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RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests

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CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests

AMP - Time-on-target automatic strike generator UI
  28% (145)
AMP - Continuous coverage planner
  1% (7)
Scriptless downed/stranded crew (for CSAR)
  2% (13)
Local weather fronts
  9% (48)
Scriptless intermittent sensor settings
  1% (9)
Custom draw on map
  2% (12)
  4% (21)
Real-time MP
  11% (56)
Scriptless carry-over of units between scenarios
  3% (19)
Ground operations: Make units recognize and use roads
  5% (28)
AMP - Ability to edit flightplans prior to takeoff
  3% (19)
Implements full unit edit capability (loadouts, calcs) into ScenEdit
  6% (35)
Warning shots
  1% (9)
Scriptless boarding actions
  0% (3)
Integrated speech-to-text (SeaHag-style)
  2% (11)
Tacview - AAR mode
  4% (22)
Chemical & Biological weapon effects
  1% (10)
Display real-time sonar/self-noise data
  0% (4)
Make A2A-refueling options a doctrine setting
  0% (2)
Have WRA ranges for weapons set in percentage of range rather than 5nm
  0% (2)
Unit "Scoreboard"
  0% (4)
"Search" tool for the cargo list
  0% (1)
Weather/Day-night affects air sorties
  1% (8)
Allow Lua scripting on Losses/Expenditures (for player-tailored stats)
  0% (1)
Enable borders/coastlines at close-in zoom
  2% (12)
Hotkeys for built-in map layers
  0% (1)

Total Votes : 502

(last vote on : 2/22/2022 7:27:32 AM)
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RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 1/6/2021 4:09:47 PM   


Posts: 6529
Joined: 11/27/2005
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Can we get the ability to set altitude for formation station. I sometimes use the formation editor for flight formation and dual submarine groups. Being able to set the altitude or depth would make that much more effective.

(in reply to BDukes)
Post #: 241
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 1/9/2021 12:29:44 AM   


Posts: 16
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So I got Parallels Desktop to run the ARM version of Windows on my MacBook Air (Apple Silicon M1) to run CMO and it actually works! Barely playable on the ASW quick battle with only 3 units but it works!

Hats off to all the Microsoft, Apple, Parallels, and CMO developers! Map scrolling is almost as fast as on my intel Mac booted into Windows!

I realize it's likely not worth it but any chance of seeing an ARM binary?

Microsoft does have an ARM Surface Pro in its second generation and I hear they are working on their own ARM processor for future computers.

(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 242
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 1/9/2021 12:40:16 AM   


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The ARM on the Surface is a very low powered affair. Not only is it a low end processor, but its hobbled by the power plan that Surfaces force on the CPU. It might be able to get CMO to start, but I would imagine you get to a scenario limit pretty quickly.

(in reply to macinlew)
Post #: 243
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 1/9/2021 7:52:27 AM   


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ORIGINAL: macinlew
So I got Parallels Desktop to run the ARM version of Windows on my MacBook Air (Apple Silicon M1) to run CMO and it actually works! Barely playable on the ASW quick battle with only 3 units but it works!

That sounds very impressive, actually! Two layers of emulation if I'm not mistaken (MacOS --> Windows and ARM --> x86). Thanks for the heads up.


(in reply to macinlew)
Post #: 244
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 1/12/2021 10:29:44 AM   


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Perhaps not a feature, but i'd like to see the ability to toggle the visibility of the green status bar over every unit, in large scenarios I sometimes make an "observer" side to switch to just to get rid of them.

(in reply to Dimitris)
Post #: 245
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 1/15/2021 5:44:09 PM   


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An option to set "Keep [X] number of units on station" as an alternative to "of each class." This would really help in situations where I'm managing a multinational force that has a ton of different units that do the same thing, I need only one total on station at any time, but I have only one or two of most types.

It would also help with patrol missions in a number of scenarios when you have a large variety of airplane types that can fulfill the same function and you want to have all of them available for the same tasking, but you don't need as many as 1/3 of them in the air at once.

Happy New Year!

I'd also love to see this! there are many situations where you have several heterogeneous aircraft that can fill the same role or be set to the same mission, and I don't want one of each class airborne. I just want ONE airborne

(in reply to FMBluecher)
Post #: 246
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 1/15/2021 6:05:50 PM   


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In the event editor, during creation of triggers/actions etc. there are several numerical items that can have values chosen from a list.

