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RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/7/2022 6:49:47 AM   

Posts: 10920
Joined: 10/20/2012
From: Utlima Thule
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ORIGINAL: b0sc02

Does the level of Naval Interdiction accumulate over time or is it a value that's created after each mission? I want to know if there is value in doing Naval Patrol from turn 2 around Odessa until it falls.

1)Is the interdiction pointless to do early? (Before the land resupplyong is cut off)
2)Should I run Naval Patrol at less than 9k altitude to avoid the city flak?
3)What is the best loadout for Naval Patrol?


1) I'd start the turn before, since you need to move naval air assets from the Baltic its hard to start before T3 in any case
2) no
3) mines/torpedos if they have it, lots of small bombs otherwise


(in reply to b0sc02)
Post #: 1411
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/7/2022 11:17:52 AM   


Posts: 90
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From: Germany
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ORIGINAL: loki100



Where can I see which detection level exactly an enemy unit has?
I know I can see via the map mode the combat recon level of an enemy hex field, but I am looking for the unit detection level.

best is to hover over the unit, the image in 10.2.1 shows you what you will know as DL increases, so you can map that to what you see

Thank you very much sir for constantly helping me and other players on this forum!

I looked into 10.2.1 and 10.2.7 and it seems to be that the DL can only been approximated indirectly. For example if the unit name, size and CV is displaced it must be at least DL 5.

Do you also think like me it would be a good idea to implement the DL level number into the game so that the player can see it?

(in reply to loki100)
Post #: 1412
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/7/2022 2:18:10 PM   

Posts: 10920
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From: Utlima Thule
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ORIGINAL: loki100



Where can I see which detection level exactly an enemy unit has?
I know I can see via the map mode the combat recon level of an enemy hex field, but I am looking for the unit detection level.

best is to hover over the unit, the image in 10.2.1 shows you what you will know as DL increases, so you can map that to what you see

Thank you very much sir for constantly helping me and other players on this forum!

I looked into 10.2.1 and 10.2.7 and it seems to be that the DL can only been approximated indirectly. For example if the unit name, size and CV is displaced it must be at least DL 5.

Do you also think like me it would be a good idea to implement the DL level number into the game so that the player can see it?

the current 5 levels of information are by design, I think in practice the method used in WiTE1 gave an impression of accuracy re DL/what you can see than really existed

but you are right, the structure is 'if you can see 'x', then you at least have this DL'


(in reply to FriedrichII)
Post #: 1413
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/7/2022 4:21:11 PM   


Posts: 90
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From: Germany
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If I understand it correctly there are 10 DLs, but I find it impossible to find out which of the higher levels are active. For example how to find out if DL is 8 or 10, or do I miss here something?

(in reply to loki100)
Post #: 1414
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/7/2022 6:11:29 PM   

Posts: 10920
Joined: 10/20/2012
From: Utlima Thule
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If I understand it correctly there are 10 DLs, but I find it impossible to find out which of the higher levels are active. For example how to find out if DL is 8 or 10, or do I miss here something?

no, its not the clearest system , there are 10 detection levels and they map onto the 5 information states (if you see 0 as meaning nothing is shown), the manual has both the image above and a bit later a text discussion of these ... if I recall that might have the actual thresholds but I can't remember.

one thing, there is a secondary bonus, higher DL (regardless of how it alters unit display) is better in combat. Its one reason why attacking a poorly reconned unit can blow up in your face. There are a number of 'events' embedded in the routine that alter the strict element-element interaction. One is how mech formations can really overwhelm low exp infantry, another is an ambush routine - and that keys off the DL


(in reply to FriedrichII)
Post #: 1415
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/8/2022 8:15:36 AM   


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Can i merge paratrooper/motorised infantry/cavalry brigades to divisions if i move 3 of them into one hex and hit buildup? I read somewhere that paratroopers merge into guard rifle divisions but i cant replicate it.

(in reply to loki100)
Post #: 1416
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/8/2022 8:24:27 AM   

Posts: 10920
Joined: 10/20/2012
From: Utlima Thule
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ORIGINAL: aMaschina

Can i merge paratrooper/motorised infantry/cavalry brigades to divisions if i move 3 of them into one hex and hit buildup? I read somewhere that paratroopers merge into guard rifle divisions but i cant replicate it.

not mot or cavalry. Motorised brigades can be used (must be used) to build tank and mech corps - see the manual. Soviet cavalry divisions could probably be merged to a weak cavalry corps (this is a guess as I've never done it) from December 41 you can build some Cav Corps (more in 42) - again routine is the manual

paratroop brigades can build gds rifle division I think from June 42 (again in the manual), be careful as this can't be done with those that have a withdraw or disband date

all this is in section 27.5, the table in 27.5.5 being particularly useful (or at least I'd like to think so)


(in reply to aMaschina)
Post #: 1417
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/9/2022 12:15:59 AM   


Posts: 90
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From: Germany
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1. What is the advantage for manual aircraft upgrade? Does someone uses this and what could be a good upgrade strategy?

