Posts: 349
Joined: 3/27/2000 From: Adelaide, SA, Australia Status: offline
Hello All.
I have just done some research into the OOB's and here is what I've found......
1st the 2 Lbdr
2Lbdr IX, Max. Pen = 64, Max. Range = 35 , Accuracy = 11
37mm KwK L46.5 (the gun on the Pz-IIIe)
Max. Pen = 64, Max. Range = 35, Accuracy = 10
37mm KwK 38 (Gun on Pz-35 & Pz-38)
Max. Pen = 56, Max. Range = 40, Accuracy = 11.
So you can see, in game terms there is no effective difference between the 2 Lbdr and the gun on the Pz-III. But the Gun on the Pz-38 does have a small disadvantage.
(In fact the Gun on the Pz-III is superior as it usually comes with plentifull HE, and much better Fire control and Rangefinder than the 2 Lbdr)
On to ATR's
Boys ATR, AP Pen.= 26, Range = 15, Accuracy = 7
PzB-39 ATR, AP Pen.= 38, Range = 10, Accuracy = 4
PTRD ATR, AP Pen. = 35, Range = 18, Accuracy = 8
Wz-35 ATR, AP Pen. = 27, Range = 12, Accuracy = 18
Solcthurn ATR, AP Pen. = 40, Range = 20, Accuracy = 7
Hotchkiss ATR, AP Pen.= 34, Range = 15, Accuracy = 6
Lathi ATR, AP Pen. = 27, Range = 12, Accuracy = 7
Type 97 ATR, AP Pen. = 39, Range = 20, Accuracy = 6
So you can see that the Boys ATR is the worst one in the game already in AP penetration, average range, and above average accuracy.
I think that people are suffering from "The enemy's equipment is better than mine" syndrome. A common occurance, and one that I often feel myself. I have played both sides in North African scenarioes, and I can assure you that the inferiority you are feeling is both real and Imaginary.
Please see this link to a short article I posted months ago about my impessions on the uberweapons of the North African Front.
In short, I think the 2 Lbdr and Boys are fine as they are, as any dedicated Commonwealth Forces player will tell you, they are virtually useless......
"We're having a war, and we want you to come!" So the pig began to whistle and to pound on a drum. "We'll give you a gun, and we'll give you a hat!" And the pig began to whistle when they told the piggies that.