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RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...)

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RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/8/2022 3:57:22 PM   

Posts: 7380
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From: Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
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Good question: land and air experience please


Chancellor Gorkon to Captain James T. Kirk:
You don't trust me, do you? I don't blame you. If there is to be a brave new world, our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it.

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Post #: 271
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/8/2022 4:22:26 PM   


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I have to say that if you look at a historical map of where the allies were in the real war and where you are that, from that point of view, things look good. And, you're already strat bombing Germany which the US did not really get started until summer/fall 1943. It also must help the Russians some that, from what I can see, at least three German armor corps are tied down fighting in Norway/North Africa.

What you say is true. But of course, the Allies were in A LOT better shape in Africa.

I think it bears mentioning also that Nirosi launched his Barbarossa a year after the historical one. By 1943 Germany had lost several million men, entire armies, thousands upon thousands of AFVs and aircraft, a few field marshals. Nirosi has lost...nothing.

Additionally, in 1943, Germany retained a qualitative advantage over Russia, but it was diminishing, and it was easily made up for by numerical Russian superiority. In the spring of 43, you will see Nirosi start his offensive with his armor groups at 35+ attack value, but even though I have maxed research, I will be able to counter with armor of 10-11 strength.

Those differences-Nirosi's lack of losses and the absolutely massive difference in combat power, almost certainly doom Russia in the coming year. I will do all I can to stop it. It won't, I don't believe, be nearly enough.

But I'd like to be wrong!

(in reply to John B.)
Post #: 272
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/8/2022 4:24:19 PM   


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Kirk/redrum-I think Russian units are popping out around 38% right now.

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Post #: 273
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/8/2022 7:16:33 PM   

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38% and probably less in your units. The second year is always hard. Hope you have some infantry armies in reserve.


Chancellor Gorkon to Captain James T. Kirk:
You don't trust me, do you? I don't blame you. If there is to be a brave new world, our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it.

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Post #: 274
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/9/2022 10:51:35 AM   


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January 29, 1943

Norway-Degradation of troops due to weather continues. This front is worrisome. That said, it is occupying 5 German formations, and that may not be a bad thing if it continues into the spring.

Two convoy attacks sink 5 MM and 2 escorts. Even the light turns, now, see us taking significant casualties.

England/Germany-Only one heavy bomber squadron attacks Germany, striking deep to hit an undefended refinery. The rest continue to try to recover effectiveness, though the weather is a hindrance.

Africa-Heavy activity here. The Germans 'take the bait' and strike at the US forces that moved to their south. Combined efforts by III Panzer, LXVIII Infantry and air supremacy(my fighters keep losing tons of effectiveness no matter what I do, and now will not intercept enemy bombers) result in 1st US Armor being thrashed, but German formations also take losses. This allows us to launch counter attacks with our new armor corps(3rd Armor), supported by the elite US VI Infantry. They fight through enemy air strikes to push back the German LXVIII Corps. This allows us to flank III Panzer, and attacks go in initially with 3rd Armor, 2nd Armor, and the Aus/NZ Infantry. Three assaults yield heavy casualties on both sides. Eventually, the refurbished WDF is moved in, and III Panzer is pushed back after heavy losses on both sides.

Overall, it's probably a draw. But strategically, anywhere the Allies can bleed Germany effectively, they must do it. With the failure of Brawler, it is becoming a game of strictly attrition.

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< Message edited by boldairade -- 1/9/2022 10:52:26 AM >

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Post #: 275
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/9/2022 11:08:43 AM   


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January 29, 1943

East Front

North/Center-No activity of note on these fronts. Heavy snow.

South(Zhukov/Rokossovsky) Brawler grinds on, with just enough success to prevent cancelling it, but not nearly enough to justify it. The battered Italian XV corps is again driven back, this time easily, though the territory gained, westward, isn't terribly useful. It does allow us to gain a three hex frontage vs a German mech formation, but its unlikely any attack vs the Germans, even with three strong winterized formations, will result in anything except massive Russian casualties.

