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WITE2 exists in a parallel universe.

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WITE2 exists in a parallel universe. - 4/8/2021 12:44:15 PM   

Posts: 4712
Joined: 7/10/2006
From: The Duchy of Cornwall, nr England
Status: offline
I have just started a new Stalingrad to Berlin campaign, and noticed that my reinforcements are arriving at different times compared to the 1941 campaign. There is a 3 day difference in the turn dates due to the different start dates, but units are arriving on a completely different schedule. For example the 35SS and Polizei grenadier division arrives on the 11th January 1945 in the StB campaign but arrives on 11th February 1945 in the 1941 campaign.

Also the OOB for StB contains units that do not appear on the 1941 campaign reinforcement schedule, such as the Felmy zbV Corps with arab and cossack units attached.

The StB campaign also has 2 fewer FBD units compared to the 1941 campaign.



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RE: WITE2 exists in a parallel universe. - 4/8/2021 1:00:30 PM   


Posts: 70
Joined: 3/25/2021
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I can see them intentionally not including certain units that were created specifically because of Stalingrad in the 1941 game, as well, Stalingrad might not happen.

I am perplexed by the different arrival dates for transfers, however.

(in reply to karonagames)
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RE: WITE2 exists in a parallel universe. - 4/8/2021 5:40:48 PM   
Joel Billings

Posts: 32265
Joined: 9/20/2000
From: Santa Rosa, CA
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Two different scenario designers worked on these two scenarios. Although much of what is in StoB's reinforcement/transfer schedule started from what was in Campaign 41, the two scenarios took on their own lives during several years of development. So differences could be because the scenario designers were working from different sources and/or different philosophies on how to treat the movements, or it could be because a change in one scenario due to new information didn't make it's way into the other scenario. There were a lot of changes made in one and picked up in the other, but not all. The scenario designers would have to speak to any specific difference. Having worked on many parts of the scenarios myself, I would point out that the amount of data is enormous and there is plenty of opportunity for divergence, either unintentional or by design. The designers are still making adjustments as they discover new info, so we welcome new information. However, given the amount of data in any scenario, and the fact that different designers are at work, you shouldn't expect the scenarios to always line up.

< Message edited by Joel Billings -- 4/8/2021 6:44:40 PM >


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(in reply to AdmiralHalsey)
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RE: WITE2 exists in a parallel universe. - 4/8/2021 6:16:14 PM   

Posts: 4774
Joined: 10/28/2002
From: Alabama, USA
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Scenario design isn't an exact science as there are all kinds of gaps in information. There isn't a nice reference that neatly lists the exact dates in which the 999th Stug battalion embarked on trains in Paris, France and debarked in Rostov. Sometimes the best you get is, "The 999th Stug battalion arrived in combat in Southern Russia in February 1942." Sometimes "like Felmy Corps zbV", you get a couple of sentences about the entire history of the unit. Designers have to decipher what these very small bits of information mean and how to use them in the scenarios. As Joel mentions, once these scenarios split off with two different designers, you are going to get variations. There is no way that the designers can synchronize thousands of data entries for all of these units.



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(in reply to Joel Billings)
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