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RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union

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RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/9/2021 9:25:59 PM   


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T40 AGS:

The Crimea is back in full supply as the last damaged rails are repaired. The panzer corps is back near the Kersch straits again. I don't think the AI is defending the straits so I might get some good penetration before it reacts.

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Post #: 511
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/9/2021 9:26:24 PM   


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T40 Soviet Garrison:

The garrison stands at 127% and seems to perform well in containing the Soviet Partisans.

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Post #: 512
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/9/2021 9:26:50 PM   


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T40 OOB:

It hurts me to see the Soviets at 5.1M men. That is WAY TOO MANY! They outnumber the Axis in every category so a war of attrition is not going to be won. The 42 Sudden Victory chances are my best chance at winning the war.

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Post #: 513
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/9/2021 9:27:15 PM   


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T40 Ground Losses:

The Soviets have lost 4.5M men while the Axis have lost 1.4M a little bit better than 3:1. I can just shudder to think how large the Soviet Army would be if I had not already accounted for 4.5M of them.

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Post #: 514
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/9/2021 9:27:43 PM   


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T40 Air Losses:

The Soviets have lost 14.9K aircraft while the Axis have lost 4.1K. This is about a 3.6:1 ratio. These types of ratios are not enough when you see the size of the Soviet armed forces. I am losing the attrition war and MUST win in 42 or it is only a matter of time.

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Post #: 515
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/9/2021 9:28:06 PM   


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T40 Production:

A few things stand out on the screen. One is that the Vehicles in Repair are now down to 110K - about 12K less than five turns ago. So trucks are being repaired! The Supplies/Ammo/Fuel in units are more than needed while the Vehicles in Units is about 22K short. This is almost as good as it was before the war started! Note the number of fighters in the pool so I have room for losses there. The Axis Generic (HIWI) pool is almost entirely gone. As a whole my Manpower pools are not in good shape.

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Post #: 516
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/9/2021 9:28:32 PM   


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T40 VPs

The all important figure at this moment. I am currently at 551 VPs which is 24 VPs short of making sure I don't have a Sudden Loss on 1-Oct-42. So my first priority is gaining those VPs. I am 43 VPs off of my High Water Mark - dangerously close to having the initiative switch to the Soviets. I will need 750 VPs to gain Sudden Victory this year and I have until 1-Jan-43 to achieve them. This is my one true hope for victory so I need 199 VPs by the end of 43.

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Post #: 517
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/9/2021 9:29:00 PM   


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T40 42 Offensive: Guderian's Plan

I need 199 VPs to gain my Sudden Victory and win the war. One obvious place is Leningrad at 36 VPs. I need to capture Leningrad to shorten my lines and free up some troops for other locations. I am in position to take it but I need the weather to clear enough for my naval patrols to be effective.

That will leave 163 VPs to capture. If Guderian's plan of a central attack on Moscow works that will gain 66 VPs for Moscow, 16 for Tula, 10 for Kalinin, 10 for Orel, 10 for Kursk, and 16 for Ryazan. This totals 128 more VPs that leaves 35 VPs to come from somewhere else.

So the south will have to provide a minimum of 35 VPs. 10 for Zaporozhye, 10 for Stalino, 10 for Rostov, and 16 for Voronezh. That will win the war for me. So I have to hit the red line and hold on to them during 42. The earlier the better.

The first offensive will be in Leningrad to finish isolating it and then destroying that pocket. That will free up the 4th Panzer Army to head south. Guderian tells me that once the 4th Panzer Army comes under his command he will be able to encircle Moscow and capture it. Once that falls the three Panzer Armies under his command will sweep to the south and pick up the rest of the cities.

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Post #: 518
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/9/2021 9:29:57 PM   


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T40 42 Offensive Planning #2

There is some leeway in the plan. Tambov is possible to capture on AGC's march to the southeast. Yaraslovl is a possibility in the encirclement of Moscow. These would relieve AGS from having to capture anything in order to hit the threshold. The key to this would be the capture of Moscow. If Moscow fails to fall then another plan would have to be made.

The alternative is a southern strategy. It still starts with the fall of Leningrad so 163 VPs are left to gain. This plan would require the capture of Orel, Kursk, Voronezh, Stalingrad, Astrakhan, Zaporozhye, Stalino, Rostov, Krasnodar, and Maikop. It requires an advance of roughly the same distance as 41 against a numerically and operationally better opponent. But if the Soviets focus on defending Moscow and leave the south sparse this may be the way to go.

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Post #: 519
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/9/2021 9:30:48 PM   


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T40 Files:

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Post #: 520
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/10/2021 1:43:41 AM   

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Both plans have a very long front line to cover, but the Moscow attack if successful gives you good defensive terrain.

The South has a lot of open territory for Armoured encirclement's for both sides.

I use to play a game way back in the 80's called " Russia The Great war in the East 1941 -1945 " by SSG.

