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Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12)

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Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 4/30/2005 10:35:31 AM   

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We are starting scenario 12 tonight. He's Ex-Marine and I am Ex-Army. I will be playing the Jap side. I don't plan to make legnthly comments, but I have enjoyed reading other AARs & thought I would just add my 2 cents worth here occationally. I don't know if my opponent will make any comments or not.
I find the Jap side to be pretty much a nightmare in terms of Organization and Support. The begining troop dispositions always give me heartburn.
I plan to try an make an early grab for Lunga and Gili-Gili. I chose GG instead of Buna with the idea in mind that I can pick it up later if I can first isolate it. I chose the South Seas Detatchment for the task. Frankly I don't remember who I sent toward Lunga.
I've also started by trying to set up blocking submarines near GG and laying mines near Guadalcanal in hopes of delaying a similar move by my opponent. We'll see how that works out....
By the way - he clobbered me good in our practice game with Scn#1.
I was Allied & he was Jap in that one.
Post #: 1
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 4/30/2005 11:12:44 PM   
Shadow of the Condor


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Looking forward to reading it. Good luck to you both.

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RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/1/2005 6:57:53 AM   

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Thanks, I know I'll need it after that scn#1 fiasco! He's an agreesive commander (no mercy).
Day two uneventful except that I discovered that I was loading the southeastern command HQ instead South Seas HQ onto my invation fleet. A quick adjustment and I managed to grab half the correct HQ before they set sail. Guess I better start wearing my glasses again! We had some difficulty with the combat report not being the correct one but I think the problem is fixed. My carrier is doing a shakedown cruise NE of Kavieng - I found some pilots in need of training. Hey... where's the rest of my planes - the carriers appear a little short on aircraft???
I saw his CV group in port - if the intel is to be believed. Just occurred to me that I better send the CV group south to escort the larger invasion fleet. Have been raiding PM with airfiled attacks to try and key their heads down while the landing takes place.
DAY 3 and his CV grp appears to have left port - He's probably going to attack the GG landing force. Got to get My carriers down there.
A raid on PM left two Dekotas destroyed on ground. My mine layer dropped his mines and had an accident - he blew up his float plane in process. So much for non-combat casualties. The 3d SNLF headed for Lunga. My subs still have not arrived on station. My goodness they're slow! I need that picket line in place before my opponent gets there but I guess it aint gonna happen soon.
Have detailed 4th garrison from truck to Wewak - they have lots of aviation spt & that base has a 7 potential.
Waiting for results of orders & soaking up coffee gives me some insight as to what the Commanders of the day must have felt like.

(in reply to Shadow of the Condor)
Post #: 3
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/1/2005 11:05:34 PM   

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Day 4 and all ships are at sea. It'll be 19 days before I start getting any kind of replacements/reinforcements from Tokyo. Doesn't Emporer realize there's a war on down here?
Thunderstorms - standing down all my aircraft. I'm sure PM residents will appreciate that. The Kanga force at Wae has disappeared - either they're just not detected due to weather or they're on the move. Intel again says His CV grp is parked at Nomea - But I know SOMETHING left out of there... just don't know what!
Dispatched the 11th Naval Construction Bn to Nanrue island east of Truk. I don't like haveing an enemy base in my back yard. Will build an airstrip so I can search the vast ocean area south of it - don't want him sneaking in to make a grab for Truk.
Gili-Gili force so far undetected should land tomorrow while my carriers refuel at Shortland. He detected my Minesweepers moveing up the coast toward Buna.
Am suprised that he has not put up CAP over PM... so far only casualties are from his AA guns... need to fly higher when weather clears.
He downed a Betty @ 10k Ft. He raised a flag on New Caladonia and has based some aircraft at Luganville. Otherwise all ships are committed and I wish I had oiler to follow my CV's, I don't like take fuel from port.
Oh... the 3d SNLF is unloading at Lunga... I need more ships Boss!

