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July update!

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July update! - 7/2/2005 5:35:52 PM   
Marshall Ellis

Posts: 5630
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From: Dallas
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Hello all:

Just an update to let you know that we're still testing and we're fixing some PBEM issues so we're closer than we were last month. Since the last month's update we've found and fixed more than a hundred issues and also added close to fifty improvements and almost completely re-worked the map!

We've still got some work to do BUT I'm still hopefull to be finished in the next month or two!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you


Thank you

Marshall Ellis
Outflank Strategy War Games

Post #: 1
RE: July update! - 7/2/2005 9:13:07 PM   
Freddy Fudpucker


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Thanks for the update. Not too long to wait now. Looking forward to getting hold of the game.


Gentlemen, we're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun'. -Capt. E. Blackadder.

(in reply to Marshall Ellis)
Post #: 2
RE: July update! - 7/3/2005 12:53:59 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Marshall Ellis
We've still got some work to do BUT I'm still hopefull to be finished in the next month or two!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you

No thank you. I'll better get back to my little dance here...


24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think not.

(in reply to Marshall Ellis)
Post #: 3
RE: July update! - 7/3/2005 12:55:17 AM   


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At last, the time is coming.

(in reply to eg0master)
Post #: 4
RE: July update! - 7/3/2005 8:52:53 PM   

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The Napoleonic Summer Festival brought to you by Matrix Games.


A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone.
Henry David Thoreau

(in reply to ktotwf)
Post #: 5
RE: July update! - 7/4/2005 4:16:28 PM   


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From: Ottawa, Canada
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That's great news. What does the usual delay time look like between the completion of a game and its release date?


Animal Rationis Capax

(in reply to Marshall Ellis)
Post #: 6
RE: July update! - 7/5/2005 12:53:38 AM   


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good question!!!!!

(in reply to Ontario)
Post #: 7
RE: July update! - 7/5/2005 4:16:44 AM   

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That's great news, I'm holding out on COG then for this one, since this is really the one I've been waiting for. The "Ultimate" Napoleonic game of all times. ;)

(in reply to crenfrow)
Post #: 8
RE: July update! - 7/5/2005 3:06:11 PM   

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I may be with you on this one. You kind of know the games I like. WHich do you think I'd prefer?


(in reply to ravinhood)
Post #: 9
RE: July update! - 7/8/2005 5:04:02 AM   

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I am certainly looking forward to the game coming out. And the closer to the fall the better. Who really wants to be playing on a computer during the summer months anyway.

(in reply to Marshall Ellis)
Post #: 10
RE: July update! - 7/9/2005 6:40:38 AM   

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Since I am a teacher, I do most of my playing in the summer time.

(in reply to kylenapoleon)
Post #: 11
RE: July update! - 7/9/2005 11:53:40 PM   


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Hmmm, couple of months in this developers space-time reality is what, like three more years in real time?

How long does it take to make a computer game based on simple board game rules?

On the other hand, CoG seems to definitely need at least one patch before it could even be considered finished either. Its fun to mess around with now, but seems to have a lot of work to be done still.

Ah well, at least maybe some decade one of these games might get finished.


Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism. ~George Washington

(in reply to donkuchi19)
Post #: 12
RE: July update! - 7/10/2005 3:25:51 AM   


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Matrix developed and released a game that needs a patch?? I thought they considered this a sin. Interesting. I wonder if EiA will need patches upon release, my guess is yes, no matter how much time is spent debugging and developing.

It sucks for all parties.

I don't think Matrix realized what they were getting into with EiA, just hungry for the chance to jump on the project. Unfortunately, the waiting customers suffer. On the other hand, like Matrix has mentioned (several times to their defense), I doubt that anyone else would even bother to develop this game.

It seems the only thing that can be done is to wait patiently and to try and be nice.

A couple of months (which I am equally sure means a couple more years) is what it is going to have to be, I guess.

March on Marshall, we await thee.

(in reply to marc420)
Post #: 13
RE: July update! - 7/10/2005 7:22:02 AM   

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I may be with you on this one. You kind of know the games I like. WHich do you think I'd prefer?

Wodin, I'm not Ravinhood but I would like to suggest that you would like better EIA but even more so a tactical level napoleonic game based on this system.
I have been undecided to purchase CoG because I think it lacks the complexity level that I like in a game.
But I hesitate on this one as well. I don't think there is going to be a Ai equal to what I would like in a game.


(in reply to wodin)
Post #: 14
RE: July update! - 7/10/2005 5:03:36 PM   
Marshall Ellis

Posts: 5630
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From: Dallas
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Hey guys:

Will EiA need a patch? You bet! AND yes it will be more than one! Why? Because EVEN if you've tackled ALL of the bugs (Which you will not) then you will always have improvements that can be made and if you can offer improvements to a product without your customer having to buy another product then that my friends is called customer service and I personally think Matrix is doing a great job in this area. The developers tend to work harder after release than they do before. I was never aware of a policy or preference against patches at Matrix???

Simple board rules? WOW! The 48 pages in the rule book are what makes this thing a monster. A lot of interpretation in this game that makes it quite complex (At least for me) then add the EiH system and you get genuine migraines! How long does it take? As long as it takes is my answer.