The designers in there manual discussing tactics for the Germans for the southern drive wrote "Infantry are no match for tanks in open terrain "

They also stated for a overall victory for either side this quote " The price of victory is Blood - Napoléon Bonaparte "

So from playing that game back then to now Gary Grigsbys games, both sentence's have stuck in my mind and a guiding principle to my game play.

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Post #: 521
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/10/2021 12:17:08 PM   


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T41 Supply Net North:

Supply net is looking good but some tweaking would probably help.

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Post #: 522
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/10/2021 12:17:31 PM   


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T41 Supply Net South:

Things are looking better now that the Crimea is part of the supply net.

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Post #: 523
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/10/2021 12:18:14 PM   


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T41 Air Phase:

The turn has started with Leningrad isolated due to better weather in the Soviet Air Phase when my Naval Patrol was able to cut the naval supply to Osinovets. I lose a lot of aircraft doing the Naval Patrol and the Soviets are not reading as isolated.

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Post #: 524
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/10/2021 12:18:37 PM   


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T41 Freight:

Another turn at +5K supplies. This should help rebuild the front line units as I rotate them back for refitting and resting.

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Post #: 525
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/10/2021 12:19:04 PM   


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T41 AGN:

More preparations for the offensive. I will have to retune the Naval Patrol directive next turn for more effectiveness. I SHOULD be able to get control of the sea now that the weather is nicer. The two panzer divisions that have been held back in Warsaw are now railed to the front to join the 4th Panzer Army for the coming offensive.

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Post #: 526
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/10/2021 12:19:34 PM   


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T41 AGC:

The 3rd Panzer Army is moving towards Leningrad to help the offensive there. The 2nd Panzer Army is the backbone of my front line defense in front of Moscow so they will stay and refit for Guderian's offensive.

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Post #: 527
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/10/2021 12:20:01 PM   


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T41 AGS:

The 1st Panzer Army is gathering together near Dnepropetrovsk to kick off an offensive aimed at trapping the Soviet units between the Dnepr River and the Sea of Azov.

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Post #: 528
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/10/2021 12:20:22 PM   


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T41 Soviet Garrison:

The Soviet Garrison is at 127% and this is the partisan activity in the Smolensk area where it is level 2 activity. There is relatively little partisan activity in the area.

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Post #: 529
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/10/2021 12:20:57 PM   


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T41 Files:

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Post #: 530
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/10/2021 10:01:07 PM   


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Worth mentioning that the Sudden Victory does not apply when playing against the AI. No reason why you can't stop, having achieved it, but if you want to see the victory screen you will have to plan for the long haul.

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Post #: 531
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/10/2021 10:08:01 PM   
Richard III

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ORIGINAL: horza66

Worth mentioning that the Sudden Victory does not apply when playing against the AI. No reason why you can't stop, having achieved it, but if you want to see the victory screen you will have to plan for the long haul.

Good to know !


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¯ Leo Tolstoy

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Post #: 532
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/11/2021 11:29:25 AM   


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ORIGINAL: horza66

Worth mentioning that the Sudden Victory does not apply when playing against the AI. No reason why you can't stop, having achieved it, but if you want to see the victory screen you will have to plan for the long haul.

Wha-wha-wha-whaaaaat?! Didn't know!

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Post #: 533
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/11/2021 3:28:47 PM   

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Think you are incorrect there its only when the Axis Ai is operation does that rule apply doesn't it? As in 29.1.4



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Post #: 534
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/11/2021 3:52:40 PM   


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Ah, yes, apologies - I thought it applied to all games against the AI. I had the sudden loss conditions against the Axis AI and it dind't trigger - so that would just be 29.1.4 in operation.

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Post #: 535
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/11/2021 7:59:23 PM   


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T42 Soviet Attacks:

Blizzards have hit the front again and the Soviets follow it up with 39 attacks which resulted in 10 Retreats and 29 Holds. The Soviets pretty much just targeted my front line regiments.

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Post #: 536
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/11/2021 7:59:48 PM   


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T42 Supply Net North:

It is interesting to point out the supply lines necessary for the 3rd PA as it moves to the Leningrad area.

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Post #: 537
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/11/2021 8:00:22 PM   


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T42 Supply Net South:

Looking good overall in the south now.

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Post #: 538
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/11/2021 8:00:46 PM   


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T42 Air Phase:

With the bad weather all along the front I turn off all Air Directives for the turn.

T42 Freight:

Despite the bad weather the supplies are still at a +5K surplus. This bodes well for the start of my 42 offensives.

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Post #: 539
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/11/2021 8:01:14 PM   


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T42 AGN:

Preparing for the offensive while trying to hold the line in 16th Army. 3rd PA is slowly moving northward avoiding using the rails to allow supplies to continue unhindered. I have begun my first commander replacements by going through the four Panzer Armies and replacing all leaders with mech or infantry ratings under 7.

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Post #: 540
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