Chief Wiggum
Posts: 61
Joined: 7/16/2001 From: Cincinnati, Ohio Status: offline
Dear All,
Sorry I have not been on the forums as much. All of us over here have been slammed )
Some info for all of you that are interested in our work, our participation on the forums and our SPWAW scenes.
I have a LIL' teaser from our studio. Enjoy!!!!!
This is our Waffen SS Tiger Tank that will appear on the SPWAW splash screen that will accompany our 3-D mod!!! The tank itself is really starting to look pretty. This monster will also appear in our 3-D video game "Armored Alliance". I hope everyone enjoys this shot!
Our conversion of SPWAW is coming along as slow as mud through an oil filter, but it is still going Most of the small units, AT guns and other such weapons have been rendered, and converted into that gawdawful 256 format. Also, we are reworking our interface that everyone saw on the forums a few months ago. We wanted to repaint some of the textures, and tweak the animations for the interface itself!
I hope to have some advanced renderings by the end of the week of this tank and I will update all the dedicated SPWAW gamers about our rebuild as more information becomes available
Sincerely and best wishes, Mike Sansone, Pres. Eclipse Graphics
" A teacher does not teach, a true teacher leads his students to enlightenment..."