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Joined: 10/21/2000 From: Redstone Arsenal Al Status: offline
Larry the formula for range is R/4 not R/2 so that is just a simple misunderstanding ...
there seems to be a pattern more or less that the larger the warhead size the greater the accuracy .. this maybe related to the larger area of effect that a larger warhead is assumed to have ..which I am not perfectly comfortable with since area of effect is not exactly the same as hitting something BEFORE the fuze detonates any HE filler in the round, seems to ME IMHO to be a different issue ... now there are some exceptions ..and somehow i think they are more a matter of different folks ideas of what is and isn't right for any given weapon ..without any standard approach being applied .. for example in the british OOB there are several different grenades
and demolition chages ...
lets compare ...
Sachtel charge accuracy 12 warhead 10 he kill 15 ( compare to 150mm how round at 16) HE pen of 120 with a code 222 in AP pen so it uses the HEAT pen of 90 ( i don't understand that either ) Now in Fact the sachtel charge is typically a canvas bag of bulk HE ( could be 15-40 lbs HE depending ) more likely used by placing it and detonating it than by lighting a short fuze and throwing it ..some scahtel charges actually have seperate blocks of High Exlosive with a threaded fuze well but standard grenade type fuzes do not "screw in" to it, different size is actually a demo charge type arrangement requiring a time fuze or electrical command type initation ..but yet it is a throwing weapon in the game high HE kill but no inherant shrapel capability which seems " wrong to me" blast being a very unreliable casuality producing effect on it's own ..
Sticky Bomb accuracy 4 warhead 3 he kill 0 AP pen 42 HE Pen 50 again a bluk HE charge in the 3 lb category range of 4 (1 hex) the name implies designed to be physically placed on a target perhaps a tank as it drives by .. not thrown , certainly not throw 50 yards Accuracy 4 for a hand placed weapon ??? you tell me ...and why the HE Pen and the AP pen would be different totally escapes me .. but on to grenades proper
M36 grenade range 4 (1 hex ) accuracy 24 warhead 2 ( compare to a 20mm round warhead 2 , 20mm has maybe 2 grams of HE M36 is around 40 grams ) HE pen 38 HEAT 30 AP pen code222 so it uses the Heat rating ..despite the fact it is not a HEAT weapon it is a Frag ( i am trying to figure out the hidden secret meaning of this HE Pen factor V AP pen and HEAT pen and why some weapons have both .. BTW if you go to and look on the links page for the Grenade link they have extensive color pictures of the grenades, fuzes and the like some are pics ot training grenades cut away so you can see the internal confihuration ..the link is not a good one for specifics on HE fill ect since not all grenades are given full descriptions
"75" Grenade range 4 (1 hex) accuracy 32 warhead 3 (compare to guns in the 50mm -60mm range ) "75" grenade is about the size of a canteen but only half as thick and more square holds maybe 1.5- 2 lbs HE ( much more than the maybe 3-6 oz of HE in a warhead 3 shell ) but despite it being shaped more like a large paperback book as opposed to the M36 grenades more conventional "grenade" shape it's accuracy is higher ?? ( maybe eaiser to throw , I don't think so whatever ) HE pen of 63 AP code 222 so it uses the HEAT pen 70 ..the "75" is not a HEAT weapon
so why this is is beyond me .. HE kill is a 4 despite much more HE .but that might be right since it is of sheet metal construction and is not optimized for frags. rather it has a flat surface for placement against the target ..
Gammon Bomb Range 4 accuracy 8 warhead 5 (compare to 25lber shell which has more HE the Gammon being in the 1 lb + HE fill category and the 25lber being several times that ) HE Kill is an 8 same as a 25lber despite serious differentences in HE weigth and frag potential HE pen is a 60 it has a 222 code for AP pen so it will use it's 0 HEAT rating .. looks like a Panzerfaust warhead so i suspect some kind of AT capabliity but ya never know do you ...
Rifle grenade range 12 ( 3 hexes) accuracy 12 ( this one actually is intended to be used at range , it actually accuracy is not great but better than hand thrown at 50 yards i assure you ) warhead 2 ( again compare 20mm cannon rounds despite significantly higher HE fill and frag potential than a 20mm for the rifle grenade) HE kill is a 4 which compares well with a regular M36 handgrenade above which i think is fair... The HE pen is 38 coded to HEAT 12 by the AP pen code 222 ..
None of above stats makes much sense to me all the data was extracted from the Brit OOB.. and the identical weapons may have different values and codings in other OOB's .. due to factors I am still trying to sort out ..I know the HEAT numbers being lower than HE pen have to do with some tweaking that went on to get a better at apability modeling for some weapons but why some of the other values seem so incosistant is beyond me ..
The 81's that were hitting you Halftrack shouldn't be encountering a whole lot of armor due to the halftrack being opentopped and unarmored from above for most of it top area ( the hood over the engine being armored) I suspect that the two hits were more fluke and luck than reliable reproducable accuracy
[ July 09, 2001: Message edited by: AmmoSgt ]
"For Americans war is almost all of the time a nuisance, and military skill is a luxury like Mah-jongg. But when the issue is brought home to them, war becomes as important, for the necessary periods, as business or sport. And it is hard to decide which