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Step Replacements

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Step Replacements - 4/26/2004 11:40:20 PM   


Posts: 6
Joined: 3/12/2004
Status: offline
Ok, here's a question - why do units that start the game with missing steps not receive timed replacements? Is seems odd that units which take damage to the enemy while I am playing may receive timed replacements while units that started the game mauled remain so, unless I devote some of my precious replacements to them. Is there a reason for this?
Post #: 1
RE: Step Replacements - 4/27/2004 2:14:59 AM   

Posts: 4430
Joined: 1/5/2001
From: Wollondilly, Sydney
Status: offline
The no. of steps is meant to represent the approx strength of the unit - as compared to all the other units - at the time of the battle.

If it is normally a 4 step unit and it begins the game with 2 steps – then it is up to me to choose where to allocate the replacements.

A wise player will chose wisely – a poor player will choose badly.

It increases the number of variables and therefore the enjoyment. Chess has only a few variables – wargaming has many.

(in reply to Sauron)
Post #: 2
RE: Step Replacements - 4/27/2004 8:41:48 AM   

Posts: 681
Joined: 3/6/2003
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Ok, here's a question - why do units that start the game with missing steps not receive timed replacements? Is seems odd that units which take damage to the enemy while I am playing may receive timed replacements while units that started the game mauled remain so, unless I devote some of my precious replacements to them. Is there a reason for this?

Timed replacements represent the ability of a unit to reorganise and reconstitute its combat power from its own resources. Not every unit is eleigible for timed replacements, in general lower quality units don't get timed replacements, while higher quality ones do.

So some units starting the battle with casualties but no timed replacements may be units that would never get them in the first place. Other units may be formations which have suffered serious casualties in the period before the scenario starts, and are deemed to have already exhuasted their timed replacements before the scenario started.



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(in reply to Sauron)
Post #: 3
RE: Step Replacements - 4/27/2004 7:47:41 PM   


Posts: 6
Joined: 3/12/2004
Status: offline
Thanks (again) for the replies guys. I guess I was thinking about this the wrong way. Obviously before battle is commenced units are at whatever strength that is available - some good and some bad. The timed replacements simply represent the unit's ability to call upon whatever reserves it can to make good losses as they occur in battle.

My assumption was that any unit that was under strength would obviously do its best to improve its strength, whether or not it is in combat. But obviously, given the realities of manpower/equipment shortages, units that were not in combat would often have to remain at lower strengh - at least until combat proved that they needed the replacements.

Ok, I'm mollified. Thanks!

(in reply to Gregor_SSG)
Post #: 4
RE: Step Replacements - 4/28/2004 1:06:23 AM   


Posts: 781
Joined: 10/15/2003
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The timed replacement to me means not only getting in more troops but also the time it takes to get the current troops reorganized, get new equipment, conduct maintenance, and get some rest after combat.

< Message edited by JSS -- 4/28/2004 8:09:07 AM >

(in reply to Sauron)
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