North of Kiev, the Russian forces launch an attack vs a fresh entrenched Hungarian formation. This attack utilizes four of the very best formations in the Russian armed forces-15th Tank, 5th Tank, 1st Guards Army, and 3rd Siberian Army. With a four hex frontage, winter specialization, heavy supply truck usage, and going against a second rate Axis formation, one would think Russia might finally be able to score a strong victory.

Of course, that is not what happens. We do eventually push back the unit, but it requires multiple ground strikes, and occurs only after 4 all out assaults and pyric casualties. Again, even in this type of battle, Axis step losses are minimal. I am not sure how the mechanic of winterization is supposed to work. I know it was supposedly vastly improved in the last patch. I cannot completely discount it, as Broler is operating in bad terrain. However, it is NOT hard for me to see why no players ever select this specialty.

These minor 'victories' likely mark the high water mark of Broler. Ultimately, the hope was to take Kiev, but with only a 2 hex frontage vs an entrenched foe, that is likely a pipe dream. The ONLY success we can count is, ultimately, the Germans do deploy two mech formations, burning a bit of fuel and pulling them out of their winter lager. It is a very, very minor success.

Recognizing the end of Broler being near, Stavka pulls all non winterized armor out to eastern rail heads, to be redeployed as reserves for the coming Axis spring offensive.

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< Message edited by boldairade -- 1/9/2022 2:35:18 PM >

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Post #: 276
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/9/2022 11:14:44 AM   


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Hungarian units were tested during Broler, and were more than up to the task. Here, a Hungarian fire team shreds advancing Russian infantry.

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Post #: 277
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/9/2022 11:17:09 AM   


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Hungarian forces were equipped with 3rd line tanks, the Czeck built Pz 38 Toldi. Russian planners had hoped its 37 cm gun would not be enough vs the heavy Armor of KVs and the sloped armor of the T34. Ultimately, however, it was enough to do the job.

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< Message edited by boldairade -- 1/9/2022 11:18:11 AM >

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Post #: 278
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/9/2022 11:34:27 AM   


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January 29, 1943

Rhodes/E Med-The Italian Navy, sensing that the defenders of Rhodes are weakening, makes an all out effort to resupply. They move next to our worn down BB ships, and also move subs near Crete. Initially, I don't understand what the subs are doing, but I soon learn.

I send the BBs back to port, they are too worn down to risk. Also, I have enough other ships to maintain superiority-it is why we are so weak elsewhere-we have concentrated everything here, and have painstakingly made sure there were always ships in harbor with high readiness. We now move those ships next to the Italian fleet.

This is exactly what Nirosi wanted. My ships are coming from three separate ports, and so his subs take three separate pot shots at my fleet, and score multiple hits on capital ships. Again, my lack of naval knowledge is exposed. Still, I have to believe my fleet, which sports multiple fully upgraded carriers, is superior. We also have three bomber squadrons on station here. If the weather clears, I like our chances of finally winning a naval engagement. We have done absolutely everything possible to give ourselves the advantage.

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Post #: 279
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/9/2022 12:23:32 PM   


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M3 Stuarts in the desert-No match for the Panzers.

My decision to develop breakthrough tanks for the US because it was historically accurate has signed the death warrant of many an American tanker. In any 1 on 1 confrontation, US armor is devastated by its German counterpart.

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< Message edited by boldairade -- 1/9/2022 12:30:20 PM >

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Post #: 280
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/9/2022 12:24:14 PM   


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The Shermans of 1st Armor Corps faired little better...

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Post #: 281
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/9/2022 12:25:41 PM   


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German forces are not invulnerable, however. When we can achieve 3 or 4 to one numerical superiority, we can give as good as we get. This Tiger burns in the desert.

If not for Axis air supremacy, I genuinely believe we could have done serious damage last turn. However, both Allied fighter formations refuse to sortie, likely due to the mysterious non stop reduction of their effectiveness, despite sitting in 8 and 9 supply hexes. In frustration, the US fighters have been sent back to Egypt, where at least we will not have to detail ground troops to protect them.

This mirrors the constant refusal of ground based air to support Allied fleets. Are Allied fighter pilots afraid to engage?