2. I have unfortunately problems as Axis player in 1941 after turn 4 when the initial good start push gets stucked down, because the troops are exhausted and used all their CPPs. What can be a good strategy for turns 5-10 as Axis player. My problem is always that the advance stops, my troops are in bad shape and the Soviets form a strong line.

(in reply to loki100)
Post #: 1418
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/9/2022 7:45:16 AM   

Posts: 10920
Joined: 10/20/2012
From: Utlima Thule
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1. What is the advantage for manual aircraft upgrade? Does someone uses this and what could be a good upgrade strategy?

2. I have unfortunately problems as Axis player in 1941 after turn 4 when the initial good start push gets stucked down, because the troops are exhausted and used all their CPPs. What can be a good strategy for turns 5-10 as Axis player. My problem is always that the advance stops, my troops are in bad shape and the Soviets form a strong line.

1 - at start its pretty linear, the Bf-109s tend to move to a better Bf-109 etc. Later on you get some choices that you can make by choice that the auto system won't.

So from 1943 I start ditching the Ju-87 from my tactical bomber formations in favour of the FW - they may lack the large bomb but are a lot more robust. Equally you can balance your LB formations around your wider usage. The Ju-88 (in its various guises) is a decent all rounder and useful in GS. The heavier bombers have a value if you still do some sort of asset bombing (railyards are my preference) but if you don't they are not really worth keeping around

2 - I'd say the key is to know the rules on admin movement and its interaction with CPP regain. Beyond that let stuff rest with the Pzr Corps I work on a 1:2 model (each turn one rests, two move) but getting the balance between keeping the Soviets off balance against unit exhaustion is the key issue in German game play (& not easy)


(in reply to FriedrichII)
Post #: 1419
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/9/2022 4:54:44 PM   


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Friedrichll, I'm only playing against ai and not the most experienced in this game. It seems like with any game that has some decent logistics modeling, the key is to attack only as a means to maneuver to get around enemy units and surround them or cut rail supply. Dont just bludgeon ahead and exhaust more supply and cpp. Cities, yes those get assaulted, no maneuver there. Pockets of 2 to 10 divisions seem realizable against ai. You need soviet units to surrender, not retreat. Try to have zocs around any retreating unit to cause more losses or surrender if already isolated.

(in reply to FriedrichII)
Post #: 1420
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/9/2022 5:22:19 PM   
Cavalry Corp


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When units take on repl experience drops ok, is that by an average of the quality of replacements? I see low TOE Inf Divs in NR at 83 exp drop to 70 is that WAD? Would have thought higher exp in depleted units would act as cadre to boost incoming replacements.

In combat does experience make more chance of hitting and less chance of getting it? I assume so?

Do units keep exp when they leave the map and return later or does it get changed in TB?

I have some units with the same elements, say Pz IVf but with 3 diff experience levels is that WAD?

I have some units with elements with the same experience - would have thought they would combine together is that WAD?


(in reply to christenberryd)
Post #: 1421
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/10/2022 9:13:57 PM   
Cavalry Corp


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From: Sampford Spiney Devon UK
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Is there a limit to experience any unit can gain - so say GD can get to 99 , can a Rumanian get to 99 ?

Its strange to think that Experience gained would not also reflect on morale especially for low initial morale units like Rumanians and so on. It seems like because morale is low a unit is never going to get high experience and so dies real fast.

(in reply to Cavalry Corp)
Post #: 1422
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/10/2022 9:27:40 PM   


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How do you tell FB not to try and do bombing missions when you only want CAP.

(in reply to loki100)
Post #: 1423
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/10/2022 9:42:48 PM   


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Is it possible to switch to auto-changing aircraft in the whole airforce with one action/order/click? Instead of clicking each and one of the AOG when managing the airforce your self?

(in reply to ImperatorAugustus)
Post #: 1424
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/10/2022 9:48:14 PM   


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You can do this through the CR

(in reply to Jeff_Ahl)
Post #: 1425
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/10/2022 9:48:20 PM   


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You can filter in CR and then try to apply auto upgrade. Not sure about whole Luftwaffe, but this should reduce number of clicks.

(in reply to Jeff_Ahl)
Post #: 1426
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/10/2022 9:57:37 PM   


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Is there an official discord for WITE2 or Gary Grigsby Games? Not a fan of forum style for common discussions. I also dont like this forum, feels like (and uses like) 1999. If not I think I'm going to make one. PM me if you want in.

(in reply to Stamb)
Post #: 1427
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/11/2022 2:18:55 PM   


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Calvary divisions/brigades are affected by an infantry or mech leader's rating?

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Post #: 1428
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/11/2022 2:56:47 PM   

Posts: 6668
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ORIGINAL: ImperatorAugustus

Is there an official discord for WITE2 or Gary Grigsby Games? Not a fan of forum style for common discussions. I also dont like this forum, feels like (and uses like) 1999. If not I think I'm going to make one. PM me if you want in.

