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RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex

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RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/16/2005 9:15:11 AM   
Andrew Brown

Posts: 5007
Joined: 9/5/2000
From: Hex 82,170
Status: offline
I am nearly done with the next map revision.

Here is a list of the base changes for the scenarios that I will provide with the map (115 and 116). Most of these changes are in CHS as well.

The biggest changes, apart from a few new bases, are the major revisions of manpower, resources and HI in India (although I have kept the totals fairly close to the stock values):

The following is a combined list of all bases that are modified or added:

            Old Base                 New Base    LocationOriginal Values   New Values                     Comments
              Name                     Name              Port     Airfield Port     Airfield
                                                         size (SPSsize (SPSsize (SPSsize (SPS)
Etorofo Jima                     Etorofu         76,36
Hungnam                          Seikoshin       61,34
Ikitsuki                         Tsushima        59,40
Kadima                           Kadena          55,46
Kunashiri Jima                   Kunashiri       74,37
Kyoto                                            63,41   -        1(4)     0(0)     1(4)     Changed to Base
Okayama                          Ise             63,43                                       Moved to new location
Shimuzu                          Shimizu         65,43

Japanese Islands
Bonin                            Bonin Islands   65,50
Iwo Jima                                         63,53   1(1)     1(3)     1(1)     0(3)
Kiungahan                        Kiungshan       39,41

Anshan                                           58,31   -        1(4)     1(2)     1(4)     Changed to Base
Chiamussu                        Kiamusze        66,29
Fushan                           Fushun          60,31
Inch'on                          Moppo           58,38                                       Moved to new location
Muntanchiang                     Mutankiang      64,31
Pusan                            Fusan           59,39
Pyongyang                        Heijo           60,34
Taejon                           Taiden          58,37   -        1(4)     1(2)     1(4)     Changed to Base
Wonsan                           Genzan          60,35

Tainan                           Takao           47,45   4(2)     4(2)     5(3)     6(6)     Combination of old Tainan and Takao
Taipei                           Taikohu         49,44
Takao                            DELETED                                                     Merged into Tainan

Haichow                                          53,35   0(0)     3(6)     2(1)     3(6)

Homan                            Honan           49,31
Yenen                            Yenan           50,28
Yunan                            Tsuyung         37,31
NEW BASE                         Hami            47,12                     -        3(4)
NEW BASE                         Liuchow         41,37                     -        1(4)     Forts: 3
NEW BASE                         Suchow          52,34                              1(4)     Manpowerr: 2
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 10
                                                                                             Resources: 30
NEW BASE                         Tsinan          53,32                              1(4)     Manpowerr: 2
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 10
                                                                                             Resources: 30
NEW BASE                         Tuyun           41,35                              1(3)     Forts: 3
NEW BASE                         Urumchi         45,7                      -        3(4)     This base is under Soviet control.
                                                                                             Forts: 3
                                                                                             Resources: 50.

Japanese Occupied China
Chengting                                        53,30                                       Heavy Industry: 180
Hsinyang                         Sinyang         49,34
Kuikang                          Kiukiang        48,37
Paotang                          Pioting         53,29
Soochow                                          52,38   5(6)     1(6)     -        1(6)     Changed to Airfield
Tientsin                                         55,30                                       Heavy Industry: 60
Wuhan                            Hankow          48,35
NEW BASE                         Ningpo          52,40                     1(1)     1(4)
NEW BASE                         Yangku          51,29                     -        1(4)     Forts: 1

Hue                                              35,42   -        1(5)     0(1)     1(5)     Changed to Base
Kompong Trach                    Kompong Som     29,43
Kompong Chhnang                                  31,42   0(0)     4(2)     -        4(2)     Changed to airfield
Kratie                           Battambang      30,41                                       Units moved to Siem Reap
Luang Prabang                    Luangprabang    34,36                                       Units moved to Siem Reap
Siemrem Reap                     Siem Reap       31,41                                       Units moved to Battambang
Bandou                           Ban Don         25,41
Krung Thep                       Lop Buri        30,38                                       Krung Thep is the Thai name for Ban
Songkhia                         Singora         24,43

Khota Bharu                      Kota Bharu      24,45

Sarawak - Sabah
Brunei                                           33,56   4(2)     3(1)     3(2)     3(1)
Miri                                             32,56   1(1)     1(1)     1(1)     0(1)