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< Message edited by boldairade -- 1/9/2022 12:29:31 PM >

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Post #: 282
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/10/2022 12:15:09 PM   


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February 12, 1941

BOA 2 attacks, one near Africa, the other in the Arctic Convoy, sink 10 MM and 2 escorts while taking 3 hits. On some level, I think I believed over time, if I poured money and research into escorts and MM, eventually this conflict would get better. That is not the case. It is getting worse. Costs are rising, as are losses. Perhaps I needed more shipyards. I consider building some, but it is a 400 day wait period. I don't have the critical mass of escorts needed(though I am close) and even though they are constantly being built, losses roughly keep pace with production. All of the shipyards are constantly filled with MM and escorts to the point where any other production-ships of the line, landing craft etc, cannot be produced. The cost of this conflict has also precluded the production of further ground formations. In short, the BOA is nothing short of a disaster. Perhaps a large scale redeployment of DD and CV could help, but to this point they seem only marginally effective, and Nirosi seems very adept at avoiding them. In short, I cannot find an answer here. And that doesn't even take into account the German surface fleet, which remains untouched despite ruinous efforts to engage.

Norway-An interesting development here: In addition to the 5 units near Oslo, a new unit is shipped into Trondheim(you can see its trail). Recons says it is a small unit, but it must be a higher quality one, why else change it out? Ironic, since the unit threatening Trondheim is worn down to nothing, but there is no way Nirosi could know that. It would seem Nirosi is going to fight it out in Norway. That means at least one armor unit, some strong infantry, and tac bombers and other air formations will be occupied here in the spring. If that is true, along with the very heavy deployment of German forces in Tripoli, it makes one wonder how heavy the German spring offensive in the East will be. Perhaps it will be limited in scope? Germany will be militarily superior in every theater, but without extra formations, they might find themselves unable to land the knockout blow they are capable of. On a grand scale, it is something to consider. For now, England will assume a safe stance(to avoid getting encircled or destroyed) while still trying to keep enough pressure on Germany to require formations to remain in Norway.

England-Heavy weather keeps US bombers on the ground. Overall not terrible, as the bombers remain worn down. Next turn another strategic bomber will be produced and added to the vast armada of US aircraft.

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< Message edited by boldairade -- 1/10/2022 1:06:39 PM >

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Post #: 283
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/10/2022 12:24:08 PM   


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February 12, 1943

Africa-Axis forces finally pull back to the strong defensive terrain east of Tripoli. As they withdraw, the Italians continue their uncontested bombing of Allied units. The UK fighter in Misurata is on full support, never moves, gets supply trucks every turn, and never engages, yet I cannot get its effectiveness high enough to participate. Still, we move up to keep the pressure on the enemy. Allied units here are all constantly prioritized for reinforcement. Even if Tripoli cannot be taken(and I fail to see how it could be), as noted in Norway, we want to tie down as many Axis forces as possible. A new German unit arrives this turn, likely an HQ. Also of note, a new Italian armor formation has arrived.

Rhodes-Nirosi smells the trap here and withdraws the Regia Marina. He takes a parting shot with his subs though, and scores two step hits vs a CA while suffering two hits of his own. That's a win for him.

The defenders of Rhodes haven't gotten any supply in a long time, and we have been attacking them regularly. We go for the throat this turn, bombing them hard and using the massive fleet assembled to fight the Italian navy instead to support the ground attack. Three attacks at decent odds do...nothing. I must admit, Rhodes is an incredibly irritating situation that never needed to occur, and it is holding up major ops that we would like to begin. There is nothing but to try again next turn, at heavy cost.

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< Message edited by boldairade -- 1/10/2022 1:07:24 PM >

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Post #: 284
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/10/2022 12:53:15 PM   


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February 12, 1943

East Front

North(Konev/Garasimenko)-Still very little happening here. Stavka is making efforts to pull rifle corps out of the line whenever they can be combined and upgraded to armies. We still have no plan on how to defend Leningrad. There are very few German formations behind the line here, though they could obviously be railed in at a moments notice.

Center(Vatutin)-The line west of Kalnin has been built to the point where it would take an effort for the Germans to displace it. Around Smolensk, however, our formations remain largely sub par, with no significant reserve. This needs to be addressed in the next 2-3 turns.