Yes there is one on Hex!


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Post #: 1429
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/11/2022 4:12:50 PM   


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Is there any ratio at which SU do not commit into a battle from a defensive side?

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Post #: 1430
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/13/2022 7:28:13 AM   


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Is it normal that i suffer from a severe lack of trucks as the SU end of 1942? I have piles of tanks and tank corps with high toe, high supply but the supply status says they have a small amount or even no trucks. Low trucks = low cv? Because my tank units are close to useless.

(in reply to Stamb)
Post #: 1431
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/13/2022 9:52:08 AM   


Posts: 7902
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From: Germany, Hannover (region)
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Soviets had limited truck production and LL deliveries were not that large in 1942 but that gets better in 43 only to expand even more in 44.
Conserve your trucks until you get enough, you might even want to send some truck-heavy units to reserve

(in reply to aMaschina)
Post #: 1432
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/13/2022 1:27:44 PM   


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Soviets had limited truck production and LL deliveries were not that large in 1942 but that gets better in 43 only to expand even more in 44.
Conserve your trucks until you get enough, you might even want to send some truck-heavy units to reserve

I have approximately 100 tank brigades/regiments/battalions, all directly attached to STAVKA but somehow I cannot disband them. They dont have a withdraw date and the front is 6 or more hexes away from moscow. I dont know whats the problem here sadly.

(in reply to Denniss)
Post #: 1433
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/13/2022 3:41:04 PM   
Cavalry Corp


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From: Sampford Spiney Devon UK
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Ehhh how do airfields take supply - sorry if thats in the manual but I need to look again at this as my airfields have been on low supply for a long time even tried using AI air assist to no benefit.

(in reply to aMaschina)
Post #: 1434
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/13/2022 5:20:44 PM   


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They do. Especially if you transfer bombers to an empty airfield

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Post #: 1435
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/13/2022 5:29:59 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Cavalry Corp

Ehhh how do airfields take supply - sorry if thats in the manual but I need to look again at this as my airfields have been on low supply for a long time even tried using AI air assist to no benefit.

If you right click on an airfield that is missing stuff you should get an option to resupply it. I don't feel I'm experienced enough to comment on the pros and cons of doing this though. I suspect it might be an option to avoid in the really bad weather for fear of burning up trucks.

(in reply to Cavalry Corp)
Post #: 1436
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/13/2022 6:35:03 PM   


Posts: 7902
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From: Germany, Hannover (region)
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ORIGINAL: aMaschina
I have approximately 100 tank brigades/regiments/battalions, all directly attached to STAVKA but somehow I cannot disband them. They dont have a withdraw date and the front is 6 or more hexes away from moscow. I dont know whats the problem here sadly.
I'd guess too close to enemy for disband or sending to reserve. Can you merge 2 of them into one? OR do you have a HQ further east that you can transfer them to and disband them there?

(in reply to aMaschina)
Post #: 1437
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/13/2022 6:47:50 PM   
Joel Billings

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ORIGINAL: aMaschina



Soviets had limited truck production and LL deliveries were not that large in 1942 but that gets better in 43 only to expand even more in 44.
Conserve your trucks until you get enough, you might even want to send some truck-heavy units to reserve

I have approximately 100 tank brigades/regiments/battalions, all directly attached to STAVKA but somehow I cannot disband them. They dont have a withdraw date and the front is 6 or more hexes away from moscow. I dont know whats the problem here sadly.

v01.01.15 – 12th October 2021
New Features and Rule Changes
• For a unit on the map to disband or be sent to a theater box, it must now be more than 8 hexes from enemy units. To be able to send a unit to a TB, it must also be on a connected rail hex. Other limitations/restrictions re disbanding and transferring to a theater box remain unchanged.


All understanding comes after the fact.
-- Soren Kierkegaard

(in reply to aMaschina)
Post #: 1438
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/13/2022 7:04:16 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Joel Billings


ORIGINAL: aMaschina



Soviets had limited truck production and LL deliveries were not that large in 1942 but that gets better in 43 only to expand even more in 44.
Conserve your trucks until you get enough, you might even want to send some truck-heavy units to reserve

I have approximately 100 tank brigades/regiments/battalions, all directly attached to STAVKA but somehow I cannot disband them. They dont have a withdraw date and the front is 6 or more hexes away from moscow. I dont know whats the problem here sadly.

v01.01.15 – 12th October 2021
New Features and Rule Changes
• For a unit on the map to disband or be sent to a theater box, it must now be more than 8 hexes from enemy units. To be able to send a unit to a TB, it must also be on a connected rail hex. Other limitations/restrictions re disbanding and transferring to a theater box remain unchanged.

Thanks! Should refer to the living manual rather than the one that comes with the game in that case! To those asking if i can merge, i am talking about offmap support brigades. Not division level

(in reply to Joel Billings)
Post #: 1439
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/14/2022 1:55:10 PM   


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Some pilots are listed as captured. Are there any chances that they might run from imprisonment?


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Post #: 1440
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