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Post #: 4
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/3/2005 7:54:24 AM   

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My CV group has refueled and is now providing air cover for the GG landing force. Gili-Gili has fallen to the South Seas Detatchment. BANZAI....
Lunga on Guadalcanal has fallen to 3d SNLF. BANZAI...
The weather has cleared up a little and Recon reports that all combat aircraft have left Port Morsby!
Now what are the Marines up to? Most puzzling 1st the Kanga Force disappears from Wae and now PM has no Cmbt aircraft.
Something put in at Luganville but I don't know what.
I've dispatched the 81st Naval Garrison to take Tulagi. They're headed down the slot now.
I've ordered a recon of Buna in effort to find out where the allies have gone off too. Most puzzling indeed!
Subs are laying mines south of Guadalcannal and taking up station near the entry to my new base at Gili-Gili where ships continue to unlaod troops and supplies.
As I sit on the perch of my Flagship soaking up some coffee I cannot help feeling as though the Marines are laying a trap for me... Hmmmm
The 5th brigade will be arriving at Gasmata and 21st mixed brigade will take up station at Hoskins. The 17th HQ is headed for Finschafen.
I discovered that I cannot reload mines at any of my supply Hubs so I am going to send my minelayers back to Truk.
Where has he gone? What is he up to? Hmmmm....
Need more recon planes Boss...

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Post #: 5
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/4/2005 12:58:25 PM   

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The 17th HQ has arrived at Finschafen. All troops have completed offloading at Gili-Gili. I'll let the CV grp linger in area to cover the withdrawal of my transports. An Allied submarine was sighted NE of Gili-Gili probably headed towards Rabaul. I've dispatched gunboats and a DD to welcome it.
My minelayers have reloaded and are now on their way to a location SE of Guadalcannal.
We're a week into the scenario and so far no major combat. I've stopped bombing Port Morsby even though the weather is clear. I moved a Mavis grp to Lae and have ordered a recon of Cooktown, Australia.
Otherwise... all's quiet in the South Pacific.
Starting Day 8... (8 May 42)

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RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/5/2005 11:37:43 PM   

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8/9 May 1942. All's quiet on the South Pacific front. Gili-Gili is fortifying before getting started on the airfield. My troops have landed on Nanrue Island East of Truk. Also the 4th brigade is unloading at Wewak. The 21 Mixed Bde is unloading at Hoskins and I've ordered the sub-chasers there to proceed on to Shortland Island. Maybe they'll bag that pesky allied sub that has been snooping around there. The enemy sub moved over towards Bouganville and either doing a recon of the area or perhaps it is laying mines. Guess I'll find out soon.
I've orderd the Carrier grp to Kavieng to refuel. Hey Boss - I need an oiler down here!
17th HQ has landed at finschafen and is being joined I believe by 2d brigade out of Lae. Will have to transport the shore batteries while the rest of the brigade walks the 60 miles to join up with 17th HQ. 15th Brigade will remain at Lae. Sure wish I had the 38th Div already... they would be ideal for moving inland with their tank company.
Some transports have become available to go pick up the rest of 3d brigade from Buin and move them to Lunga. 81st Navy Garrison will strike at Tulagi probably tomorrow.
South Seas detachment has plenty of supplies but needs fuel and I only have 2 or 3 tankers to cover the entire region. Hey Bossman Emporer... I need more tankers.
So far all my recon reports have showed little or no activity by Allies. Only that one little sub snooping around.
Wonder if I should risk an early invasion of Port Morsby? Hmmm...
I think I'll bomb the airfield there even though the Allies have pulled all their aircraft out. Now that they're gone - I don't want them coming back. I'm begining to suspect a buildup on Luganville for possible future action against Guadalcannel. Wish I could get a recon down that far.
I need better intel - this silence by teh enemy is deafening to say the least. He's up to something - but what???

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Post #: 7
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/7/2005 8:52:52 PM   

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Well the lone sub off Bouganville hit one of my SC (Sub-chaser). They chased the sub to the bottom of the Sea! That's dedication for ya...
That makes the first ship sunk in this game.
Have changed my mind about occupying forces at Tulagi, I will pull the 81st out and use the 81st and 82d naval garrisons in Operation Stop Light.
Operation Stop Light simply means that I'm going to turn Green dots into Red ones. The Yawaze Detachment is being sent to Tulagi. Gunboats have arrived at Lunga but they need fuel.
The Emporer has smiled upon my request for Tankers and Oilers - I will be getting 8 tankers and two oilers in about 6 days.
Have order the vicinity of PM to be swept for mines.
Day 13 approaches in this campaign.

