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RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion?

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RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/6/2021 11:58:40 PM   


Posts: 336
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ORIGINAL: Hazard151

Oh, shipping food absolutely makes sense.

It's mostly just a question of multiple factors, which include 'how many people do I need to feed', 'can I produce this specific product locally', 'how much product can I ship per day' and 'how much will it cost to ship what I want to ship'.

For tiny colonies mining valuable materials it makes sense to ship food. For large colonies with limited farming capacity but with easy access to another planet with enough excess food production it makes sense to ship food. For most other considerations though, at minimum the bulk of food production would have to be on the planet it's going to be eaten.

I don't agree... what about all the waste... you want to recycle it into new food. The food itself is just a vessel for injecting energy into the biological mechanism in a species body. Sun plus bio-matter is food which mean energy that get into the body.

Food production with technology that is present in DW would be such a vastly small percentage of their economy it is really not worth to make a big fuss of it. It is just an industrial product like anything else, most colonies will need to be self-sustainable in many regards. Sure, really small colonies will be less self sufficient... but once you reach a few million in population you would find enough versatility to be self sufficient in most basic industry including food production no matter what planet they live on.

Even small mining stations have to recycle their waste and would probably make food of their own as a bi product of that, they would have enough energy to do so.

Many modern countries GDP from agriculture are so vastly small that it nearly is inconsequential despite being able to produce far more than it needs. Put that into perspective of vastly more advanced technology and do the maths on that.

If food for some reason was a special resource it would be immersion breaking in my opinion as we it would feel as we were back in the middle ages. It is fine for a game like Civilization as food back then was a big limitation on population size in any particular place. Food have never really been a factor for population growth, mainly on the maximum size of populations. This is usually why you historically had large scale migration of entire population in history as growth generally are decoupled from food production.

I think there would be many more interesting more realistic resources or goods you could introduce to have similar effect as food. I also would not like if we in some respect would control these resources or the production of them, this is not what the game is about. But having unique resources that only populated planets produce could be a nice idea for an expansion.

(in reply to Hazard151)
Post #: 121
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/7/2021 1:45:23 AM   


Posts: 147
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I don't agree... what about all the waste... you want to recycle it into new food. The food itself is just a vessel for injecting energy into the biological mechanism in a species body. Sun plus bio-matter is food which mean energy that get into the body.

That's very much a question of how much it costs to recycle. If importing is cheaper than recycling you do not recycle.


Food production with technology that is present in DW would be such a vastly small percentage of their economy it is really not worth to make a big fuss of it. It is just an industrial product like anything else, most colonies will need to be self-sustainable in many regards. Sure, really small colonies will be less self sufficient... but once you reach a few million in population you would find enough versatility to be self sufficient in most basic industry including food production no matter what planet they live on.

Ehm, you are missing a tiny but critical part of why food is such an important resource.

No food, no economy. Because everybody will be dead of starvation.

That said, yes, at the scale this game is operating the local population would at minimum have some level of self sufficiency in all areas of the economy, and food production among that.


Even small mining stations have to recycle their waste and would probably make food of their own as a bi product of that, they would have enough energy to do so.

But would they want to deal with the hasle and infrastructure that are necessary for that? A small mining station in a well settled system is going to have the option of regular shipping for supply, replenishment and removal of its products, so there is less need for the station to be capable of supplementing its own resources. It'd be nice if you could grow your own tomatoes for making pasta bolognese, but why bother when you can just send a grocery list to corporate for the weekly supply run?

A mining station out in the middle of nowhere would need to be far more self sufficient because it can't call for help as easily and may not have regular shipping traffic to support itself.


Many modern countries GDP from agriculture are so vastly small that it nearly is inconsequential despite being able to produce far more than it needs. Put that into perspective of vastly more advanced technology and do the maths on that.

While the monetary value of food production is low, loss of that sector of the economy, even just a few percent, can have major effects on the rest of the economy. And you are neglecting the other uses of agriculture. While humanity is nowhere near as dependent on agriculture for a large number of items as it was historically, there are plenty of agriculturally sourced raw materials used across the economy for various purposes.


If food for some reason was a special resource it would be immersion breaking in my opinion as we it would feel as we were back in the middle ages. It is fine for a game like Civilization as food back then was a big limitation on population size in any particular place. Food have never really been a factor for population growth, mainly on the maximum size of populations. This is usually why you historically had large scale migration of entire population in history as growth generally are decoupled from food production.