Batan Island                     Batan Islands   46,47
Ormoc                                            44,56   1(1)     1(1)     1(1)     0(1)
San Jose                                         42,54   1(1)     1(3)     1(1)     0(3)
Tagbalarin                       Tagbilaran      44,58
Tawi Tawi                                        38,59   3(1)     1(1)     1(1)     0(1)

Ahmadabad                                        22,9                                        Manpower: 7
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 30
                                                                                             Resources: 120
Andaman Island                   Port Blair      23,34
Asansol                                          30,22                                       Manpower: 0
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 480
                                                                                             Resources: 480
Bangalore                                        15,19                                       Manpower: 6
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 30
                                                                                             Resources: 100
Benares                                          30,16                                       Manpower: 3
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 50
Bombay                                           18,11                                       Manpower: 24
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 400
                                                                                             Resources: 400
Calcutta                                         29,23                                       Manpower: 36
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 600
                                                                                             Resources: 600
Chandpur                         Chittagong      31,25   8(6)     1(3)     6(5)     1(4)     Manpower: 3
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 50
Dacca                                            31,23                                       Manpower: 4
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 50
Delhi                                            29,10                                       Manpower: 11
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 100
                                                                                             Resources: 180
Diamond Harbor                   Diamond Harbour 28,23                                       Corrected American English spelling
                                                                                             Manpower: 0
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 0
Dimapur                                          35,25                                       Manpower: 0
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 0
Hyderabad                                        23,4                                        Manpower: 9
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 60
                                                                                             Resources: 150
Jamshedpur                                       28,21                                       Manpower: 2
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 360
Karachi                                          21,3                                        Manpower: 8
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 350
                                                                                             Resources: 380
                                                                                             Oil: 50
Lahore                                           31,6                                        Manpower: 7
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 50
                                                                                             Resources: 100
                                                                                             Oil: 0
Ledo                                             37,25                                       Manpower: 0
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 0
                                                                                             Oil: 20
Lucknow                                          29,14                                       Manpower: 4
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 60
Madras                                           17,21                                       Manpower: 11
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 100
                                                                                             Resources: 180
Malir                                            23,4    -        1(1)     -        1(4)     Manpower: 2
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 100
Panaji                           Pangim          16,14                                       No longer an urban hex.
                                                                                             Manpower: 0
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 0
Rawalpindi                                       31,3                                        Manpower: 2
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 100
                                                                                             Oil: 20
Trimcomalee                      Trincomalee     13,25                                       Manpower: 2
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 30
Trivandrum                                       11,21                                       Manpower: 2
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 30
Yanam                            Vizagapatam     22,21   1(1)     0(0)     1(4)     2(1)     Moved to hex 22,21
                                                                                             Manpower: 1
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 20
NEW BASE                         Agra            28,11                     -        1(4)     Manpower: 3
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 20
NEW BASE                         Bhopal          24,13                     -        1(4)     Manpower: 1
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 20
NEW BASE                         Cawnpore        28,13                     -        1(4)     Manpower: 6
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 50
                                                                                             Resources: 100
NEW BASE                         Cuttack         27,22                     -        1(4)     Manpower: 2
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 30
NEW BASE                         Jaipur          29,6                      -        1(4)     Manpower: 3
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 40
NEW BASE                         Madurai         13,21                     -        1(4)     Manpower: 3
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 30
NEW BASE                         Mangalore       14,17                     3(2)     1(4)     Manpower: 2
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 30
NEW BASE                         Nagpur          24,16                     -        1(4)     Manpower: 4
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 80
NEW BASE                         Patna           30,19                     -        1(4)     Manpower: 2
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 30
NEW BASE                         Poona           19,12                     -        1(4)     Manpower: 5
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 100
NEW BASE                         Raipur          26,18                     -        1(4)     Manpower: 2
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 30
NEW BASE                         Rangpur         32,21                     -        0(3)     Manpower: 0
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 0

Mandalay                                         33,29                                       Manpower: 2
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 30
                                                                                             Oil: 40
Pagan                            Meiktila        32,31
Rangoon                                          29,33                                       Manpower: 11
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 50
                                                                                             Resources: 180
                                                                                             Oil: 40
Taung Gyi                                        33,31                                       Manpower: 0
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 0
                                                                                             Oil: 0
NEW BASE                         Cox's Bazaar    31,26                     0(0)     0(3)     Oil: 40
NEW BASE                         Magwe           31,29                     -        3(4)     Oil: 40
NEW BASE                         Ramree Island   29,29                     0(0)     0(1)

Indian Ocean Islands
Andaman Island                   Port Blair      23,34
NEW BASE                         Addu Atoll      2,24                      0(2)     0(3)

