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ALL IS QUITE ON WESTERN FRONT? - 10/28/2004 4:56:06 PM   


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RE: ALL IS QUITE ON WESTERN FRONT? - 10/28/2004 8:39:49 PM   

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stop shouting!

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Post #: 2
RE: ALL IS QUITE ON WESTERN FRONT? - 10/28/2004 9:07:57 PM   
Oleg Mastruko

Posts: 4921
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Game is currently being polished and bugs cleared. I think this one will be well worth the wait for any WW3 enthusiast (I always found "war enthusiast" to be rather strange term but well... )



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Post #: 3
RE: ALL IS QUITE ON WESTERN FRONT? - 11/9/2004 8:40:58 AM   
Cpt. Canuck


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The Captain in the Canadian NATO brigade reviews his tanks' positions for what seems like the thousandth time. He knows the Cold War could go hot any minute from now. The lads in military intelligence, an oxymoron for sure, can't give him a day, let alone an hour or minute. His nerves are frayed in anticipation.

He knows his boys are tough and well trained, but will it be enough. Ya, he knows his lads won't be featured in the history books, but this is not what it is about anyways.

He has heard the engines of the Warsaw Pact vehicles revving at their jump off points in the distance. He and many others like him are ready. The only question is when...when....when.

Will it be before Christmas?

Now this is as nicely as I can ask.


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Post #: 4
RE: ALL IS QUITE ON WESTERN FRONT? - 11/10/2004 3:00:26 AM   


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Remember this post by David Heath...

Yes it will be and should be coming in July.


What a large smelly pile of B.S. Were you talking about July 2005? I think that all any of us want is an honest (or as close as possible) answer. I went back to read some of the older posts and it seems like back in May things were "90%" complete or "just a few more tests". STOP leading us on and give us an honest answer. I am not a consumer and should not be treated as such.


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Post #: 5
RE: ALL IS QUITE ON WESTERN FRONT? - 11/10/2004 4:13:53 AM   
Oleg Mastruko

Posts: 4921
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Come on don't be so hard on them (Matrix people and Robert Crandall the developer). David probably gave only what was his best estimate.

They felt the game needs more testing so they called in a bunch of new beta testers in september (my humble self included). Now, in as much as I can tell you (without breaching the NDA):

- This game HAS potential.
- Is easy to learn and LOTS of fun.
- New bunch of testers entered the testing with very high elan and "espirit de corps" and thus managed to find many (perhaps too many) bugs still in the game. I am talking about small nasty critters that sorta ruin the experience. No one is too happy about this, least of all Matrix people and Robert, but I think you'll agree it's better to squash them bugs now, then to wait for a patch.
- Robert is being really nice guy, with steel nerves. He is (correct me if I am wrong) the only developer working on this title and had a PC crash few days ago, to boot.
- Please be patient, I think it will be worth the wait.
- I'll ask for permission to post a PBEM AAR from powers to be, and if allowed, expect my next beta PBEM (probably vs. Belphegor) to be posted as AAR here. It will work to show you how the game works, what are the fun parts, what are still open issues, and maybe we manage to showcase even some of the bugs, so that you see what is the reason for delay



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Post #: 6
RE: ALL IS QUITE ON WESTERN FRONT? - 11/10/2004 6:22:06 AM   
Cpt. Canuck


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From: Calgary, Soon to be sovereign nation of Alberta
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Thanks for the update Oleg. It just sounds so tantalizing close, then the boards go dead. I want a complete polished game and will wait.

If I had the time, I would have signed up for the beta. =)


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Post #: 7
RE: ALL IS QUITE ON WESTERN FRONT? - 11/11/2004 1:41:10 AM   


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I'm not trying to be hard on anyone. I know as much as anybody how hard it is to get a new program up and running (still not finished testing the rollout of a new program at work - horrible lack of support from the developers). With all due respect, the only item I had an issue with is when sombody asks when the game is going to be released and we are fed a bunch of bull just to keep the consumer interested. Seriously, I am sure that I am not the only one irritated at the fact that I have to keep wasting my time checking this website for a release date when they told is it was in July, no wait, a bit longer, no wait, a bit longer. Enough already... Respect your customer and they will continue to support your efforts. Disrespect your customer and they/I will go elsewhere to spend our/my rather limited entertainment dollars. I honestly cannot wait to play this game as I am sure it is going to be great.


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Post #: 8
RE: ALL IS QUITE ON WESTERN FRONT? - 11/11/2004 2:59:10 AM   
Oleg Mastruko

Posts: 4921
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deadman I totally agree with you, on principle, nothing to add. I won't and can't defend what David or anyone else said, it's up to them

But I *can* defend the game, because I feel it does have potential. And I think I can defend the developer, because he's just one guy with steel nerves, fighting with hundereds of lines of code in the loneliness of his room (how poetic ). I feel he's really doing best he can.



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Post #: 9
RE: ALL IS QUITE ON WESTERN FRONT? - 11/11/2004 4:58:01 AM   


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I have been waiting for this setting for a war game. I have always been interested in modern warfare gameplay and this seems like the perfect type of interface to play it on. I have been looking forward to this game since July and I believe the anticipation will be rewarded. Good luck polishing it up.

Sometimes you just have to let people know where you stand.


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Post #: 10
RE: ALL IS QUITE ON WESTERN FRONT? - 11/11/2004 7:39:59 PM   

Posts: 269
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From: Houston, TX
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ORIGINAL: deadman

I am not a consumer and should not be treated as such.

This is a confusing statement.


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Post #: 11
RE: ALL IS QUITE ON WESTERN FRONT? - 11/12/2004 1:22:36 AM   


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Sorry... I meant to write "consumer". After learning some valuable lessons throughout early adulthood regarding purchasing everything that I WANT, now I usually only purchase what I NEED. I always need a some entertainment. A "consumer" in my mind is someone who falls for advertising in which advertising turns that want into need. I was feeling that I was being lead-on and the company was attempting to create "consumers" because of the neverending cycle of "the game will be out soon" and "maybe in a few weeks" starting in early 2004. I don't like it when someone tries to turn me into Pavlov's dog. Sorry for the confusion.


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Post #: 12
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