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RE: slowdonwn after playtime

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RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/21/2021 7:46:18 PM   

Posts: 117
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From: Germany
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will try to disable sounds, and will set my desktop to FullHD and then look it is slow down (if the no-sounds dont fix it) .... report then
for the dpi problem in general > have an older Win10 version - it have only the basic dpi helping options that have Win7 and Win8 - cant update
(was an update from Win7 to Win10 - then sometimes it stoped to update further - only solution would be fresh new install of win10, and all programms , and as i use the PC for work, and none of my other programs actual have problems with the out-of-date Win10 version - i wait if i get a new PC and then install fresh W11 from start, would cost a week to install all - to much work for no benefit actual ..)

So the actual "only" solution, let the OS handle the game dont work for me ... as a side question ... is a real integration of "4k res" in the game even planed ?
So it can startet (like ALL other games, expect 2 or 3 from 15 years before..) without any changes on compatibility settings ??
[or the option to get on his own fullscreen with own resolution - this would not fix the 4k problem - but then it is not bound to the desktop resolution]


(in reply to Dimitris)
Post #: 31
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/21/2021 9:17:22 PM   

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soo - no sucess ....
disable all sounds dont help (and anyway is still sound played on new msg appearing in the log...) - but i "feel" it take longer to slow down .......
Starting on desktop FullHD (1920x1080) dont change anything ... (except it looks as it should)


(in reply to R_TEAM)
Post #: 32
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/21/2021 10:05:26 PM   


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So its not a "4K" issue?


You are like puss filled boil on nice of ass of bikini model. You are nasty to everybody but then try to sweeten things up with a nice post somewhere else. That's nice but you're still a boil on a beautiful thing! - BDukes

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Post #: 33
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/21/2021 10:27:52 PM   

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the slowdone self not - it happens on FullHD desktop too (and with disabled sound - more or less - as i wrote, sound is not "full" off - every msg make an "ping" - not was i expect from disabling all game sounds ....)


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Post #: 34
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/21/2021 10:51:45 PM   


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WHen I shut sound off through options, I'm pretty sure there is no ping on messages. But its been a couple years since I even checked.

I just confirmed that when I shut sound off, its all off for the game. No pings for contacts. So there is definitely something wrong with your setup.

< Message edited by thewood1 -- 8/21/2021 10:58:08 PM >


You are like puss filled boil on nice of ass of bikini model. You are nasty to everybody but then try to sweeten things up with a nice post somewhere else. That's nice but you're still a boil on a beautiful thing! - BDukes

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Post #: 35
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/21/2021 11:03:15 PM   

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mhh .... strange .... will make video ....have self thinked this is strange - switch off sound and still sound ....

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Post #: 36
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/21/2021 11:14:57 PM   


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The only thing my uneducated but experienced thinking can come up with is that your game is trying to write to the CMO config file and its in a location that is read only. But that only explains the sound issue, not the slow down issue. So you seem to have a number of issues that would make me consider a reinstall.

1) Screwed up text and layout
2) Slow down on simple scenarios where no one else is seeing the issue
3) Can't shut sound off

I don't say reinstall lightly. I know its a pain. But unless the devs come in with some magic, its all I can think of. Make sure you have read over the pinned threads at the top of the tech support section. They have been built through the experience of the devs and customers.


You are like puss filled boil on nice of ass of bikini model. You are nasty to everybody but then try to sweeten things up with a nice post somewhere else. That's nice but you're still a boil on a beautiful thing! - BDukes

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Post #: 37
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/21/2021 11:31:30 PM   

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have found the culprit of the "ping" - it is (sadly - this would help) not my fault ...
If you switch to "RAW Text" in the logs you get the "ping"
With "Interactive Msg" it is full silent (as it should)

To the location - i know this potential problem and install none of my games on "C:" - all are on an seperate HD

So from your list :
1) Screwed up text and layout
2) Slow down on simple scenarios where no one else is seeing the issue
3) Can't shut sound off


1) comes from , sorry to say this again, an engine that cant handle res over FullHD self , and relay here on an OS function, only newer Win10 systems have - No Win7 or Win8 have this function - so as KnightHawk75 have said, he is imho on Win7 , the "fix" dont work here as Win7 have this not ... the same is on my Win10 , it have this not .. so if the engine self not support 4k...
2) this is truly a mystery ..... maybe i should thinking over an reinstall .... in hope it helps
3) this i have explained above - its only "ping" in "RAW Text" style


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Post #: 38
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/21/2021 11:37:25 PM   


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Just ran it with message log in raw text format and pings with sound on, silent with off in options. Tried it three times on separate scenarios. Tried it on 1147.27 and .30.

