Kweiyang !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-), preparation(-), experience(-)
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+)

Japanese ground losses:
995 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 114 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 12 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 13 disabled
Guns lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
10325 casualties reported
Squads: 229 destroyed, 11 disabled
Non Combat: 207 destroyed, 42 disabled
Engineers: 66 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 27 (24 destroyed, 3 disabled)
Units retreated 6

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

This place was reinforced by a chinese corps today, it was almost empty the day before when a shock attack took down the forts to 0. I had to take it down quick, and the second shock attack in a row has left my troops high on disruption and fatigue. They barely manage to eke out a 2:1 against a battered chinese corps that was bombed day after day while it tried to get into Kweiyang, but the important part here is that they capture it. I'll reinforce the area with paradropped troops and supplies, since it technically still is behind enemy lines. Tuyun is about to crack, but until the road opens no supply will flow to here.


Ground combat at Tanna (120,157)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 13593 troops, 121 guns, 39 vehicles, Assault Value = 456

Defending force 3811 troops, 9 guns, 21 vehicles, Assault Value = 107

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2

Japanese adjusted assault: 359

Allied adjusted defense: 117

Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 2)

Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 2

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
682 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 25 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled

Allied ground losses:
626 casualties reported
Squads: 11 destroyed, 30 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 17 disabled
Engineers: 7 destroyed, 4 disabled
Guns lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)

Assaulting units:
18th Division

Defending units:
3rd Marine Raider Battalion
2nd Marine Raider Battalion
110th Cmbt Engineer Battalion
6th Port Maint Engineer Battalion
10th Port Maint Engineer Battalion

No more raiding for these guys. With the full weight of a division landed they should be able to easily finish of the last allied base in the new hebrides. I'm pretty sure the raiders also lack any heavy equipment, so I might rest up a bit and go for a shock attack, especially considering one of the raider Bns dropped to 0 AV in the combat resolution. I need some of the divisions used here to quickly go back to the Ambon area where he's managed to build up some bases.


Ground combat at Boela (80,110)

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 157 troops, 3 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 11

Defending force 3112 troops, 8 guns, 21 vehicles, Assault Value = 2

Japanese adjusted assault: 4

Allied adjusted defense: 31

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 7 (fort level 3)

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), preparation(-), fatigue(-)
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(-)

Assaulting units:
3rd Raiding Rgt /1

Defending units:
45th Base Group
24th MAG

These guys were paradropped from Ambon. Recon indicated 0 planes at Boela and a low amount of troops. The second one was true. The first one... Well, let's just say recon today showed 50 planes, and half the Ki-56 transporting the Raiding Rgt were shot down in transit. I'll definitely have to land something bigger, and quickly. The good news is that I have the transports on the move, and they should be able to start loading the 3 divisions I have in various places in the area to deal with the larger bases.

Final results for the day:
Ships sunk: 
AM: 2
TK/AO: 2

Planes lost:
P-40B: 24
Ki-56: 10
Beaufighter 1c: 9
A6M2: 3
As well as a smattering of other planes at 1 loss due to ops

< Message edited by Psaeko -- 1/12/2021 5:25:59 PM >

(in reply to Psaeko)
Post #: 7
RE: Ancient Empire: Psaeko (that's me) (J) Vs. Q-Ball (A) - 1/11/2021 1:34:59 AM   

Posts: 2301
Joined: 7/4/2003
From: Seoul, Korea
Status: offline
Great to see a new AAR. Q-Ball is a tough opponent. Does he plan to do an AAR at all?

It'll be great when you can post some nice pictures, like ship losses and VP points. Also, have the Aleutians been quiet?



Beer, because barley makes lousy bread.

(in reply to Psaeko)
Post #: 8
RE: Ancient Empire: Psaeko (that's me) (J) Vs. Q-Ball (A) - 1/12/2021 6:02:35 PM   


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Q-Ball is a tough opponent. Does he plan to do an AAR at all? It'll be great when you can post some nice pictures, like ship losses and VP points. Also, have the Aleutians been quiet?

