CPTBrown -> RE: Goliath wins... (2/9/2006 3:45:07 AM)
ORIGINAL: CPTBrown Today, I lost faith...I pre-ordered EA Sports' NFL Headcoach for the PS2, it WILL get released this Spring. I am still planning on buying MF when it comes out, as toting my laptop around when I travel is easier than my PS2. I only found out about MF last December, I can't imagine how all you who have been waiting since 1999 for this thing lasted this long. I held out as long as I could. I know that the EA game will satisfy me in the short term, but I do hope this game comes out before next season so I can run the league that I want to run. I'll check back in April. I'm not trying to bump my own thread, but I'm officially eating crow. EA bumped their release back to June something, depending on what site you check (there is no date on the official site). This genre is kicking everyone's ass. Anyway, like I've always said, I just KNOW that David and Matrix will get this game out before EA![;)]