Andrew Brown
Posts: 5007
Joined: 9/5/2000 From: Hex 82,170 Status: offline
I am nearly done with the next map revision. Here is a list of the base changes for the scenarios that I will provide with the map (115 and 116). Most of these changes are in CHS as well. The biggest changes, apart from a few new bases, are the major revisions of manpower, resources and HI in India (although I have kept the totals fairly close to the stock values):
The following is a combined list of all bases that are modified or added:
Old Base New Base LocationOriginal Values New Values Comments
Name Name Port Airfield Port Airfield
size (SPSsize (SPSsize (SPSsize (SPS)
Etorofo Jima Etorofu 76,36
Hungnam Seikoshin 61,34
Ikitsuki Tsushima 59,40
Kadima Kadena 55,46
Kunashiri Jima Kunashiri 74,37
Kyoto 63,41 - 1(4) 0(0) 1(4) Changed to Base
Okayama Ise 63,43 Moved to new location
Shimuzu Shimizu 65,43
Japanese Islands
Bonin Bonin Islands 65,50
Iwo Jima 63,53 1(1) 1(3) 1(1) 0(3)
Kiungahan Kiungshan 39,41
Anshan 58,31 - 1(4) 1(2) 1(4) Changed to Base
Chiamussu Kiamusze 66,29
Fushan Fushun 60,31
Inch'on Moppo 58,38 Moved to new location
Muntanchiang Mutankiang 64,31
Pusan Fusan 59,39
Pyongyang Heijo 60,34
Taejon Taiden 58,37 - 1(4) 1(2) 1(4) Changed to Base
Wonsan Genzan 60,35
Tainan Takao 47,45 4(2) 4(2) 5(3) 6(6) Combination of old Tainan and Takao
Taipei Taikohu 49,44
Takao DELETED Merged into Tainan
Haichow 53,35 0(0) 3(6) 2(1) 3(6)
Homan Honan 49,31
Yenen Yenan 50,28
Yunan Tsuyung 37,31
NEW BASE Hami 47,12 - 3(4)
NEW BASE Liuchow 41,37 - 1(4) Forts: 3
NEW BASE Suchow 52,34 1(4) Manpowerr: 2
Heavy Industry: 10
Resources: 30
NEW BASE Tsinan 53,32 1(4) Manpowerr: 2
Heavy Industry: 10
Resources: 30
NEW BASE Tuyun 41,35 1(3) Forts: 3
NEW BASE Urumchi 45,7 - 3(4) This base is under Soviet control.
Forts: 3
Resources: 50.
Japanese Occupied China
Chengting 53,30 Heavy Industry: 180
Hsinyang Sinyang 49,34
Kuikang Kiukiang 48,37
Paotang Pioting 53,29
Soochow 52,38 5(6) 1(6) - 1(6) Changed to Airfield
Tientsin 55,30 Heavy Industry: 60
Wuhan Hankow 48,35
NEW BASE Ningpo 52,40 1(1) 1(4)
NEW BASE Yangku 51,29 - 1(4) Forts: 1
Hue 35,42 - 1(5) 0(1) 1(5) Changed to Base
Kompong Trach Kompong Som 29,43
Kompong Chhnang 31,42 0(0) 4(2) - 4(2) Changed to airfield
Kratie Battambang 30,41 Units moved to Siem Reap
Luang Prabang Luangprabang 34,36 Units moved to Siem Reap
Siemrem Reap Siem Reap 31,41 Units moved to Battambang
Bandou Ban Don 25,41
Krung Thep Lop Buri 30,38 Krung Thep is the Thai name for Ban
Songkhia Singora 24,43
Khota Bharu Kota Bharu 24,45
Sarawak - Sabah
Brunei 33,56 4(2) 3(1) 3(2) 3(1)
Miri 32,56 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 0(1)
Batan Island Batan Islands 46,47
Ormoc 44,56 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 0(1)
San Jose 42,54 1(1) 1(3) 1(1) 0(3)
Tagbalarin Tagbilaran 44,58
Tawi Tawi 38,59 3(1) 1(1) 1(1) 0(1)
Ahmadabad 22,9 Manpower: 7
Heavy Industry: 30
Resources: 120
Andaman Island Port Blair 23,34
