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RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War

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RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/2/2021 10:08:03 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. Western Front. Use Oil. France.

(1) This aggressive play by the German and Italian players has resulted in a French oil shortage.
(2) The French had only 1 oil available for reorg but needed 2!

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Post #: 61
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/2/2021 10:39:23 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. Med. War Logs.

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Post #: 62
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/2/2021 10:46:59 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. Med. Axis #5. Italian Surprise Port Strike (Actually Western Front).

(1) This port strike is actually logged, as it should have been, as the Western Front, but I forgot to cover it there so I'm covering it here.
(2) The Italian player was able to get their Nav within range of the French transport parked in Bordeaux without the French/Soviet player noticing. Possibly the French/Soviet player was focusing on the Middle East, which I'll cover later, and Germany's push into Belgium and ignoring a "neutral" Italy.
(3) With the Italian DOW on France and the CW, they achieved a port strike which had a 80% chance of sinking the French TRS. Fortunately for the French/Soviet player the Italians got poor rolls that resulted "only" in the TRS being damaged.

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< Message edited by rkr1958 -- 7/2/2021 10:47:36 PM >



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Post #: 63
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/2/2021 10:49:38 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. Med. Axis #5. Italian Surprise Impulse. West Med.

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Post #: 64
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/2/2021 10:50:12 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. Med. Axis #5. Italian Surprise Impulse. East Med.

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Post #: 65
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 7:18:28 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. Med. Axis #5. Italian Surprise Impulse. Subs Reorg.

(1) Two subs forced to abort in the West Med were aborted to La Spezia.
(2) They were reorg by the 2 Italian TRS that were put out to sea in the Italian Coast during the naval moves.
(3) As this turn continued the Italian player voiced his regret that he didn't save these two TRS to reorg the Italian inf div that moved from Sardinia to Corsica and flipped. If he had, he would have conquered Corsica this turn. Also, if saved, the second TRS could have been used to reorg an inf corps that advanced into Nice and had to flip. Both of these moves occurred in a later impulse where Italy took a land and could have reorg both. Oh, hindsight is 20/20!

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Post #: 66
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 7:23:50 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. Med. Allied #7. Italian Coast.

(1) A bit of cat and mouse going on by the CW player this turn off the Italian Coast.
(2) First, he moved 2 OOS subs in Malta to the 2-box, which flipped them. Owing to being OOS they lost 1 in range and could only reach the 2-box. I believe even if they could have reached the 2-box he still would have moved them to the 2-box in order to RTB to Gibraltar.
(3) He then moved a NED sub from Gibraltar to the 3-box and used that sub to search.
(4) The Italians reacted 1 of 2 of their available FTR2's to cover the 0-box.
(5) Now here's where the cat and mouse was (I believe), the CW player did not commit his subs. I believe these moves were basically to get the 2 subs out of Malta and eventually back to Gibraltar and in the process force the Italian player to use up 1 of his 2 available FTRs.

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Post #: 67
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 7:26:13 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. Med. Allied #7. West Med.

(1) No air available either side to add or react to the West Med.
(2) The RN sends a cruiser force equal in size, strength and position (i.e., 4-box) to the RM force sortied on their surprise impulse.
(3) The RN searches but fails to find as does the RM.

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Post #: 68
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 7:30:10 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. Med. Allied #7. East Med.

(1) Also, neither side had any air in position to be added or reacted to the East Med.
(2) And, the CW player sent another cruiser force in size, strength and position equal to the RM force.
(3) The RN searches but misses badly. However, the RM finds and gets the drop on the RN and manages to damage 2 CLs at the cost of seeing a CA aborted.
(4) Both sides stay but both sides fail to find in round 2.

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Post #: 69
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 7:40:24 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. Med. Allied #11. West Med.

(1) The CW player continues their search for the RM force in the West Med.
(2) The French(/Soviet) player who took a combine, moved the only available SCS, BB Bretagne, to embark an UBL div from North Africa. Originally this div was slated from Ajaccio, Corsica to save the fall of that island to the Italian player. However; after Italy's land combat last turn (Western Front) that captured Nice and threaten Toulon, the French(/Soviet) player felt he had no choice but to land that div in Toulon.
(3) The CW player also added 2 CAs to the escort the French BB loaded with a div in order to search again for the Italian cruiser force.
(4) As last time in the West Med, both sides failed to find.

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Post #: 70
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 7:46:11 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. Med. Allied #11. East Med.

(1) In the East Med, the CW player replaced the 2 CLs damaged and aborted last (allied) impulse with 2 range 5 CAs. Note, that because of in the presence these 2 CAs based in Port Said couldn't have reached the 4-box last (allied) impulse but can now.
(2) The RN searches and fails to find; however the RM finds and again gets the drop on the RN.
(3) The Italian player manages to damage and abort another CL and also aborts 2 CAs for the (same) cost of an Italian CA aborted.
(4) Both sides stay.