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Post #: 8
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/8/2005 7:14:24 AM   

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May 13/14 1942. My troops have dubbed the Allied submarine "Snoopy" because it is snooping around in Jap territorial waters. It scored another hit this time S.W. of Gasmata where it crippled an empty transport. His buddy (we now call the Red Baron) sank one of my minesweepers N.E. of Gili-Gili.
Weather = Thunderstorms
Thus the battle has been joined.
Who will next fall victim to the mercyless allied submarine menace?

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Post #: 9
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/10/2005 9:59:54 AM   

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15 May 42 And the Allied sub menace continues to harrass IJN shipping. Two subs are sighted between Kavieng and Rabaul. One takes a shot at a transport and missed. I have all air assets on Anti-Sub missions but they don't appear to be very effective! The weather is partly cloudy & they're all flying at 1k feet. They seem to be spotting well enough but not attacking this under sea obsticle to routine shipping.
Thank you Emporer for the Tankers and oilers
The carrier grp is venturing cautiously north of Louganville to try and get some intel...
Operation stop light is well under way dispite sub harassments.
Soon... fuel will begin to flow into the area. I'm using aviation ships to escort Tankers where possible so air assets can fly ahead in search of allied submarine activity but don't have enough so will have to detail some destroyers to escort duty as well. I don't have sufficient capital ships in the AO yet to for a bombardment group. Waiting on a battleship that was promissed in near future...
If partly cloudy weather holds maybe I'll bag a sub or two and needed intel... we'll see. Time to start forming some supply groups too.

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Post #: 10
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/12/2005 7:41:10 AM   

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16 May 1942 Thunderstorms.
Not much has happened and most of my air assets are standing down to avoid non-cmbt air losses. My CV grp took a look-see and is departing the area under cover of the storms. Besides - they need fuel !
The allies have build their airbase on Luganville up to a 3 and theone at Efate Port ille is now a leval 4 which means I can expect some B17 activity in near future.
I have mined Kirakira atoll and Siodjuni atoll. They will escape operation stop light. Minelayers are also headed for Vana atoll in Santa Cruz Isl., and Russell Isl N.W. of Guadalcannal.
The engineers at Nauru Isl. are crying for supplies so they can build a port.
Troop dispositions...
Shortland Island under command of S.E. Fleet HQ with 16th Brigade.
Los Negros beingf occupied by 85th Naval Garrison.
81st and 82d naval garrisons are conducting operation stop light with the 81st at Bolotei beach and 82d storming Woodlark Isl.
Wewak under cmd of 11th Air Fleet HQ with 4 Brigade.
Lae has the 15th Brigade but no HQ support.
Finschafen under comd of 17th Army HQ and although the 2d SNLF is there too - I plan to move them... somewhere. 17th Brigade will occupy Finschafen as they arrive in theater.
A sub-chaser grp is patrolling north of Rabaul.
Finally, Rear Admiral Takaka is taking the 5th Sasebo (support) Brigade to Buna.
3d Kure (night fighting) brigade is on Lunga and 5th Kure brigade is on Gasmata. The 21st Mixed brigade is at Hoskins.
Buna should fall within a day or two - right now it is being swept for mines.
A minelaying sub has been sent to block the entry into Towenvill, Australia.

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Post #: 11
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/13/2005 9:00:26 AM   

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17 May 42 Partly Cloudy.
The minelayer sub has changed course to teh inlet near Cairns. Intel says there are ships there.
Just as I suspected - a B17 flew over Gili-Gili today. Probably from the forward base at New Calidonia.
18 May 42
Bolitei beach and Woodlark Island fall to Japanese as part of Operation Stop Light.
19 May 42 ... The enemy has just shown an interest in Gili-Gili by performing a recon on it. Engineers there are still trying to build a fortification. They haven't even started on the airfield yet.
A half dozen tankers and oliers just left port at Truk
The 82d Naval Garrison was just about to embark on the troop ship for the next green dot when an Allied sub put three torps into it. Now they are stranded on Woodlark Island. I've come to the conclusion that Sub-Chasers are worthless!
This sub attack, recon, and air searching B17s spells trouble for Gili-Gili. I have a picket line of three subs south of GG to warn me of an approach by enemy ships.
Buna is being attacked today. Hey Boss man Emperor - I need about a dozen detroyers down here to check the sub menace...

