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100% FOR SURE fix for sound problem.. fix still will play 80% of sounds in the game

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100% FOR SURE fix for sound problem.. fix still will pl... - 8/18/2004 9:02:18 AM   


Posts: 9
Joined: 8/17/2004
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the sound files use one of 3 bit rates 64kbs, 128kbs and 192kbs...
on 512MB pc it is FOR SURE the 192kbs sound files that crash the program.. i beleive it not really a codec problem but rather a paged/cached memory issue since the graphics in this software make it a SERIOUS memory and CPU PIG..
just move the following files to another directory... the game will still play with 80% of the sound... the 192kbs files are mostly used for high sound qualtity music files..

actually using both 64kbs and 128kbs sound files seems to work ok.

1032.sfx 7,080
1028.sfx 5,568
1034.sfx 5,424
1031.sfx 5,328
1026.sfx 4,680
1029.sfx 4,124
1027.sfx 3,813
1030.sfx 3,298
1033.sfx 3,205
1502.sfx 1,518
1025.sfx 1,489
1602.sfx 709
1601.sfx 700
1009.sfx 488
1070.sfx 474
1600.sfx 461
1071.sfx 448
1021.sfx 374
1020.sfx 326
1050.sfx 262
1040.sfx 239
1006.sfx 201
1182.sfx 201
1180.sfx 185
1004.sfx 179
1181.sfx 171
1177.sfx 165
1179.sfx 165
1010.sfx 160
1178.sfx 155
1011.sfx 147
1015.sfx 141
1007.sfx 134
1186.sfx 133
1183.sfx 131
1176.sfx 131
1008.sfx 130
1188.sfx 126
1000.sfx 120
1051.sfx 120
1053.sfx 120
1003.sfx 120
1005.sfx 116
1192.sfx 111
1045.sfx 110
1187.sfx 110
1002.sfx 106
1001.sfx 103
1089.sfx 97
1701.sfx 96
1700.sfx 87
1193.sfx 78
1052.sfx 72
1090.sfx 71
1191.sfx 71
1017.sfx 8
1018.sfx 7
1016.sfx 5


Post #: 1
RE: 100% FOR SURE fix for sound problem.. fix still wil... - 8/18/2004 11:28:05 AM   

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I would never use the words "for sure" when dealing with software/hardware issues.

(in reply to dkatman)
Post #: 2
RE: 100% FOR SURE fix for sound problem.. fix still wil... - 8/18/2004 5:42:31 PM   

Posts: 1429
Joined: 7/15/2004
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The sound files which crash the Windows Media Player for me are:


and 1065 (which makes my entire system run slow even after Win Media Player is closed)
I also get wierd R2D2 beeps with some other files, but no crashes.

Are these the 192 kbs files? How can I tell?


And re 512 MB: I have 512MB and get crashes. My wife's computer has 256 MB, same sound card, and she does NOT get sound induced crashes with these same wav files.

< Message edited by Beezle -- 8/18/2004 4:02:28 PM >


Beezle - Rapidly running out of altitude, airspeed and ideas.

(in reply to Hartley)
Post #: 3
RE: 100% FOR SURE fix for sound problem.. fix still wil... - 8/18/2004 7:13:36 PM   

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Yeah, and i had crashes from day one on my Uber-Alienware New PC with 1024 DDR ram and the latest Video Card etc... It runs smooth as silk "now" which leads me to believe that it "could" be some files sucked up too many resources before they were may be on the right track but the only thing in life that's sure is Death and Taxes.


A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone.
Henry David Thoreau

(in reply to DrewMatrix)
Post #: 4
RE: 100% FOR SURE fix for sound problem.. fix still wil... - 8/18/2004 7:28:35 PM   


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this for sure is 192kbs sound file problem.. move the 192kbs files out of the sound folder and the R2D2 beeps go away too.
the sound files are 1 of 3 audio formats
1/ MPEG 2.0 Layer-III 22,050hz Stereo 64kbps
2/ MPEG 2.0 Layer-III 22,050hz Stereo 128kbps
3/ MPEG 1.0 Layer-III 44,100hz Stereo 192kbps

the 192kpbs files use a DIFFERENT codec filter... so when battle is raging fast and furious.. the software has to load a different codec filter everytime it is intstructed to changed from 64/128 to/from 192kbps codec filter..

the graphics in this game push a pc to its limits.. 95%+ cpu usage plus uses so much memory to has to use alot paged memory too.
so media player running in background can not handle changing codec filter all time... sometimes it works... sometimes it plays R2D2.. sometimes it craashes

the 192kbps sound files are FOR SURE the problem..

the files you listed are actually small 64kbps files.. they shouldn't be giving u a problem..
However you may have noticed all the "last mod dates" on the sound files are different than original sound files.. this is because mplayer adds a ida3 tag to the files the 1st time they are player.
is possible you may have installed different audio drivers since u 1st played the game.
so you may want to reinstall all the originall sound files



(in reply to DrewMatrix)
Post #: 5
RE: 100% FOR SURE fix for sound problem.. fix still wil... - 8/18/2004 7:33:03 PM   


Posts: 9
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i dug a little deeper... check this out !!!
3 sound formats used in this games are..

1/ MPEG 2.0 Layer-III 22,050hz Stereo 64kbps
2/ MPEG 2.0 Layer-III 22,050hz Stereo 128kbps
3/ MPEG 1.0 Layer-III 44,100hz Stereo 192kbps

192kbps are MPEG 1.0 codec !!!!

REALITY REALITY REALITY the 192kpbs files are the problem !!!!