In fairness, a couple of months could be a couple of years. My ability to predict the results of a design or piece of code make it difficult to comply with a timeline.

In summary, I thank all of you for your patience. I did not know what I was getting into when I jumped at this thing but it is fun. I love this stuff! Regrets? A few over some design decisions BUT I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

Thank you


Thank you

Marshall Ellis
Outflank Strategy War Games

(in reply to Zap)
Post #: 15
RE: July update! - 7/10/2005 6:04:56 PM   


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No need to defend yourself Marshall. You gotta do what you think you gotta do.

As far as the "patch" conversation, isn't that the reason for all of the delays? The fact that Matrix doesn't want to release this game until it is "perfect". That was my point, you will never have a perfect game so if Matrix is waiting for that, this will never be released. I would rather buy a non-perfect game and have time to get use to the mechanics with a promise by Matrix that patches WILL come out then to wait ten years and lose interest.

(in reply to Marshall Ellis)
Post #: 16
RE: July update! - 7/10/2005 7:53:19 PM   
Marshall Ellis

Posts: 5630
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From: Dallas
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Wasn't trying to defend myself (My position is indefensible) since much of the delay in this game stems from the fact that we started this project a few years back as a game called "The Wars of Napoloen" which was an original design. The design parameters included simultaneous movement resolution. We got that game almost to completion when Matrix got the EiA rights and we had several meetings on how to approach EiA ... i.e. start from scratch or modify the current engine (Which did have some EiA attributes). I decided to modify the engine which in hind-sight was probably not the best decision since much of the changes dealt with turning a simultaneous move engine into the IGOUGO EiA format. We had to do this because the phase ordering of each nation in each phase is VERY deliberate in EiA i.e. Eliminating France and Great Britains' double move options was one of the BIG no-nos!

My decision (Had we to do this all over again) would be next time to complete the original game THEN tackle EiA. I think had we done it that way then EiA would be closer AND you would have had another Napoleonic game to play while waiting. Again this is hind-sight!

I committed an unforgivable sin in the world of software and that was to change my design midstream due to "scope-creep" which is what kills many great software projects because they end up in the never-ending world of design-code-change-repeat. We will finish this thing and it will be a good game (No matter how many patches it takes :-) )!

As far as the patching ... Matrix wants a good solid product to be released as do we all! they realize that there is no such thing as "bug-free" BUT we cannot put something out there that makes the minions mad! There is a middle ground as far as when to release and that is not a static point but changes all of the time for each project. It's a judgement call.

Again, didn't mean to sound as if I was defending myself because that was not my intention.

Thank you


Thank you

Marshall Ellis
Outflank Strategy War Games

(in reply to NeverMan)
Post #: 17
RE: July update! - 7/11/2005 3:38:14 PM   

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Marshall, I think that many people is losing patience here, but I also think that everyone can understand pretty well that releasing EiA is not an easy task - you've even shared with us the many design decisions you had to take.
I am sure that whenever the game will be released everyone will be happy to play it and will hopefully forget the awaiting time.

One question: developing EiA is your primary job?



(in reply to Marshall Ellis)
Post #: 18
RE: July update! - 7/12/2005 2:30:23 PM   


Posts: 627
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From: Scotland
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Geeeesssszzzz.......... I thought my kids were impatient!!

The game isnt ready for release yet... we have not paid over our hard earned cash yet, if we had then I could understand the complaints. But at the moment we just seem to have toddler temper tantrums.. "Me want MY GAME and me want it now! Gimme Gimme Gimme! Me not care if it not want NOW! You not give me game, me hate you nasty people, you always so horrid to me. It is not fair......"

Even if the conspiracy theory is correct, the devious Matrix delay EiA release to boost sales of CoG.. so what? They are a business, they make and sell products, we can choose to buy or not buy them. I am not aware of many games companies who are rushing to produce many games that are as complex and enjoyable as EiA. (If anyone knows of one please tell me because I will need somethimg to tide me over until EiAs release in the Fall or Christmas, or ...)

(in reply to simone.donnini)
Post #: 19
RE: July update! - 7/29/2005 1:46:07 PM   


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Zap, I can tell you that CoG has complexity in spades man! There are way more variables in both economics and naval just to start.

I think it needs a patch or two to get where it needs to be but it is a potentially great game. The similtaneous movement is also a nice feature that adds an extra level of complexity. A few of the guys I played the board version of EiA with love that and the decent Fog of War.

I think they are both worth the $$




I may be with you on this one. You kind of know the games I like. WHich do you think I'd prefer?

Wodin, I'm not Ravinhood but I would like to suggest that you would like better EIA but even more so a tactical level napoleonic game based on this system.
I have been undecided to purchase CoG because I think it lacks the complexity level that I like in a game.
But I hesitate on this one as well. I don't think there is going to be a Ai equal to what I would like in a game.

(in reply to Zap)
Post #: 20
RE: July update! - 8/3/2005 10:00:12 AM   

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I think it was Erik Rutkins who told me if one plays without the advisors the game increases in complexity.

< Message edited by Zap -- 8/8/2005 2:31:22 AM >


(in reply to YohanTM2)
Post #: 21
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