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Iraq and hex 186, 10

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Iraq and hex 186, 10 - 12/22/2021 5:23:16 PM   
Ancient One


Posts: 178
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From: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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In the game notes it says "+50 if Axis control hex 186, 10", however in practice taking that hex doesn't actually do anything. I was expecting the % status of Iraq in the war panel to have changed, what am I missing?
Post #: 1
RE: Iraq and hex 186, 10 - 12/22/2021 5:56:16 PM   


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I believe it goes from 25% Allies to 25% Axis IIRC.

(in reply to Ancient One)
Post #: 2
RE: Iraq and hex 186, 10 - 12/22/2021 6:57:31 PM   
Ancient One


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I know it's supposed to, but it doesn't actually, and so the UK still gets the oil from neutral Iraq.

(in reply to Nirosi)
Post #: 3
RE: Iraq and hex 186, 10 - 12/22/2021 8:03:03 PM   


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Hum... then I don't know. My post was actually because the first time it happened, I thought it did not chance too because the number stayed the same (did not noticed the change in wording), but then I eventually noticed it did change.

However if it still says 25% "Allies", then probably a bug?

PS : did you check same turn or next one? Might apply only at end of turn?

(in reply to Ancient One)
Post #: 4
RE: Iraq and hex 186, 10 - 12/24/2021 3:56:59 AM   
Ancient One


Posts: 178
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From: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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I checked the same turn up to multiple turns later. It just doesn't happen.

(in reply to Nirosi)
Post #: 5
RE: Iraq and hex 186, 10 - 12/24/2021 3:06:55 PM   

Posts: 9927
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The Iraq script isn't flipping Iraq to Axis and cutting the oil to UK?


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(in reply to Ancient One)
Post #: 6
RE: Iraq and hex 186, 10 - 12/24/2021 8:28:45 PM   
Ancient One


Posts: 178
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From: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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ORIGINAL: AlvaroSousa

The Iraq script isn't flipping Iraq to Axis and cutting the oil to UK?


< Message edited by Ancient One -- 12/24/2021 8:29:22 PM >

(in reply to AlvaroSousa)
Post #: 7
RE: Iraq and hex 186, 10 - 1/28/2022 2:55:42 PM   

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I just tested it out. It is working. You need Cairo.

Control of El Alamein means Iraq +50 Axis which cuts the transport of oil.

Attachment (1)


Creator Kraken Studios
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(in reply to Ancient One)
Post #: 8
RE: Iraq and hex 186, 10 - 1/29/2022 3:35:58 PM   
Ancient One


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From: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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ORIGINAL: AlvaroSousa

I just tested it out. It is working. You need Cairo.

Iraq joining the Axis after the fall of Cairo wasn't what I was talking about. Thus that screenshot is irrelevant.


ORIGINAL: AlvaroSousa

Control of El Alamein means Iraq +50 Axis which cuts the transport of oil.

No it doesn't. Why didn't you test this part?

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 1/29/2022 3:39:10 PM >

(in reply to AlvaroSousa)
Post #: 9
RE: Iraq and hex 186, 10 - 1/29/2022 5:01:56 PM   

Posts: 1508
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I just checked the code...

The event triggers are 4/1/41 and later.

Suspect that is your issue.

(in reply to Ancient One)
Post #: 10
RE: Iraq and hex 186, 10 - 1/29/2022 5:37:44 PM   

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Yea they have to be irritated first to do it. Tired of the UK's crap.


Creator Kraken Studios
- WarPlan
- WarPlan Pacific

Designer Strategic Command
- Brute Force (mod) SC2
- Assault on Communism SC2
- Assault on Democracy SC2
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(in reply to stjeand)
Post #: 11
RE: Iraq and hex 186, 10 - 2/14/2022 6:43:01 PM   
Ancient One


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ORIGINAL: stjeand

I just checked the code...

The event triggers are 4/1/41 and later.

Suspect that is your issue.

Yes I think so, but this wasn't clear from the notes.

(in reply to stjeand)
Post #: 12
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