Dutch East Indies
Aru Island                                       44,81   2(1)     0(0)     1(1)     0(0)
Babo                                             45,76   1(1)     1(2)     1(1)     0(2)     Oil: 0
Banjarmasin                      Bandjermasin    27,64
Belitung Island                  Belitoeng       22,57   0(0)     0(0)     1(0)     0(0)     Resources: 100
Biak                                             48,77   1(1)     0(4)     0(1)     0(4)
Bulla                            Boela           41,75   1(1)     1(1)     0(1)     0(1)
Jambi                            Djambi          20,53
Kai Island                                       43,80   1(1)     1(2)     0(1)     0(2)
Macassar                         Makassar        30,70
Madioen                                          22,65   0(0)              -                 Converted to airfield
Makale                                           32,68   1(1)     1(1)     0(1)     0(1)
Maumere                                          30,74   1(1)     1(2)     0(1)     1(2)
Menado                           Manado          39,67
Mentawi Island                   Siberoet Island 16,49
Merauke                                          49,88                                       Changed to Dutch Nationality
Morotai                                          43,68   1(2)     1(3)     1(2)     0(3)
Namlea                                           38,73   1(1)     1(1)     0(1)     0(1)
Noemfoor                                         47,76   1(1)     0(3)     0(1)     0(3)
Pomala                                           33,70   1(1)     1(1)     0(1)     0(1)
Sansapor                                         44,73   1(1)     1(2)     0(1)     0(2)
Sarmi                                            50,79   1(1)     0(2)     0(1)     0(2)
Sinkep Island                    Singkep         22,53                                       Resources: 100
Soerabaja                                        23,66                                       Repair yard: 25
Sorong                                           44,74   1(1)     1(2)     1(1)     0(2)     Oil: 0
Tenimbar                         Tenimbar Islands39,81   1(1)     0(0)     0(1)     0(0)
Toboali                                          21,57   1(1)     1(1)     1(1)     0(1)     Resources: 400
Tomini                                           35,65   1(1)     1(1)     1(1)     0(1)
Waigeu Island                    Waigeo Island   44,72
Waingapu                                         27,74   1(1)     1(1)     1(1)     0(1)
Wasile                           Weda            42,70
NEW BASE                         Christmas Island15,62                     1(0)     0(0)

New Guinea
Buna                                             56,92   1(1)     1(1)     1(1)     0(1)
Dagua                                            53,83   1(1)     1(1)     0(1)     0(1)
Finschafen                       Finschhafen     57,90
Hansa                                            55,86   1(1)     1(2)     0(1)     0(2)
Gili Gili                        Milne Bay       57,96   1(3)     0(3)     0(3)     0(3)
Lae                                              56,90   3(2)     1(4)     1(2)     1(4)
Port Moresby                                     54,93   3(3)     3(5)     1(2)     3(5)
Salamaua                                         55,91   1(1)     1(1)     1(1)     0(1)
Siador                           Saidor          56,88   1(2)     1(2)     0(2)     0(2)
Wewak                                            54,84   1(1)     1(4)     1(1)     0(4)

Bismarck Archipelago
Arawe                                            58,91   1(1)     0(0)     0(1)     0(0)
Buka                                             64,93   1(1)     0(1)     0(1)     0(1)
Emirau Island                                    61,86   1(2)     0(2)     0(2)     0(2)
Gasmata                                          59,91   1(1)     1(1)     1(1)     0(1)
Goodenough Island                                57,94   1(1)     0(2)     0(1)     0(2)
Green Island                                     64,92   1(2)     0(2)     0(2)     0(2)
Kavieng                                          62,88   1(3)     1(2)     1(3)     0(2)
Kiriwina Island                                  59,94   1(1)     0(2)     0(1)     0(2)
Rabaul                                           62,90   4(5)     3(5)     3(5)     3(5)
Sag Sag                                          58,90   1(1)     0(1)     0(1)     0(1)
Tabar                            Tabar Island    63,88
Talasea                                          60,90   1(1)     0(1)     0(1)     0(1)
Torokina                                         64,94   1(1)     0(2)     0(1)     0(2)
Woodlark Island                                  60,96   1(2)     0(1)     0(2)     0(1)

