Erik Rutins
Posts: 37503
Joined: 3/28/2000 From: Vermont, USA Status: offline
2gaulle, quote:
ORIGINAL: 2gaulle sory but this time I'm not happy with this matrix Game. At start I was a figurinist and tin is not close at all for a table top game on both graphic and rules point of view. I'm sorry you are disappointed. As far as graphics, this looks a lot like DBA tables and miniatures I've seen in the past. Granted there are more extravagant affairs, but we were going for keeping it simple, on the difficulty scale of Panzer General. quote:
about graphic just take a look at Vae-victis magazine, you will see what's it a table top terrain and what's painting I've played many, many miniatures games and have my own set of armies and terrain of various kinds. Tin Soldiers looks like a lot of tables and battles I've seen. The miniatures are very nicely painted - if you're not seeing that, what kind of video card are you running? quote:
In many way the rules are too simplist. there are no command rule no wing moral. concequence most of the time the unit fight until the end. Until now (i'm at Gaugameles) the macedonien phalange doesn't look like strong on defence or in attack. on the other side the cavalery look like too strong, specialy again infantry. the only modifier during melee are the kind of weapon. but there are no bonus/malus for battle between diferent kind of unit. that mean a heavy cavalery with lance will fight in exactly the same way if the fight again infantry , cavalry or chariot Well, yes the rules are somewhat simple and thus easy to learn without detracting from tactics. Your second point I completely disagree with. What do these modifiers do, if not differentiate between weapon and unit types: Spear/Pike Charging: +2 Mounted Spear: +2 Mounted Lance: +3 Mounted Unit Charging Spears: -4 Scythed Chariot Charging: +1 etc. There are a lot of differentiating modifiers in there and I find that each type of unit works quite differently within the framework without being too complex. Again, compared to most miniatures rules I've played for ancients and medieval, this at the same or better level of detail and the multi-phased turn and fog of war add to that. quote:
the rules is also unclear about melee. "small units get ine chance per stand .... large unit get 4 chance per stand" unfortunatly there is no explaination for what is a large/medium or small unit. many time chariot with only one stand are able to inflic 3 step loss Well, it's just as with miniatures - you go by the base size. Infantry have small bases, cavalry have medium bases, elephants have large bases. In the end, a single unit gets four chances if at full strength (four small, two medium or one large base). This has also been explained in more detail by Koiosworks here on the forum. quote:
bugs. too many. many time during the command phase, the phase is stoped and there is a new moral check. the game is too slow and the game freeze some time when I want to save it. somewhere a optimisation problem. Please realize this slowness and freezing you've experienced is not a common issue. In fact, it's affecting as far as I can tell less than 1% of customers so far and Koiosworks is working to resolve it. The last I saw in the support thread on this was a request for you to provide them more information. This game is one of the most stable and trouble-free I've ever tested - with that said, every game will fail on at least one computer - that is the unfortunate nature of PC game development. We can't test for every possible combination but we're willing to work to fix your problem. quote:
last but not least point. it's only possible to play the game as Alexander. there is no way to play the other side, not for the battles not for the campaing. $64 Ca realy look like too expensive. Many campaign games follow the same model, because in order to link a campaign, you need a consistent presence. In this case, it's Alexander. Darius, Porus etc. weren't at every battle, but Alexander was. This one does also allow multiplayer on either side in any scenario. Again, I'm sorry you are disappointed, but the technical issues that are driving much of your frustration are being looked into. Since they don't exist on any test computers or on the vast majority of customer computers, we need you to help us to find the slowness/freezing issue you've experienced and resolve it. Please check the support forum thread and send us your DxDiag file. Thank you. Regards, - Erik