One thing to be careful of is even if you turn sound off, the next message will ping. After that its silent.

< Message edited by thewood1 -- 8/21/2021 11:39:15 PM >


You are like puss filled boil on nice of ass of bikini model. You are nasty to everybody but then try to sweeten things up with a nice post somewhere else. That's nice but you're still a boil on a beautiful thing! - BDukes

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Post #: 39
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/21/2021 11:40:36 PM   


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btw, did you change the DPI settings like was suggested. Again, I'm running on Win10 at 3000x2000 with no issues.


You are like puss filled boil on nice of ass of bikini model. You are nasty to everybody but then try to sweeten things up with a nice post somewhere else. That's nice but you're still a boil on a beautiful thing! - BDukes

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Post #: 40
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 12:21:12 AM   

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have maybe found the problem with slowdown - still testing ... but looks good ...
mhh - the sound thing is a bit strange ..... and one thing i notice - if raw msg is on and you have menu open , just as an msg come, the menu will deselected ....

The thing with the dpi is - on an older win10 (that i have) - i have NOT the req settings ....
The dpi settings was updated in an later version with more options - officaly to support older prgs and open source - more likely, terminal windows and so are still partial from the old type and so to make here usable on modern high-dpi monitors .... if anytime M$ thinks that is not more needed .... all prgs that relay on it will then fail on high-dpi screens "again".
So on Win10 build ~ <1780 around have not the advanced settings (and so no win7 or Win8)

It is nice that you can play it without problems, but... even i would have an actuall Win10 version (i have a couple other PCs with an actual version) - i would still demand an engine that can handle this "self" ... and so play on all supported windows versionen (Win7 / 8 / 10) flawless in 2k/4k .. maybe not so long .. in 8k ...


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Post #: 41
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 12:28:32 AM   


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I have played CMO on this machine for a long time. A Win10 update a couple years ago did change the DPI setting options. But the main change was only moving them into a sub-dialog in the properties dialog. I remember specifically having to adjust to that change. The basic DPI settings have been the same almost since Win10 was launched, as far as I can remember.

I'll double check that because I still have an old laptop that from 2016 that has never been updated because a work application. I'm pretty sure DPI settings were there. If I can get to it, I can tell you how to do it.


You are like puss filled boil on nice of ass of bikini model. You are nasty to everybody but then try to sweeten things up with a nice post somewhere else. That's nice but you're still a boil on a beautiful thing! - BDukes

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Post #: 42
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 12:29:57 AM   


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"mhh - the sound thing is a bit strange ..... and one thing i notice - if raw msg is on and you have menu open , just as an msg come, the menu will deselected ...."

Again, I'll tell you, there is something weird with your setup. I don't have this issue.


You are like puss filled boil on nice of ass of bikini model. You are nasty to everybody but then try to sweeten things up with a nice post somewhere else. That's nice but you're still a boil on a beautiful thing! - BDukes

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Post #: 43
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 12:52:23 AM   

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yes, dpi settings are here - but only one -> "deactivate DPI scaling on High-DPI screens" (musst translate from german - so not the exact text..)
This only help if you have an prg that is "halfway" adaptet to high-dpi and windows-os make look it more worse - then you can disable any windows-os change on this ...
But this dont help on Command - the "4kfix" additional prg in the command directory if startet before the main prg and adjust the compatibility settings from the main exe "on the fly" to the correct values - but this only works if the OS support this settings ...


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Post #: 44
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 12:57:26 AM   


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Unfortunately, my old surface pro won't help test this. Its not 4k and only has CMNAO loaded. It is on 1607, the anniversary edition of Win 10. I really don't feel like hooking it up to an external and loading CMO.