South(Zhukov/Rokossovsky)-The Axis launch a few air strikes here without significant success. Could it be that they actually are worried about Broler? Weather here remains snowy(though just to the south, it is turning to rain)-advantageous for the Russian winterized formations. Much of the Pripyet remains marsh(very hard to attack) but the ground around the western German mech unit is frozen. Stavka seriously considers withrawl considering that winter is already seemingly relenting here. But this frozen ground-along with a latent frustration, causes us to attempt an attack vs 5th Panzergrenadier Corps. 2nd Tank, 6th Guards Tank, and 15th Tank, with heavy prep and support by the Red Air Force, go over to the attack. Two massive assaults see heavy casualties on both sides. Stavka then switches out two tank corps for two new ones(who also have the winterization upgrade), but even the fresh 3 Guards Tank and 25th Tank cannot displace the grenadiers.

Frustrated by the lack of success, but emboldened by the casualties inflicted, Stavka authorizes air strikes vs Kiev, and then sends the excellent 3rd Siberian Army, supported by 5th Tank(winterized) against the Hungarian II Corps that defends the city. These formations launch 3 attacks, then are rotated out and replaced by 5th Guards Tank(winterized) and 1st Guards Army, who attack again. Despite huge efforts, the Hungarians hold the city.

Broler teeters on the knife's edge. No significant enemy forces have been destroyed, but our winterization, bad weather, and constant rotating of formations, along with desperate efforts to constantly replace losses and reckless use of supply trucks leave us in a situation where next turn, unless Nirosi makes significant moves, we could possibly break through.

However, if it isn't winter weather, we will not be able to do anything, and will also find ourselves horribly exposed to a counter stroke, particularly in the north, where only weak cav units guard the northern flank of Broler. They were deployed for their mobility(and expendability), but this is one of the few areas where the Germans seem to have available formations(near Mogilev) and so a counter stroke could be immediate.

I genuinely do not know what to do here. I know we are exposed, and a strong German counter might encircle many of my best units. That said, withdrawal thorough the Pirpyet would be excruciatingly slow. If we could just take Kiev, perhaps we could make a faster withdrawal over better terrain.

Since the attack forces are exhausted, a decision doesn't REALLY have to be made this turn. As a safeguard, the two non winterized Russian tanks Corps, 7th Tank and 1st Guards Tank, do not rail out, and instead remain as Broler's defensive reserve. To compliment them, fully upgraded 4th Mech Corps is railed into the base of the salient. Russian mech corps are finally receiving upgrades that make them useful if fully upgraded. What a shame so many were destroyed earlier in the conflict.

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< Message edited by boldairade -- 1/10/2022 1:08:03 PM >

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Post #: 285
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/10/2022 1:32:04 PM   


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Much like the Atlantic Wall, Nirosi is legitimately investing forces to preemptively prepare for a large scale Allied landing. Italy is not undefended.

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Post #: 286
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/10/2022 1:39:25 PM   


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Axis units are stacked up near Dnepropetrovsk, including elite LXXVI Panzer. Will this be Germany's spring offensive? A launch into the Caucaus? Or an attack north to destabilize the center? Will this be the main effort, or will the Germans attack elsewhere?

Many cigarettes and much vodka has been consumed while pondering these questions.

Stavka has moved mech formations to counter this threat, but can they even slow that type of formation?

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< Message edited by boldairade -- 1/10/2022 1:48:53 PM >

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Post #: 287
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/10/2022 1:43:36 PM   


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Hungarian forces were again tested, this time in Kiev proper. The Red Army threw everything they could at them-but they passed the test.

Also...long live Poland!

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< Message edited by boldairade -- 1/10/2022 1:44:03 PM >

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Post #: 288
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/10/2022 1:47:58 PM   


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Light tanks of the German Panzer grenadiers are fighting General Winter as well as the forces involved in Broler. They are wearing thin, but time is running short.

What will relent first? The weather? Or the battered German formations?

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Post #: 289
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/10/2022 1:54:18 PM   


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A T34 burns in the snow, but three more advance to take its place.

Broler lacks mobility, vision, or any strategic ingenuity. It has become an exercise in blunt trauma.