One of these is a regular timer that pulses a trigger at regular intervals can have values set of 1s, 5s, 15s etc. etc.

Is it possible to make values like these user-defined instead of a pull-down list?


< Message edited by p1t1o -- 1/15/2021 6:06:51 PM >

(in reply to mikerohan)
Post #: 247
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 1/18/2021 9:50:27 PM   


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I was playing Caribbean Fury 2 yesterday, and repeatedly lured OPFOR fighters within the range of my CVBG's SAM and shot them down. This got me thinking: obviously, realistically, no one is going to keep having fighters charge into known SAM traps unless it is truly necessary. We, as players, often take great care to keep our aircraft away from known threats and will take steps to mitigate the danger. But the AI doesn't know any better, and, even if the location of a SAM battery is known, will charge into range if an enemy aircraft is within its prosecution zone. Now, for ground-based SAMs, this is probably less of an issue, since the scenario designer can simply avoid creating missions will this danger will arise. But in naval situations, where the ship location is not fixed, this is more difficult. The above scenario is certainly not the first time I have baited enemy fighters over naval units, and it does get kind of ridiculous when the AI falls for the same trap three to four times in a row, when a human would never even make that same mistake twice.

One change I think could be useful for Command would in order to ameliorate these sort of situations would be to introduce an "aircraft threat avoidance" doctrine setting that would instruct aircraft to stay outside of the ranges (and, preferably, altitude envelopes) of known SAM positions, similar to how submarines currently can be set to dive when a nearby surface search radar threat is detected. It wouldn't be perfect by any means, but it would at least make stuff like the above scenario less likely to happen and give the AI at least some ability to adapt to the player's tactics in this regard.

(in reply to p1t1o)
Post #: 248
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 1/18/2021 10:46:18 PM   


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In the mission editor, a checkbox for "display mission area/course" would be useful.

A middle ground between none, all or one single mission course/area would help with designing complex scenarios.

For example, when creating a complex naval enemy, it would be useful only to see ASW mission areas in relation to each other. At the moment I can see them one at a time, or mixed in with numerous other patrols which makes them hard to make out.


For strike missions, one can set a range band so it is triggered by contacts only within this min-max band.

I would find it useful to also be able to select a bearing band, so that it is triggered within a defined "sector" of bearings.

Together, this enables AI strike missions to be triggered in a much more selective manner.

Alternatively, another approach would be to replace range/bearing selectivity with a defined prosecution area similar to other mission types.

(in reply to stww2)
Post #: 249
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 1/23/2021 6:14:58 PM   


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The option to display altitude in feet in the Line of Sight tool. Currently it can only display altitude in meters (unless I'm missing something).

(in reply to p1t1o)
Post #: 250
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 1/27/2021 7:53:46 PM   


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Would it be possible to add a dug-in or hardened property to land units via the CMO UI or Lua?

Check this twitter post on how Latakia Air Base is defended. Notice that all SAMS and radars are in revetments.

Now take a general look at photos of artillery sites, armor etc and you'll see digging in is a pretty common thing. In some cases, hardened shelters are used. (ex. Egyptian SA-3, North Korean everything, Iran Missile TELS).

How to do this:

IN CMANO I built out Korean artillery HARTS. Nice but I think that would be an unreasonable db request given the volume of units. I think giving them armor settings would just quadruple the entries as well.

Players can sort of work around this now by adding weapons, sensors, and datalinks to revetments, bunkers, etc. which may give the protection properties sought after but the problem is how the game ID's objects.

If this is worth the effort I think the devs can add a dug-in property to the unit which affords some protection. Could just be checkbox in right-click scenario editor drop-down near set orientation. Settings just be dug-in and hardened that would just add armor (same as in armor properties in db editor) and think it would cover what most are looking for. This also could be used in allowing GPS guided weapons to hit mobile targets that are static as the property could be used in the conditional logic.

Another suggestion is could armor be adjusted via lua?

What do you think?


(in reply to stww2)
Post #: 251
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/2/2021 6:58:13 PM   


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Please can you add map shading to "Unit is detected" event triggers, similar to "Unit enters area" triggers.


(in reply to BDukes)
Post #: 252
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/3/2021 12:34:06 PM   


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Have been trying to build a USN missile layered defense and struggling to prioritize which missiles get fired when. If a low flying plane gets to 30 miles, I want an ESSM to be fired. Right now, the ships seem to want to fire SM-2s and SM-6s. I want to hold those missiles, especially the 6s, for longer ranged threats. I want to be able to set a minimum range in the WRA, unless there are no other weapons available.

