Alastair Anderson -> Command and Control Bug? (7/7/2000 8:42:00 AM)
I think there might be a problem with c+c and movement in the latest patch, unless some reasoning has come into play that I am unaware of. Myself and 2 of my fellow players have experienced occasion where a platoon is totally unalbe to move even though it has a movement objective set and orders in the bank. Even more strange is the fact that some units - I emphasise "some" because there does not seem any pattern to this - use up orders when moving towards their movement objective.
I have tried to run a few tests and have found that this seems only to be happening in pbem games - I cannot recreate it against the AI. I have played SP a fair while with c+c always on : not a novice therefore and I am sure it is not a daft error on my part. Redleg [Matrix tester] and the almighty Peter Zima are the fellow players also experiencing this.
Any ideas? Has there been some cunning change to the code not made public in the manual?