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RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Gary Grigsby's War in the East 2 >> After Action Reports >> RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign Page: <<   < prev  1 [2] 3 4   next >   >>
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RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/15/2021 11:05:20 PM   

Posts: 691
Joined: 5/15/2013
From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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Air losses Turn 5

Still not getting any better, lets hope my reorganisation of the Air doctrine start to pay fruits soon.

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Post #: 31
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/15/2021 11:05:43 PM   

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OB Turn 5

The Red Army still under 3 million but its there tank force that worries me.

Need to trap more Tank Divs

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Post #: 32
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/19/2021 6:05:11 AM   

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AG North Turn 6

Pskov is taken and the Estonian capital is within reach, Russian forces blocking the way to Leningrad are thin but the weather is hampering drive to the city.

Both 16th and 9th Armee's face a huge salient at Velikie Luki a key rail junction.

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Post #: 33
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/19/2021 6:05:31 AM   

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AG Centre Turn 6

Only small gains in most places except where 4th and 2nd Armee's push through the marshes.

Just waiting to see a weakness in the Red Army lines will present itself so I can create a pocket or two.

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Post #: 34
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/19/2021 6:06:07 AM   

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AG South Turn 6

A steady push forward along the entire Southern front.

The Russians have formed 2 lines of defence that I will need to break through.

In the extreme south Odessa is Isolated

Put 3 Axis allied corps and 1 from 17th Armee in refit mode.

Need to break through to the river cities as soon as possible.

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Post #: 35
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/19/2021 6:06:23 AM   

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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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Supply Turn 6

Still really good even for the Luftwaffe.

Things will change come winter

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Post #: 36
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/19/2021 6:06:35 AM   

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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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Losses Turn 6

The POW count continues to climb but the pockets are not as big these days.

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Post #: 37
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/19/2021 6:06:57 AM   

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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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Air Losses Turn 6

Finally getting my own planes losses down and the Red Army's up, thanks to some good advice from the forum.

Still it will be a long time before I fully recover.

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Post #: 38
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/19/2021 6:08:46 AM   

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OB Turn 6

Still doing quite well as The Soviets remain under 3 million and there reserve is low.

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Post #: 39
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/19/2021 6:31:07 AM   

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AG North Turn 7

Starting my push towards Novgorod as tallinn falls.

The drive on Velikie Luki begins as I try to squeeze out the defenders.

It would be certainly a nice pocket to encircle, don't think its going to happen though.

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Post #: 40
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/19/2021 6:31:24 AM   

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AG Centre Turn 7

Both 2nd and 3rd Pz 's open up gaps in the line and trap an number of enemy DIVS.

Some Mech and Tank DIVs are caught, meanwhile down South 2nd Armee tries to catch up.

Roslavl is close but I am still some way to go to reach Bryansk

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Post #: 41
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/19/2021 6:31:40 AM   

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AG South Turn 7

1st Pz and 17th Armee strike out toward the Russian line and nab a number DIVs including some Tank DIVs.

On the Black Sea The Axis is pushing Soviets back from Odessa and consolidating its position around the City.

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Post #: 42
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/19/2021 6:31:52 AM   

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Supply Turn 7

Once again supply solid with the rail lines moving along well.

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Post #: 43
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/19/2021 6:32:05 AM   

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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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Losses Turn 7

This was a slow week for POW numbers, but its better than none

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Post #: 44
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/19/2021 6:32:14 AM   

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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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Air Losses Turn 7

Still improving greatly this turn, having GS turned off does wonders.

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Post #: 45
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/19/2021 6:32:24 AM   

Posts: 691
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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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OB Turn 7

Well the Russian OB went over the 3 million mark and there reserve is also filling up.

A ominous sign of things to come

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< Message edited by tm1 -- 1/23/2022 5:04:39 AM >

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Post #: 46
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 1/23/2022 6:05:10 AM   

Posts: 691
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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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Turn 8 OB

The Russian OB back under 3 Million, I like seeing that.

The good thing is we are about equal in on the map AFV's as well and i have a few DIVS trapped so I should get ahead soon.

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< Message edited by tm1 -- 1/23/2022 6:10:54 AM >

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Post #: 47
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 1/23/2022 6:09:23 AM   

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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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Turn 8 AG North

4th Pz punches through the Russian lines but just falls short of taking Novgorod, Russian forces are pushed back side with a chance to trap a large force around Luga and gdov.

