Speedy vs Fabertong: Death to the Penguin! (Full Version)

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Speedysteve -> Speedy vs Fabertong: Death to the Penguin! (1/19/2006 12:44:21 PM)

Hi all,

Me and Faber have been playing a 42A campaign for a few months now and it's getting to the stage where some interesting action is occuring. As such we thought we'd start our own AAR's to share it with you.

I'm the Allies and Fabertong is the Japanese.

We don't have a lot of house rules. The main one's: ASW TF contain no more than 5 ships and no night bombing is allowed except City and Naval.



The game starts in May 42 and we're upto 9th December 1942. I'll post a summary by area for the first 6 months and (since end of November/December has been the time when the action has heated up i'll give a more detailed account of actions to bring you upto speed) then i'll go into more detail.



My strategy at game start was to sit tight and defend in depth until I had enough decent airpower to make inrodes into Burma. Additional base forces, engineers and Air HQ's were marched forward to Dimapur/Ledo and over the past few months into Akyab and Ledo.

The situation began to change when Fabertong made inrodes into China (from mid-June onwards. see relevant section later). I decided I needed to get moving now to try and divert some heat away from China.

As such I marched a shed load of men down the Ledo road towards Myitkyina whilst at the same time moving 2 x Burma Brigades + 2 x ART regiments from Imphal to cut the rail to Myitkyina.

At rhe same time air power was moved forward. Dimpaur became the main air hub with a BG of LB-30's, 2 x Wellington Squads, P40E FG, AVG flying P40B's being housed there. It's now upto a level 5 airfield and the main target for these boys has been Myitkyina's airfields.

Ledo was also bullt up and house Dakota's to fly supply into China, Wellington's, Vengence's, Spits and Mohawks (now flying P38's).

At rhe smae time I send a brigade into Akyab and flew in engineers and a large Base Force.

The irony is that Akyab (level 4 now), Imphal (level 5 now), Dimapur (level 5 now) and Ledo (level 4 now) all have 250+ AV Support but I do not have enough planes to max out the bases!

Throughout June-present day he has kept control of Myitkyina and both of us have moved more and more men into the battefield. Neither of us having enough to decisively defeat the other. He has roughly:

170,000 men, 1700 guns, 200 AFV's

I have:

110,000 men, 2400 guns, 800 AFV's.

I'll post a screenshot in due course to show you what troops I have put suffice to say it's most of the spare land forces I have in India/Burma.

In short Burma is a stalemate. Neither of us can making inrodes on the ground but in the air I have local air superiority. I have 30+ Spits at all the above airfields, P40E's + Beauforts, Wellies at Imphal, LB-30's + B25C BG + AVG at Dimapur (bombing Myitkyina's airfields). At ledo I have Wellies and Vengence's bombing his troopsat Myitkyina and a FG of P38's occassionally CAPping Myitkyina to try and bag some Japanese planes.

He has been relatively inactive in the air with only occasionally sending Lilly's/Sallies from Mandalay over Myitkyina.

On the 9th December he tried something different sending 30 A6M's and 42 Tony's as CAP over Myitkyina. They battles agaisnt my LBA from Imphal and Dimapur. He did well indowning 50ish planes vs losing 20 odd of his own.

I have kept all naval forces in Columbo. I don't plan on using these for a long time.

Speedysteve -> RE: Speedy vs Fabertong: Death to the Penguin! (1/19/2006 1:00:03 PM)


My aim here was to survive. Plain and simple.

Fabertong has played well in China and has bought in several INF, ARM and ART units from elsewhere in the empire to enable him to advance.

The south held well (Changsha/Wuchow etc) despite him pounding all bases along the front. Supplies have been low in the whole of China and i've not even been bombarding to conserve them. All bases have had fortification building turned on.

Fabertong made his breakthrough in the north. He took Yenen and from there Kungchang etc by July 1942. From there he moved towards Sian. Here's where the major problems began. By beseiging Sian NO supplies were moving through to Homan. As such that ran out of supply and I was forced to withdraw from there back to Sian. I managed to hold him at Sian until October. By then he had moved even more forces into China. Ichang was targetted and without supply it easily fell.

This created a dilemma. With his breakthrough at Ichang athe whole fron was in danger of being outflanked. It was frustrating since I had held him and was relatively secure in the north at Sian and down south at Wuchow/Changsha.

I had no choice but to move out from Sian and in the south back to Chungking/Kweiyang. This is where we are now with my forces moving back to these areas...................

Speedysteve -> RE: Speedy vs Fabertong: Death to the Penguin! (1/19/2006 1:21:58 PM)

South Pacific:

My aims here at game start were to try and hold onto Port Moresby and to build up men, planes, supply and fuel in Australia, Noumea and Luganville.

Throuhgout May and June Fabertong made it clear he wanted Port Moresby. I was not prepared to fight for it heavily since I could afford to lose it. As such I did not reinforce it with men and just used Dakota's to fly in supply from Cooktown.

Port Moresby was subjected to heavy air attacks from both Lae and Rabaul and by the end of June the Combined Fleet was involved. A large sea invasion started and by mid-July Port Moresby had fallen and New Guinea was his.

Whilst this was happening 2nd Marine Division + 2 x US ID's + several EAB's/BF's were moved along with 500,000 supply and 400,000 fuel into Noumea.

Noumea was maxed out and have sevarl bombers, fighters and patrol groups.

The Americal division + engineers + BF's were moved to Luganville which is also maxed out with F4F's, B26's, SBD's and 2 x B24 BG's.