I think there would be many more interesting more realistic resources or goods you could introduce to have similar effect as food. I also would not like if we in some respect would control these resources or the production of them, this is not what the game is about. But having unique resources that only populated planets produce could be a nice idea for an expansion.

Food is still a key limiting factor on population size.

That said, yes, I don't disagree that food as a resource should probably be a luxury product, with the presumption that planets produce enough food to sustain themselves and that the food that gets shipped is really stuff like high end ingredients that are either impossible to cultivate elsewhere or otherwise under some kind of protection scheme like the European Union's Protected Designation of Origin.

(in reply to Jorgen_CAB)
Post #: 122
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/7/2021 10:35:13 AM   

Posts: 54
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The food production is already include in the DWU 1, it's simply the quality of the planet. It change significantly the population maximal.
A low quality planet but with critical ressources will be a great place to make a mine station.
A low quality planet but with ruins will be interesting to colonize, anyway. Or make a resort station.
A low quality planet but located to strategic place will be colonized for train troops or occupied with a star base.

Shipping raw food is ineffective, but shipping rare ingredients is, finally it comme back to the economical system of DWU 1.

PS: If you quote me, can you quote in least my entire argument/idea? My previous message was totally removed from its context.

< Message edited by Hyperion1 -- 2/7/2021 10:36:28 AM >

(in reply to Hazard151)
Post #: 123
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/8/2021 2:22:51 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Hazard151
That said, yes, I don't disagree that food as a resource should probably be a luxury product, with the presumption that planets produce enough food to sustain themselves and that the food that gets shipped is really stuff like high end ingredients that are either impossible to cultivate elsewhere or otherwise under some kind of protection scheme like the European Union's Protected Designation of Origin.

You would likely bring the necessary infrastructure and base raw material to start all the necessary industry on any colony, including food production. Waste are then reinvested into the industry be it bio matter or other minerals.

If the infrastructure are severely disrupted people will die for many different reasons and starvation is likely one of them. The key here is destruction of the infrastructure that lead to breakdown on the distribution and/or production of goods and services. This is basically what happens during a conflict.

Food is not the only limiting factor on population size in a modern society, it is only one of many factors. While food is a basic necessity to live there are many other things needed to be there in a modern society or you end up with something completely useless from DW point of view.

This is why I really think it is pointless to talk about food being that special... it is part of the infrastructure of every colony in the same way that basic industry, medicine and other services are. This is why biomatter should at most be like a luxury resource that increase the development of colonies... unless the population are machines or silicon based.

(in reply to Hazard151)
Post #: 124
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/8/2021 8:33:09 AM   

Posts: 720
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From: United Kingdom
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DW1 did diplo well. Better than most.

The best part of was being able to attack other nations without committing to war, amazing!

I'd really like to see deeper diplomacy choice.

- Border checks where you slow trade to choke another nation (similar to below, but not military)
- Border friction (not full wars), where you'd have to maintain security from encroachments
- Cease fires with guarantees (so there's punishment for double crossing)
- Public apologies (to calm down hostilities) where perhaps you take a pop happiness hit (or other reaction based on gov type)
- Specific trade related situations, such as tariffs and bribes (capitulation/foot on neck)
- Specific espionage jobs based on relation status
- Federations, maybe
- Bribes "join my war" or help me with espionage, but these can back fire and you can get double-crossed

Etc, etc.

(in reply to Jorgen_CAB)
Post #: 125
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/8/2021 11:23:01 AM   


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DW1 did diplo well. Better than most.

The best part of was being able to attack other nations without committing to war, amazing!

Yes, I really hope DW2 keeps this! Plenty of times one of my escorts has seen a neighbouring colony ship approaching one of my future colony sites. A few shots at it to drive it away, and the problem is solved with just some ruffled diplomat feathers.

(in reply to Bleek)
Post #: 126
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/8/2021 11:34:36 AM   

Posts: 720
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ORIGINAL: Cauldyth



DW1 did diplo well. Better than most.

The best part of was being able to attack other nations without committing to war, amazing!

Yes, I really hope DW2 keeps this! Plenty of times one of my escorts has seen a neighbouring colony ship approaching one of my future colony sites. A few shots at it to drive it away, and the problem is solved with just some ruffled diplomat feathers.

It's such a cool approach because it reflects reality.

I really hate that most 4X require you to commit to war, when a little skirmish/altercation is all that was required.