Alice Springs                                      31,100-        3(5)     -        1(4)     Forts: 0
Adelaide                                           26,117                                    Manpower: 6
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 300
                                                                                             Resources: 250
Brisbane                                           45,1196(9)     8(9)     5(5)     6(9)     Manpower: 6
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 100
                                                                                             Resources: 350
                                                                                             Oil: 0
Broome                                           22,85   3(3)     3(5)     1(3)     3(5)     Forts: 2
Cairns                                             48,1025(5)     3(5)     2(3)     3(5)     Forts: 2
                                                                                             Resources: 30
Canberra                                           35,125-        5(5)     -        4(5)     Forts: 1
                                                                                             Manpower: 4
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 0
                                                                                             Resources: 200
Charter Towers                   Charters Towers   45,105                                    Forts: 1
Cooktown                                           48,1002(3)     1(3)     2(3)     1(1)     Forts: 2
Darwin                                           36,84   5(3)     4(5)     2(3)     3(5)     Forts: 2
                                                                                             Resources: 10
Derby                                            24,85   4(2)     3(5)     1(2)     1(4)     Forts: 2
Devonport                                          28,1293(3)     3(5)     3(3)     1(4)     Forts: 1
                                                                                             Manpower: 1
Geelong                                            29,125                                    Forts: 4
                                                                                             Manpower: 4
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 200
                                                                                             Resources: 100
Hobart                                             28,1324(3)     3(3)     4(3)     3(4)     Forts: 1
                                                                                             Manpower: 2
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 30
                                                                                             Resources: 50
Melbourne                                          30,125                                    Forts: 4
                                                                                             Manpower: 17
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 750
                                                                                             Resources: 500
                                                                                             Daily Oil: 150
Newcastle                                          40,1241(1)     1(4)     2(2)     2(4)     Forts: 2
                                                                                             Manpower: 4
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 200
                                                                                             Resources: 350
Perth                                            7,99    5(5)     3(5)     5(5)     4(5)     Forts: 3
                                                                                             Manpower: 7
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 200
                                                                                             Resources: 400
                                                                                             Daily oil: 150
Rockhampton                                        47,1134(5)     4(5)     3(4)     3(5)     Resources: 200
                                                                                             Manpower: 1
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 30
Sydney                                             38,125                                    Forts: 5
                                                                                             Manpower: 21
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 600
                                                                                             Resources: 500
                                                                                             Oil: 25
Thursday Island                                  49,91   1(1)     1(1)     1(1)     1(2)     Forts: 2
Townsville                                         46,1055(5)     3(5)     4(4)     3(5)     Manpower: 1
                                                                                             Resources: 100
Whyalla                                            27,114                                    Forts: 1
                                                                                             Manpower: 0
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 200
                                                                                             Resources: 600
Wyndham                                          30,85   4(2)     3(5)     1(2)     1(4)     Forts: 2
NEW BASE                         Albany             8,104                  3(5)     1(5)
NEW BASE                         Broken Hill       32,116                  -        1(4)     Resources: 600
NEW BASE                         Charleville       40,113                  -        1(4)
NEW BASE                         Cloncurry         39,101                  -        1(4)     Resources: 400
NEW BASE                         Coen            47,96                     -        0(4)
NEW BASE                         Daly Waters     35,90                     -        1(5)
NEW BASE                         Exmouth         11,86                     0(1)     0(3)
NEW BASE                         Geraldton       8,94                      1(2)     1(5)     Manpower: 1
NEW BASE                         Katherine       35,87                     -        1(5)     Resources: 10
NEW BASE                         Port Kembla       37,125                  3(3)     3(4)     Manpower: 1
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 200
                                                                                             Resources: 200

New Zealand
Auckland                                           62,134                                    Manpower: 18
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 50
                                                                                             Resources: 50
Christchurch                                       56,1436(6)     4(6)     3(5)     3(6)
Dunedin                                            53,1464(5)     3(5)     2(5)     3(5)
Wellington                                         59,1416(6)     6(6)     4(5)     3(4)
NEW BASE                         Hamilton          62,136                  0(0)     1(6)     DailySupply: 50

Hawaii Islands
French Frigate Shoal                             106,69  0(1)     0(1)     0(0)     0(0)
Lihu                             Lihue           112,71
Lokai                            Lanai           114,73
Midway                           Midway Island   97,63   1(1)     6(3)     1(1)     4(1)
Moloaki                          Molokai         115,72

Caroline Islands
Satawal                                          62,76   1(0)     0(0)     0(0)     0(0)

Santa Cruz Islands
Ndini                            Ndeni             72,105
Utupau                           Utupua            73,106
Vanikolo                         Vanikoro          73,107

