Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: Bitmaps vs vectors (10/2/2007 1:36:44 AM)
ORIGINAL: Froonp Strange, look at how the North Carolina name appears on my screen. Don't look at the color, this is because I'm China when looking at the units. Seems there is some font problem. The text is more to the bottom on mine, and both lines seems to be very close. What is the font used by MWiF here ? Maybe I don't have this one ? [image]local://upfiles/10447/A244B4D7E20D4DA983CDF9DB23ED2450.jpg[/image] It is more likely a programming bug. The vertical offset for all the little pieces of each unit depiction are micro-managed. I have a whole file which exclusively contains horizontal and vertical offsets. Which one is used depends on unit type, length of name, and whether the unit is being shown 1/4 size or not (there are probably other considerations too). At times the program seems to use the wrong routines for drawing details of the units. These are small errors, like the one you noticed. If it weren't intermittant, I'd have fixed it by now. But their occurrence is not predictable (or at least not by me).