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Joined: 4/20/2003 From: England Status: offline
ORIGINAL: ravinhood You didn't play Road War? Awww man it was a tactical game of buses, 18 wheelers, all kinds of different cars and your lil men had different kinds of weapons to shoot at each other with, I think buses could hold like 24 guys and were pretty powerful. But, once you figured out to shoot the "tires" out from under the vehicles first the game became pretty easy. heh Cept those 18 wheelers, they took some time to blow out all their tires. A very good game though for it's time, right around when Road Warrior movies were popular. SSI really churned out some great games in the 80's, I know I have at least 90% of them, even their baseball and football games. I also sent in my lil gamer card that came in every box that allowed you to "rate" their games, you don't see that anymore. Auto duel was kind of a role playing game and an auto duel game, you traveled from city to city to enter into races and there was some plot line in the game as well, you had to fight to bad guys on your way to different races and then fight some more in the races themselves. Earning enough money to upgrade your vehicle and if you didn't do well in the races, you could always play black jack and make quite a bit of money the game was very forgiving playing blackjack, I wish I could win like that in real life. lol Just reading that shows how much gameplay those older games had compared to now.