Solomon Islands
Lunga                                              67,1011(2)     0(4)     0(2)     0(4)
Munda                                            65,98   1(2)     0(2)     0(2)     0(2)
Russel Islands                                     66,1001(1)     0(1)     0(1)     0(1)
Shortlands                                       64,96   3(3)     0(1)     1(3)     0(1)
Sura'iro                         Takataka          68,101
Tassafaronga                                       66,1011(0)     0(0)     0(0)     0(0)
Tulagi                                             67,1003(3)     0(0)     1(3)     0(0)
Vella Lavella                                    64,97   1(1)     0(1)     0(1)     0(1)

Marshall Islands
Bikini                           Bikini Atoll    80,80
Kusaie Island                                    76,85   1(1)     1(1)     0(1)     0(1)
Mili                                             84,89   1(1)     1(1)     0(1)     0(1)

Gilbert Islands
Apamama                          Abemama         85,98   1(1)     0(2)     0(1)     0(2)
Makin                                            84,93   3(1)     0(1)     0(1)     0(1)
Tarawa                                           84,95   2(1)     1(3)     1(1)     0(3)

Ellice Islands
Funafuti island                  Funafuti          86,108
Nanomea Atoll                    Nanumea           84,1031(1)     0(1)     0(1)     0(1)
Nukufetau island                 Nukufetau         85,107

Phoenix Islands
Baker Island                                     94,96   1(1)     1(1)     0(1)     0(1)

Samoa Islands
NEW BASE                         Savaii            95,112                  1(2)     1(2)

Tonga Islands
Ha'apai Island                   Ha'apai           91,119
Tongatapu Island                 Tongarapu         90,1211(2)     2(2)     1(2)     0(2)

New Caledonia
Koumac                                             65,1141(1)     1(2)     1(1)     0(2)
La Foa                                             66,1161(1)     1(2)     0(1)     0(2)
Noumea                                             66,1176(6)     3(2)     2(3)     3(2)

New Hebrides
Efate                                              72,1141(2)     1(2)     1(2)     0(2)
Luganville                                         71,1112(3)     1(3)     1(3)     1(3)

Society Islands
NEW BASE                         Bora Bora        109,128                  1(3)     0(3)
NEW BASE                         Papaete          111,130                  1(2)     1(2)

Line Islands
Christmas Island                                 116,96  1(1)     1(2)     0(1)     0(2)

Other Pacific Islandss
Nauru Island                                     77,95                                       Resources: 10
NEW BASE                         Rarotonga        101,129                  0(1)     0(2)     Actually part of the Cook Islands

Alaska (USA)
Adak Island                                      97,38   1(1)     1(2)     1(3)     1(3)
Amchitka Island                                  94,37   1(1)     0(2)     1(1)     0(4)
Anchorage                                        113,28  6(7)     6(7)     4(4)     6(7)
Atka Island                                      98,38   1(1)     1(1)     1(2)     0(0)     Forts: 0
Attu Island                                      91,35   1(1)     0(2)     1(1)     0(5)
Dutch Harbor                                     102,37  4(3)     2(1)     4(3)     0(0)
Juneau                                           122,29  3(3)     4(4)     3(3)     2(1)     Forts: 0
Kiska Island                                     93,37   1(2)     1(2)     1(2)     0(2)
Kodiak                                           111,33  3(3)     3(2)     3(3)     3(3)
Komandorski Island                               89,31                                       Converted to Soviet ownership
Nome                                             104,23  3(4)     3(4)     3(2)     3(4)     Forts: 0
Ogliuga Island                                   96,38   1(1)     1(1)     1(1)     0(0)
Sitka Island                     Sitka           122,31  3(3)     3(3)     3(3)     1(0)     Forts: 2
Umnak Island                                     101,37  1(2)     1(3)     1(0)     0(5)
NEW BASE                         Fairbanks       114,22                    -        4(5)     Forts: 2
NEW BASE                         Seward          113,29                    2(2)     2(2)     Forts: 2
NEW BASE                         Skagway         122,28                    1(1)     1(2)     Forts: 2
NEW BASE                         Whittier        114,28                    1(3)     0(2)

Prince Rupert                                    127,33  3(3)     4(4)     3(6)     2(4)
NEW BASE                         Calgary         139,30                    -        5(7)
NEW BASE                         Canada          145,26                    -        9(8)     Daily supply: 1000
                                                                                             Daily Fuel: 1000
                                                                                             Manpower: 5
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 50
                                                                                             Resources: 300
NEW BASE                         Edmonton        137,27                    -        6(7)
NEW BASE                         Fort St. John   131,27                    -        3(3)
NEW BASE                         Port Alice      130,37                    1(0)     1(1)     Forts: 1
NEW BASE                         Victoria        135,38                    6(6)     4(6)     Forts: 2
                                                                                             Ship repair points: 50
NEW BASE                         Whitehorse      121,26                    -        3(3)