(in reply to Cauldyth)
Post #: 127
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/8/2021 11:37:24 AM   

Posts: 589
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From: Eastern Nebula
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ORIGINAL: Cauldyth



DW1 did diplo well. Better than most.

The best part of was being able to attack other nations without committing to war, amazing!

Yes, I really hope DW2 keeps this! Plenty of times one of my escorts has seen a neighbouring colony ship approaching one of my future colony sites. A few shots at it to drive it away, and the problem is solved with just some ruffled diplomat feathers.

Your reputation takes a hit, though. A few of these attacks or sly colony invasions and you're Big Bad Galactic Wolf. Wonder if it'll be the same in DW2.

(in reply to Cauldyth)
Post #: 128
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/8/2021 12:24:34 PM   

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That's interesting to see that playable Pirates!! are not a big feature for many. I personally pushed for more detailed ground assaults, this is seldom tackled properly (meaning never) in Sci-fi 4X.

Best one so far, for the record was Emperor of the Fading Suns, where each planet was a full map, but the game itself was at most a beta, given how riddled with bugs and incomplete features it was.



(in reply to Miletkir)
Post #: 129
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/8/2021 4:07:07 PM   

Posts: 2136
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That's interesting to see that playable Pirates!! are not a big feature for many. I personally pushed for more detailed ground assaults, this is seldom tackled properly (meaning never) in Sci-fi 4X.

Best one so far, for the record was Emperor of the Fading Suns, where each planet was a full map, but the game itself was at most a beta, given how riddled with bugs and incomplete features it was.

ShadowEmpire says hello.It has an A.I too unlike Suns.


(in reply to Pocus)
Post #: 130
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/8/2021 9:47:32 PM   


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Shadow Empire is focused on 1 planet. Emperor of the Fading Suns covered multiple star systems at the same time.

And to be honest, I get why most space 4x games abstract planetary warfare. It's just not the focus of the game compared to the space combat and empire control mechanics.

(in reply to ASHBERY76)
Post #: 131
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/9/2021 11:43:19 AM   

Posts: 54
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About pirates I would prefer if this expansion includes in the gameplay of empires and not separating pirates and empires gameplay.

All options of piracy could be done with empires, in fact. I don't know why an empire couldn't act like a pirate, that is to say:
-racketeering other empire for credits or ore if we have the military power necessary.
-Propose a protection contract
-Can accept to destroy an enemy base for a contract
-Can accept to capture a ship for a contract
-Can accept to steal a technology again with a contract
-Propose service of smugglers
-Attack and steal freighter shipment
-Capture a VIP for a ransom
-Make a criminal network on another empire world

I think it would be better if instead of an empire and pirate gameplay choice, that we have an option for choosing our starting archetype, depending the empire we made, example:
-Empire, start with a homeworld, some ships and some mine like the normal start
-Old Empire, start with a homeworld, fewer ships and mine but have in the galaxy map some ship and base they can reactivate by passing close to them
-Exiled, start with three colony ships and a small fleet, not start with a homeworld.
-Travelers, no homeworld they start with a bigger fleet, with passenger fleet that work like a colony, and constructor ship that can build other ships. They get less buff from the colony and bases.
-Destructors, they start with a homeworld but their colonies lose quality at measure they stay on them, they can build more quickly military and invading force. They earn credits at each invasion/colonization and not sufferings to a lack of private sector.
-Extra-dimensionnal, they have a homeworld but in a pocket universe with weak resources, they can pass to the normal space anytime (the pocket universe position of the ship is relative to the normal universe) , like if they would use an hyperdrive.
-Base occupier, no homeworld, but more mine and star base, that can be used as a colony
-Hidden base, no homeworld, but a base hidden in interstellar space.
-One world, a great homeworld from where they get all their power, they can't colonize other world, only invade them and these colonies don't give a lot to this archetype of empire.

Edit: I add a last

< Message edited by Hyperion1 -- 2/9/2021 12:11:57 PM >

(in reply to Hazard151)
Post #: 132
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/10/2021 11:08:59 AM   

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202 votes! Thanks for voting guys.

(in reply to Hyperion1)
Post #: 133
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/10/2021 5:04:52 PM   

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From: Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
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Orbiting planets! Orbiting planets! Orbiting pla...


Chancellor Gorkon to Captain James T. Kirk:
You don't trust me, do you? I don't blame you. If there is to be a brave new world, our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it.