18th Armee steadily moves forward to secure The Baltic states.

Further south 16th Armee is facing quite a few Tank and Mech DIVS this could be a issue.

I am still some way to Leningrad will have to see what the AI does its turn as I could catch quite a few DIVS along the lake if they don't pull back.

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Post #: 48
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 1/23/2022 6:09:42 AM   

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Turn 8 AG Centre

2nd Pz continues its drive towards Bryansk and I net 2 nice pockets which contain Tank, Mech and Cavalry DIVs.

4th and 2nd Armees's have now reach a series of major rivers and also a wall of Russian units, the battle begins in Ernest.

North of 2nd Pz, 3rd Pz and 4th Armee push against Soviet Forces defending Veliki Luki however a Pz Gren DIV from 3rd Pz takes the city and a large Russian force is threatened with encirclement if they hold there ground.

Vyazma is within striking distance now also.

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Post #: 49
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 1/23/2022 6:11:01 AM   

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Turn 8 AG South

Turning south 1st Pz punches through the line and traps a fairly large pocket, with 17th grabbing a couple of DIVS as well.

Odessa is still cut off but being supplied by see, I am bringing planes in the try to interdict and preparing a full assault with a Korps from 11th Armee, just not ready yet, I want to take Nikolaev and Kherson and knockout as many enemy airfields as I can in the immediate area.

I also have quieten a few DIVs on refit which need to moved forward.

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Post #: 50
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 1/23/2022 6:11:08 AM   

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Turn 8 Supply

No issues with supply this week, however come Sept, Oct and Nov that will all change.

Must be finally get some of it right at this moment because I am in front with my Air Command.

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Post #: 51
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 1/23/2022 6:11:17 AM   

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Turn 8 Losses

There are now over 1.5 million POWS, there AFV's and Artillery took a big hit this turn but it was not without loss on my side, over 100 hundred AFVs were destroyed.

I don't expect zero losses in Panzers but its to high for my liking.

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Post #: 52
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 1/23/2022 6:11:25 AM   

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Turn 8 Air Losses

Again really a good improvement thanks to info I got from players on turning the GS off at vital times.

I need to keep prioritising when to have it on and when not to.

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Post #: 53
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 1/24/2022 12:04:23 AM   

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Turn 9 AG North

4th Pz encircles Novgorod and then heads towards Leningrad, Red Army troops fall back as 18th Armee forces its way across the Narva River.

I still have not completed the occupation of The Baltic's.

Further South the Russian armour escapes the trap between 16th, 9th and 3rd Pz Armee's, but we did net some DIVS.

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Post #: 54
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 1/24/2022 12:04:29 AM   

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Turn 9 AG Centre

All Pockets are destroyed and my forces push forward, in the 3rd Pz area another 3 Russian armoured units are threatened with encirclement.

A lot of my troops are tired and need refits but Vyazma and Bryansk are very close its tempting just to keep going.

Smolensk is now connected by rail but I am still a long way short in the 2nd Pz Armee sector.

I need to get as far east as I can before weather comes.

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Post #: 55
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 1/24/2022 12:04:37 AM   

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Turn 9 AG South

1st Pz strikes further south and Soviet pockets expands and 6th Armee pushes The Russians back from Kiev.

The isolation of Odessa continues as part of 11th and the Romanians move further east and capture Kherson, Nikolaev should fall next turn.

The Italians have arrived and I am moving the of 17th Armee in the front line.

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Post #: 56
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 1/24/2022 12:04:44 AM   

Posts: 691
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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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Turn 9 supply

Still looking good, but again I am getting further into the interior of Russia and it will change very soon.

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Post #: 57
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 1/24/2022 12:04:53 AM   

Posts: 691
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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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Turn 9 losses

Another good week as the POW count climbs towards the 2 million mark.

I will be happy when it reach 3 before Oct / Nov and I am dug in behind level 2 /3 forts ready for winter.

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Post #: 58
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 1/24/2022 12:05:00 AM   

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Turn 9 Air Losses

Another good week for the Luftwaffe as i keep my losses to a minimal and the AI throws it planes against my Air Defences.

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Post #: 59
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 1/24/2022 12:05:07 AM   

Posts: 691
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Turn 9 OB

Steadily grinding his armoured forces down and while manpower is doing the same it while change in the coming months as the Siberian troops arrive.

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Post #: 60
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