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RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues?

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RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 6/25/2021 7:40:52 PM   


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Pracka SAM for Serbia (Modified Praga AAA)

RL-1 using 2x R-13M or R-3S missiles

RL-2M using 2x R-60MK missiles with Booster motors

RL-4M using 1x R-73E Missile with Booster motor

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by SRB-Z32 -- 6/25/2021 7:41:58 PM >

(in reply to SRB-Z32)
Post #: 6931
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 7/1/2021 9:29:04 AM   


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Good morning,
For a CoastGuard like scenario I'm looking for a person in the water. If it is in there, please point me in the right direction. If it isn't poissible disregard this entry.
with regards GJ

< Message edited by Parel803 -- 7/1/2021 9:30:29 AM >

(in reply to SRB-Z32)
Post #: 6932
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 7/1/2021 3:13:41 PM   


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@Parel803 (post #6932),

2553 - Life Raft [5m]
2552 - Civilian Life Raft [10m]
2741 - Civilian Life Boat [11m]
2742 - Civilian Life Boat [7m]
+ add Personnel mount (#3037), usually works for rescue scenarios involving water.

Given 1147.26 enhancements (csar\sar) and waspickedup unit properties, a 'ship' that is a person in the water is probably a good idea for addition though for the next round.

< Message edited by KnightHawk75 -- 7/1/2021 3:28:08 PM >

(in reply to Parel803)
Post #: 6933
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 7/2/2021 4:05:14 PM   


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Thx again. I'do.
with regards GJ

(in reply to KnightHawk75)
Post #: 6934
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 7/2/2021 7:54:08 PM   


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<summary>DB3K489, Bouchard (Gowind) class, P51, Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV), Argentinian Navy, </summary>
<detal>3 of 4 units in class. First one is ex-L'Adroit (French), other three newly build by Kership in French.
starting form second one (ARA Piedrabuena) units are differently armed.
The L'Adroit in DB under France with #2885. Transferred in 2019
with regards GJ

(in reply to Parel803)
Post #: 6935
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 7/4/2021 6:57:33 PM   


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<summary>DB3K489, Raptor (Project 03160) class, P-274, High Speed Patrol boat, Russian Navy, </summary>
Build by Open JSC Pellar Shipyard, Russia
First in 2015, 17 in 2020
2 variants (Armour)
with regards GJ

(in reply to Parel803)
Post #: 6936
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 7/4/2021 7:12:40 PM   


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<summary>DB3K489, Castor class, P-901, Coastal Patrol Vessel, Belgium Navy, </summary>
2 units in Class
First Unit 2014
with regards GJ

(in reply to Parel803)
Post #: 6937
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 7/5/2021 5:29:14 PM   


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<summary>Add Sea Dart Mod 2/3 datalink and range increase</summary>
<detail>The Sea Dart SAM system featured a datalink for the mod 2/3 missiles (#1640, #831) so that they only required terminal SARH guidance and an increase in range to 80nmi. In the current database they're pure SARH meaning the Type 42 Destroyers/Invincible class carriers can only engage 2 targets simultaneously and have 60nmi of range. Can the range and guidance for these missiles updated, and all of their launch platforms be updated to feature the datalink.</detail>
<evidence> "Mod 2 — 1989–1991. Upgrade included ADIMP (Air Defence IMProvement) which saw the replacement of six old circuit cards in the guidance system with one, allowing the spare volume to be used for an autopilot. Used alongside a command datalink (sited on the Type 909 pedestal) it allows several missiles to be 'in the air' at once, re-targeted during flight etc. and allows an initial ballistic trajectory, doubling range to 80 nmi (92 mi; 150 km) with the upgraded 909(I) radar for terminal illumination only."

