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Too stupid to invade

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Too stupid to invade - 5/10/2021 2:58:05 AM   


Posts: 707
Joined: 3/14/2006
From: Plymouth, MA, USA
Status: offline
I am trying tom invade Norway, but every time I try I get the message "No selectable units to invade or disembark". I tried with an infantry corps and an armored corps. What am I missing?



Life is too short to drink bad wine ;-)
Post #: 1
RE: Too stupid to invade - 5/10/2021 3:18:33 AM   


Posts: 3211
Joined: 2/13/2004
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A lot. This has to be one of the worst messages of something wrong that I have seen. Totally useless.

Here are the things that could be wrong. Or any combination of these.

- Weather in landing hex is preventing the landing
- Not a beach hex where you are trying to land. When you click on a hex, it has to say Beach in the description. Many hexes look like beaches, but are not.
- Not enough landing craft for the size of unit. As a FYI Mech/Armor units need a LOT of landing craft
- You moved the transport too far and used both dots. You have to have at least 1 dot on the transport to invade

The best way to avoid these issues is to save the game before landing, try different things, and reload if something does not work.

I hope this helps because the message we get is definitely not helpful.

(in reply to MrLongleg)
Post #: 2
RE: Too stupid to invade - 5/10/2021 5:01:48 AM   


Posts: 4097
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ORIGINAL: Numdydar

- Not enough landing craft for the size of unit. As a FYI Mech/Armor units need a LOT of landing craft

You are correct that Armour require 60 landing ships (double a large corps), but Mechanized don't require any more landing ships than a large corps infantry (ie 30). If they are supposed to require more than there is a bug in the latest official version.

(in reply to Numdydar)
Post #: 3
RE: Too stupid to invade - 5/10/2021 11:30:54 PM   


Posts: 707
Joined: 3/14/2006
From: Plymouth, MA, USA
Status: offline
Thanks for the hints...



Life is too short to drink bad wine ;-)

(in reply to Harrybanana)
Post #: 4
RE: Too stupid to invade - 5/11/2021 2:18:36 AM   


Posts: 707
Joined: 3/14/2006
From: Plymouth, MA, USA
Status: offline
Wouldn't it be nice if the message could tell me

- you don't have enough landing craft
- the weather is too bad
- no beach hexes

That would really make it easier for players to understand what is going on.



Life is too short to drink bad wine ;-)

(in reply to MrLongleg)
Post #: 5
RE: Too stupid to invade - 5/11/2021 2:28:09 PM   


Posts: 214
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It does tell you all that, on the right side of a transported unit it shows your landing craft if you don't have enough it's red. If you hover over areas it will tell you if it's a beach and the weather in that hex, if it's bad weather you can't Invade

(in reply to MrLongleg)
Post #: 6
RE: Too stupid to invade - 5/11/2021 2:45:31 PM   


Posts: 3211
Joined: 2/13/2004
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Yes but you have to figure WHICH one (or more) of these things are wrong typically after the fact versus the message simply telling you specifically what is wrong. Very poor user experience is what we have now.

Even if the message just provided a list of things that could be an issue when you try and invade like I did above, it would be a hell of a lot better. At least that would provide some guidance to what a problem could be. Versus 'You are doing something wrong. Figure it out."

(in reply to generalfdog)
Post #: 7
RE: Too stupid to invade - 5/12/2021 1:12:56 PM   


Posts: 214
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Successful amphibious landings are one the more complicated part of the game and i did find a little confusing at first, but it's really pretty simple you need landing crafts and shows and you that, and you need a beach or unoccupied coastal hex that isn't having bad weather. Hang in there once you figure a few things out it is imho the best most intuitive system out there for a game of it's scale not to mention historically fairly accurate and a lot of fun. If you move your unit in and can't invade you usually can undo your move. Good luck

(in reply to Numdydar)
Post #: 8
RE: Too stupid to invade - 5/12/2021 2:31:36 PM   


Posts: 573
Joined: 2/28/2018
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Funny that this is still not fixed. Had same issue last year and couldn't figure it out either. Hoping dev can provide more meaningful error message in upcoming patch.

(in reply to generalfdog)
Post #: 9
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