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v1.24.01 Beta - Hotfix #1 - 2/22/2022

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v1.24.01 Beta - Hotfix #1 - 2/22/2022 - 2/19/2022 11:14:55 PM   


Posts: 3170
Joined: 3/18/2004
From: Maryland
Status: offline
Attached is v1.24.01 Beta Hotfix #1 for playtesting. Release notes since the last official update v1.23.08:


Empires in Arms the Napoleonic Wars - 1.24.01
- 0000112: [UI Enhancement] No method of tracking or changing what has been purchased in the economic phase – closed (warning prompt added that builds cannot be changed once made).
- 0000167: [AI Enhancement] Foolish Spanish AI – closed.
- 0000578: [Game Enhancement] Pay for Supply button - closed.
- 0000649: [AI Enhancement] AI leader choice is sometimes quite suboptimal – resolved (best leader now assessed with all four ratings).
- 0000650: [AI Enhancement] Turkish AI arguably places/keeps feudals too much – resolved.
- 0000656: [AI Bug] AI has strange priorities for stacks – closed.
- 0000659: [AI Enhancement] GB AI: 'Dead Frenchmen' bounty? - closed.
- 0000815: [Game Enhancement] Unable to create new cavalry corps or heavy fleet in game editor – resolved.
- 0000822: [AI Enhancement] AI Operations with Allies – resolved.
- 0000822: [AI Enhancement] AI Cossacks and Guerrillas – resolved (exempted from regular AI battle assignments).
- PBEM human player sometimes switches to AI following combat - resolved (additional function added to verify player types at end of PBEM land move and land combat phases).
- AI sometimes DOWs minors with insufficient factors in range (e.g., Turkey DOWing Egypt) - resolved.
- Program sometimes retreats units to capital under siege - resolved.
- Miscellaneous land and naval AI adjustments - resolved.

Empires in Arms the Napoleonic Wars - 1.24.00
- 0000530: [Game Enhancement] Computer not choosing the optimal path when moving multiple areas – closed. [NOTE: Manual path selection by player is still most efficient for considering movement costs and forage values, rather than shortest path.]
- 0000531: [Game Enhancement] Cannot remove a depot with a depot garrison on it - resolved, player may now opt to disband garrison.
- 0000855: [Game Bug] Scenario Editor Later Campaign Issues – resolved (unit availability dates do not change when start date is changed).
- 0000862: [Game Bug] Admin cannot move ships into harbor of conquered minors or Free States – closed.
- mcextentions.cpp file removed from build to remove legacy alternate modern conquest functions (wgsbombing, wgsintel, wgsresearch, terrorism) - resolved.
- Standard (non-EIA) battle types removed from build (BTsea, BTrural, and BTsiege) to remove legacy alternate combat model - resolved.
- AAR move arrows incorrectly displayed as hashed lines instead of solid lines in winter zones - resolved.
- UI scaled up about 40-50% as it is tiny on a modern screen size - resolved (top menu bar scaled up 50%).
- Some game buttons not updated to standard font - resolved (17 new BMP files for \Graphics\ui\buttons).
- Fonts on Unit Report screen not clear on high-resolution screens - resolved (changed Quixley LET to Verdana Italic).
- Create new scenario limited to 1805 classic EIA by default - resolved (player is now prompted to select 1805 classic EIA or 1805 alternate EIH scenario database).
- Spurious French corps units displayed in unit box towards right and bottom - resolved.
- Access Violation errors related to setup of minor (Naples) upon declaration of war - resolved.
- AI building too many militia - resolved.
- MAXDEPOTS previously changed from 8 to 10 in nwvars.cpp was not also changed in nwvars.h and caused a supply chain break with the Austrian IXd Depot - resolved.
- Some surrenders incorrectly evacuating cities despite temporary access - resolved (replaced nation_correct_force_locations function with the more standard nation_evacuate_all_units function when executing surrenders).
- Some DOWs still resulting in some minors not being at war with other minors of the major powers - resolved.

You should be able to extract the new EXE and \Graphics files from the zip file directly into your v1.23.08 or v1.24.00 install. Alternatively, you may want to install a separate copy of the official v1.23.08 and update that to the v1.24.01 Beta and beyond.

I will continue to fine-tune the AI some and work to resolve any issues that come up with this latest Beta. I am hoping the AI switch problem in PBEM is resolved, but that has been a challenging issue to track down over the past year or so. Assuming this Beta (with any hotfixes) plays OK without any surprises, I should be able to release another (final?) official update in the spring.

Please check out this latest version, see how it plays, and provide any comments or suggestions you have. If you find a bug, a game save is most helpful for me to recreate the issue and resolve it.

UPDATE. Hotfix #1 posted 2/22/2022. The top menu bar and graphics are resized, from being 150% larger to being 130% larger. This should now still fit on standard displays while still being easier to see on high resolution wide-screen monitors. Let's see how this goes.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by pzgndr -- 2/22/2022 2:42:12 PM >


Empires in Arms Development Team
Post #: 1
RE: v1.24.01 Beta - 2/19/2022 11:33:20 PM   


Posts: 3170
Joined: 3/18/2004
From: Maryland
Status: offline
I want to share a couple comments.

1. I looked hard at doing something with unit builds to provide the player more information or the chance to undo builds. The problem is that when you click "OK" the program immediately sets the builds for later arrival and decrements your men and money. Trying to save that information separately and creating a new function to undo any or all builds was problematic. Rather than risk creating new problems, I've added a warning message that builds cannot be changed. Players can keep track of what they're building the old way; it's not that hard.

2. "Miscellaneous land and naval AI adjustments" covers a lot of ground. Several minor items were annoying to me during playtesting and I took extra time to investigate and resolve them. One issue was related to early war minors where the program would check the controlling major powers and whether they are at war or not. Problem is that acting controlling majors may not be at war and that caused some AI movement and combat issues. Now, there is a redundant override check for any two countries at war or not. AI naval moves, particularly port blockades by Great Britain, were sometimes strange with fleets moving back and forth. I think this is fixed and more stable now. And other adjustments, for the better.

3. Please see my other comments regarding AI Development in the other thread. I am still looking for any feedback players may have to offer. Speak up, please.


Empires in Arms Development Team

(in reply to pzgndr)
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