(in reply to Miletkir)
Post #: 134
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/10/2021 7:13:28 PM   

Posts: 2136
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So I'm not alone in thinking playing pirates in DW1 was just to inferior than playing majors to bother with.

Devs take note.


(in reply to ncc1701e)
Post #: 135
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/10/2021 7:18:31 PM   

Posts: 400
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I tried pirate play and it was actually pretty fun but kinda limited in the end game. I would like to see it return in the form of an expansion later on with expanded content and finer control over the faction you infiltrated.

(in reply to ASHBERY76)
Post #: 136
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/12/2021 2:49:03 PM   


Posts: 139
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Really ...
orbiting planets, which offers nothing to gameplay is the most wanted ? LOL
... you will hate it, when you have to click on them to deliver resources or land ships etc. and it will slow game , when we hit mid and endgame near to a slide show :-)

BUT to anything else YEAH GIVE US ALL ALL ALL ALL :-)

special MP, even mini MP for 2-4 players would be enough ...
but have they already confirmed, that the game engine could be expanded for MP, because if you haven't planned for this feature when you have built the gameengine, it will never happen !

< Message edited by FlashXAron_slith -- 2/12/2021 2:50:15 PM >

(in reply to SirHoraceHarkness)
Post #: 137
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/12/2021 3:14:23 PM   


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ShadowEmpire says hello.It has an A.I too unlike Suns.

when did they include an AI , which didn't cheat like hell and used different rules, than the human player ?
Worthless game in SP and MP is also a joke ...

(in reply to ASHBERY76)
Post #: 138
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/12/2021 3:24:41 PM   

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ORIGINAL: FlashXAron_slith

special MP, even mini MP for 2-4 players would be enough ...
but have they already confirmed, that the game engine could be expanded for MP, because if you haven't planned for this feature when you have built the gameengine, it will never happen !

Don't hold your breath for any form of mp simply due to the massive bandwidth it would take to sync up the players world sim. Remember each player would have to be synced up with every ship in a game including the civilian sector. Not sure if standard residential internet has enough upload bandwidth for something like that. Not saying it can't be done but the effort might be beyond the scope of a two man team.

(in reply to FlashXAron_slith)
Post #: 139
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/12/2021 4:44:01 PM   


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ORIGINAL: SirHoraceHarkness


ORIGINAL: FlashXAron_slith

special MP, even mini MP for 2-4 players would be enough ...
but have they already confirmed, that the game engine could be expanded for MP, because if you haven't planned for this feature when you have built the gameengine, it will never happen !

Don't hold your breath for any form of mp simply due to the massive bandwidth it would take to sync up the players world sim. Remember each player would have to be synced up with every ship in a game including the civilian sector. Not sure if standard residential internet has enough upload bandwidth for something like that. Not saying it can't be done but the effort might be beyond the scope of a two man team.

To avoid having to send and process ~60 full savegames per second, usually a form of Determistic Lockstep is used.
But the choice to support something like that is a massive productivity divisor. So you only do it if you really think it is worth the effort. Retrofitting MP is basically impossible, unless it was planned for at the start.

(in reply to SirHoraceHarkness)
Post #: 140
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/12/2021 11:32:02 PM   


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Modding support would definitely be up there for me. Modders make life easier. Plus, DW2 would be an amazing platform for a SW or ST mod.

I loved rotating planets but I understand if the game engine has its limitations. What made DW unique for me was definitely the living universe feel, with moving planets being part of that. But provided there is a really deep public sector and an eventual pirate system - which we all know is coming - I think the core of the game is intact.

(in reply to zgrssd)
Post #: 141
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/17/2021 10:10:22 AM   

Posts: 1108
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Hmmm...If I want orbiting planets..I'll just dust off DW1. I have one huge galaxy sandbox that I've been digging around in for over 5 years RL

(in reply to sinbuster)
Post #: 142
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 3/8/2021 5:44:33 AM   

Posts: 2301
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The main reason I'm interested in DW2 is ships will get built. That's something that caused me to scratch my head in DW1--I could start a ship but it might never finish. "I'm being attacked, now where's that fleet I ordered?"

I gave up and went back to GalCiv 2.

Regarding this survey, moving planets isn't all that interesting to me and the developer's logic behind leaving them out is impeccable. If this were a one solar system game, and I noticed one is in the works by another company, then by all means planets, asteroids and the like should move.