Portland                                         137,41  -        7(6)     6(4)     7(6)     Converted to port
                                                                                             Ship repair points: 50
San Diego                                        148,51  10(9)    10(9)    6(8)     7(9)     Ship repair points: 50
Seattle                                          136,38  10(9)    10(9)    6(8)     7(9)     Ship repair points: 50
United States                                    148,40                                      Daily supply: 9000
                                                                                             Daily Fuel: 9000
                                                                                             Resources: 4700
                                                                                             Manpower: 95
                                                                                             Heavy Industry: 450
NEW BASE                         Boise           143,40                    -        4(6)
NEW BASE                         Sacramento      143,48                    -        5(9)
NEW BASE                         Spokane         139,36                    -        4(6)

Soviet Union
Blagoveshchensk                  Blagovyeschensk 67,25
Iman                             Imam            67,31
Khomsomalsk                      Komsomolsk      71,27
Ohka - Sakhalin                  Ohka            76,27
Pokrovka                         Mogocha         66,18
Rukhlovo                         Skovorodino     68,20
Uglahamensk                      Nakhodka        66,34   0(0)     4(4)     4(4)     4(4)     Moved to new location
NEW BASE                         Abakan          55,4    -        -        -        1(4)
NEW BASE                         Krasnoyarsk     59,2    -        -        -        3(4)     Daily Supply/Fuel of 5000/50 (moved
                                                                                             Forts: 3
NEW BASE                         Magadan         83,23   -        -        2(1)     3(4)     Daily Supply: 50
NEW BASE                         Sovetskaya Gavan73,30   -        -        2(4)     3(4)
NEW BASE                         Uel Kal         98,20   -        -        0(0)     0(1)     Daily Supply: 10


Information about my WitP map, and CHS, can be found on my WitP website

(in reply to Herrbear)
Post #: 91
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/16/2005 1:30:43 PM   


Posts: 3613
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From: Seymour, Australia
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ORIGINAL: Herrbear

Thanks for the info. Do you guys have roads up there now?

Yes there is a road now, still one lane in parts (last time I travelled it in 1994) and still often shut down in the wet.



(in reply to Herrbear)
Post #: 92
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/16/2005 2:35:19 PM   

Posts: 66
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Taipei Taikohu 49,44

Taipei Taikohu 49,44

I have just noticed that Taikohu is Taihoku coorectly.


Japanese wargamer. Will post from "the other side" .

(in reply to Andrew Brown)
Post #: 93
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/16/2005 2:36:55 PM   

Posts: 615
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Good Hunting

(in reply to Tomo)
Post #: 94
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/16/2005 3:20:28 PM   
Andrew Brown

Posts: 5007
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From: Hex 82,170
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Taipei Taikohu 49,44

Taipei Taikohu 49,44

I have just noticed that Taikohu is Taihoku coorectly.

You are right. That is an error in the documentation which I will fix.



Information about my WitP map, and CHS, can be found on my WitP website

(in reply to Tomo)
Post #: 95
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/16/2005 3:22:55 PM   

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Andy is Da Man !!!

(in reply to Andrew Brown)
Post #: 96
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/16/2005 6:04:13 PM   

Posts: 883
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From: Glendora, CA
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Are there two Hyderabad in INDIA? One at 23,4 (472) and the other at 19,17 (462).

Never mind. Found my answer. One is Malir.

< Message edited by Herrbear -- 8/16/2005 6:15:29 PM >

(in reply to Andrew Brown)
Post #: 97
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/16/2005 6:09:40 PM   

Posts: 402
Joined: 3/25/2005
From: Rijeka, CRO
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Andrew, maybe this was already mentioned - Fushun-Harbin rail line is broken just NE of Fushun. Also, there are some strange rail links just north of Fushun, with rail going over cultivated areas only up to the hex edge. Press R to see those links.


But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage.

(in reply to Herrbear)
Post #: 98
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/16/2005 6:09:58 PM   

Posts: 41459
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Andrew, any tentative ETA on this?


We are all dreams of the Giant Space Butterfly.