At the moment he is quite busy, which is why the turns have been slow. When I said I was going to make this thread and asked him if he was fine with me naming him as the opponent, he did say he was considering maybe doing an AAR to show his side, but I don't know more than that. The Aleutians have been very busy, but not from my side. He landed troops and construction early in the war, and used gaps in naval search to raid the convoys from Shikuka with destroyers. I checked the area with search, and in the end decided to not commit the amount of troops and ships necessary to land successfully. In a few days I should be able to add some pictures, so that will be nice. I was originally going to put two days here, but we had a redo on the save for september 8th when 200 divebombers flew in completely unescorted on port strike, and 100 got shot down. He probably had escorting fighters at 0 range or something, and since I asked for a redo a while back when I failed to set LRCAP targets this will make it even.


Night Time Surface Combat, near Cebu at 80,86, Range 4,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Kuroshio, Shell hits 1
DD Yukikaze
DD Michishio
DD Tagonami, Shell hits 1
DD Suruyame

Allied Ships
DD Porter, Shell hits 2
DD Selfridge

Ships hiding in the Philippines, presumably moved here from Ternate? No decisive result, but the destroyers re-engage during the day.


Sub attack near Little Andaman at 41,56

Japanese Ships
SS I-166, hits 2

Allied Ships
CV Enterprise
CA Chicago
CA Northampton
CA Indianapolis
CA Portland
DD Patterson
DD Cushing
DD Drayton
DD Ellet

Allied CV and whole lot of cruisers coming back to Blair. I put up CAP over Rangoon after seeing this that was extremely effective in a turkey shoot, we'll see how they fare against the escorted bombers in the redo.


Day Time Surface Combat, near Cebu at 80,86, Range 14,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Kuroshio
DD Yukikaze
DD Michishio
DD Tagonami, Shell hits 1
DD Suruyame

Allied Ships
DD Porter, Shell hits 3, on fire
DD Selfridge, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
Day Time Surface Combat, near Cebu at 80,85, Range 19,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Kuroshio
DD Yukikaze
DD Michishio
DD Tagonami, on fire
DD Suruyame, Shell hits 1, heavy fires

Allied Ships
DD Porter, Shell hits 20, heavy fires, heavy damage

Re-engagement on the Porter and Selfridge. Suruyame and Tagonami both managed to rack up 40 system damage from 1 shell hit, you really have to wonder what the Americans stuff in those shells.


Morning Air attack on Sydney , at 90,167

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 43

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIc Trop x 16
Kittyhawk IA x 9
P-39D Airacobra x 12
P-38E Lightning x 21
P-40E Warhawk x 46
F4F-4 Wildcat x 18

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 3 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIc Trop: 2 destroyed
Kittyhawk IA: 1 destroyed
P-39D Airacobra: 4 destroyed
P-40E Warhawk: 6 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat: 3 destroyed

Aircraft Attacking:
12 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Sydney at 90,167

Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

Raid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 94
B5N2 Kate x 72
D3A1 Val x 40

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIc Trop x 9
Kittyhawk IA x 4
P-39D Airacobra x 5
P-38E Lightning x 18
P-40E Warhawk x 25
F4F-4 Wildcat x 10

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 4 destroyed
B5N2 Kate: 13 destroyed, 2 damaged
D3A1 Val: 2 destroyed, 4 damaged
D3A1 Val: 1 destroyed by flak

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIc Trop: 1 destroyed
P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed
P-38E Lightning: 1 destroyed
P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed

Allied Ships
DMS Chandler, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
xAP Montoro, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAP Zaandam, Bomb hits 4, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
AP President Jackson, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
xAP Rangitiki
xAK Rodman Coleman, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
AP President Adams, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 2, on fire
DMS Wasmuth
xAP Rangitata, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK T. A. Johnson, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires

Allied ground losses:
2033 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 54 destroyed, 138 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 21 (13 destroyed, 8 disabled)
Vehicles lost 42 (27 destroyed, 15 disabled)

I ended up detaching some of the escorts to try and hunt down the lightly escorted convoy near Sydney, but they didn't manage to intercept it. Positioned between the escaping tankers and Sydney, the KB opted to fly against the protected target instead of the defenseless tankers. Oh well, I did see it coming and swept in advance. If those APs go down that would be nice, since it denies some APAs. Troops that were loaded look to be baseforces and support. Heavy hits on the Kates though, most of these fighters I assume were training groups, but those P-38Es flown in definitely weren't, they scored most of the kills. Now these aren't the cream of the crop KB pilots since I put those in reserve while there is little chance of a carrier engagement with most of his carriers in the Indian ocean, but still 70 skill pilots.