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Post #: 290
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/10/2022 1:59:28 PM   


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It's kind of amazing that even with this number of formations, WP can generate a feeling as the Russian that you don't have nearly enough forces-probably because we don't.

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Post #: 291
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/10/2022 2:13:39 PM   


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Yeah, the problem is your land experience. I think until you are up around 45%+, your units are mostly just speed bumps. With that many units, you probably should be attacking anywhere you can get 2 to 1 odds and probably even consider some 1 to 1 odds attacks just to try to raise the land experience while its still bad weather.

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Post #: 292
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/10/2022 5:12:09 PM   

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This is not only experience. Even with more experience, a breakthrough in your lines and you are dead.


Chancellor Gorkon to Captain James T. Kirk:
You don't trust me, do you? I don't blame you. If there is to be a brave new world, our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it.

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Post #: 293
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/11/2022 1:04:46 PM   


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February 26, 1943

BOA-Two wolfpacks sink 6 MM and 1 escort, taking taking 4 hits. I must commend Warplan's design on this. While the BOA is abstracted, it is generating intense interest(and stress) on my part.

Norway-UK I Corps is being pulled south, and will possibly be withdrawn from Norway and replaced by a different formation to refit. The wear and tear of winter on formations here is extraordinary.

Germany-The decision is made to send US bombers over Germany. German interceptors meet the first bomber squadron and maul it. Subsequent missions occur within range of escorts, but for whatever reason, losses, particularly to ground fire, are very, very high. There does not seem to be heavier concentrations of AA guns, and US squadrons were at good effectiveness, so it is hard to determine the cause for losses. Perhaps just bad luck. Essen and a pair of German refineries are hit, only moderate damage is done.

Africa-Italian bombing continues non stop. UK fighters are at 50% effectiveness but refuse to engage. Again, desperate measures are taken, with the UK fighter shipped out, and the Gibraltar sqn shipped in. We had thought that the Italians had used all their sorties, but they pick up the transport coming in and bomb it. We get lucky and they miss. If this fighter doesn't attempt interception, I am not sure what to do, it is near 100% effectiveness. Nearly all formations here are up to full strength, but without heavy naval support, I do not beleive we can displace Axis formations. They are three deep all the way to Tripoli. For the time being, merely keeping them here may have to be enough.

Another huge effort is made in Rhodes, with multiple ground strikes and immense naval support. The first attack is rebuffed, but the second causes the Italian 7th Coastal formation to surrender! There are not words to express my relief.

I believe there is an 85% chance I will lose this game. It has been a great learning experience(Nirosi is a great person to learn from), and writing this AAR has also been great fun. But most of all, I"m just glad I was able to take God D*mn Rhodes!

US bombers make their first foray into Romania, hitting the oil fields at Ploesti from airfields in Crete. Two sorties do only 3 damage.

One piece of information I would pay dearly for is Axis oil reserves. Nirosi's forces aren't particularly mechanized, but he has done a good bit of sailing. Is he sitting on huge oil stockpiles, or would a focus on refineries handcuff him? He hasn't sortied the Axis surface fleet in some time. Is that to conserve oil for the spring? If so, why hasn't he put AA guns on his refineries in Germany?

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< Message edited by boldairade -- 1/11/2022 1:20:19 PM >

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Post #: 294
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/11/2022 1:44:42 PM   


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East Front

North-(Konev) Minor adjustments continue here. It sure feels like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Center(Vatutin)-Soviet 34th Army is moved up behind lower quality formations directly on the Dnieper River line. Some formations here are '39 tech and earmarked for upgrade.

South(Zhukov/Rokossovsky) Ultimately, Nirosi relieves me of the decision as to when to suspend Broler. He moves enough German high quality formations up to deprive me of anything approaching even decent attack odds. We begin the gradual withdrawal eastward of our winterized armor under a blanket of snow.

The only continued offensive activity is SE of Kiev, where the battered Hungarian II Corps has been relocated on the river. It is a dedicated anti tank formation, but here we can engage it with 3 full infantry armies. It takes only two attacks for 1st Guards, 28th Army, and 11th Guards Army to displace it, meaning 1st Guards has an op point left, and so advances across the river. This is risky, leaving that army flanked, BUT it does give us additional frontage vs Kiev proper. It's unlikely we could ever displace the German formation there, but dreams die hard. Retaking Kiev, even for one turn, would be a propaganda bonanza for Stavka.