Asansol 30,22 Manpower: 0
Heavy Industry: 480
Resources: 480
Bangalore 15,19 Manpower: 6
Heavy Industry: 30
Resources: 100
Benares 30,16 Manpower: 3
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 50
Bombay 18,11 Manpower: 24
Heavy Industry: 400
Resources: 400
Calcutta 29,23 Manpower: 36
Heavy Industry: 600
Resources: 600
Chandpur Chittagong 31,25 8(6) 1(3) 6(5) 1(4) Manpower: 3
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 50
Dacca 31,23 Manpower: 4
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 50
Delhi 29,10 Manpower: 11
Heavy Industry: 100
Resources: 180
Diamond Harbor Diamond Harbour 28,23 Corrected American English spelling
Manpower: 0
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 0
Dimapur 35,25 Manpower: 0
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 0
Hyderabad 23,4 Manpower: 9
Heavy Industry: 60
Resources: 150
Jamshedpur 28,21 Manpower: 2
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 360
Karachi 21,3 Manpower: 8
Heavy Industry: 350
Resources: 380
Oil: 50
Lahore 31,6 Manpower: 7
Heavy Industry: 50
Resources: 100
Oil: 0
Ledo 37,25 Manpower: 0
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 0
Oil: 20
Lucknow 29,14 Manpower: 4
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 60
Madras 17,21 Manpower: 11
Heavy Industry: 100
Resources: 180
Malir 23,4 - 1(1) - 1(4) Manpower: 2
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 100
Panaji Pangim 16,14 No longer an urban hex.
Manpower: 0
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 0
Rawalpindi 31,3 Manpower: 2
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 100
Oil: 20
Trimcomalee Trincomalee 13,25 Manpower: 2
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 30
Trivandrum 11,21 Manpower: 2
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 30
Yanam Vizagapatam 22,21 1(1) 0(0) 1(4) 2(1) Moved to hex 22,21
Manpower: 1
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 20
NEW BASE Agra 28,11 - 1(4) Manpower: 3
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 20
NEW BASE Bhopal 24,13 - 1(4) Manpower: 1
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 20
NEW BASE Cawnpore 28,13 - 1(4) Manpower: 6
Heavy Industry: 50
Resources: 100
NEW BASE Cuttack 27,22 - 1(4) Manpower: 2
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 30
NEW BASE Jaipur 29,6 - 1(4) Manpower: 3
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 40
NEW BASE Madurai 13,21 - 1(4) Manpower: 3
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 30
NEW BASE Mangalore 14,17 3(2) 1(4) Manpower: 2
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 30
NEW BASE Nagpur 24,16 - 1(4) Manpower: 4
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 80
NEW BASE Patna 30,19 - 1(4) Manpower: 2
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 30
NEW BASE Poona 19,12 - 1(4) Manpower: 5
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 100
NEW BASE Raipur 26,18 - 1(4) Manpower: 2
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 30
