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Talonsoft License

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Talonsoft License - 11/30/2005 1:25:47 AM   

Posts: 6
Joined: 7/14/2004
Status: offline

Great news about acquiring rights to publish TS material (Thanks Msrs. Mate and Davidson). I just have to say I really encourage this type of license among game companies. I think its great that Matrix sought these games out to provide to their customers and that Talonsoft recognized their own greatness enough to allow them to be distributed in this manner. This will serve both companies by maintaining the Talonsoft Trademark and generating revenue for Matrix. I will definitely purchase updates of Talonsoft material simply to maintain my own digital archives

I hope Matrix will continue to seek out licenses for older games, I know there's a bunch out there that I would purchase a couple of times over they were so good (like Interactive Magic's "Great Battles" line c. 1997 or MS/Atomic's Close Combat! line ). Its a valuable library preservation mechanism that works great for a niche market that isn't particularly graphics hungry but can't run windows 95 boxes forever

Finally, I suggest that Matrix consider using mods developed by the community and issue new scenario packs that update the engine/system. Modders earn profit and pride while customers get new content quick (that costs less because it wouldn't take a whole design team to update the engine and port the community mods into a package).

Maybe you have something better in mind, either way I will benefit.

Happy Holidays
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RE: Talonsoft License - 11/30/2005 2:50:25 AM   


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Joined: 11/1/2003
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If I had my druthers, and though I know the licensing would be very difficult to obtain, I would like to see InterPlay's two Lord of the Rings games updated, with pehaps an eye on completing the third game which was never finished due to slack sales....wishful thinking I know, but I am still waiting for a developer to come out with a good Lord of the Rings turn based strategic game....even porting over SPI's War for Middle Earth to pc would be great!

(in reply to Redleg47)
Post #: 2
RE: Talonsoft License - 11/30/2005 9:10:35 PM   

Posts: 271
Joined: 9/14/2003
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However, isnt there a risk of 'not talking' risk in innovating war gaming genre?
I have all of them (campaign series) and I enjoyed them
But it is already an aging sytem
and you could have bought it from NWS.
I hope matrix came up with enough changes (especially divided ground) to make it better
However frankly, I would have been much happier if Matrix announced new titles (as battlefron did years ago with combat mission which literally innovated the genre)

< Message edited by bostonrpgmania -- 12/1/2005 5:48:03 AM >

(in reply to Hanal)
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RE: Talonsoft License - 11/30/2005 9:28:49 PM   
Erik Rutins


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From: Vermont, USA
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Believe me, we are also working on new stuff...


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to bostonrpgmania)
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