I have played with lua to do it, and its most likely doable, but complex.

(in reply to p1t1o)
Post #: 253
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/6/2021 8:40:47 PM   


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A "move to" action in the event editor would be useful for positioning of AI ground forces, especially SAMs, without involving missions or teleporting.


(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 254
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/8/2021 7:41:41 PM   


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We need a dropdown in the mission editor to make the transit-, station- or attack-settings as the default ones for the throttle and altitude of the corresponding aircraft. Currently each time you give a unit a manual plotted course its settings are always switched to 36000 feet and cruise. Manual overrides solve this problem, but when you have a lot of flights this causes a lot of micro. Also you might forget to switch a setting back, which can be very disadvantageous.

(in reply to p1t1o)
Post #: 255
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/9/2021 12:01:06 PM   


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And what about adding a new doctrine-tab for an inverse WRA, which uses target-types as categories instead of weapon-types? Of course the range-settings would only make sense in combination with percentage numbers.
The normal WRA should inherit from the inverse one by default, but it can have its own overrided settings.

An inverse WRA would not only make the settings much easier, but it would also allow to introduce a new WRA-setting "Valid Target Maximum Damage" for dropping targets that have exceeded a given damage level. E.g. I would set the maximum damage of hangars to light and the maximum damage of runways to heavy.
Preventing units from attacking targets that are already disabled is a frequent source of micromanagement.

< Message edited by Tiramisu -- 2/9/2021 5:12:37 PM >

(in reply to Tiramisu)
Post #: 256
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/9/2021 7:08:49 PM   


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I'd like air units able to host air units. Lot of drones are air-launched but looks like it's going to be a thing.



(in reply to Tiramisu)
Post #: 257
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/9/2021 8:30:01 PM   


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Land\ASW\ASuW (but particularly land) Navigation option for "None\User way-points only" or something to that effect to stop the pathfinder from adding to user-plotted courses, ie do exactly as you're told unless it's literally impossible (ie basics of drive over water, sail over land, exclusion-zone etc) in which case if you get stuck so be it, it's on the user.

(in reply to BDukes)
Post #: 258
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/13/2021 1:40:39 AM   


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More control over ship-to-ship UNREP. At least select on/off for fuel and weapons, ideally more specific control over ammo transfers and ability to choose the fuel type that oilers carry.


(in reply to KnightHawk75)
Post #: 259
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/13/2021 8:55:49 PM   


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Building enemy AIs requires a lot of fiddly changes as you test things out and then fine-tune it, it would be ace if it was possible:

To drag-and-drop a contact from the world map into the mission editor to re/assign it. (Over a certain amount of missions or units, repeatedly navigating the lists can become a little time consuming, from a UI point of view)

For RPs with relativity to a unit/group to move in unison with that unit/group, when moving units around in the editor. (When you need to move that carrier group a few miles and it has AWACS, CAPs and ASW patrols attached.)

If there were doctrine options for "reaction to a unit with [player editable]posture within [player editable]nm" or "reaction to being fired upon" - options could include "RTB", "Engage if possible", "Investigate", "Nothing", "Change EMCON to allactive/allpassive/[playereditable]" and such etc (this would save a great deal of event handling and lua code and make many mission types more easily viable - eg: enemy naval recon that will not over-fly your fleet/fly into a CAP, or strikes that engage OECM or RTB if fired upon, without using complex lua)


(in reply to p1t1o)
Post #: 260
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/14/2021 2:43:31 PM   


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We really need flight planning for when units takeoff from airfields. Ie, the ability to plan an aircraft’s flightpath (and altitude) prior to departure at different waypoints would add a great deal of realism.

Then (like classic harpoon could even do) once a waypoint is reached the unit should be able to revert to another mission, like CAP or ASW patrol, or ferry. This would allow units to takeoff and do things other than fly direct to the point to start their mission. Flying direct in a straight line after takeoff is extremely unrealistic... and is the main thing that keeps me from playing CMO honestly right now.

I would think that some form of ‘flight planning’ with fuel estimation would be a significant sticking point for DoD planners or educators... and I’m surprised it hasn’t been added to CMO by now.

(in reply to p1t1o)
Post #: 261
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/15/2021 12:33:34 AM   


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More control over ship-to-ship UNREP. At least select on/off for fuel and weapons, ideally more specific control over ammo transfers and ability to choose the fuel type that oilers carry.