(in reply to Parel803)
Post #: 6938
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 7/5/2021 6:49:52 PM   


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<summary>U-28A #3325 small para- and cargodrop capability</summary>
<detail>According to this PDF from Pilatus, the new NGX modell of the PC-12 has a military variant (Spectre) which has build-in drop door (see quote)</detail>
"Built directly into the aircraft’s standard cargo door, it can be used to deploy parachute specialists or air-drop supplies and relief goods. What’s more, this added feature does not compromise any of the mission capability of the PC-12 NGX Spectre.
pilatus-aircraft.cöm/data/document/Pilatus-Aircraft-Ltd-PC-12NGX-Spectre-Brochure(PDF Page 12)

(in reply to TwarVG)
Post #: 6939
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 7/5/2021 7:42:15 PM   


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<summary>DB3K489, P350 & P270 class, sidenr, Coastal Patrol Boat, National Guard Tunesia</summary>
Italian build, Cantiere Navale Vittoria
Also the P270 patrol boat is delivered to Tunesia
I found delivery of 6x P350 and 5x P270
Also in use with the Lybian Coast Guard
The Hellenic P355GR is based on this class. #3251 (DamagePoints1) and #3252 (DamagePoints150)
with regards GJ

< Message edited by Parel803 -- 7/5/2021 7:44:41 PM >

(in reply to Copper274)
Post #: 6940
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 7/5/2021 8:30:16 PM   


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<summary>Add MLS-ER Quad Spike NLOS Launcher to Shaldag V #3418</summary>
<detail>Israeli Shaldag V seems to have a 4x NLOS mount at IOC. Back top of boat's cabin in pictures. Mount called MLS ER. Looks like Azerbaijan has Shaldag IV's configured his way too </detail>

(in reply to Parel803)
Post #: 6941
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 7/6/2021 9:51:54 AM   


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<summary>Update F-22 Electronic Attack APG-77 from Increment 3.2 </summary>

Latest F-22 upgrade brings ability to jam enemy radars

The USA is moving to exploit its lead in AESA technology, and the F-22's Northrop Grumman APG-77(V)1 radar is scheduled to get an electronic attack capability as part of the Increment 3.2 upgrade to be funded from fiscal year 2012.

Or maybe from Increment 3.1 (DOTE 2020):

The F-22A program delivers capability in increments.
Incremental Enhanced Global Strike modernization efforts
include the following current and near-term modernization
- Increment 3.1 provided enhanced air-to-ground mission
capability, to include geolocation of selected emitters,
electronic attack, air-to-ground synthetic aperture
radar mapping and designation of surface targets, and
Small Diameter Bomb integration

Increment 3.1 for Block 30 aircraft onward provided improved ground-attack capability through synthetic aperture radar mapping and radio emitter direction finding, electronic attack and Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) integration; testing began in 2009 and the first upgraded aircraft was delivered in 2011.



Thanks! :)

< Message edited by 14yellow14 -- 7/6/2021 9:55:43 AM >

(in reply to BDukes)
Post #: 6942
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/6/2021 12:38:15 PM   


Posts: 24
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ORIGINAL: aleavz

<summary>Add the Brazilian Navy S-70B/SH-16 ASW Helicopter</summary>
Please add the Brazilian Navy's S-70B/SH-16 helicopter. They have been purchased in 2008
and have been the Brazilian Navy's main airborne ASW platform since then.

General data:
Cathegory: Helicopter
Type: Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)
Damage points: 5 As per other S-70Bs
Length: 15,2 m
Wingspan: 2,2 m
Height: 5,2 m
Crew: 3
Empty weight, Max Weight, Max Payload and etc. probably just the same as
the Greek S-70B-6 Aegean Hawk or similar.

Sensors / EW:
1x AN/APN-217, Navigation Radar, 35nm (Present on S-70B-6 Aegean Hawk)
1x AN/APS-143(C)V3 Ocean Eye, 200nm (Present on Indian P-8I Poseidon)
1x AN/AAS-44 FLIR, IRSTD and Laser Target Designator. Not sure
about range and etc. but probably similar to USN MH-60R AN/AAS-52
1x LR-100 MAGE/ESM, unsure about range but generic 500nm ELINT range and 120nm RWR range
probably ok.
1x HELRAS, 11nm, Dipping sonar (Present on Greek S-70B-6 Aegean Hawk)
1x Mk 1 Eyball

Mounts / Stores / Weapons
1x ALE-47 CMDS, Countermeasure Dispensing System, 60 rounds.
1x Sonobuoys Dispenser

Aircraft Stores
-120 USG Drop Tank
-Passive Sonobuoys
-Active Sonoboys
-Mk46 NEARTIP Mod 5
-Mk54 LHT Mod 0
-AGM-119B Penguin Mk.2 Mod 7 (Present on New Zealand Super Seasprite)

