Posts: 54
Joined: 9/28/2004 Status: offline
Thanks for your idea... In fact, when writing this post, i have restarted the Wicking whiteout scenar from KP, and i have the feeling, that the AI is more interested by taking opportunity of attacking (and destroy) an alone unit, than have a solid frontline, or a real strategy of defense or attack. By exemple, in this scenario, on the third turn, one on my supply truck was just behind the town of Annovka, i have placed this truck here, to cover the 6th infantry div, who was out of supply range near Muni. In the same time the (i play with the german), the Pzd Wicking was near Muni, and the the PzD LAH in advance in hex 18.9 and hex 19.9. i have send these 2 PzD in these area, in response of soviet advance. Then arrives the computer turn, Soviet computer player have retreated his units, (despite just a few losses, and a real number superiority) both from Muni and hex around the LAH, and send an only unit to Annovka, with the goal to destroy my supply truck... In BiN, when i take the city of 'Le Moley', it's because the computer have replaced a large part of his unit to block the path of the Oubleaux city, and by making this left empty the hex from this town. Maybe i say a real nonsense, i have the feeling that the computer has not an overal particular goal in a scenario, like defending key point, or maintain a coherent frontline, he only react when he can see an opening in our frontline, even if there is not any particular victory area, or if there is an unit, who is drestroyable quickly in one turn. I dont' know if i'am very clear (i'am just french, sorry...), but it's the first time i have this feeling, when playing a wargame, and it's not a critical judgement about BiN or KP.