Beer, because barley makes lousy bread.

(in reply to OldCrowBalthazor)
Post #: 143
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 3/8/2021 7:22:11 AM   


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Ships do get finished in DW:U - the probable reason why they weren't being finished was that you didn't have the resources to build the components from which the ship is assembled - hopefully, the simulation in DW2 is still as detailed as it was in DW:U and so this will still be an issue. It means your industrial infrastructure actually matters. Unlike other games where you industrial production doesn't matter at all.

(in reply to CaptBeefheart)
Post #: 144
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 3/8/2021 7:29:05 AM   

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ORIGINAL: CaptBeefheart

The main reason I'm interested in DW2 is ships will get built. That's something that caused me to scratch my head in DW1--I could start a ship but it might never finish. "I'm being attacked, now where's that fleet I ordered?"

I gave up and went back to GalCiv 2.

Regarding this survey, moving planets isn't all that interesting to me and the developer's logic behind leaving them out is impeccable. If this were a one solar system game, and I noticed one is in the works by another company, then by all means planets, asteroids and the like should move.


Ah the ole ship construction queue getting jammed up because a single ship in the process is missing a critical resource. Ways to get around that are to not use the top menu option to queue up fleets and to instead go to each starbase and individually queue up ships and make sure each starbase is only constructing one type of ship and isn't already stuffed full of civilian ships to build. If you use the top menu to order it all up the AI will mainly dump it all in the most capable construction yard even if that yard is already has a full build queue and only parcel out a small portion to other bases to build which leads to the production jams. Took me quite a while to figure that one out.

(in reply to CaptBeefheart)
Post #: 145
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 3/10/2021 1:13:05 AM   

Posts: 2301
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From: Seoul, Korea
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Sorry to derail this discussion. I didn't bother to figure out why my ships weren't getting built in DW:U, I just moved on to a different title.

This is the entry from Erik Rutins that interests me:

"- Ship and Base Construction will now only commence once all required resources are available. This prevents incomplete construction waiting for resources to be delivered."

This is an improvement which should prevent a lot of frustration. I'm looking forward to DW2.



Beer, because barley makes lousy bread.

(in reply to SirHoraceHarkness)
Post #: 146
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 3/13/2021 9:53:22 PM   

Posts: 589
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ORIGINAL: CaptBeefheart

If this were a one solar system game, and I noticed one is in the works by another company

Which game would that be?

(in reply to CaptBeefheart)
Post #: 147
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 3/13/2021 10:46:23 PM   

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Not sure what he was talking about, but there's currently an RTS being developed called Falling Frontier that takes place in one system. The game will lack diplomacy entirely at launch, so it's less akin to Distant Worlds and more so towards traditional RTS-style games, but it still brings some pretty unique ideas to the table. Physical resources, proper supply chains, reconnaissance, and the overarching theme of "risk versus reward" are all things worth mentioning.

Edit: The YouTuber PartyElite released a neat video on FF last month here.

< Message edited by Galaxy227 -- 3/13/2021 10:48:10 PM >

(in reply to Miletkir)
Post #: 148
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 3/13/2021 11:45:04 PM   


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There's also Terra Invicta on the subject of single solar system space strategy games.


ORIGINAL: CaptBeefheart

Sorry to derail this discussion. I didn't bother to figure out why my ships weren't getting built in DW:U, I just moved on to a different title.

This is the entry from Erik Rutins that interests me:

"- Ship and Base Construction will now only commence once all required resources are available. This prevents incomplete construction waiting for resources to be delivered."

This is an improvement which should prevent a lot of frustration. I'm looking forward to DW2.


But if you are trying to build ships in DW2 you lack the resources to build, they still won't get built, so I'm not sure a lot has really changed in this regard..

< Message edited by StormingKiwi -- 3/13/2021 11:46:14 PM >

(in reply to CaptBeefheart)
Post #: 149
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 3/14/2021 8:58:43 AM   

Posts: 7380
Joined: 10/29/2013
From: Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
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ORIGINAL: CaptBeefheart

This is the entry from Erik Rutins that interests me:

"- Ship and Base Construction will now only commence once all required resources are available. This prevents incomplete construction waiting for resources to be delivered."

This is indeed a very good improvement.


Chancellor Gorkon to Captain James T. Kirk:
You don't trust me, do you? I don't blame you. If there is to be a brave new world, our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it.

(in reply to CaptBeefheart)
Post #: 150
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