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Post #: 12
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/16/2005 8:44:32 AM   

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20/21 May 42 The 82d is still stranded on Woodlark. The sub moved west and hit a ship at Buna. I sent several SC (s) after the sub and it simply swatted one of them aside. The others just hunkered down and prayed the sub would leave the area like a hungrey shark...
I've said it before & I'll say it again SC subchasers are useless pieces of junk. The month of May will probably become known as subchaser war. Meaning; allied subs chasing them useless speed boats all over the pacific.
Many tankers and oilers are at sea - so many in fact that some are without escort. The silly Oilers don't seem to want to replenish my ships and keep trying to go back to Truk.
My CV grp got to with 30 miles of Truk before the Oiler finally replished it. Being that close to home I believe I got some more aircraft too.
Buna (like Gili-Gili) has fallen - but then - ther was nobody home!
Intel is continues to caution against surface approach on PM because there appears to be a combat ship buildup at cairns. The Minelayer sub should arrive in a day or two to mine the entrance.
Have managed to get some aviation support onto Lunga & although there is no airstrip I've place some Mavis sea planes there to start doing recon on Luganville.
Weather has been volitile going from clear to thunderstorms...
I've decided to send 2d snfl to Siador so they can have a home of their own.
operation Stop Light continues slowly without the 82d NG

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Post #: 13
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/18/2005 9:47:10 AM   

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22/23 May 42 Weather has been a little clearer. 81st NG got attacked by allied sub but missed. They are preparing to go on to next green dot down the Slot. I built up a battle group and started out to sea but decided I wanted to add the Chitose float plane carrier to the group to give some eyes forward. So I turned it around and sent it back to Madang where battle worthy ships are congregating for deployment.
My opponent still shows an interest in Gili-Gili with recon & another B17 flew over again today. Something's up...
Continueing my supply and fuel opperations. 84th NG is being picked up at Buka to join Opperation stop light.

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Post #: 14
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/20/2005 10:58:16 AM   

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24/25 May 42. Weather variable. The Allies continue their recon of Gili-Gili. Idecided to bomb Port Morsby but the raid had little or no effect. The 81st embarking on a troop ship narrowily missed becoming shark bait. The allied sub #S-37 fired on a subchaser instead. A fair sacrifice. The 81st is now out of harms way. Recon of Santa Cruz Islands shows a curious airstrip has appeared on some minor atoll starting with a 'G' but I can't spell it! I suspect it's actually a group of Seaplanes. Will mine the area just in case.
Recon report on PM shows 11 AA guns and the airfield at level 4.
Sub 37 is becoming a thorn in my side....

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Post #: 15
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/21/2005 11:11:16 AM   

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26/27 May 42. It seems my minelayer ran into a USN patrol at that little atoll Gavigamana or whatever it is called out there in the Santa Cruz district. The night action was brief with the minelayer tossing the mines overboard as they tried to run out of the area. A few rounds were exchanged with little effect on either side but they completed their mission & are headed home.
Meanwhile - back at the GG ranch. A small striike force of about 5 or 6 US DDs and CAs cruised into port Gili-Gili during the night just as Fueling operations started with a friendly tanker. The subchaser near by screamed a warning & then disappeared in a bright flash of debris! The tank had a 3" gun forward and actually returned fire on the intruders hitting two of them before it finally gave up the Ghost. Commendations to the Tanker crew.
We knew they were coming but did not have time to react - it seems they attacked my picket line of subs first and just kept on going. One sub has headed back to Gasmata to repair. Also the mining of the enterence to Cairns is completed and the sub was sitting outside towenville to perhaps use it torps after delploying the mines.
41st NG disembarks on Sepi atoll.
42 NG still waiting for a taxi...
and the 44th was relieved to see the ship come back for the rest of their comrades that were left sitting on the beach.
CV and Battle group moves thru the straights at Finschefen & head for deep water.

