Strange but good weighting on diplomatic treaties (Full Version)

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Diagoras -> Strange but good weighting on diplomatic treaties (1/10/2006 7:34:49 PM)

Is it just me, or is anyone else able to obtain significant reparations in exchange for 10 yrs of respecting neutrality?

Another goodie: reparations of 28% for one year in exchange for loaning 750 at 25%. They pay for the privilege of borrowing your money at 25% per annum...

And don't get me started on surrenders... Spain (me) currently has Mack, Johann, Wurmser, et al. They decided (and apparently convinced their men) that swearing allegiance to Charles was the way to go.

Fun... but are they all high?

Russian Guard -> RE: Strange but good weighting on diplomatic treaties (1/10/2006 7:45:25 PM)

It's obviously possible (since you did it) to manipulate the treaty mechanism to one's favor. I have heard others do similar, and I believe a few other of these types of abuses have been plugged. Seems there's more to plug...

Kevan -> RE: Strange but good weighting on diplomatic treaties (1/10/2006 8:49:25 PM)

Yeah, there definitely needs to be some re-weighting. Why would you ever make a payment as part of a treaty when loaning the equivalent amount at 10% seems to have equal weight? I tend to try to keep "in character" when playing the game in general, but it definitely creates opportunities to take advantage of the system in multiple-player games.

Since installing the latest patch, I still notice AI treaties that include a province being ceded two or more times, or the same province being ceded and loaned on the same turn.

Diagoras -> RE: Strange but good weighting on diplomatic treaties (1/10/2006 8:58:15 PM)

Aye, in character is good.

If you list an army/corps as one of your surrender terms, the generals and men attached will become yours once the unit loan term ends.

This makes things all too easy, as Jones would say.

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