You are like puss filled boil on nice of ass of bikini model. You are nasty to everybody but then try to sweeten things up with a nice post somewhere else. That's nice but you're still a boil on a beautiful thing! - BDukes

(in reply to R_TEAM)
Post #: 45
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 1:34:05 AM   

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have found the problem ... for the slowdown .....
simply my mistake ......................
have after seen the UI problems on screen tested several compatibility settings - and have left it on "Compatibility = Windows 7"
thats have caused the slowdown ... after remove this - it is no significant slowdown anymore .....
Soo - at last i "can" play the game ... even if have (for the moment) to live with the UI problems ....
For the strange "sound" things .... have maked an Video to show this >
The menu problem was never happen - -?- - dont know was it was, but it is gone.
Sorry for the trouble - as i have left an unwanted compatibility settings ... [but still demand engine upgrade to self support High-DPi resolutions]

and to clarify the problem with the settings for thewood1 :
All with an v17xx or newer Win10 version have "This" options
On Win7, Win8 and Win10 older than v17xx - it is only this
and this dont help here.


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Post #: 46
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 1:44:55 AM   


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So the only real issue is the DPI on an old version of Windows 10 you were using? All the disparaging comments through the first 4-5 posts and this is where we end up?


You are like puss filled boil on nice of ass of bikini model. You are nasty to everybody but then try to sweeten things up with a nice post somewhere else. That's nice but you're still a boil on a beautiful thing! - BDukes

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Post #: 47
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 1:56:19 AM   


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Its clear that its likely that English is not their first language, stand down.

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Post #: 48
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 1:59:32 AM   


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This has nothing to do with english as a first language. Go take a look at those first few posts. Nothing to do with language.


You are like puss filled boil on nice of ass of bikini model. You are nasty to everybody but then try to sweeten things up with a nice post somewhere else. That's nice but you're still a boil on a beautiful thing! - BDukes

(in reply to p1t1o)
Post #: 49
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 2:07:16 AM   

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It is "not" only an old version of Win10 .....................
ALL people with Win7 and Win8 have exact the same problem - and the game IS sold for this OS versions ...
IF the game was only sold to Win10 with at last req version 18xx THEN its would be my problem ... AND only THEN

So to say it clear > the game is sold to people that cant full play it, as her fault is not the right windows version (and revision) AND an Monitor that have an higher resolution as FullHD ....
And this is an "actual" game engine - in 2021

but i doubt you understand this, as i see from your posts ... here we are commpletly different in thinking - i like the true ... not the shiny


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Post #: 50
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 2:20:26 AM   


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But thats not even the issue you initially complained about. It was the stuttering and slow down. And that turned out to be on you. And I bet the sound issue that "suddenly" disappeared was also.

The point here is that instead of coming in and immediately ranting and setting everything on edge, how about asking a reasonable question and ask for help. If the 4K thing was so incredibly important to your purchasing decision, to the point of wanting a refund, why was the title of this thread about the slowdown? You didn't even ask for help. You immediately claimed the game was broken and mentioned you wanted a refund.

You'll note how once you got the first page of rants out of your system, you and I had a fairly decent discourse about the issues. Wouldn't it have been better to start that way instead of making the few people who tried to help not want to any more? You can talk and rant however you want, its the internet after all. But you'll find people much more willing to help if ask reasonable questions and at least make a simple effort to format the ask to be easily understandable. And I don't mean language. I mean just not a stream of conscious where its really hard to figure out what the real issue is you are most concerned with.


You are like puss filled boil on nice of ass of bikini model. You are nasty to everybody but then try to sweeten things up with a nice post somewhere else. That's nice but you're still a boil on a beautiful thing! - BDukes

(in reply to R_TEAM)
Post #: 51
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 2:52:37 AM   

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If you dont trust me that the slowdon was for me an real bug - as i have not more thinked over the compatibility settings (and it is not common, setting an game THAT is sold for Win7, in compatibility to Win7 , that "this" make an problem ..) then we dont have anything to discuss further ... simply.
The sound issue can you see (or hear) on the video - this is not an big issue , but strange ... maybe an bug the devs not aware off ...
The same is basicaly getting for the slowdown ... as i wrote - an game THAT is designed for Win7 , should not have problems on Win10 and compatibility settings to Win7 ....

The problem with the non working UI scaling (without help from the OS) is an thing i have writen in the initial post that this is nothing i like to discuss - as i have seen this going nowear, as i have still no answer if an adaption from the engine even planed - i think this is way off from the priority list - it is not easy and cost time , and so money ... and the most user are happy to play an nice Harpoon sucessor anyway - she overlook non lethal problems - like in all small game genre groups ....


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Post #: 52
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 3:08:10 AM   


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Regardless, I'm hoping the next time you have an issue, you just ask a basic question before getting wound up.