-Ferry (2x 120USG Drop Tank)
-Generic mantenance/unavailable
-Maritime Surveilance (2x 120USG Drop Tank)
-AGM 119B Penguin (1x 120USG Drop Tank, 1x AGM-119B Mk.2 Mod 7)
-ASW (2x Mk46 NEARTIP Mod 5, 16x Passive Suonobuoys, 8x Active Sonobuoys)
-ASW (2x M54 LHT Mod 0, 16x Passive Suonobuoys, 8x Active Sonobuoys)
-Long-Range ASW (1x 120USG Drop Tank, 1x Mk46 NEARTIP Mod 5, 16x Passive Sonobuoys, 8x Active Sonobuoys)
-Long-Range ASW (1x 120USG Drop Tank, 1x Mk54 LHT Mod 0, 16x Passive Sonobuoys, 8x Active Sonobuoys)

Same as S-70B-6 Aegean Hawk

Speeds, bands etc. same as S-70B-6 Aegean Hawk

-Generic Sonobuoy Reciever
-Generic Radio

-Night Navigation/Attack
-HIFR Capable




I would like to ammend my previous post regarding the Brazilian S-70B/SH-16 Seahawk. After failing to find reports on the use of sonobuoys by Brazilian Navy aircraft I submitted a request for information on the topic. I just got the response and it turns out the Brazilian Navy DOES NOT make use of sonobuoys in any of its current aircraft (just helicopters, as its only fixed-wing aircraft is the A-4).

Link to the response (in Portuguese):

(in reply to aleavz)
Post #: 6943
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/6/2021 3:40:53 PM   


Posts: 46
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<summary>Add new 2026 version of Royal Navy Type 45 (Daring Class) Destroyer with updated weapons.</summary>
<detail>The Royal Navy have announced that in coming years the Type 45 is to be upgraded with a new 24 cell VLS for 24 Sea Ceptor (#2783) and existing stocks of Aster 15 are to be converted to Aster 30. New armament should consist of 48 Aster 30 (#133) in the existing GWS.45 Sea Viper VLS, and 24 Sea Ceptor (#2783) in a new GWS.35 Sea Ceptor VLS along with the necessary datalink to guide the missiles.</detail>

< Message edited by TwarVG -- 7/6/2021 4:28:27 PM >

(in reply to aleavz)
Post #: 6944
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/6/2021 3:46:16 PM   


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<summary>Add surface-to-surface capability to Sea Ceptor missile.</summary>
<detail>The Sea Ceptor missile (#2783) is missing its surface-to-surface capability for use against other ships.</detail>
"CAMM also provides a means to accurately and effectively engage small, fast inshore attack craft, hovering helicopters and low-speed targets alongside defeating their more traditional high-speed air targets."

(in reply to TwarVG)
Post #: 6945
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/6/2021 5:49:24 PM   

Posts: 355
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<summary>RN Type 45 Destroyer to have 24 x Sea Ceptor and solely 48 x Aster-30</summary>

Could update this unit #3200 - D 35 Dragon [Type 45 Batch 2] (United Kingdom - 2023) -- HYPOTHETICAL UNIT

Type 45 is going to have 24 x Sea Ceptor and 48 xAster-30 (no Aster-15).

"Fitting CAMM onto the Type 45s will give the destroyers a 50% increase in the number of its air defence missiles. Installation will be via 24 additional launcher cells, and the Sea Viper C2 will get a technology upgrade, giving it a major increase in processing power.

The existing 48 Sylver cells on Type 45 will now be solely for the longer-range Aster 30 missile, which is also subject to a recently announced mid-life refresh. This will see the missile remain in service throughout the life of the Type 45s."

Sea Ceptor is also faster than the DB3K version with most accounts crediting it with at least Mach 3 and the Jane's article reiterates that it has significant anti surface capability. (prior request made)



<summary>Add surface-to-surface capability to Sea Ceptor missile.</summary>
<detail>The Sea Ceptor missile (#2783) is missing its surface-to-surface capability for use against other ships.</detail>
"CAMM also provides a means to accurately and effectively engage small, fast inshore attack craft, hovering helicopters and low-speed targets alongside defeating their more traditional high-speed air targets."

