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Major cities in UPPERCASE

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Major cities in UPPERCASE - 5/23/2021 5:50:16 AM   

Posts: 2932
Joined: 2/3/2005
From: France
Status: offline
Hi, find it hard to distiguish major cities on the map. I even didn't realised I passed Smolensk, or Pskov... This is because in WITE1 these larger/key cities were displayed in UPPERCASE. Not anymorein WITE2. How can I change this ?

Any Idea what I should mod ?

Thank you.
Post #: 1
RE: Major cities in UPPERCASE - 7/12/2021 4:28:37 PM   


Posts: 50
Joined: 7/12/2021
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In the Editor go to the CSV tab. Export the Map Text file. It will appear in the Dat\CSV subfolder, in the folder where you installed the game.

Now open the CSV file in any editing software. You might find that your spreadsheet software is the default to edit CSV, but other text editors will work fine. Search for the city name you want to amend, eg. Moscow and change to MOSCOW. You can change as many cities as you want in one go. Save the CSV file.

Now go back to WITE2 Editor and Import the Map Text file, and it loads up all of the city names with the changes you have made. View the map and confirm the changes are displayed correctly.

(in reply to nukkxx5058)
Post #: 2
RE: Major cities in UPPERCASE - 7/12/2021 8:16:29 PM   


Posts: 50
Joined: 7/12/2021
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Actually, this does not work if you change it in a Scenario. Even though in the Editor the map displays the changes, they are not displayed when you start a new scenario.

Instead use the Editor to Load Generic Data. Then go to the Locations tab, search for the city name and there is an option for the Map Text. Change that to capitals, then Save the Generic Data (again you only need to save Map Text). This will then affect all new games you start.

Alternatively, once you have the generic data loaded export it to CSV _MapText.csv. Edit that and then import the CSV, before saving the Generic Data.

There is a small problem, however. In the Scenario editor CSV there are offsets for the text and these are not affected by changing the name of the city to capitals. However, changing the name in the Generic Data as described appears to cause the game to then ignore the text offsets. Most cities have their names positioned in the default location in the SE of the hex and are not affected. But Leningrad for example has its name offset because of the river and names of other cities around it. This is lost and there is some small overlap of city names. So decide for yourself how important this is for you.

Editting the CSV for a Scenario in the Editor does give you additional access to one useful feature which doesn't appear to be in the Generic Data. The CSV appears like this in a text editor:

1028,Velikie Luki,3,...

The third column is a number which is a map text "Profile" (mtProfile). This tells the game what size/font/colour to display the text. Profile 4 is very small text which does not display on the map at all if you zoomed out. If you edit the CSV to make it:

1028,VELIKIE LUKI,2,...

The Velikie Luki will be bigger text, and in capitals. And there is certainly a good case to be made for making all of the VP and important cities/ports like this. Sevastopol by default is only 4 and can only be seen at the highest zoom level. No wonder I have problems seeing where the cities are following some of the YouTube streamers and even in my own games.

On a more general note. The profile numbers seem to be:

1-4 urban/cities, 1 the largest, 4 the smallest text size
5 airbases
6 capital cities, which are the only cities displayed when fully zoomed out.
7 some urban areas which form parts of major cities
8 country names
9 not used
10 minor river
11 major river
12, 13 mountains
14, 15, 16 lakes, bays, straits, seas
17 rough terrain, forest, moors
18, 19 islands
20 regions
21-24 not used
25 specific mountains

And, finally, there is a file in the Dat folder called GuiFonts.json and this contains definitions of how each of these are to be displayed. So instead of changing a specific city from 4 to 3, you could change all 4 cities to use a bigger font size. Having already changed Pskov to be PSKOV and made it a 2 using the method above, I then change the json file also to display

"FONT_MAP_30" : { "active": "true", "id": "30", "name": "Tahoma", "size": "13", "format": "bold", "file":"", "desc":"Maptext for Small Areas: Towns / Cities / Lakes / Small Islands" },

ie. I changed the font type to Tahoma and made it bold. Now the name of the city (and all other size 2 cities) is MUCH more visible on the map, in my opinion. But you could even make the font size 14pt if you wanted, which would make the size 1 cities and size 2 cities have the same font size. Or even make the size 1 cities use 15pt. And possibly try out some different font types, though I doubt you would do better than Calibri or Tahoma.

Changes to the json should even take effect on games in progress and shouldn't touch the save files. And are unlikely to be affected by any updates issued by the devs. But of course you should take backups of your files before editting them.

< Message edited by potski -- 7/12/2021 8:19:32 PM >

(in reply to potski)
Post #: 3
RE: Major cities in UPPERCASE - 7/17/2021 1:17:15 PM   

Posts: 4456
Joined: 12/1/2007
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Please can you share the edited file as a Mod?


WitE2 tester, WitW, WitP, CMMO, CM2, GTOS, GTMF, WP & WPP, TOAW4, BA2

(in reply to potski)
Post #: 4
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