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Error on loading screen

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Error on loading screen - 12/16/2021 2:50:41 PM   


Posts: 6
Joined: 12/15/2021
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I get a "Floating point division by zero" error and it doesn't go further after I click ok. I've tried updating to the 1.24 beta version but I get the same result. I've updated my graphics software and I'm using the latest version of win 10 home 64-bit. I've just purchased and downloaded the game today. I've also uninstalled and reinstalled along with the usual trick of switching the laptop off and on again a few times through this process :)

Hopefully this error has been seen before and there is a resolution. I couldn't find anything when looking through the other messages.

My xps 15 laptop has 16GB ram and 4GB nvidia gtx 1050. i7-7700. DirectX 12.


Post #: 1
RE: Error on loading screen - 12/16/2021 4:15:53 PM   


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From: Maryland
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Actually, I have not seen this error reported. So maybe some more information will help.

Are you running the game as admin?
Are you running the game under WinXP SP2 compatibility mode?
Exactly when in the startup process are you seeing the error?


Empires in Arms Development Team

(in reply to thomas777)
Post #: 2
RE: Error on loading screen - 12/16/2021 4:46:05 PM   


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I'm running the game as admin and under winxp sp2 compatibility mode. The error happens during the loading screen phase while the matrix intro movie is playing. The movie then finishes and the first screen of the game pops up. The little error box with "Floating point division by zero." remains while the music plays in the background. When I click ok or the cross on the error box, the music stops and there is a cascade of error boxes going into the bottom right of the screen that says "Division by zero."

Hope this helps.

(in reply to pzgndr)
Post #: 3
RE: Error on loading screen - 12/16/2021 4:55:55 PM   


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FWIW, I run 64-bit Win10 and I'm not having this problem, and AFAIK nobody else is either. One suggestion would be to remove/rename the \Graphics\videos\matrixgameslogo.avi file to skip over that, or at least confirm/deny if that's the source. Plan B would be to completely uninstall the game, reboot, and try another clean install.

Try that with the v1.23.08 install first. Then try the v1.24.00 Beta with the high-resolution changes. Are you using a high-resolution monitor that might be the issue with the Beta? What resolution? If that's the issue, then I'll have to reconsider the changes I've made.


Empires in Arms Development Team

(in reply to thomas777)
Post #: 4
RE: Error on loading screen - 12/16/2021 6:11:49 PM   


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I can confirm the video wasn't the source. An error did come up related to not being able to find it but after a short delay the other error appeared again. Plan A and Plan B have failed - I did uninstall, reboot and did a clean install again. I have a 1080p resolution on my laptop. 1920x1080.

Perhaps I can backwards test it? Maybe I should try using an earlier version of the matrix game and if it works use an updater?

(in reply to pzgndr)
Post #: 5
RE: Error on loading screen - 12/16/2021 7:07:17 PM   


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From: Maryland
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OK, the video is not the issue. Was the problem in v1.23.08, or just v1.24.00, or both?

You've got the same O/S and screen resolution I'm using, so I'm at a loss for what to recommend next. Sorry. Other than bump this up to Matrix Games tech support at the Help Desk above? They may be able to identify what's going on. Good luck.


Empires in Arms Development Team

(in reply to thomas777)
Post #: 6
RE: Error on loading screen - 12/16/2021 7:30:43 PM   


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Thanks for the help anyway. I'll send an email. The problem was with both so I'll also check an older version as well. There's likely something that's causing a conflict that makes my situation unique. Probably software related. But I'll also test it on a friends pc although even if that works it won't help me but it will let me knew that the download is fine :)

(in reply to pzgndr)
Post #: 7
RE: Error on loading screen - 12/18/2021 1:18:11 AM   


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From: Maryland
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I think I inadvertently recreated the issue. Under Advanced Scaling Settings for your display, entering a custom scaling size between 100%-500% (not recommended) gave me the error. Maybe check your display settings and disable custom scaling?


Empires in Arms Development Team

(in reply to thomas777)
Post #: 8
RE: Error on loading screen - 12/18/2021 7:25:15 AM   


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The custom scaling option is greyed out. Scale and layout is set to 100% under the display settings and under advanced scaling settings Fix scaling for apps is in the off position. Tech support has sent me a "SystemDPI_96.reg" registry file but that also hasn't worked. But the fact you can recreate it means we're on the right path. Something to do with scaling but I've got no clue where to adjust additional info. Tech support also suggested under Compatibility settings/Change high DPI settings to enable the High DPI scaling override to Application then System then system enhanced. Still no luck.

(in reply to pzgndr)
Post #: 9
RE: Error on loading screen - 12/21/2021 11:29:57 PM   


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For me, if I select Properties->Compatibility->Change high DPI settings, I do not have Program DPI or High DPI scaling override boxes checked. I don't think it's a game Properties issue.

If I right-click my Windows screen and select Display settings, that's where I can adjust Scale and layout and select Advanced scaling settings. Everything is set to default 100%, but I do have selected the "Let Windows try to fix apps so they're not blurry" setting to On. If you have something set differently, then here's where you can try a change.

If it's not a Windows setting issue, then perhaps your nvidia settings may be the problem or your nvidia card needs a software update. If you do resolve this, please share what you did so maybe someone else can benefit from your experience.


Empires in Arms Development Team

(in reply to thomas777)
Post #: 10
RE: Error on loading screen - 1/7/2022 1:49:24 PM   


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So I went pretty deep into this issue. Including manually editing several dpi related settings in the registry which I do not recommend anyone else do without experience. System and user dpi setting is always different after a restart and some registry entries that were changed to 96 dpi gets reverted to 120 dpi. I did find somewhere that a 1080p screen is sometimes set to a default of 125% in the system (which corresponds to the 120 dpi). The tech department at Slitherine said below:
"The issue is that you need to reboot Windows in order your System DPI is set to 96.
Unfortunately the old value is restored when you reboot Windows.
I don't know why some of these computer brands, like Dell, pre-configure Windows in this way."

What I then did was set my resolution to 1360x768 which, after a restart, allowed my system and user dpi setting to remain the same at 96 dpi. Unfortunately the game showed the same error.

I have a Dell XPS 9560 - the last version of the xps range that can not upgrade to windows 11 so that is also not a possible solution. At this point I believe its not possible to play this game on my current laptop but if anybody else has a dell xps 9560 and is able to play, please let me know.


(in reply to pzgndr)
Post #: 11
RE: Error on loading screen - 1/7/2022 7:38:12 PM   


Posts: 3170
Joined: 3/18/2004
From: Maryland
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ORIGINAL: thomas777
I have a Dell XPS 9560

I've got a widescreen Dell Inspiron 3552 laptop that runs EIA fine. I assume you've run Dell updates for drivers and downloads. Have you tried contacting Dell for tech support? Maybe there is some other configuration setting you can try adjusting, or some way you could pre-configure a specific application like EIA. Seems odd that you're having a problem with a Dell system, but there is much that is odd these days. Sorry! Thanks for the update.


Empires in Arms Development Team

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Post #: 12
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