Posts: 1320
Joined: 1/16/2003 From: Bay St Louis Ms. Status: offline
sorry this OT but i hope you will let this hang a bit so my friends know i am alive. I am displaced due to hurricane katrina and maybe somebody will cool enough to to post this over at vinny's place cause Im on a crappy dial up and and a crappy isp and cant get there. my buddy jerry and i passed out around 3 am drunk on beam and were sleeping.At 8 a.m. . he was on the futom and myself on the floor, I felt something wet on my leg and was waken up. the water was comin n the house. We quickly threw my guitars in the attic and by 8:15 am the water was to our knees.By 8:30 it was t oour waiste when I gave the command to bail the house.We tried to go out the front door but I have a storm door and we couldnt push it open.We went to the back french doors.I looked out and the water ws higher outside than in, it was like looking outside into an aquarium.We pulled the doors open and it was like uncorcking a dam. we went out the doors and had to make our way under fallen trees holding our breath (we had life vests on and a 100 pound german shepard with us named guinness). Fkn green pine combs were comin at us like MG fire at over 100 mph. By 8:45 the water was chest high. The current was moving in a westward motion flowing up my street toward higher ground.When I mean higher ground I mean only a few feet.So we let the current take us down the street.Downed trees and power lines were everywhere.As we swam over fences were and were dodging trees that were snapping like toothpicks a damn snake rolled up on me wich i quickly knocked off of my life vest and we kept moving. 9:00 am we make to the end of my street by this time our feet cant touch the ground we are swimming our asses off in 160 mph winds.with the guiness who also has a life vest on.Out of the corner of my eye I see boat so we swam to it.come to find out there was 3 boats tied up. Two 15 ft yamahas and a 25 foot cris craft. We made our way to em and climbed in a lil one for a rest.then the boat went verticle and we bailed into the water.You have to remember this is snake infested water with limbs and trees snapping everywere. we swam to the third boat wich was the 25 footer and threw the dog in and climbed in.The storm was raging....wow....thats were we dug in. the wind was so intense the entire time it sounded like freight train rollin right nextto us not to mention the rain felt like needles hittin us,,,,pure pain.I looked down my street from the boat.....pffft....street my ass....it looked like the mighty mississippi on its worse day, then later it looked like an artic wasteland with the mist kickin so hard. the water was so high we were 2 feet below the power lines.If stood up in the boat we were looking down on the power line. we spent 6 hours in the boat.It was like getting hammered by 155 howitzers for 6 hours.All we could do was take it.There was like 2 hours were jerry and I didnt speak.I think we were both 'making our peace with the big man upstairs" at 3 pm we bailed the boat and started workin our way back to what was left to my house and thats when we found the first body.We didnt actulay find it but the girl across the street from my house wanted me to go in and get her mom out who drowned. to make a long story short I made it to my buds house who only got 4 feet of water and he bailed to memphis but i had a key.Myself, jerry and guiness lived off of a half of a bag of doritos a half bag of trail mix and some catfood we found for the dog, and we 1 gallon of water for the 3 of us for 4 days. p. I lost everything.My house went completely underwater. I only have the shorts i have on wich i wore during the storm . I got some new tennis shoes....wooot. Im at families house in arkansas now and things are looking up.... I was just hoping that somebody could tell my good buddy andy (sabot, lawerence jameson) that I am alive. I heard he came by house (whats left of it ) to look for me. If somebody could post this over at vinny's place and at the new squad assault forums it would really help me out. Icant get to those sites on this crappy lap top and sucky isp.479-359-0013 is my new phone number so if any one wants to call me. Thanks dudes forletting me post this. I have internet access but the keys stick together on this laptop.......anyhoo......THANKS....and with some luck i will be wargaming again soon Sabot, Doggie, jeff, rune, shaun, Marc , Eric and anyone else i missed........woooot Im alive![](http://www1.matrixgames.com/forums/image/s4.gif)
I laugh at hurricanes!