< Message edited by KLAB -- 7/9/2021 1:28:49 PM >

(in reply to TwarVG)
Post #: 6946
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/6/2021 7:42:52 PM   


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<summary>DB3K489, Ferlo (RPB 33) class, sidenr, Patrol Boat, Senegalese Navy</summary>
Also in use by Ivory Coast (3x). And Togo the steel-hull variant PHM 33
Second unit (Taouay) delivered. Prob of 3 units. First unit entered service in 2013 (Ferlo)
Sold by Raidco Marine in France
Raidco Marine also exhibits two types of quite similar ships. PHM 33 and RPB 33 are patrol boats with deep-sea surveillance capability. The two ships have the same dimensions. The main difference between the ships resides in the hull material. The PHM 33's hull is made of steel while that of RPB 33 is GRP (Glass-reinforced plastic), a composite material, made. This composite hull enables the RPB 33 to reach the speed of 30 knt, when the PHM 33 can only reach 22 knt. Both of them can be armed up to a 30 mm gun and some 12.7 mm machine gun. One 6.2 m RHIB is also on board.
with regards GJ

(in reply to KLAB)
Post #: 6947
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/7/2021 8:17:04 AM   


Posts: 572
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Is this correct that the MQ-25A (#4917) has only the Wing Droque Refueling? It seems most AC are using boom, so i'm unable to refuel any AC (F-A-18E, EA_18G, F-35C....)

It seems that it should also refuel F/A-18 with Probe Refueling, see

So it is possible to add probe refueling to the MQ-25A (#4917)

< Message edited by morphin -- 7/7/2021 10:54:16 AM >

(in reply to CmdSoda)
Post #: 6948
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/7/2021 12:16:14 PM   


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ORIGINAL: morphin

Is this correct that the MQ-25A (#4917) has only the Wing Droque Refueling? It seems most AC are using boom, so i'm unable to refuel any AC (F-A-18E, EA_18G, F-35C....)

It seems that it should also refuel F/A-18 with Probe Refueling, see

So it is possible to add probe refueling to the MQ-25A (#4917)

The drogue is the refueling basket the probe is inserted into, hence the term probe and drogue refueling. The receiving aircraft will show probe refueling and the tanker will show has having a drogue. Boom refueling is a separate system and not compatible with probes without modification. If the F/A-18 is not refueling from the MQ-25 (which it should) you may need to post a save in the tech support section.

(in reply to morphin)
Post #: 6949
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/7/2021 1:43:48 PM   


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Thank's for the explanation. The only difference i see is that the MQ-25A has [Wing Droque (Bird Cage)] Refueling indicated, while the other with the same "Generic Buddy Store" (#1891), for example the MV-22B Osprey (#4037) has something different ([Roll-ON/Roll-Off Aerial Refueling Drogue]). I will post a save in the tech support

(in reply to tylerblakebrandon)
Post #: 6950
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/7/2021 7:07:59 PM   


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<summary>Add Pakistani Zarb [YJ-62] SSM battery 2020</summary>
<detail>Photos have appeared of operational battery. Definitely looks like a YJ-62 or near clone. Tests were in 2019 so induction was after.Config likely close to Chinese version with 3 tube TELs </detail>

(in reply to morphin)
Post #: 6951
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/7/2021 10:49:50 PM   


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<summary>Dokdo-Class Amphibious Ship ROKS Marado (LPH-6112) 2021</summary>


ROKS Marado has a light displacement of 14,800 tons (19,000 tons full load displacement). It has a length of 200 meters, a beam of 31 meters and a draft of 6.6 meters. The ship has a crew complement of 330 sailors and is capable of carrying 720 marines, 6 MBTs, 7 KAAVs, 2 LCACs, and 7 to 12 helicopters such as the MUH-1s and recently selected MAH helicopters.

It is armed with 4 KVLS cells that launch a total of 16 K-SAAM (surface-to-air missiles) Sea Bow, and 2 Phalanx Block 1Bs close-in weapon systems (CIWS). It also features K-Dagaie NG decoy launching systems with new generation decoys (SEALEM and SEALIR)

Marado features an improved anti-air radar too: It is the fixed EL/M-2248 MF-STAR AESA multifunction surveillance radar produced by Israeli company Elta Systems, which substituted the previous SMART-L multibeam radar by Thales.
In terms of weapon systems, Marado adopted Raytheon’s Phalanx instead of 30mm Goalkeeper fitted aboard Dokdo

In terms of weapon systems, Marado adopted Raytheon’s Phalanx instead of 30mm Goalkeeper fitted aboard Dokdo. It changed the location of the CIWS in the stern, placing it on the upper side. Stark differences come from its localized combat system, such as the LIG Nex1’s SPS-550K 3D air and surface surveillance radar which is also used by Incheon and Daegu-class frigates, not the previous MW-08. Also, Infrared Ray Search and Target (IRST) equipment, SAQ-600K, has been placed to alternate Vampir-MB optronic sight. Defensive guided missiles to intercept anti-ship missiles, Sea Bow (K-SAAM), can be launched from the Korean Vertical Launching System (KVLS) instead of the Rolling Airframe Missiles (RAM).