Morning Air attack on 55th/B Division, at 59,45 (Shwebo)

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 41 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 1

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 47
Hurricane IIa Trop x 15
Hurricane IIb Trop x 32
Wellington Ic x 16
B-25C Mitchell x 12
P-40E Warhawk x 13

No Japanese losses

No Allied losses

Japanese ground losses:
679 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 23 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 44 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
Morning Air attack on 55th/A Division, at 59,45 (Shwebo)

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 33
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 35
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 6

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 48
Hurricane IIc Trop x 16

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 3 destroyed, 3 damaged
Hurricane IIc Trop: 3 destroyed

Japanese ground losses:
198 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Morning Air attack on 55th/C Division, at 59,45 (Shwebo)

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 35
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 44
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 14

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 8
B-25C Mitchell x 11
P-40E Warhawk x 12

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress: 2 damaged
B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged
P-40E Warhawk: 3 destroyed

Japanese ground losses:
84 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Heavy bombing in a clear hex, so I have to intercept here. The first wave gets through, but then more and more CAP starts to seep in. That should keep his bombers quiet for a bit, I'm expecting some P-38 sweeps in the upcoming days.


Morning Air attack on Ambon , at 76,109

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 34

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 18
B-24D Liberator x 3

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress: 8 damaged
B-24D Liberator: 2 destroyed

Japanese ground losses:
5 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Morning Air attack on Ambon , at 76,109

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 32

Allied aircraft
B-24D Liberator x 9

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
B-24D Liberator: 3 destroyed, 4 damaged

Airbase hits 1
Runway hits 4

Morning Air attack on Ambon , at 76,109

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 26

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 8

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress: 1 destroyed, 4 damaged

Aircraft Attacking:
6 x B-17E Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
Airfield Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb

Morning Air attack on Ambon , at 76,109

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 11

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 4

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress: 3 damaged

Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 1

Aircraft Attacking:
4 x B-17E Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
Airfield Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb

Considering his moves in the eastern DEI have been exposed, he's now trying to shut down Ambon. And obvious move, but the B-17Es don't care too much about the CAP and get through, though damaged. The B-24s prove a lot less durable.


Morning Air attack on Lae , at 99,126

Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid detected at 35 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 15

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 5
B-17F Fortress x 5
B-24D Liberator x 5

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress: 5 damaged
B-17F Fortress: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged
B-24D Liberator: 1 damaged

Runway hits 2

Since his naval bombing seemed limited in the area, I moved an escort carrier into Lae to surprise his bombers. The runway might be shut down, but there's a floating runway right next to it. First B-17F spotted, and it manages to go down immediately.


Morning Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47

Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 4
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 12

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 10

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress: 1 destroyed, 5 damaged
B-17E Fortress: 1 destroyed by flak

Aircraft Attacking:
8 x B-17E Fortress bombing from 9000 feet
City Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb

Morning Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47

Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

Raid detected at 33 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 3
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 11

Allied aircraft
B-17F Fortress x 7

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
B-17F Fortress: 7 damaged

Aircraft Attacking:
7 x B-17F Fortress bombing from 9000 feet
City Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb

Trying to take advantage of the CAP bleeding into Shwebo, bombers test the limits of Magwe. I can count myself lucky the weather was so bad.


Afternoon Air attack on Ternate , at 78,102

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid detected at 119 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 50 minutes

Japanese aircraft
B5N2 Kate x 33

Allied aircraft
P-40E Warhawk x 32

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N2 Kate: 14 destroyed, 1 damaged

No Allied losses

Aircraft Attacking:
3 x B5N2 Kate bombing from 10000 feet
Port Attack: 1 x 800 kg AP Bomb
4 x B5N2 Kate bombing from 10000 feet
Port Attack: 1 x 800 kg AP Bomb
4 x B5N2 Kate bombing from 10000 feet
Port Attack: 1 x 800 kg AP Bomb

My Kates lose cohesion in the bad weather, and go in against Ternate unescorted. Rough day overall for Kate pilots.


