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Where can I see the detection level of enemy hex?

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Where can I see the detection level of enemy hex? - 5/20/2021 1:06:38 AM   


Posts: 83
Joined: 12/12/2014
From: Hong Kong, now in Toronto
Status: offline
The manual says multiple times that DL lvl is shown in the hex pop-up text. I cannot see the detection level anywhere in the pop-up text. Is the manual correct?
Post #: 1
RE: Where can I see the detection level of enemy hex? - 5/20/2021 3:24:06 PM   

Posts: 2264
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From: Toronto Ontario but living in Edmonton,Alberta
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There is no "level",if the unit's name is known it will say,as well as MP and CV.If no detection there might be a question mark.Might list 1 enemy unit and question mark if 2 in hex.More if 3 etc etc.Look at bottom of hex pop up text.

(in reply to proflui)
Post #: 2
RE: Where can I see the detection level of enemy hex? - 5/20/2021 3:45:31 PM   


Posts: 83
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From: Hong Kong, now in Toronto
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The issue is that I do not actually turn FOW on. So I actually see everyhing. But the manaul mentions that even I see everything combat still reflect surprise due to low DL. But I do not know what is the true DL since I see everything already. It will help me plan air recon in hexes with low DL if I know which hex has low DL. But right now I see everything and no where it states the actual DL.

(in reply to bairdlander2)
Post #: 3
RE: Where can I see the detection level of enemy hex? - 5/20/2021 4:08:52 PM   

Posts: 973
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From: The Old Northwest
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Air Recon map mode you can see, I believe.


Paradox Interactive Forum Refugee

(in reply to proflui)
Post #: 4
RE: Where can I see the detection level of enemy hex? - 5/20/2021 4:51:04 PM   


Posts: 83
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From: Hong Kong, now in Toronto
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It only shows the colour of the hex. But not the level. It does help a bit.

(in reply to Bamilus)
Post #: 5
RE: Where can I see the detection level of enemy hex? - 5/20/2021 5:57:44 PM   

Posts: 973
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From: The Old Northwest
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Hmm, I thought it showed the levels on the pop-up in that mode. But yea, if it doesn't then I wouldn't know how else to see.


Paradox Interactive Forum Refugee

(in reply to proflui)
Post #: 6
RE: Where can I see the detection level of enemy hex? - 5/20/2021 8:56:57 PM   


Posts: 83
Joined: 12/12/2014
From: Hong Kong, now in Toronto
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I think it is a bug. in 10.2.2 of the manaual it says

10.2.2. Detection Levels and Combat
A higher detection level will increase the effectiveness of
ground and air combat against that unit. The hex pop-up
text will display detection levels for on-map units, to include
construction support units and Anti-aircraft support units
attached to cities.
Note this will occur even if FOW is turned off. In other
words you can see the unit on the map but the scope to be
surprised in combat, due to a low detection level, remains.

However, right now if I turn off FOW the hex pop-up actually tells me all enemy info except the real DL. In this case I cannot form a correct recon strategy since I see everything and will not know which hex has low dl. And I will not know which hex will involve more combat surprise due to low DL.

(in reply to Bamilus)
Post #: 7
RE: Where can I see the detection level of enemy hex? - 5/21/2021 7:34:10 AM   


Posts: 102
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Detection as a number is no longer shown to the players. You can get 'detection bands' through the colors when you place Recon filter on the map.

(in reply to proflui)
Post #: 8
RE: Where can I see the detection level of enemy hex? - 5/21/2021 9:13:15 AM   

Posts: 3219
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The decision was made during development to remove the detection level numbers that used to show in WitE since the feeling was that it was providing too much info to the player. With the current system you can tell where you have better recon by using the recon map and checking the color coding of hexes.


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(in reply to James80)
Post #: 9
RE: Where can I see the detection level of enemy hex? - 5/21/2021 10:18:34 AM   


Posts: 514
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There still seems to be the issue whereby once you have a unit adjacent to an enemy unit you get perfect CV info from the mouseover whatever the D/L. Still not sure whether that is WAD

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 10
RE: Where can I see the detection level of enemy hex? - 5/21/2021 11:48:43 AM   


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Currently that way but on the list to be changed when time and resources allow.

(in reply to Sammy5IsAlive)
Post #: 11
RE: Where can I see the detection level of enemy hex? - 5/21/2021 4:02:55 PM   

Posts: 973
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From: The Old Northwest
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The decision was made during development to remove the detection level numbers that used to show in WitE since the feeling was that it was providing too much info to the player. With the current system you can tell where you have better recon by using the recon map and checking the color coding of hexes.

Ok, makes sense. I just wish they made the shading differentiation more prominent, but I get why they removed the values.


Paradox Interactive Forum Refugee

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 12
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