Thanks! :)

< Message edited by 14yellow14 -- 7/7/2021 11:32:49 PM >

(in reply to BDukes)
Post #: 6952
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/9/2021 4:01:47 AM   


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Am I doing something wrong when I go to and try to download the DB3000 and CWDB I just get nothing. The scenarios download fine for me there.

(in reply to 14yellow14)
Post #: 6953
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/9/2021 5:56:23 AM   


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ORIGINAL: valkyrion

Am I doing something wrong when I go to and try to download the DB3000 and CWDB I just get nothing. The scenarios download fine for me there.

This is not the thread for this, but you maybe you are doing something wrong, all 4 links work (ie popup a save file dialog for the download for me), try right clicking and your browser should have an option for 'save link as'. Maybe your browser or something else is blocking the underlying content for some reason, as the community pack comes from Only thing I noticed as different.

(in reply to valkyrion)
Post #: 6954
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/10/2021 1:27:14 AM   


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Thank you and apologies for not using the correct thread.

(in reply to KnightHawk75)
Post #: 6955
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/10/2021 5:36:06 PM   


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- all serial Su-27 modifications don't have air to air refueling capability. Only Su30+ have
- russian IRST (OLS) is non-imagine. It used somehow like a radar, show target marks only
- - Su-25SM3 SOLT-25 range is 8km

- Polish NAVY
- perry class doesn't have mk13 in DB
- ADD: Gawron-class

(in reply to valkyrion)
Post #: 6956
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/11/2021 3:18:25 AM   


Posts: 31
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Standard displacement:10,000 t

Cargo area:10,000 sqm



I don't think its size is larger than LHD-8 Makin Island and San Antonio LPD

Attachment (1)

(in reply to rickywild)
Post #: 6957
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/11/2021 3:19:47 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Sanyr1310

Standard displacement:10,000 t

Cargo area:10,000 sqm



I don't think its size is larger than LHD-8 Makin Island and San Antonio LPD

Attachment (1)

(in reply to Sanyr1310)
Post #: 6958
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/12/2021 11:04:02 PM   


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<summary>DELETE ACTIVE radar seeker of AGM-158C LRASM</summary>

An anti-jam GPS guidance system, radio frequency sensor (RFS), and an infrared sensor support guidance and targeting.

Currently in C:MO the missile has an active radar and is easily detected by ESM sensors. The LRASM is a primarily passive missile and that is where its effectiveness lies, so it does not currently perform as expected.

Instead of using an active radar system to locate its targets, LRASM uses a passive sensor to sniff out and home in. LRASM doesn’t emit any electromagnetic signals that would allow the enemy to detect it ahead of time. Instead, the missile turns the tables by homing in on enemy shipboard radars.



Thanks to Dragon029! :)

< Message edited by 14yellow14 -- 7/14/2021 11:46:36 AM >

(in reply to Sanyr1310)
Post #: 6959
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 7/13/2021 12:50:50 AM   

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ORIGINAL: 14yellow14
Currently in C:MO the missile's radar is not LPI and is easily detected by ESM sensors. The LRASM is a primarily passive missile and that is where its effectiveness lies, so it does not currently perform as expected.

I'm actually not sure the LRASM has an active radar at all; I know that the Jalopnik article mentions an LPI radar, but given the quality of reporting I could see that being a misinterpretation or misrepresentation of the passive "radar" system the missile has, or the "active and passive survivability measures" attributed to the missile in other articles (an active survivability measure can just mean it flies around radars or performs end-game manoeuvres to avoid CIWS; a passive survivability measure is something like just being stealthy).

I haven't found any other source that indicates that it has a radar either, with others instead stating that it performs terminal guidance purely passively via its ESM and IIR sensors.

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Post #: 6960
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