Hanover immune to attack (Full Version)

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Treefrog -> Hanover immune to attack (1/19/2006 10:46:52 AM)

Playing France 1805 with newest member version. Hanover is Brit protectorate. Nothing I do registers. Starve city: no result. Fire at walls: no result. Storm walls: no result. Nothing, nada, zero, zilch.

Any ideas?

Kevan -> RE: Hanover immune to attack (1/19/2006 10:59:59 AM)

Is there a large garrison? Remember you need at least half the defender's siege strength, as described on P.15 of the rulebook.

Gresbeck -> RE: Hanover immune to attack (1/19/2006 11:02:37 AM)

Sure you have enough troops sieging? I had the same problem and then someone in this thread helped me to find out that a minimum troop size is required to siege, you should find something about it in the manual (but I don't know if the rule has changed in the patch).

Treefrog -> RE: Hanover immune to attack (1/19/2006 5:00:00 PM)

Attackers out number the defenders 2:1 or 3:1.

Gresbeck -> RE: Hanover immune to attack (1/19/2006 6:28:52 PM)

Manual, p. 19:

The following factors provide approximately the same level of siege strength:
• Every 10,000 strength points of attacking infantry or cavalry
• Every 1,500 strength points of attacking artillery
• Every 3,333 strength points of defending infantry or cavalry
• Every 1,500 strength points of defending artillery
• Every 1 level of Gun development in the besieged province
• Every 10 ships in a fleet set to blockade the port of a besieged city
If the attacker’s siege strength, as outlined above, is below half of the defender’s siege strength, then the attacker will not have sufficient strength in the province to attempt a siege on the city.
Armies and corps that are part of forces besieging a city may

So it seems that defenders need 1/3 infantry or cavalry to get the attacker's level of siege strength. Consider also the gun development. Are you sure you have enough siege strength according to the rules?

ericbabe -> RE: Hanover immune to attack (1/19/2006 6:37:49 PM)

Perhaps a message in the Battle Report would be meretorious to add in cases when would-be besiegers are of insufficient strength to initiate.

Treefrog -> RE: Hanover immune to attack (1/19/2006 10:00:29 PM)

Thanks for the heads up on number calculations Gresbeck. If I ever knew that, I forgot it. I'll check the fort multiplier for the 10000 SP militia garrison. I was using Bernadotte's I Corp or the Batavian Army, and they probably don't have sufficient numbers. [:(]

However, I'm sure we can find more troops willing to help. [sm=00000036.gif]

Great game. After three or so 4 or 5 month exercises I'm getting real comfortable with all the buttons, bell, whistles, screens, options, etc. Highly recommend to any affictionado of the wars of the French Revolution & Napoleon.

Ericbabe, it would make the game user friendly if monthly reports included reference to all failed attempts by the player with a reference to the rule section that covers it. Without a photographic memory it is sometimes difficult (for someone so old that he waited for the release of the AH Tactics II game in 1959) to remember all the rules and thus differentiate a player error from a bug or computer goof.

My compliments on both developer and player support. It speaks volumes about the caliber of your customers that they not only take the time to master such a complicated game, but are so willing to help each other.

Treefrog -> RE: Hanover immune to attack (1/20/2006 7:54:14 PM)

Bremen is burning !! [sm=00000612.gif] Thanks for all the help.

nachinus -> RE: Hanover immune to attack (1/21/2006 5:42:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: ericbabe

Perhaps a message in the Battle Report would be meretorious to add in cases when would-be besiegers are of insufficient strength to initiate.

Oh, yes, please. Things like this are very useful and often saves many headaches.

There are never too many messages and tooltips in a strategy game [:)]

malthaussen -> RE: Hanover immune to attack (1/25/2006 11:42:00 AM)

First the reports need to be fixed so that they are complete and correct every turn, even if a detailed battle has been fought during the turn. At present, this is not the case.

-- Mal

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