NEW BASE Rangpur 32,21 - 0(3) Manpower: 0
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 0
Mandalay 33,29 Manpower: 2
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 30
Oil: 40
Pagan Meiktila 32,31
Rangoon 29,33 Manpower: 11
Heavy Industry: 50
Resources: 180
Oil: 40
Taung Gyi 33,31 Manpower: 0
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 0
Oil: 0
NEW BASE Cox's Bazaar 31,26 0(0) 0(3) Oil: 40
NEW BASE Magwe 31,29 - 3(4) Oil: 40
NEW BASE Ramree Island 29,29 0(0) 0(1)
Indian Ocean Islands
Andaman Island Port Blair 23,34
NEW BASE Addu Atoll 2,24 0(2) 0(3)
Dutch East Indies
Aru Island 44,81 2(1) 0(0) 1(1) 0(0)
Babo 45,76 1(1) 1(2) 1(1) 0(2) Oil: 0
Banjarmasin Bandjermasin 27,64
Belitung Island Belitoeng 22,57 0(0) 0(0) 1(0) 0(0) Resources: 100
Biak 48,77 1(1) 0(4) 0(1) 0(4)
Bulla Boela 41,75 1(1) 1(1) 0(1) 0(1)
Jambi Djambi 20,53
Kai Island 43,80 1(1) 1(2) 0(1) 0(2)
Macassar Makassar 30,70
Madioen 22,65 0(0) - Converted to airfield
Makale 32,68 1(1) 1(1) 0(1) 0(1)
Maumere 30,74 1(1) 1(2) 0(1) 1(2)
Menado Manado 39,67
Mentawi Island Siberoet Island 16,49
Merauke 49,88 Changed to Dutch Nationality
Morotai 43,68 1(2) 1(3) 1(2) 0(3)
Namlea 38,73 1(1) 1(1) 0(1) 0(1)
Noemfoor 47,76 1(1) 0(3) 0(1) 0(3)
Pomala 33,70 1(1) 1(1) 0(1) 0(1)
Sansapor 44,73 1(1) 1(2) 0(1) 0(2)
Sarmi 50,79 1(1) 0(2) 0(1) 0(2)
Sinkep Island Singkep 22,53 Resources: 100
Soerabaja 23,66 Repair yard: 25
Sorong 44,74 1(1) 1(2) 1(1) 0(2) Oil: 0
Tenimbar Tenimbar Islands39,81 1(1) 0(0) 0(1) 0(0)
Toboali 21,57 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 0(1) Resources: 400
Tomini 35,65 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 0(1)
Waigeu Island Waigeo Island 44,72
Waingapu 27,74 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 0(1)
Wasile Weda 42,70
NEW BASE Christmas Island15,62 1(0) 0(0)
New Guinea
Buna 56,92 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 0(1)
Dagua 53,83 1(1) 1(1) 0(1) 0(1)
Finschafen Finschhafen 57,90
Hansa 55,86 1(1) 1(2) 0(1) 0(2)
Gili Gili Milne Bay 57,96 1(3) 0(3) 0(3) 0(3)
Lae 56,90 3(2) 1(4) 1(2) 1(4)
Port Moresby 54,93 3(3) 3(5) 1(2) 3(5)
Salamaua 55,91 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 0(1)
Siador Saidor 56,88 1(2) 1(2) 0(2) 0(2)
Wewak 54,84 1(1) 1(4) 1(1) 0(4)
Bismarck Archipelago
Arawe 58,91 1(1) 0(0) 0(1) 0(0)
Buka 64,93 1(1) 0(1) 0(1) 0(1)
Emirau Island 61,86 1(2) 0(2) 0(2) 0(2)
Gasmata 59,91 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 0(1)
Goodenough Island 57,94 1(1) 0(2) 0(1) 0(2)
Green Island 64,92 1(2) 0(2) 0(2) 0(2)
Kavieng 62,88 1(3) 1(2) 1(3) 0(2)
Kiriwina Island 59,94 1(1) 0(2) 0(1) 0(2)
Rabaul 62,90 4(5) 3(5) 3(5) 3(5)
Sag Sag 58,90 1(1) 0(1) 0(1) 0(1)
Tabar Tabar Island 63,88
Talasea 60,90 1(1) 0(1) 0(1) 0(1)
Torokina 64,94 1(1) 0(2) 0(1) 0(2)
Woodlark Island 60,96 1(2) 0(1) 0(2) 0(1)
Alice Springs 31,100- 3(5) - 1(4) Forts: 0
Adelaide 26,117 Manpower: 6
Heavy Industry: 300
Resources: 250
Brisbane 45,1196(9) 8(9) 5(5) 6(9) Manpower: 6
