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Joined: 6/7/2001 From: Zagreb, Croatia Status: offline
Hi all, quote:
ORIGINAL: USSAmerica So the dry weather this past week finally allowed them to break ground and pour the foundation for our house! Now you lot won't have to listen to me whine about the weather... as much.
I am always astonished by the simplicity and speed of how the most of family homes are build in the USA... BTW, Mike, have you ever heard that someone you know build the house in the "European style" (i.e. basement, deep reinforced concrete foundations, reinforced concrete sides, brick walls etc.)? Leo "Apollo11"
Prior Preparation & Planning Prevents Pathetically Poor Performance! A & B: WitW, WitE, WbtS, GGWaW, GGWaW2-AWD, HttR, CotA, BftB, CF P: UV, WitP, WitP-AE