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Post #: 71
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 7:49:41 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. Med. Allied #11. East Med (2/2).

(1) Both sides find in round 2 with the CW player getting 1 SP (i.e., effectively no surprise points either side).
(2) Also, both sides face equal risk of D, 2A.
(3) The RN sees 2 CAs aborted and the Italians see a CA damaged and aborted.
(4) Both sides again stay but both sides fail to find in round 3.

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Post #: 72
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 7:56:26 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. Med. Allied #16. West Med.

(1) The turn continues beyond expected and the CW player again seeks naval combat with the Italians on equal footing in the West Med.
(2) This time, it's the CW player that finds and the Italian doesn't. The CW player gets 7 SPs and uses 4 SPs to increase Italian risk and the remaining 3 SPs to choose Italy's best CA for an X risk.
(3) It's bloody, Italy loses a CA and sees a CL damaged. The CW see a CA & CL damaged and aborted and a second CA aborted.
(4) The Italian player has decided he's had enough and aborts.

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Post #: 73
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 7:58:03 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. Med. Allied #16. East Med.

(1) In the East Med only an RN CA (4-box) & BB (2-box) are left looking for an Italian CA (4-box).
(2) The CW player searches but both sides fail to find.

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Post #: 74
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 8:01:18 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. Battle of the Atlantic. War Logs.

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Post #: 75
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 8:12:15 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. The Atlantic. Axis #5. Italy's Surprise Impulse. Cape St. Vincent.

(1) Only 1 thing didn't go Italy's way during their surprise DOW impulse. That was failing to sink the French TRS with risk X,D.
(2) In the CSV, as in the Med, the Italian RM, this time their subs, find, sink and abort allied CPs.
(3) For the cost of 2 subs aborted, which were sent to La Spezia and reorg at the end of the impulse, the Italian player manages to sink 3 allied CPs and abort 3; which left a single CP afloat.
(4) The CW, and French, player decide to remain and risk the 30% chance of being found (again) for the reward of maintain supply through the CSV.
(5) Italy fails to find a second time and the surprise sub combat ends.

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Post #: 76
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 8:17:03 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. The Atlantic. Allied #7. Western Allied Production at Start of Impulse.

(1) Western Allied production was thrown into a tailspin by the successful Italian surprise attacks on allied convoys in the Med and in the Atlantic.
(2) Also, contributing to the chaos was changes to resources lending that 2 oil and 3 RPs being sent by the CW and USSR to France.
(3) I spent a bit of time with the CW and French players helping them sort out the best I could their convoy and production situation. When I say bit, I mean a lot of time!

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Post #: 77
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 8:17:56 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. The Atlantic. Allied #7. Post Naval Moves. CW Production.

(1) The reconstitution of allied convoy lines required that 4 CPs pass through Cape St. Vincent and risk intercept by the lone Italian sub left there.
(2) The sub tried but failed to intercept any of the 4 CPs (2 or less was required).

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< Message edited by rkr1958 -- 7/3/2021 8:31:13 PM >



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Post #: 78
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 8:18:41 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. The Atlantic. Allied #7. Post Naval Moves. French Production.

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Post #: 79
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 8:28:04 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. The Atlantic. Allied #7. Post Naval Moves. USSR Trade Routes.

(1) Well, I've been playing MWiF/WiF for over 8-years now and I'm still learning new things about the rules.
(2) I thought I'd have to route the two oil traded by the USSR to the CW and France (1-each) through Murmansk and Arctic and would need 3 CPs each, or 6 CPs total to do that. However; I found that I could route the 2 oil through neutral Norway and the North Sea and only need 1 CP each, or 2 in total. Needless to say, given the CW/French CP losses and aborts last impulse this was a life saver. Or more appropriately, a production saver.

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Post #: 80
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 8:29:13 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. The Atlantic. Allied #7. CW Naval Reorg.

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Post #: 81
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 8:46:59 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. East Africa. War Logs.

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Post #: 82
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 8:47:29 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. East Africa. End of Turn.

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Post #: 83
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 8:52:39 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. West Med. End of Turn.

(1) Forgot to include this and the next post in the Med section. I'm including them here.

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Post #: 84
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 8:53:46 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. East Med. End of Turn.

(1) The lone Italian CA left in the East Med bugged out and return to base during the end of turn.

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Post #: 85
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 8:54:48 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. Middle East. End of Turn.

(1) I'll let the situation speak for itself and the reader draw their own conclusion(s) as to what might be happening here.

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Post #: 86
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 8:57:20 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. The Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO). War Logs.

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Post #: 87
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 8:58:15 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. PTO. Allied #11.

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Post #: 88
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 8:59:56 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. The Asian Front. War Logs.

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Post #: 89
RE: 6-Player Friendly PBEM Global War - 7/3/2021 9:01:37 PM   

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Turn 2. Nov/Dec 1939. The Asian Front. End of Turn, Factory Destruction (EOT-fd). Northern China.

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