Posts: 65
Joined: 9/16/2004 From: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Status: offline
Ready for yet *ANOTHER* invasion synopsis, guys? It is the summer of 1942. While trying to supply and transport my forces in the Coral Sea area, I have become annoyed with the presence of the Japanese at Kwajalein and have decided to borrow their island group so my supply TFs will no longer have to busy themselves with silly waypoint vectors. After reading through the advice and ideas of dozens of fine people on these here forums, I intended to make my Kwajalein Operation an experiment of sorts. I figured I'd use a dozen of my largest APs (I've saved my smaller ones for campaigns in the SoPac and SWPac), suppliment them with AKs, and attempt to protect them as well as possible just to see if they could survive the ordeal. In the interests of trying to keep the costal battery damage somewhat tolerable (yes yes, that age-old WITP inaccurate problem), I first thought I'd try the idea of hitting the beaches with a handful of separate transport TFs instead of one large one (I believe I got that idea from derek. Cheers, fella!) so I loaded up 3 army Divs, 1RCT, 2 Arty divs, 1 Tank btn, and 2 Eng groups onto three TFs consisting of around 4-5 large APs, 6 CAs, and a few AKs for supplies and leftover troops apiece (of course I had some DD ASW groups following each of them, but I left them out of the group itself so they wouldn't all immediately sink after merely sighting the island, as this game would lend you to think was historically accurate! ) Now, I've reluctantly kept all of my CVs out of harm's way for the most part, so I was able to assemble a nice force of Sara, Lex, Big E, Hornet, and my beloved Yorktown. I smacked every targetable part of Kwajalein for almost two weeks. I also bombarded with a half dozen battleships for a few days leading up to D-Day. After all of that, I finally brought my 3 transport TFs stuffed with my fat transports over and started the landings. At first, things went well since each TF was stacked nicely with CAs. Just in case it had an impact, I also left my BB group in the hex. Only one or two APs were taking hits at a time. HOWEVER, after the several turns of sustained "two-a-days" it took to unload all the stuff, I was left with half of my APs sunk and the other half had damage reports of something akin to "83 67 21." SO, in conclusion, after setting off to see if my APs could actually live to fight another day (and when I say 'another day', I don't mean after 452 days in the Frisco drydock! ), all of my efforts failed. I've read on here that APs have good amphib values and whatnot compared to other ships, but I tried to play that angle to the fullest and it still took 5 or 6 days to unload those big bastards (I assume the 4000 cap APs wouldn't be much better). THEREFORE, from now on, I shall never let my APs see a landing beach again and I'm going to start throwing much more expendable AKs at the much bigger landings that come in the future. I don't care if it takes 100 AKs to get a marine division aboard Munda... my APs are now on strict convoy duty!
"In life, as in a football game, the principle to follow is: Hit the line hard!"-Theodore Roosevelt