Heavy Industry: 100
Resources: 350
Oil: 0
Broome 22,85 3(3) 3(5) 1(3) 3(5) Forts: 2
Cairns 48,1025(5) 3(5) 2(3) 3(5) Forts: 2
Resources: 30
Canberra 35,125- 5(5) - 4(5) Forts: 1
Manpower: 4
Heavy Industry: 0
Resources: 200
Charter Towers Charters Towers 45,105 Forts: 1
Cooktown 48,1002(3) 1(3) 2(3) 1(1) Forts: 2
Darwin 36,84 5(3) 4(5) 2(3) 3(5) Forts: 2
Resources: 10
Derby 24,85 4(2) 3(5) 1(2) 1(4) Forts: 2
Devonport 28,1293(3) 3(5) 3(3) 1(4) Forts: 1
Manpower: 1
Geelong 29,125 Forts: 4
Manpower: 4
Heavy Industry: 200
Resources: 100
Hobart 28,1324(3) 3(3) 4(3) 3(4) Forts: 1
Manpower: 2
Heavy Industry: 30
Resources: 50
Melbourne 30,125 Forts: 4
Manpower: 17
Heavy Industry: 750
Resources: 500
Daily Oil: 150
Newcastle 40,1241(1) 1(4) 2(2) 2(4) Forts: 2
Manpower: 4
Heavy Industry: 200
Resources: 350
Perth 7,99 5(5) 3(5) 5(5) 4(5) Forts: 3
Manpower: 7
Heavy Industry: 200
Resources: 400
Daily oil: 150
Rockhampton 47,1134(5) 4(5) 3(4) 3(5) Resources: 200
Manpower: 1
Heavy Industry: 30
Sydney 38,125 Forts: 5
Manpower: 21
Heavy Industry: 600
Resources: 500
Oil: 25
Thursday Island 49,91 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 1(2) Forts: 2
Townsville 46,1055(5) 3(5) 4(4) 3(5) Manpower: 1
Resources: 100
Whyalla 27,114 Forts: 1
Manpower: 0
Heavy Industry: 200
Resources: 600
Wyndham 30,85 4(2) 3(5) 1(2) 1(4) Forts: 2
NEW BASE Albany 8,104 3(5) 1(5)
NEW BASE Broken Hill 32,116 - 1(4) Resources: 600
NEW BASE Charleville 40,113 - 1(4)
NEW BASE Cloncurry 39,101 - 1(4) Resources: 400
NEW BASE Coen 47,96 - 0(4)
NEW BASE Daly Waters 35,90 - 1(5)
NEW BASE Exmouth 11,86 0(1) 0(3)
NEW BASE Geraldton 8,94 1(2) 1(5) Manpower: 1
NEW BASE Katherine 35,87 - 1(5) Resources: 10
NEW BASE Port Kembla 37,125 3(3) 3(4) Manpower: 1
Heavy Industry: 200
Resources: 200
New Zealand
Auckland 62,134 Manpower: 18
Heavy Industry: 50
Resources: 50
Christchurch 56,1436(6) 4(6) 3(5) 3(6)
Dunedin 53,1464(5) 3(5) 2(5) 3(5)
Wellington 59,1416(6) 6(6) 4(5) 3(4)
NEW BASE Hamilton 62,136 0(0) 1(6) DailySupply: 50
Hawaii Islands
French Frigate Shoal 106,69 0(1) 0(1) 0(0) 0(0)
Lihu Lihue 112,71
Lokai Lanai 114,73
Midway Midway Island 97,63 1(1) 6(3) 1(1) 4(1)
Moloaki Molokai 115,72
Caroline Islands
Satawal 62,76 1(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
Santa Cruz Islands
Ndini Ndeni 72,105
Utupau Utupua 73,106
Vanikolo Vanikoro 73,107
Solomon Islands
Lunga 67,1011(2) 0(4) 0(2) 0(4)
Munda 65,98 1(2) 0(2) 0(2) 0(2)
Russel Islands 66,1001(1) 0(1) 0(1) 0(1)
Shortlands 64,96 3(3) 0(1) 1(3) 0(1)
Sura'iro Takataka 68,101
Tassafaronga 66,1011(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
Tulagi 67,1003(3) 0(0) 1(3) 0(0)
Vella Lavella 64,97 1(1) 0(1) 0(1) 0(1)
Marshall Islands
Bikini Bikini Atoll 80,80
Kusaie Island 76,85 1(1) 1(1) 0(1) 0(1)
Mili 84,89 1(1) 1(1) 0(1) 0(1)
Gilbert Islands
Apamama Abemama 85,98 1(1) 0(2) 0(1) 0(2)
Makin 84,93 3(1) 0(1) 0(1) 0(1)
Tarawa 84,95 2(1) 1(3) 1(1) 0(3)
Ellice Islands
Funafuti island Funafuti 86,108