Ground combat at Tanna (120,157)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 13145 troops, 121 guns, 39 vehicles, Assault Value = 409

Defending force 3246 troops, 7 guns, 21 vehicles, Assault Value = 59

Japanese adjusted assault: 85

Allied adjusted defense: 19

Japanese assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 2)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Tanna !!!

Allied aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft losses
PBY-5A Catalina: 1 destroyed

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(-), experience(-)
Attacker: leaders(-)

Japanese ground losses:
159 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 14 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
3932 casualties reported
Squads: 85 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 113 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 54 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 5 (5 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 11 (11 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units destroyed 5

Assaulting units:
18th Division

Defending units:
2nd Marine Raider Battalion
110th Cmbt Engineer Battalion
3rd Marine Raider Battalion
6th Port Maint Engineer Battalion
10th Port Maint Engineer Battalion

And that's the last of the New Hebrides under imperial control. No more raiding for those raiders.

Overall a rough day in the air for both players, 104 Allied losses to 74 Japanese. I'm not too sure on P-40E rates, but considering he's lost 320 so far those have to be hurting, right? It's the second highest downed plane after the A6M2, which had to do literally all the heavy lifting for almost a year now.

Final results for the day:
Ships sunk: 

Planes lost:
B5N2 Kate: 44
P-40E: 26
Hurricane IIC: 23
A6M2: 17
B-17E: 16
B-24D: 12
P-39D: 11
D3A1: 10 
Blenheim IV: 6
F4F-4: 5

(in reply to CaptBeefheart)
Post #: 9
RE: Ancient Empire: Psaeko (that's me) (J) Vs. Q-Ball (A) - 1/15/2021 8:41:42 AM   

Posts: 2014
Joined: 6/26/2008
From: Phenix City, Alabama
Status: offline
You are abraver man than I, as I have been playing WitPAE PBEM, for years and have never attempted an AAR.

(in reply to Psaeko)
Post #: 10
RE: Ancient Empire: Psaeko (that's me) (J) Vs. Q-Ball (A) - 1/15/2021 12:52:56 PM   


Posts: 14
Joined: 6/30/2020
Status: offline

You are abraver man than I, as I have been playing WitPAE PBEM, for years and have never attempted an AAR.

Well, we all have to start somewhere right? I've enjoyed reading the AARs here for a long time and they what inspired me to have a go at a PBEM game.

Still no ability to post pictures, but that'll come soon.


Night Naval bombardment of Boela at 80,110

Allied aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft losses
P-39D Airacobra: 17 damaged
P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed on ground
Kittyhawk IA: 10 damaged
Kittyhawk IA: 2 destroyed on ground
P-40E Warhawk: 6 damaged
P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed on ground

Japanese Ships
CA Kako
CA Kinugasa
CA Aoba
CA Haguro

Allied ground losses:
74 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 14 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Suring the night, some allied night bombing followed by a naval bombardment of Boela. Reasonably effective, and a sweep will come in during the day.


Morning Air attack on Lolobato , at 79,102

Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid detected at 49 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 16 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 32

Allied aircraft
P-40E Warhawk x 24

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
P-40E Warhawk: 11 destroyed

Aircraft Attacking:
28 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet

CAP engaged:
51st FG/16th FS with P-40E Warhawk (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(24 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 24 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 10000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 10000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 4 minutes

A sweep on Lolobato to see if his CAP in Ternate is on range 1 or more, and it works. The P-40Es come in piecemeal and get shredded as they come in.


Morning Air attack on Boela , at 80,110

Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid detected at 61 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 20 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 44

Allied aircraft
Kittyhawk IA x 6
P-39D Airacobra x 12
P-40E Warhawk x 16

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 4 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Kittyhawk IA: 1 destroyed
P-39D Airacobra: 2 destroyed
P-40E Warhawk: 7 destroyed

Aircraft Attacking:
26 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet

The sweep on Boela goes a whole lot worse, still a good amount of kills but those losses are in a high skill fighter squadron.