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Post #: 16
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/21/2005 11:58:21 PM   

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28/29 May 1942. SS-29 lying silently on the other side of Barrier Reef spots two ships (MSW) coming out of Towenville harbor probably headed for Santa Cruz to deal with the mines there. SS-29 pops a fish into MSW Ballerat & it sinks like a lead weight. Its partner, however returns fire & manages to damge SS-29. The sub heads back to Gasmata for repair.
Out at Santa Cruz District an Allied subchaser #693 hits a mine. The residents of neighboring islands take to their fishing boats to gather the floating wood debris. Once dried it make nice fire wood.
The allied sub Greenling fires at AP Hiyoshi near Kavieng... but missed
The 84th NG captures Kiriwina atoll - completing the subjugation of Santa Isabel Island. They are in need of fuel & an oiler is approaching to assist.
Meanwhile, back at Cairns Driveway - the mines have broken from their moorings and floated off into the Coral Sea posing a threat to normal commerse.
The Ausie Gov't has lodged a maritime protest on Nip use of Mines.
Otherwise... It's a good day to go fishing!
SIDE NOTE... SHIPS SUNK in 1st month of War
Japs... 11

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Post #: 17
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/23/2005 4:04:02 AM   

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Hey, how'd I become a Matrix Trooper? Last time I was here I was just a mere recruit! What earned me that distiguished promotion?
CORRECTION: Preveous AAR contains an error - the 84th did not subjugate Santa Isabel Island which is no where near Kiriwina atoll. While the Island has certainly been subjugated -- the new Governor will be the Cdr of 81st NG.
30 May 1942... Thunderstorms as usual.
Allied sub# SS40 shoots at one of my mine sweepers near Gili-Gili - but missed.
Twenty Three B17 bombers attacked Gili-Gili port sinking SC24 and causing 19 damage to the port.
Elements of the 84th on Kiriwina Atoll missed the boat again.... Missing Movement is a serious offense. They were found drunk on the beach in their loin cloths. The invasion of Dobudera Beach has thus been delayed while the ship turns around to get them again. Hmmm... morale must be low.

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Post #: 18
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/23/2005 8:23:21 AM   

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I'm a little behind in my AARs.... 31 May 42
Nells from Lae launch a night raid on PM but only achieve 1 runway hit. Meanwhile...
Over in the Santa Cruz District the DMS Southard widens a path through the minefield I left there a few turns back.
Back to the other side of map... Finschafen 3am and a allied sub is skulking about. SS40 puts two fish into an AP delivering supplies.
...Morning and the Rising Sun sees Allied B25 bonbers striking Gili-Gili scoring 1 hit and 12 KIA on the ground.
My recon reports come in on the base at Wae. It appears empty. The report on Luganville shows 1480 Engineers and the airfield at level 4.
Another air raid by Allies - this time Wirraways and A24 Dauntless' hit two APs at Lae. There was no cap up. But they came in high at 16k feet.
At the same time A20B Havocs bomb the port at Buna hitting AV Kamikawa Maru.
Commander Takagi on board his AP failed to pickup those drunks back on Kiriwina Atoll. I think he needs to be transferred to command of a subchaser!

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Post #: 19
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/24/2005 8:31:46 AM   

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1 June 1942. The Battleship Haruna puts into port at Rabaul for repairs after being struck by a 1k lb bomb. Evidently the Alf that did a recon from Mutsu on Port Moresby was followed back to my battle group. Three hits were made on the TF. Last time I'll do a recon from a battle grp!
The British straifed Buna and lost 2 planes in the process.
Sepi is captured by Stop Light troops and Santa Isabel is now red.
An allied sub is sighted skulking about near Gasmata.

2 Jun 42...
DMS Southard and Zane continues their mine sweeping operation - Doesn't look like I'm going to bag anymore kills there with mines in the Santa Cruz District!
SS40 is still hanging around my port at Finschafen and attacks an APD but misses.
A PBY spots one of my DDs at Hoskins.
/// current score after 1st month of fighting\\\
Japs... 2601
USN... 3566

< Message edited by Sergeant -- 5/26/2005 2:28:25 PM >

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Post #: 20
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/26/2005 2:15:15 PM   

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2/3 Jun 42 Thunderstorms... as usual. Oh well, at leat Me pilots are getting some rest. Night -
Allies continue sweeping mines out of the Santa Cruz District... I suppose I could hope they sweep them into the Barrier Reef, but that may be too must to ask for.
Another allied sub #S39 fires at my Tanker in Finschafen port but missed.
Daylight brings another Allied sub to my doorstep, #S-38. It fires at AP Akibasan unloading troops at Dobadura beach. The blast kills 15 Japs belonging to 84th NG.
Does this guy have any surface ships??? SS Grenadier sneaks into Guadalcannal harbor and fires at a gunboat. It missed and the gunboat tries to depth charge the intruder.
Meanwhile back at the replacement ranch... the 4th Crossed Swords Commando (Maizuru) regiment departs with orders to subjugate Malaita.