And perhaps even a mission for it so that helicopters could help transfer cargo, for example missiles. This would also be realistic I believe.

(in reply to p1t1o)
Post #: 262
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/15/2021 7:09:11 AM   


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It will be a good idea to introduce a databank entry editor so that users can customize their own DB entry. It would be even better to allow the game to load scenario-specified databank instead of the "common" one (i.e. the current DB3K) to enables much greater degree of freedom. This would be extremely useful when someone want to add/tweak only a few specific loadout/weapon/platform entries. It would be too time-consuming if all such minor modification requests have to be integrated into the "official" DB3K update.

(in reply to kfarley215)
Post #: 263
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/15/2021 7:17:32 AM   


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Yeah, I think databank editing is really something very important. The exponentially increasing requests for DB entry update/tweak is overwhelming now.Plus, many data in current DB3K is, to say it mildly, controversial. (and would take a very long time to improve). Allowing the game to load user-customized DB seem to be a win-win strategy. For me it is even acceptable for Matrix to sell the databank editor itself as a DLC.

(in reply to BDukes)
Post #: 264
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/15/2021 10:35:46 AM   

Posts: 355
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Database editing is a very bad idea. It will happen only when the sim is at the end of its commercial life.
The professional version and by default the features in it such as customised DB and the revenue it generates is what allows multiple continuous and swift updates feature devopments and fixes.
It's a trade off and anyone with experience of the Harpoon days will be aware of multiple divergent and to some extent factionalised database editing.
The solution would be simply to allow components to be added on a scenario platform basis via ini files but allow any element power plants comms hangars boats etc to be modified from some baseline templates with the radar, IR visual signature set at a default.
Small stealth FAC generic
Medium FFG Non stealth generic
To some extent these already exist.
Personally I would love to be able to edit the DB but it's a poison chalice.
Anyway just a thought not criticism.

(in reply to ai_beyondcontrol)
Post #: 265
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/15/2021 8:23:47 PM   


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Could we have a way weapons to target specific components on warships and specific mounts in land facilities?

Use cases:

Iranian speedboats wanting to target Aegis SPY arrays or mounts with 12.7mm etc or RPG.
Azeri or Turkish Drone small munitions and suicide drones targeting SAM battery radars and Optical mounts.
ATGM class weapons, Suicide drone USV/UUV/AUV, lasers hitting ship propulsion etc.


Additional button in the weapon allocation dialogs and attack functions in Lua.



(in reply to KLAB)
Post #: 266
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/17/2021 11:27:43 PM   


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I'd like to have range rings set to the WRA settings. Anything to help manage the workload and monitoring of WRAs is welcome.

(in reply to BDukes)
Post #: 267
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/18/2021 12:43:09 AM   


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And perhaps even a mission for it so that helicopters could help transfer cargo, for example missiles. This would also be realistic I believe.

+1, would expand the utility of shipborne helicopters too, and cargo units in general. Introduces re-supply missions with a real impact if they are intercepted.


I cant find a way to alter the RTB throttle of naval units, this would be nice to have.


(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 268
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/19/2021 6:29:19 PM   


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I would kindly request the game developers reconsider selling the pro edition to civilians.

in the "a few hundred dollars" range, minus the support afforded to corporations and military, may attract a lot of buyers.

a lot of people would buy it for the DB editing alone, plus things like HGV.

I do understand there may be export control issues here as sales of the pro version seem restricted to NATO-bloc countries.

would an "individual professional license" fly for citizens within the NATO bloc?

otherwise selling the DB editor as a separate SDK/DLC would work for many as well.


The professional version and by default the features in it such as customised DB and the revenue it generates is what allows multiple continuous and swift updates feature devopments and fixes.

(in reply to KLAB)
Post #: 269
RE: CMO RUNNING POLL - Gameplay feature requests - 2/19/2021 9:59:20 PM   


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A separate option in the Message Log display options for "Contact Loss".

So can remove less useful contact loss messages (which are sometimes cluttered by things like sonabuoys) but keep other contact changes.


Edit 20/02/21 01:22

Possible to make RPs unselectable/undraggable when RPs set to "Do not show"?

Possible to add ability to make an RP relative to an object, but "Latitude only" or "Longitude only"?


< Message edited by p1t1o -- 2/20/2021 12:29:57 AM >

(in reply to pxl919092)
Post #: 270
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