Hertston -> RE: The Ardennes Offensive goes freeware! (1/5/2006 12:41:40 AM)
ORIGINAL: sabre100 My Question is as I bought BiI instead of BiN as BiI was newer is why isnt the TAO Scenario included in BiI also like it was in KP and BiN. That is dissapointing that they would remove it when it was included in the last 2 games come on Matrix and SSG release TAO for BiI also as an update or something. Remember that "it" has changed over time somewhat, what you got in KP and BiN were new versions of the TAO scenario, not the original release. I can understand where you are coming from if you only own BiI, but to be fair "Battles in Italy" never claimed to include the Ardennes scenario as well, and its hardly something a purchaser of a game with that title should expect. As to why it wasn't included, I suspect the developers had just taken it as far as they thought it could go - especially as the majority of BiI buyers already had TAO3, TAO4, or both, anyway.