Armor is being railed out of the salient now, as retreating forces from Broler are in good enough shape to provide their own rear security.

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Post #: 295
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/11/2022 2:02:03 PM   


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Russian columns withdraw east, seeking the relative safety of the Dnieper River line. The withdrawal is in good order...for now.

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Post #: 296
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/11/2022 2:06:29 PM   


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Turnabout is fair play.

Italian defenders are taken prisoner on Rhodes after a struggle that cost the Allies exponentially more than it yielded.

But victory is sweet none the less.

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Post #: 297
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/11/2022 8:03:07 PM   


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March 12, 1943

Norway-Bad weather continues. UK I Corps continues to try to get to a port where it can pull out of Norway to refit. We dare not deploy another corps here until I Corps pulls out, as the supply ratios are razor thin.

BOA-9th Uboat tries to go it alone as a lone aggressor off the coast of Africa, and sinks 1 MM, but takes 2 hits. Nirosi gets a better result in the S Atlantic, where 3 uboats sink 5 MM for 2 hits, a result more to his liking.

Germany-US bombers try to hit Essen, but we don't realize our escort fighters no longer cover this far into Germany. Again, heavy aircraft losses for minimal return. We may just have to wait until better weather, as even with high use of supply trucks, we cannot get readiness high enough for back to back turns of usage.

Mediterranean-Our celebration of Rhodes is short lived. The fleet that was instrumental in victory is caught by land based Italian Air and carrier Ark Royal takes two hits. She is withdrawn to Alexandria for repairs. The Med navies will need a few turns to recover. More air strikes vs Ploesti oil fields again only score minor damage.

East Front

North(Konev)-The ice melts, freeing the Soviet cruisers in the Baltic. Unfortunately, before they can run for port, the German surface navy hammers them both, nearly sinking them. I hate to be a sore loser, but our navies are 0-their last 12 or so intercepting German ships, but the Axis seems to locate our surface ships at will, whether it is with aircraft or other ships.

This front is thawing.

Center(Vatutin)-A mech unit is railed in NW of Kaluga. Two armor corps from Broler move north to back the infantry along the Berezina/Dnieper line.

South(Zhukov/Rokossovsky)-Air strikes here may tell of coming ops. They are orbiting the powerful German armies around Dnepropetrovsk. More armor is railed in near Karkov. There are now 2 armor corps and 4 mech corps here as front reserve. It doesn't feel like enough. Strong infantry forces garrison Karkov and Stalino, but nothing approaching the multiple preset lines of defense that confronted the Axis last spring exist. Our line along the Dnieper is solid, but behind it is very, very little.

The Broler/Pripyat salient is being evacuated. Against the advice of all military advisers, Stalin insists on a last assault vs Kiev, hoping for a symbolic victory to save face in the complete disaster than Broler represents. Massive air support, even using badly understrength air formations, is marshalled. 1st Guards Army, 5th Guards Tank, 3rd Siberian Army 11th Guard Army and 25th Tank all participate, hurling themselves against Germany's LIV Corps.

The result is predictable-the Red Army again fails, despite an all out effort. If Red Army forces cannot prevail with the advantage of air supremacy, 5-1 numerical superiority, fighting in beneficial weather then what is going to happen when Germany has the initiative, can strike at will, and mass numerical superiority of its own?

Broler has failed. But far more important than that is the overreaching ramifications of an overall failure to force Germany to deploy its armored forces to counter a winter offensive. Spring finds the armies of Russia staring at a loaded gun.

< Message edited by boldairade -- 1/11/2022 8:22:44 PM >

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Post #: 298
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/11/2022 8:12:13 PM   


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Damage control crews fight fire on the armored deck of Ark Royal. She will live to fight another day.

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Post #: 299
RE: Nirosi vs Boldairade(NO Nirosi for now...) - 1/11/2022 8:28:20 PM   


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Super heavy German armor moves up near the Dnieper River.

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