(in reply to Herrbear)
Post #: 99
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/16/2005 11:35:00 PM   

Posts: 2322
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From: Geelong Australia
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Soviet Union Blagoveshchensk Blagovyeschensk 67,25 Iman Imam 67,31 Khomsomalsk Komsomolsk 71,27 Ohka - Sakhalin Ohka 76,27 Pokrovka Mogocha 66,18 Rukhlovo Skovorodino 68,20 Uglahamensk Nakhodka 66,34 0(0) 4(4) 4(4) 4(4) Moved to new location NEW BASE Abakan 55,4 - - - 1(4) NEW BASE Krasnoyarsk 59,2 - - - 3(4) Daily Supply/Fuel of 5000/50 (moved Forts: 3 NEW BASE Magadan 83,23 - - 2(1) 3(4) Daily Supply: 50 NEW BASE Sovetskaya Gavan73,30 - - 2(4) 3(4) NEW BASE Uel Kal 98,20 - - 0(0) 0(1) Daily Supply: 10

Andrew befor you finallize can you add some ship repair of about 20 to Vlad and Petropavlovsk

Cobra Aus

(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 100
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/16/2005 11:38:37 PM   
Andrew Brown

Posts: 5007
Joined: 9/5/2000
From: Hex 82,170
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ORIGINAL: Lord_Calidor

Andrew, maybe this was already mentioned - Fushun-Harbin rail line is broken just NE of Fushun. Also, there are some strange rail links just north of Fushun, with rail going over cultivated areas only up to the hex edge. Press R to see those links.

I think I found and fixed those already, but I will double-check.



Information about my WitP map, and CHS, can be found on my WitP website

(in reply to Lord_Calidor)
Post #: 101
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/16/2005 11:40:59 PM   
Andrew Brown

Posts: 5007
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From: Hex 82,170
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Andrew befor you finallize can you add some ship repair of about 20 to Vlad and Petropavlovsk

That is a good idea, but only if there are Soviet ships added to a scenario. I think it is moot, otherwise. If some Soviet ships make it into CHS, even only a few, then it would be worthwhile adding these.


Information about my WitP map, and CHS, can be found on my WitP website

(in reply to CobraAus)
Post #: 102
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/16/2005 11:41:36 PM   
Andrew Brown

Posts: 5007
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From: Hex 82,170
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ORIGINAL: Terminus
Andrew, any tentative ETA on this?

Tentative ETA is 1 week.


Information about my WitP map, and CHS, can be found on my WitP website

(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 103
Small scale image of the v4 map - 8/17/2005 2:15:40 AM   
Andrew Brown

Posts: 5007
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Here is a small scale image of the version 4 map:

Attachment (1)


Information about my WitP map, and CHS, can be found on my WitP website

(in reply to Andrew Brown)
Post #: 104
RE: Small scale image of the v4 map - 8/17/2005 2:46:50 AM   

Posts: 615
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Great idea about the Soviet fleet


Good Hunting

(in reply to Andrew Brown)
Post #: 105
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/17/2005 3:13:46 AM   

Posts: 2322
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From: Geelong Australia
Status: offline

That is a good idea, but only if there are Soviet ships added to a scenario. I think it is moot, otherwise. If some Soviet ships make it into CHS, even only a few, then it would be worthwhile adding these.

allready done and sent to co-oridinator to include

Cobra Aus

(in reply to Andrew Brown)
Post #: 106
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/17/2005 4:33:20 AM   


Posts: 3613
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From: Seymour, Australia
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Really looking forward to starting a new PBEM game with this map! Great Job!



(in reply to CobraAus)
Post #: 107
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/18/2005 7:17:33 AM   

Posts: 883
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From: Glendora, CA
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Do you know if any of the new bases added will have Base Forces or garrison units on them?

(in reply to Andrew Brown)
Post #: 108
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/19/2005 1:09:51 AM   

Posts: 5780
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ORIGINAL: Andrew Brown


ORIGINAL: Terminus
Andrew, any tentative ETA on this?

Tentative ETA is 1 week.

1 week at best?

sounds good

ever since i saw ur mod i wanted it

the map and flags look so much better


(in reply to Andrew Brown)
Post #: 109
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/19/2005 1:34:40 AM   
Andrew Brown

Posts: 5007
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From: Hex 82,170
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ORIGINAL: Herrbear

Do you know if any of the new bases added will have Base Forces or garrison units on them?

I think I will add a couple:

- A small base force at Port Alice.
- A fixed base force at Mangalore.