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Post #: 21
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/29/2005 12:18:35 AM   

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4 Jun 42 RAIN.....
Jap sub I1 attacks DMS Zane, but Zanes sister ship DMS Hovey fires 4 rnds into sub. Santa Cruz district is overrun by the Allies as I1 sinks.
Morning brings 8 B25D Mitchells - which bomb Saidor port. PC Takunan
takes a 500 llb bomb in the shorts from 4k feet. The subchaser is missed.
Due to rain - CAP did not fly...
19 Wirraway and 3 B25D attack ships in port at Gili-Gili. AV Sanyo Maru takes 6 hits from 4k Feet.
6 B25 attack ships at Hoskins port and miss suffering 2 dmg planes due to flak again at 4k feet.
4th of June CONTINUED...
Three Wirraway from PM attack a tanker docked at Buna - one plane is damaged and the tanker takes two bomb hits.
Meanwhile back at Guadalcannal seaman Tanaka's Diary is interrupted when an allied sub 'Grenedier' fires at his gunboat. Fortunate the torp was a dud - just many Yankee torps... Wish more were duds like that one.
Just as Tanaka sits down to a hardy bowl of rice & squid the air around him cracks like thunder & lightning as an allied raiding party of 6 cruisers & destroyers cruise into the harbor using its targeting radar to open up at 23k yards. The gunboats are damaged & out of range to fire back. Most of the IJN sailors jump over-board & swim for the beach.
The raders come on fast opening up again at 18k yards on DD Uzuki doing escort duty. She goes down with 26 hits before she can even change facing!
The raiders now turn their guns on AP Daifuku Maru from 16k yards hiting it 10 times. Supplies are scattered all over the harbor. Next they turn their attention to the juicy tanker Gonyo Maru moored with fuel lines that the sub missed earlier. Tanaka's gunboat had been guarding this prize. Five shells slam into his gunboat leaving the tanker untouched. The crew on the beach is spotted and the big guns turn on them. Three of his buddies disappear in a flash. Tanaka tries to burrow into the sand like a sandcrab. The guns then inflict 1 AB hit, 2 Supply hits and 2 port hits. Suddenly the shore batteries open up on the intruders scoring an estimated 2 hits on DD Lang and 1 hit on DD Conningham. The raiders lay smoke and slip out of the harbor... all is deafly quiet except for the sounds of secondary explosions & crackling of a dozen fires.
Over by Gili-Gili an air search plane sights a battlegroup 60 miles to south east.
But for the moment.... the worst is over!

< Message edited by Sergeant -- 5/30/2005 8:53:04 PM >

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Post #: 22
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/30/2005 11:44:41 AM   

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Great game so far! I'm just about getting my ass kicked in mine.
When do plan to unveil the imperial death star???


In time of war the first casualty is truth. - Boake Carter

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Post #: 23
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 5/30/2005 8:22:32 PM   

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Thanks... Actually I'm about a week behind in my AAR writing... I think I may have cracked one of my ribs & it gets a little painful to sit here and type at any legnth of time. VA nurse told me on phone she doesn't believe its cracked -- but I'm not convinced!
Not certain I know what you mean by Imperial Death Star... I recall seeing it mentioned before but could never figure out what it was...
Enlighten me.... Enjoying your AAR humor & visual affects. Do you need special equipment to create those?
Well I better finish the 4th of Jun AAR - I didn't finish it & need to edit.
You don't appear to be getting that badley mauled... I've lost 24 ships and my oponent has only lost two! Now that's what I call getting mauled!

