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Little Rafts

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Little Rafts - 5/14/2005 10:55:58 PM   
Capt. White

Posts: 28
Joined: 10/23/2004
From: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
Status: offline
im planning to make a commando type scenario and i seem to remember being able to load infantry into little rafts is it still possible to do this?
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RE: Little Rafts - 5/17/2005 4:20:58 PM   
Major Destruction

Posts: 881
Joined: 8/10/2000
From: Canada
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Yes it is possible but not simple.

Three methods will work.

1. Edit your OOB so that the rafts will show up in a formation. (create a formation with the rafts as a unit). Then you should be able to purchase the rafts just like any other unit.

2. Create the map as a river crossing. You need to place the river where the coastline will be then make the sea area 'water' and edit the coastline of the 'river' to look appropriate.

Now you will need to deploy your commandoes on the land, play turn one to create the rubber rafts and save the scenario and then redeploy.

3. Buy some unit such as a barge and change it to a raft. I used this method for a scenario in the Screaming Eagles mega-campaign. It worked, kinda. But the rafts could move onland for an unexplained reason.

The advantage of using method 2 is that the rafts should 'disappear' when the commandos reach the shore and then reappear if the commandos need to go back into the water.

I would be interested to hear a fourth option.

(in reply to Capt. White)
Post #: 2
RE: Little Rafts - 5/19/2005 7:18:24 PM   

Posts: 2963
Joined: 1/18/2001
From: Germany
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4th option: Set scenario date (temporarily) to december 1949, choose "Norway" via the "Nation" button and check the "Misc" menu for "Assault Rafts" or "Assault Boat" (fast motor driven) if you prefer. Both can be moved on land (1 hex max per turn) since they have their own crew, but this counts for the WW2 originals as well.

Having the assault rafts seperated from their passengers (as opposed to river assault type rafts absorbed into the carrying unit when moving on land) is that you need to protect the left back rafts from the enemy to ensure your return from the coast when the commando mission is accomplished (or failed). Normally commandoes are assumed to carry their rafts with them on their whole mission which IMO is a little unrealistic. At last it all depends upon your scenario creation concept, so options 1 to 3 surely might apply as well.

Never miss to check out the various "special" units in Norway OOB (date set december 1949). You might find unusual units that serve your scenario idea just perfectly!


RockinHarry in the web:

(in reply to Major Destruction)
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