Chief Wiggum
Posts: 61
Joined: 7/16/2001 From: Cincinnati, Ohio Status: offline
Dear All,
As promised, I have posted our latest work from our top hush-hush Turn Based Gamed, Armored Alliance. I am posting this because of all the wonderful gamers that do truly like our work. We are both humbled and honored to be able to show you are work and open it up to criticism. This one is for you guys
This screenshot is an actual in game High Res rendering of the German foothills. This scenario is a FICTIONAL depiction of WAFFEN SS trying to hold off an American recon group in the foothills of Germany
This mesh is simply beathtaking we think, and we almost posted it in our "rendered scenes" section of our website I promised a rendering for you, and you have one
As not to spam on this site, we will also be opening up a brand new section for our game within the coming weeks and will notify everyone accordingly. We guarantee you WILL really love what you will soon be seeing. So without further ado, here is Amored Alliance terrain!! Enjoy!!!
Thank you to of course our texture goddess Deanna, Brian good for his no doubt breathtaking meshes and all of the Staff of Eclipse Graphics! (They always want their names in lights..... )
Sincerely and best wishes, Mike Sansone, Pres.Eclipse Graphics AKA: Chief Wiggum
" A teacher does not teach, a true teacher leads his students to enlightenment..."