(in reply to Veer)
Post #: 24
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 6/2/2005 10:36:25 AM   

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5 June 1942, Partly Cloudy. A large bright moon peeks through the clouds of the night sky as 15 Nell bombers out of Lae swoop in low at 3k feet to drop their eggs on Port Morsby. Flak is light but 2 are still damaged. BDA indicates 1 AB hit and 5 runway hits. Meanwhile at Gili-Gili port the injured AV Sanyo Maru gives up the ghost and sinks in port.
Morning breaks with 13 Betty and 12 Zeros bombing PM again from 12k feet. One Betty takes a flak hit. No cap puts the Zero pilots in a bad mood - that's a long flight from Rabaul. BDA fails to show any damage on the ground.
Perhaps the lack of damage is due to absence of Allied aircraft. They took off early and are now hitting Saidor with 15 Mitchells from 4k feet. They proudly unleash 4 five hundred pound bombs onto a poor subchaser #17.
About an hour earlier 21 Wirraway, 13 Mitchells, and 15 Havocs attack ships at Buna. DD Oite takes 6 hits. Again the allies show up at 4k feet which appears to be their favorite altitude.
Lunch time arrives with the Japanese 81st NG capturing Tassafaronga atoll. Mid afternoon the 84th NG captures Dobadura beach.
Allied subs are spotted snorkling at near Buna and Gili-Gili... The sub menace must be dealt with soon!

(in reply to Sergeant)
Post #: 25
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 6/2/2005 11:39:00 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Sergeant

Thanks... Actually I'm about a week behind in my AAR writing... I think I may have cracked one of my ribs & it gets a little painful to sit here and type at any legnth of time. VA nurse told me on phone she doesn't believe its cracked -- but I'm not convinced!
Not certain I know what you mean by Imperial Death Star... I recall seeing it mentioned before but could never figure out what it was...
Enlighten me.... Enjoying your AAR humor & visual affects. Do you need special equipment to create those?
Well I better finish the 4th of Jun AAR - I didn't finish it & need to edit.
You don't appear to be getting that badley mauled... I've lost 24 ships and my oponent has only lost two! Now that's what I call getting mauled!

The Imperial Death Star - comes in 2 varieties. The first is the Standard model: All 6-7 IJN CVs in one TF, roaming the sea at will blasting things left right and center. Sometimes the allies can counter this with a death star of their own, but it isn't nearly as effective till '43. The second is the Super model: All 7 IJN CVs (+ Hiyo if avail), plus 3 CVLs, plus additional Zero sqds on the CVLs as additional CAP in place of their strike sqds (who needs more than 200 Vals and Kates anyway?). AFAIK, this is pretty much unbeatable until the late '43.

I'm about a week behind in my AAR as well, and trust me, i'm getting trashed :) I've lost close to 500 aircraft in 2 months, and the ships points loss ratio is 8:1. For the pictures - I just use photoshop and google. Gald you'r enjoying it!

PS: Sorry to hear about your ribs. How did it happen?


In time of war the first casualty is truth. - Boake Carter

(in reply to Sergeant)
Post #: 26
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 6/3/2005 6:48:13 AM   

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"PS: Sorry to hear about your ribs. How did it happen?"
Embarassingly enough I must say that I simply fell (or was pushed) out of bed & bounced off a chair. So I got up walked into living room sat down in Me recliner & promptly proceeded to fall out of it too. Personally, I think Me cat pushed me!
Anyway.... Back to the war.
6 June 1942 (Thunderstormes) Night...
The allied sub 'Grenedier' fires at one of my PCs (CH10) and missed. This occured north of GC in The Slot.
Grenedier's Captain upset with his aim waits til morning and tries again - this time with a larger target silouetted against a rising sun (AP Asakasan). He missed again!
IJN Commander feeling sorry for the old bloke & his defective torpedoes promptly orders PC Takaenan Maru to sink while it is moored at Finschafen.
The Allied commander is unimpressed... Very well -- five DD under command of RADM Kobayahi depart from Truk to deal with the sub menace.