Nanomea Atoll Nanumea 84,1031(1) 0(1) 0(1) 0(1)
Nukufetau island Nukufetau 85,107
Phoenix Islands
Baker Island 94,96 1(1) 1(1) 0(1) 0(1)
Samoa Islands
NEW BASE Savaii 95,112 1(2) 1(2)
Tonga Islands
Ha'apai Island Ha'apai 91,119
Tongatapu Island Tongarapu 90,1211(2) 2(2) 1(2) 0(2)
New Caledonia
Koumac 65,1141(1) 1(2) 1(1) 0(2)
La Foa 66,1161(1) 1(2) 0(1) 0(2)
Noumea 66,1176(6) 3(2) 2(3) 3(2)
New Hebrides
Efate 72,1141(2) 1(2) 1(2) 0(2)
Luganville 71,1112(3) 1(3) 1(3) 1(3)
Society Islands
NEW BASE Bora Bora 109,128 1(3) 0(3)
NEW BASE Papaete 111,130 1(2) 1(2)
Line Islands
Christmas Island 116,96 1(1) 1(2) 0(1) 0(2)
Other Pacific Islandss
Nauru Island 77,95 Resources: 10
NEW BASE Rarotonga 101,129 0(1) 0(2) Actually part of the Cook Islands
Alaska (USA)
Adak Island 97,38 1(1) 1(2) 1(3) 1(3)
Amchitka Island 94,37 1(1) 0(2) 1(1) 0(4)
Anchorage 113,28 6(7) 6(7) 4(4) 6(7)
Atka Island 98,38 1(1) 1(1) 1(2) 0(0) Forts: 0
Attu Island 91,35 1(1) 0(2) 1(1) 0(5)
Dutch Harbor 102,37 4(3) 2(1) 4(3) 0(0)
Juneau 122,29 3(3) 4(4) 3(3) 2(1) Forts: 0
Kiska Island 93,37 1(2) 1(2) 1(2) 0(2)
Kodiak 111,33 3(3) 3(2) 3(3) 3(3)
Komandorski Island 89,31 Converted to Soviet ownership
Nome 104,23 3(4) 3(4) 3(2) 3(4) Forts: 0
Ogliuga Island 96,38 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 0(0)
Sitka Island Sitka 122,31 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 1(0) Forts: 2
Umnak Island 101,37 1(2) 1(3) 1(0) 0(5)
NEW BASE Fairbanks 114,22 - 4(5) Forts: 2
NEW BASE Seward 113,29 2(2) 2(2) Forts: 2
NEW BASE Skagway 122,28 1(1) 1(2) Forts: 2
NEW BASE Whittier 114,28 1(3) 0(2)
Prince Rupert 127,33 3(3) 4(4) 3(6) 2(4)
NEW BASE Calgary 139,30 - 5(7)
NEW BASE Canada 145,26 - 9(8) Daily supply: 1000
Daily Fuel: 1000
Manpower: 5
Heavy Industry: 50
Resources: 300
NEW BASE Edmonton 137,27 - 6(7)
NEW BASE Fort St. John 131,27 - 3(3)
NEW BASE Port Alice 130,37 1(0) 1(1) Forts: 1
NEW BASE Victoria 135,38 6(6) 4(6) Forts: 2
Ship repair points: 50
NEW BASE Whitehorse 121,26 - 3(3)
Portland 137,41 - 7(6) 6(4) 7(6) Converted to port
Ship repair points: 50
San Diego 148,51 10(9) 10(9) 6(8) 7(9) Ship repair points: 50
Seattle 136,38 10(9) 10(9) 6(8) 7(9) Ship repair points: 50
United States 148,40 Daily supply: 9000
Daily Fuel: 9000
Resources: 4700
Manpower: 95
Heavy Industry: 450
NEW BASE Boise 143,40 - 4(6)
NEW BASE Sacramento 143,48 - 5(9)
NEW BASE Spokane 139,36 - 4(6)
Soviet Union
Blagoveshchensk Blagovyeschensk 67,25
Iman Imam 67,31
Khomsomalsk Komsomolsk 71,27
Ohka - Sakhalin Ohka 76,27
Pokrovka Mogocha 66,18
Rukhlovo Skovorodino 68,20
Uglahamensk Nakhodka 66,34 0(0) 4(4) 4(4) 4(4) Moved to new location
NEW BASE Abakan 55,4 - - - 1(4)
NEW BASE Krasnoyarsk 59,2 - - - 3(4) Daily Supply/Fuel of 5000/50 (moved
Forts: 3
NEW BASE Magadan 83,23 - - 2(1) 3(4) Daily Supply: 50
NEW BASE Sovetskaya Gavan73,30 - - 2(4) 3(4)
NEW BASE Uel Kal 98,20 - - 0(0) 0(1) Daily Supply: 10
Information about my WitP map, and CHS, can be found on my WitP website ![](