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Development Advisor slider bars

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Development Advisor slider bars - 8/30/2005 10:00:22 PM   
Mr. Z

Posts: 1048
Joined: 3/24/2005
Status: offline
I think I understand what makes these feel a little sticky now.

1) the mouse cursor is shaded--and, as you might already know, it's the shadow that represents the "real" cursor--the cursor is re-drawn at a slight displacement, the original is drawn in black, and that's what makes the whole thing look shaded. But when you try to click on a specific point on the slider bar, you're looking at the tip of the white arrow, not the shadow--so the slider bar never quite reaches the point you're trying to click on. Instead, you're "really" clicking the bar with the arrow's shadow.

2) the sliders currently have a bit of "friction". Try it sometime--if, for example, you click at a point far up the scale from the bar's current level, the bar moves towards the point at which you click. But if you click lightly only once, it usually doesn't quite get there--it slows down and stops--and you either have to click repeatedly on the same spot to keep it going, or you have to click and hold the left-click button down for a second or two while the bar moves up to the point at which you're clicking.

3) The bar actually only moves to what looks to me like the pixel just to the left of the left-most pixel of the tip of the shadow arrow--so it's even worse than I desribed in 1).

These three things combined perhaps make it feel a bit clumsy.

I would say the ultimate goal should be for the slider bars to move to the center pixel of the white arrow (if there is one, otherwise one of the two pixels closest to the center of the tip of the white arrow) at an unimpeded rate, i.e. they will not slow down their path towards that pixel until they reach it (at which point they will stop!)

< Message edited by Mr. Z -- 8/30/2005 10:12:51 PM >
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RE: Development Advisor slider bars - 8/30/2005 10:04:52 PM   

Posts: 1194
Joined: 5/25/2002
From: Michigan
Status: offline
Right on!

(in reply to Mr. Z)
Post #: 2
RE: Development Advisor slider bars - 8/31/2005 2:45:05 AM   


Posts: 627
Joined: 4/27/2004
From: Scotland
Status: offline
Yep, I find it almost impossible to transfer troops on the military advisor screen without having to select and transfer between the same units at least twice, often three turns, just to move 15 or 16 hundred men!!


(in reply to Mr. Z)
Post #: 3
RE: Development Advisor slider bars - 9/16/2005 9:01:08 AM   


Posts: 654
Joined: 6/21/2005
From: Osaka
Status: offline
My problem is more about the arrows in the Trade screen. Sometimes when I click on (and keep pressing) an upward arrow for an increase of a certain resource's amount, the figure goes up fast. In most other times, it goes up pretty slowly. The process is quite torturing and especially so when I have to reach an amount, say, in sixties. (A TV that is on will make me feel better. ). Recently, I found even that, when I tried to increase an amount of an item that was placed to the right of the other ones, I got no response and the amount didn't change from nil - not till I had to click first on any other arrow to its left. Interesting?

(in reply to ian77)
Post #: 4
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