(in reply to TheHellPatrol)
Post #: 6
RE: 100% FOR SURE fix for sound problem.. fix still wil... - 8/18/2004 8:13:45 PM   

Posts: 1429
Joined: 7/15/2004
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the files you listed are actually small 64kbps files.. they shouldn't be giving u a problem..

But they do cause the problem. That's the observation.

a) How do I tell if a sound file uses this bps or that bps?
b) The files that cause the problem are, in general, the small sound effect files (ie not the larger music and radio chatter files)
c) I have other files that cause "trouble" than the ones listed, but the trouble is only odd, incorrect noises (I know what the noises sound like because I can hear them on my wife's machine
d) No, it isn't anything to do with corrupted files or incorrect copying. For example I have burned those sound files to CD and 1) copied them from the same CS to both machines 2) played them directly off the CD on both machines. They cause trouble on one machine, not the other.

The one thing I am "considering" (which is a long way from being 100% for sure) is that it may not be the same problem on this guy's machine as on that guy's machine. Related, maybe, but I must have something about my system (maybe that I installed MOO3, removed it, intalled Sacred, Removed it and scraps of one of those is still in the registry for example) that is different from some other persons machine.


Beezle - Rapidly running out of altitude, airspeed and ideas.

(in reply to dkatman)
Post #: 7
RE: 100% FOR SURE fix for sound problem.. fix still wil... - 8/18/2004 8:58:47 PM   


Posts: 9
Joined: 8/17/2004
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just try moving the 192kbps file out of the sound folder... the floowing is list of 192 and 128s

192kbps 128kbps
1000.sfx 120 1055.sfx 84
1001.sfx 103 1058.sfx 89
1002.sfx 106 1061.sfx 174
1003.sfx 120 1062.sfx 498
1004.sfx 179 1067.sfx 66
1005.sfx 116 1068.sfx 66
1006.sfx 201 1084.sfx 169
1007.sfx 134 1085.sfx 48
1008.sfx 130 1115.sfx 45
1009.sfx 488 1116.sfx 68
1010.sfx 160 1117.sfx 45
1011.sfx 147 1126.sfx 68
1015.sfx 141 1127.sfx 50
1016.sfx 5 1128.sfx 48
1017.sfx 8 1129.sfx 71
1018.sfx 7 1144.sfx 88
1020.sfx 326 1156.sfx 115
1021.sfx 374 1157.sfx 135
1025.sfx 1,489 1158.sfx 126
1026.sfx 4,680 1159.sfx 135
1027.sfx 3,813 1160.sfx 126
1028.sfx 5,568 1161.sfx 126
1029.sfx 4,124 1162.sfx 135
1030.sfx 3,298 1163.sfx 126
1031.sfx 5,328 1200.sfx 49
1032.sfx 7,080 1201.sfx 129
1033.sfx 3,205 1202.sfx 119
1034.sfx 5,424 1203.sfx 47
1040.sfx 239 1204.sfx 37
1045.sfx 110 1212.sfx 71
1050.sfx 262 1213.sfx 67
1051.sfx 120 1217.sfx 76
1052.sfx 72 1230.sfx 50
1053.sfx 120 1231.sfx 29
1070.sfx 474 1232.sfx 73
1071.sfx 448 1236.sfx 104
1089.sfx 97 1237.sfx 60
1090.sfx 71 1238.sfx 120
1176.sfx 131 1275.sfx 86
1177.sfx 165 1276.sfx 86
1178.sfx 155 1279.sfx 356
1179.sfx 165 1280.sfx 47
1180.sfx 185 1282.sfx 39
1181.sfx 171 1284.sfx 48
1182.sfx 201 1292.sfx 87
1183.sfx 131 1293.sfx 87
1186.sfx 133 1300.sfx 159
1187.sfx 110 1301.sfx 158
1188.sfx 126 1305.sfx 78
1191.sfx 71 1306.sfx 82
1192.sfx 111 1310.sfx 45
1193.sfx 78 1311.sfx 56
1502.sfx 1,518 1312.sfx 49
1600.sfx 461 1391.sfx 26
1601.sfx 700 1392.sfx 26
1602.sfx 709 1393.sfx 25
1700.sfx 87 1394.sfx 38
1701.sfx 96 1395.sfx 44
1400.sfx 120
1402.sfx 120
1405.sfx 46
1406.sfx 50
1407.sfx 26
1408.sfx 109
1603.sfx 13

(in reply to DrewMatrix)
Post #: 8
RE: 100% FOR SURE fix for sound problem.. fix still wil... - 8/18/2004 9:04:50 PM   

Posts: 484
Joined: 8/11/2004
From: Braunschweig, Deutschland
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a) How do I tell if a sound file uses this bps or that bps?

Do you have Winamp? If so, open the sound file with Winamp, it will show the bitrate in the kbps field.

The Windows Media Player shows the kbps number next to the "Playing" message at the bottom(version 9.0).

< Message edited by Brausepaul -- 8/18/2004 7:06:52 PM >

(in reply to DrewMatrix)
Post #: 9
RE: 100% FOR SURE fix for sound problem.. fix still wil... - 8/18/2004 9:12:23 PM   

Posts: 1429
Joined: 7/15/2004
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The Windows Media Player shows the kbps number next to the "Playing" message at the bottom(version 9.0).

Thanks. When I am home I will look. But apparently it is not a 192 bps problem for me.

The ONLY sound that cause trouble on my machine are:

R2D2 Noise:

Crash the Windows Media Player:

System Slowdown:

So if 1000.sfx is a 192 kbs file, it runs fine on my machine.


Beezle - Rapidly running out of altitude, airspeed and ideas.

(in reply to Brausepaul)
Post #: 10
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