Information about my WitP map, and CHS, can be found on my WitP website

(in reply to Herrbear)
Post #: 110
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/19/2005 2:28:13 AM   

Posts: 5780
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From: Wisconsin
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hey AB

as long as ur on

is it true that u cant start a scenario, and then keep running if u install ur mod?


(in reply to Andrew Brown)
Post #: 111
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/19/2005 2:58:48 AM   
Andrew Brown

Posts: 5007
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From: Hex 82,170
Status: offline

is it true that u cant start a scenario, and then keep running if u install ur mod?

Not quite - my map package includes a batch file that can be used to switch between my map and the official map. Using this switcher you can play scenarios made for either map.



Information about my WitP map, and CHS, can be found on my WitP website

(in reply to marky)
Post #: 112
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/22/2005 10:13:28 AM   

Posts: 5780
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From: Wisconsin
Status: offline
ahh i see


that is for ppl who can switch files without screwin sumthin up



(in reply to Andrew Brown)
Post #: 113
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/22/2005 10:33:20 AM   

Posts: 195
Joined: 7/29/2004
From: san antonio texas
Status: offline
If we have started a PBEM with the older map version will we have to restart or what????? CHS 1.02 WITP 1.6 as of now ..........


JAMES REX---Birthdays are like Boogers the more you have the harder it is to breath

(in reply to marky)
Post #: 114
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/22/2005 1:38:44 PM   

Posts: 9796
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ORIGINAL: sacorsair

If we have started a PBEM with the older map version will we have to restart or what????? CHS 1.02 WITP 1.6 as of now ..........

You may want to consider restarting with the next rendition of CHS as the Australia Command units will be fixed. In addition the Chinese Theatre will have very signifcant changes as well.


Here's a link to:
Treespider's Grand Campaign of DBB

"It is not the critic who counts, .... The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena..." T. Roosevelt, Paris, 1910

(in reply to sacorsair)
Post #: 115
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/22/2005 3:35:00 PM   
Andrew Brown

Posts: 5007
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From: Hex 82,170
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ORIGINAL: sacorsair

If we have started a PBEM with the older map version will we have to restart or what????? CHS 1.02 WITP 1.6 as of now ..........

Games started using scenarios designed for the version 3b map will still be playable, but there will be a few minor oddities:

- Dacca will appear to be in the wrong place.
- Some of the transport links, especially in China, will be different.

In addition, you won't get any of the new bases as these are in the scenario data, not the map data.

But the game will still be playable.


PS: The map is ready but I yet to uploading it. That will take a while...

< Message edited by Andrew Brown -- 8/22/2005 3:38:07 PM >


Information about my WitP map, and CHS, can be found on my WitP website

(in reply to sacorsair)
Post #: 116
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/22/2005 9:25:29 PM   

Posts: 615
Joined: 1/11/2002
Status: offline
Great news

So what will be the name of the new version? Will there be a new special also? Thx very much.

< Message edited by Jaws43 -- 8/22/2005 9:28:01 PM >


Good Hunting

(in reply to Andrew Brown)
Post #: 117
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/22/2005 10:20:51 PM   

Posts: 6589
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From: Land o' Lakes, FL
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What I really want to know is, how he got all the text to line up in the list...



"It is obvious that you have greatly over-estimated my regard for your opinion." - Me

(in reply to Jaws_slith)
Post #: 118
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/23/2005 1:19:41 AM   

Posts: 8622
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
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ORIGINAL: Andrew Brown


ORIGINAL: sacorsair

If we have started a PBEM with the older map version will we have to restart or what????? CHS 1.02 WITP 1.6 as of now ..........

Games started using scenarios designed for the version 3b map will still be playable, but there will be a few minor oddities:

- Dacca will appear to be in the wrong place.
- Some of the transport links, especially in China, will be different.

In addition, you won't get any of the new bases as these are in the scenario data, not the map data.

But the game will still be playable.


PS: The map is ready but I yet to uploading it. That will take a while...

Well,Andrew...Of course you know we are all chomping at the bit....??!!


(in reply to Andrew Brown)
Post #: 119
RE: My two cents regarding Hong Kong hex - 8/23/2005 4:42:37 AM   
Andrew Brown

Posts: 5007
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From: Hex 82,170
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ORIGINAL: m10bob
Well,Andrew...Of course you know we are all chomping at the bit....??!!

Sorry. These things take a while. In the meantime, here is the readme file:

(Feinder - to get the columns, etc, use the "code" tag)

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Andrew Brown -- 8/23/2005 4:45:49 AM >


Information about my WitP map, and CHS, can be found on my WitP website

(in reply to m10bob)
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