Posts: 75
Joined: 5/18/2004 From: New York Status: offline
I'm playing the full campaign with Auto Sub Ops off, and all theaters are on Human Control. Normally (as I did in UV), I'll create a sub TF, assign it a destination, then place it on Computer Control for a while. After placing my sub TF's on Computer Control, they go to their final destination, but then they just sit there and dont seem to move around to different shipping lanes etc... as the AI would seem fit. As long as the subs are on Computer Control, they are supposed to eventually patrol around on their own, but this isn't happening. I've tested this multiple times creating sub TF's from different bases and sending them off to vairous hexes everywhere from Anchorage to Karachi. The Computer Control sub TF's only seem to willingly roam if I turn Auto Sub Ops On too! This definately must be a bug and I hope it eventually gets fixed. Thanks Matrix!
"Casualties many; Percentage of dead not known; Combat efficiency; we are winning." - Colonel David M. Shoup, USMC, Tarawa, 21 November 1943 (Awarded MOH)