You are like puss filled boil on nice of ass of bikini model. You are nasty to everybody but then try to sweeten things up with a nice post somewhere else. That's nice but you're still a boil on a beautiful thing! - BDukes

(in reply to R_TEAM)
Post #: 53
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 5:17:24 AM   


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I find it strange that compatibility setting being wrong whatever it was, didn't cause the problem from the start, but only showed up ~10 minutes in. weird. Yes the win7\srv2k8r2 with res > 1080 and scaling >100 is a thing, I'm not moaning about it, i chose to live with it, but just saying it's a real condition for some some of us.

So if I understand this right the excessive slowness now gone.

In any case if it makes any one feel better in the course of testing the scene R_TEAM was playing when the slowdown happened, I happened across a different bug that's probably impacting more than a couple CWDBv478 scenes (though not actually the one he was playing - unmodified anyway).

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Post #: 54
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 10:45:46 AM   


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I have tried the Windows compatibility setting and the Dang Hoi scenario and a couple others. Let one run 1:1 over the last six hours. No slow down. Even tried Win8. No impact there is something very weird going on with this one.


You are like puss filled boil on nice of ass of bikini model. You are nasty to everybody but then try to sweeten things up with a nice post somewhere else. That's nice but you're still a boil on a beautiful thing! - BDukes

(in reply to KnightHawk75)
Post #: 55
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 6:43:07 PM   

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To replicate this "exactly" you would need an old Win10 version - as many things have maybe changed (and fixed) over time in windows self (and the compatibility section has significant changed - as you at last see on different scaling options) - it can be many things - potential an bug in COM that is overlooked, as is happen only in spz conditions .. i dont know realy ..

Yes - i have played 2h at last with no significant slow downs - so from the performance side i satisfied....

..and yes - "if" it would easy - i would update to the current Win10 version - but this is to much work on an system i absolutly need every day for only 3 unimportant programms [Command and campaign series need actual the new scaling options and Minecraft, the M$ version, dont run on an not up-to-date windows , so the few times i play minecraft, i play it on my second PC]


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Post #: 56
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/22/2021 11:40:36 PM   


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Because I fired up the surface pro again, I updated CMO on it and ran it. It runs OK, but not at 4K. I set to Win7 and Win8 compatibility. Ran Dang Hoi for a couple hours unattended. Came back and no slow down either time. The Win10 build is 1607 initially upgraded to Win10 from 8.1. I have nothing older than that.

At least now I have a CMO updated Surface Pro again.


You are like puss filled boil on nice of ass of bikini model. You are nasty to everybody but then try to sweeten things up with a nice post somewhere else. That's nice but you're still a boil on a beautiful thing! - BDukes

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Post #: 57
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/23/2021 12:03:40 PM   

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i can not more say as i have already - if an debug version exist i have no problem to start this up and give more feedback .... (it is no problem for the test switch the exe to Win7 comp)
have last day played another scenario (as in the recorded, i have sunk the soviet ship ...... mhhh mhhh ....) and have no problems actual ....
can be on my special system i have (xeon cpu - Proffesional gpu and as so drivers - couple other rare software (tablet driver for Wacom Cintiq running as example) )

have too an SurfacePro v5 - but only the lowest version (as he is without fans) - and he can barely run EU4 ... dont think it will run CMO ...


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Post #: 58
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/23/2021 12:25:52 PM   


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A Surface Pro 5 should have no issues running CMO. It won't be able to run large scenarios very well. My Surface Pro 3 with an i5 has no issues.


You are like puss filled boil on nice of ass of bikini model. You are nasty to everybody but then try to sweeten things up with a nice post somewhere else. That's nice but you're still a boil on a beautiful thing! - BDukes

(in reply to R_TEAM)
Post #: 59
RE: slowdonwn after playtime - 8/23/2021 9:37:44 PM   

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the low Surfacepro v5 have only 4GB RAM at all - for both cpu AND gpu .... this is more the problem as the cpu or gpu power ...even this are much lower as anything from an Surfacepro "with" fan - the cpu with integrated gpu is only an m3-7Y30 with 2 cores [4 threads] and integrated UHD gpu 615 - for the use scenario on my home, as android tablet replacement it is more than enough - but it is no real notebook replacement - but it weighs very little and is absolutly silent - this was important

< Message edited by R_TEAM -- 8/23/2021 9:39:36 PM >

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