7 June 1942. The night is quiet. Little or nothing happens worth reporting.
Daylight, on the other hand.... Allied sub# S47 shoots at AP Kaiko Maru at Goodenough Island and manages to hit 1 time.
A Pete float plane does recon on Port Morsby while the 82d NG Goodenough Island's green dot into a red one. Operation Stop Light seems to be going well.
Tokyo News Flash... Our glorious meatball flag has been raised over Nanru Island east of Truk. BANZAI BANZAI BANZAI Applications for licences to sell souveniers & transister radios may be filed with the ministry of capitalistic commerse.
IJN Commander (Me ) has decided to launch an air strike on Port Morsby in an effort to reduce its number of AA guns there.
IJN Campaign update; Bases = 20 IJN v. 14 USN.

(in reply to Veer)
Post #: 27
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 6/4/2005 10:31:09 PM   

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8 June 1942 - Partly Cloudy - Night:
Seven Nell bombers drop out of the clouds on a cloudy night sky and level off at 12k fee. Their mission is Ground Attack on Port Morsby. BDA is inconclusive.
Down below the allied sub Greenling fires at Tanker Shinkoku Maru at Base Saidor's port but missed.
The Pete located on Buna does a recon on Port Morsby, while a Mavis out of Lunga does recon on Efate Port Villa. Nothing much reported at PM but Efate has a CAP up. Hmmm... is he worried that I can strike that far yet? Also they report that a large buildup of troops - about 5 brigades, minesweepers, destroyers and Destroyer escorts. In prot appears to be a battle grp of 11 ships including a BB. Airfield level is now a 5 with 86F, 120B, and 99aux parked on tarmac. Intelligence officer Sanuki says "Aasoo this is definately a threat to our survival - may I take leave now? Have business to attend in Tokyo!".

Seventeen Betty(s) launch another ground attack on Port Morsby again from 12k feet.
Meanwhile a friendly tanker sinks in deep water off Finschafen.
I have ordered the sub pickets to surround Efate Port Villa.... they should arrive on station in a few days. I've also directed that a battle group should raid Port Morsby.

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Post #: 28
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 6/5/2005 10:18:38 AM   

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9 Jun 42 Clear Night...
Five Jake(s) bomb Port Morsby causing 1 supply and 2 runway hits, and suffering 1 Jake destroyed. Shortly afterwards 7 Nells from Lae bomb the base causing another runway hit from 10k feet.

At sea, the allied sub Greenling fires at a tanker at Base Saidor... and missed.

About the same time a Japanese battle group sails into Port Morsby and opens up on the airfield destroying 1 Havoc and 2 Wirraway on the ground. 4 USN sailors are also KIA when the base take 9 hits and the runway is hit 26 times.

AP Diafuku sinks in port at Tulagi.

... Hey How do I start a new page - or will this thing automaticaly start a second page?

Daylight... Allied sub SS Tautog shoots AP Jusan Maru near Rabaul using a 20mm Orilikon gun and two torpedoes. She scores 29 hits and the AP is sunk.

Meanwhile a Pete scout plane does recon on Port Morsby while 16 VAL(s) hit it destroying 1 Wirraway on the ground and inflicting 4 KIA from 2 AB hits, and 6 runway hits. While this is happening a MAVIS flies recon over Efate Port Ville and encounters wildcats on cap. It reports 90f, 136B, and a 107 Aux aircraft on the tarmac. It also spots more ships than it is able to count in the harbor.

... the 10th of June is uneventful.

< Message edited by Sergeant -- 6/6/2005 4:38:42 AM >

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Post #: 29
RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) - 6/6/2005 6:47:36 AM   

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11 June 1942 on a Clear Night...
That pesky allied sub Tautog is still skulking around. It shoots at my sea plane carrier Chitose but the torpedo is a dud. On the other hand one of my Aviation ships sinks 60 miles from Rabaul.

On a Clear Day you can see for Miles...

Twenty four Hudsons out of PM bomb Gili-Gili port causing 1 supply his and 1 hit on AP Kaiko Maru while suffering only 3 Hudsons damaged by flak at 16k feet. I thought I had a CAP up - guess I was wrong! Hmmm....??? Afterwards, 21 B17(s) bomb Gili-Gili for 1 port hit and 23 soldiers KIA again from 16k feet.

PBY(s) are doing recon on my bases at Lunga and Gili-Gili. He always does recon before he attacks.... Hmmmm

The 4th (maizaru) Crossed Swords Commando unit takes Manu Beach on Malaita.

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Post #: 30
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