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surrenders - 9/12/2005 8:59:57 PM   


Posts: 33
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How do you know the price in victory points of the peace conditions you propose your enemy who wants to surrender ?
Prussia wants to surrender, I have 5500 points, but can obtain nothing serious.
Post #: 1
RE: surrenders - 9/12/2005 11:13:15 PM   
Reg Pither

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A running total is kept at the bottom right of the Treaty screen, such as '1500/5500' meaning you have another 4000 points to 'claim'. This changes as you create each proposal, so any you are not happy with can be altered or removed. What's your definition of 'nothing serious'? I would have thought for 5500 you could get a province or two...

(in reply to Mathusalem)
Post #: 2
RE: surrenders - 9/13/2005 12:27:37 PM   


Posts: 33
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You're wright, and I'm not able to read a list to the last item. I had to choose first to negociate surrender, which is at the bottom of the list. When I choose this clause first, I effectively get the total diplomatic points of the other clauses I choose.
I took one province from Austria, and asked them to liberate Piedmont and Lombardy (1796 scenario). They effectively gave me the province, but never liberated Piedmont and Lombardy. Why ?, I don't know. Maybe after some years... Well, I had to stop my game, because invaded just after Austrian peace by Prussia, Spain, Russia and Sweeden. And even Turkey declared war on me. (I'm not Napoleon, just a bad Grouchy) Did they all declare war because I made peace with Austria ?

(in reply to Reg Pither)
Post #: 3
RE: surrenders - 9/15/2005 3:14:29 PM   


Posts: 9
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From: Sweden
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You probably got a boost to your glory when austria surrendered and the other nations don't like when someone gains a lot of glory fast.

(in reply to Mathusalem)
Post #: 4
RE: surrenders - 9/16/2005 3:54:21 AM   


Posts: 654
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From: Osaka
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Glory boost aside, is there even an implied value that makes (the rest of) continental Europe hate France easily?

(in reply to gustavus)
Post #: 5
RE: surrenders - 9/16/2005 4:27:32 AM   
Hard Sarge

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I believe it is size based, you get too big, I think it is the bad boy rule kicks in and the others don't like you much

which it depends on which nation, any one who gets too large will get the alarmed message on the event screen


(in reply to Naomi)
Post #: 6
RE: surrenders - 9/16/2005 5:10:09 AM   


Posts: 654
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From: Osaka
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Yeah, even if you maintain a super-good relations with them, they will yet tend to tell you they still want to punish you. So sending diplomats for better opinions is quite useless when the bad-boy effect prevails.

(in reply to Hard Sarge)
Post #: 7
RE: surrenders - 9/16/2005 11:22:12 AM   


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I bagan another game as Prussia. I waited a few months for my army to be ready, and declared war against France, although Austria/Russia did not want to ally with me. France soon collapsed, and had to cede provinces to me Prussia, to Austria, England, Russia and Sweeden. Now France is a rather weak country. But within a few months, Austria/Russia/England declare war again against the French. Why ? English politics, at any period, were to maintain balance in Europe, not to eradicate France.

When I look in the attitude txt file in data directory, I see that franco austrian attitude is
-600, and franco english -1600. Is it at start only, or a decrease each month ?

(in reply to Naomi)
Post #: 8
RE: surrenders - 9/16/2005 3:13:21 PM   


Posts: 654
Joined: 6/21/2005
From: Osaka
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ORIGINAL: Mathusalem

I bagan another game as Prussia. I waited a few months for my army to be ready, and declared war against France, although Austria/Russia did not want to ally with me. France soon collapsed, and had to cede provinces to me Prussia, to Austria, England, Russia and Sweeden. Now France is a rather weak country. But within a few months, Austria/Russia/England declare war again against the French. Why ? English politics, at any period, were to maintain balance in Europe, not to eradicate France.

When I look in the attitude txt file in data directory, I see that franco austrian attitude is
-600, and franco english -1600. Is it at start only, or a decrease each month ?

Where is your game's level of difficulty at, may I ask?

(in reply to Mathusalem)
Post #: 9
RE: surrenders - 9/17/2005 10:56:58 AM   


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(in reply to Naomi)
Post #: 10
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