Morning Air attack on 55th Division, at 59,45 (Shwebo)

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid detected at 22 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 15
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 19

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 16
Hurricane IIa Trop x 15
Hurricane IIb Trop x 16

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 2 destroyed, 2 damaged
Hurricane IIa Trop: 1 destroyed
Hurricane IIb Trop: 3 destroyed

Japanese ground losses:
11 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Aircraft Attacking:
13 x Blenheim IV bombing from 7000 feet
Ground Attack: 4 x 250 lb GP Bomb

CAP engaged:
Tainan Ku S-1 with A6M2 Zero (15 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(15 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
15 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 8000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 8000.
Raid is overhead
5 planes vectored on to bombers
1st Sentai with Ki-44-IIa Tojo (7 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(7 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
7 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 8000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 8000.
Raid is overhead
24th Sentai with Ki-44-IIa Tojo (12 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(12 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
12 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 8000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 8000.
Raid is overhead

Morning Air attack on 55th Division, at 59,45 (Shwebo)

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 10
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 13

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 16

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 6 destroyed, 2 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
34 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Aircraft Attacking:
8 x Blenheim IV bombing from 7000 feet
Ground Attack: 4 x 250 lb GP Bomb

CAP engaged:
Tainan Ku S-1 with A6M2 Zero (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
1 plane(s) intercepting now.
9 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 8000 , scrambling fighters between 7000 and 19000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 46 minutes
1st Sentai with Ki-44-IIa Tojo (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
5 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 8000 , scrambling fighters between 13000 and 17000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 75 minutes
24th Sentai with Ki-44-IIa Tojo (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
8 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 8000 , scrambling fighters between 7000 and 15000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 87 minutes

Morning Air attack on 55th Division, at 59,45 (Shwebo)

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid detected at 34 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 4
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 14

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 13

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 8 destroyed, 2 damaged

Aircraft Attacking:
6 x Blenheim IV bombing from 7000 feet
Ground Attack: 4 x 250 lb GP Bomb

CAP engaged:
1st Sentai with Ki-44-IIa Tojo (4 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(4 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
4 plane(s) intercepting now.
3 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 8000 , scrambling fighters between 7000 and 13000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 34 minutes
24th Sentai with Ki-44-IIa Tojo (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 5 scrambling)
2 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 8000 , scrambling fighters between 7000 and 9000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 49 minutes
Tainan Ku S-1 with A6M2 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 8000 , scrambling fighters to 7000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 63 minutes

Morning Air attack on 55th Division, at 59,45 (Shwebo)

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 2
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 5

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 16
Hurricane IIb Trop x 16
P-40E Warhawk x 19

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
52 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Aircraft Attacking:
15 x Blenheim IV bombing from 7000 feet
Ground Attack: 4 x 250 lb GP Bomb

CAP engaged:
1st Sentai with Ki-44-IIa Tojo (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
2 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 8000 , scrambling fighters to 7000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 21 minutes
24th Sentai with Ki-44-IIa Tojo (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
1 plane(s) intercepting now.
2 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 8000 , scrambling fighters to 7000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 41 minutes
1 planes vectored on to bombers
Tainan Ku S-1 with A6M2 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
2 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 8000 , scrambling fighters to 7000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 25 minutes

He's trying to damage those clear terrain divisions in Burma, but I'm having none of it. I'll restrict these guys to Magwe at range 0 CAP next turn, it's been way too long since I saw a P-38 sweep, and those tend to melt my planes like butter.
If he decides to sweep Magwe there's not much I can do about it, since he's bombing oil if I stand the planes down.


Morning Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47

Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 9
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 1
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 10

Allied aircraft
B-17F Fortress x 5

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
B-17F Fortress: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged
B-17F Fortress: 1 destroyed by flak

Aircraft Attacking:
2 x B-17F Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
City Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb

Speaking of, there's that bombing. That's the third B-17F to go down in the first two days I've seen them. Unqualified pilots? Or just an unlucky combination? The fighter cover is not that heavy since most had bled into Shwebo.

Losses for the turn:
Ships sunk: 

Planes lost:
P-40E: 36
Blenheim IV: 34
A6M2: 13
Ki-44-IIa: 10
Hurricane IIa: 7
P-39D: 6
Kittyhawk IA: 6 
B-17F: 3

< Message edited by Psaeko -- 1/15/2021 1:11:28 PM >

(in reply to Bif1961)
Post #: 11
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