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Joined: 3/27/2004 Status: offline
HEHEH I don't have a clue about Daniel Emery's "real job" but here are some more comments/responses from my letter to the editor for your "enjoyment" hehehe My comments: "But by Far his most damning action was his comparison of the Panzer General Series of Games by SSI to this game by SSG. His comparison of a beer and pretzels war game (PG) to a Korsun Pocket (a much more detailed simulation) ~is akin to comparing Checkers with chess, just because they use the same board !!! Both games have their merits but one does not do a direct comparison -. remember the 'apples to apples' rule of thumb ..." Mr. Emery's retort: "As a 22 year wargaming veteran, and a PC user, you should be quite aware that the Panzer General series was, and still is, the best selling WarGame series of all time. In Germany alone, the game sold over 120,000 copies. That's a triple-A title in anyone's book. You may see it as a beer and pretzels war game, but that's what sells and that's what a typical PC Zone reader wants to play. And that's the person I write my review for." --- as you can see here, I think Mr. Emery has completely missed the boat here. Just because a game sells millions of copies does not make it great (look at the shooter "enter the matrix" for supporting evidence ! --- My comments: "Korsun is in fact an excellent turn-based wargame that is a superb follow On to SSG's The Ardennes Offensive. I think a more factual reviewer (who knew their topic) would have given this game ... high scores for AI, game mechanics and game flow... " Mr. Emery's comeback: "Sorry, I review a game on graphics, sound, atmosphere, ease of gameplay, historical accuracy and fun. Korsun scores low in every department except accuracy. I realise that every genre of a game has its dedicated fan base, who put up with flaws and faults, purely because so few games of that genre get released. But when I write a review I am writing for the typical reader and if they bought Korsun Pocket, they would be as disappointed as I was. " -- I think Mr Emery's big fault is applying FPS/RTS "reviewing criteria" to a wargame ! Calling Korsun difficult !! I think it is one of the most playable wargames out there ! (I don't think Mr. Emery has ever played wargames -- remember some large wargames like The Operational Art of War, or the older Talonsoft games (BG seriers), and even Steel Panthers ! (all of these are much more difficult to play from an interface and micro-management standpoint ) ... He obviously is lacking any credible "wargame playing expertise" or indeed strategy gaming credibility at all !!! --- I did have some more clever (IMHO) snips about Mr Emery's Slamming of NATO symbol usage : "The decision was made in wargaming circles to amalgamate the various individual country military symbols to NATO symbols for reasons of simplicity - to remove Mr. Emery's so called need of encyclopaedic knowledge~ !! (As an interesting side note Germany, Russia, and the allies all had different symbols to represent their military formations in the war!!!)" his response to this is in my previous post ! all in all, I think Mr Emery should have a chat with some of his reviewing peers, and get some tips on how to effectively review wargames (or strategy games in general) ... not all strategy games are RTS's , nor should they be !! All in all PC Zone is a fun magazine to read (and I did re-new my subscription), but I think they really need to re-evaluate some of there freelance reviewers work prior to publication ! RANT ENDS ! hehehe -Tavs ![](http://www1.matrixgames.com/forums/image/s2.gif)