At the same time 4 x B17E BG's were moved to Cooktown and from August onwards have been bombing Port Moresby/Gili Gili/Buna and Lae on a rotation basis. As such Fabertong has no airpower in existance in southern New Guinea.

New Caledonia is safe now due to a mass of men and aircraft.

Ever since Fabertong took Port Moresby he has shown no more interest in the region other than building up his bases with garrisons and engineers.

Note there has been virtually no naval action to speak of in this region. I have sunk between 3 and 4 of his subs which were spotted and then dealt with by ship based ASW.

I originally planed to build up the area and then advance from Lunga upwards but due to developments over the past 6 weeks i'm now thinking of avioding the Solomans, New Britain entirely and moving through Wake to the Gilberts and then the Marianas............

Arstavidios -> RE: Speedy vs Fabertong: Death to the Penguin! (1/19/2006 2:07:14 PM)

I'm playing the same scenario.
We're starting November right now and the real action is about to start.
IMO this game makes for a slow start for the allies

Speedysteve -> RE: Speedy vs Fabertong: Death to the Penguin! (1/19/2006 2:23:22 PM)

North Pacific:

This normally quiet region has been the FOCUS of recent action!

I had no intention of this being a major action region throughout the entire war but it has escalated into it being the THE main battle area. I guess in many ways our battle is reminiscent of Guadalcanal..................

Between Mayand July little happened other than me eventually sending an EAB to Kiska Island. This galvanised Fabertong into a violent reaction. BB Mutsu led the vanguard in shelling the place. Landings soon occured and the EAB men were no match for several SNLF squads..........

From little acorns big battle occur.

Faber moved in additional forces and expanded Attu and Kiska to make them active bases. I was forced to use APD's to move an EAB to Adak Island. Mutsu + escorts sortied several times in August/September against Adak Island and even once against Dutch Harbour. This foray led to them being bombed by both Bostons and Marauders. No significant damage wascaused but Fabertong took the message he was not welcome at Dutch Harbour.

In August. 3 x RCT's along with 1 x P39 FG, 1 x A20 BS, 1 x B26 BS and 1 x TBF Squadron were moved to Dutch Harbour.

Throughout June-end of October all of my capital ships were in West Coast ports upgrading and readying for their first operation against the enemy.

It was thus coincidental in many ways that as the battles in the Aleutians escalated my ships were ready, after upgrades, for action. I decided to retake Attu and Kiska. My reaons were as thus:

1. Fringe area where I could maximise my assets where he would not expect me.

2. Limited scale opoeration was all that I wanted. In short. It should be a quick capture of the islands and then I would scoot back to the West Coast.

3. With Mutsu + IJN around if I maximised my CV's and surprised him I would destroy a major capital ship.

4. With Dutch Harbour being fully operational itwould alow air assets to protect my ships 1/2 the way to Attu and Kiska.

5. A nice chance to co-ordinate the navy, airforce and land units.

As such from mid-October I started preparing the 43rd ID along with 4 x RCTs + 1 Engineer Regiment + 2 x BF's for Attu.

The plan was thus:

1. 6 x CV's in 3 TF's (CVE Nassau in separate support role) were to move due SW from Dutch harbour keeping 180-240 miles south of the Aleutians and to approach Kiska from the South (Mutsu + change had been in the area for a month or so bombarding Adak).

2. 2 days from jump off the transports along with surface vessels would depart Dutch heading NW and then West towards Attu.

3. CV's would remain on site for 4-6 days pre-invasion bombing.

4. Troops land and secure Attu under support from 8 x BB's +



CV's left Dutch as planned heading SW. Scouts were sent out as per normal on the 21st. Almost concurrently I detected 2 Japanese TF's 240 miles WSW and Japanese scouts detected my TF's

This was not the plan!

Next thing we know Zero's escorting Vals and Kates are detected on an inbound approach vector. F4F's are scrambled and over the 60 miles about 90ish are on CAP.

The Japanese strikes come in bits and pieces and the largest being 30ish Zero's escorting 30ish Vals and 30ish Kates.

Almost nothing of meaning got through the CAP. From memory about 15 Vals and probably 10 Kates in total. The flak was intense and well co-ordinated. The Japanese bombers were bvrave though and managed to hit CV Enterprise with 2 x bombs on the fore deck causing some small fires. Wasp also took 1 bomb causing minimal damage.

The Allied strikes were received in 3 waves with only about 30 Zero's being on CAP at any one point.

By the end of the hectic 3 hours the CVL Shoho was left burning dead in the water with at least 10 bomb hits.

CV Junyo was hit by approximately 5 bombs.

CVL Zuiho was hit by 4 bombs.

Aircraft losses were (from memory) 220ish Japanese vs 120 Allied.

To emphasise my surprise at this encounter all of my TBF's were STOOD down. Only the F4F's and SBD's were involved in these combats.

The IJN were totally outmatched in numbers and quality. It was my 1st line vs the IJN 2nd line:

CV Enterprise
CV Yorktown
CV Lexington
CV Saratoga
CV Hornet
CV Wasp


CV Junyo
CV Hiyo
CVL Ryujo
CVL Shoho
CVL Zuiho

Lets look at the numbers of aircraft (roughly):

Allies: 5 x 78 + 63 (?) = 453
Japanese: 54 x 2 + 48 + 60 = 216

I would also edge him in pilot quality.


So starteth the 'Great Attu Turkey Shoot'...........

Over the following 2 days Shoho was hit again as was Junyo. Both confirmed sunk as was Zuiho.

I proceeded with the plan and moved upto Attu/Kiska.

On day 3 of the operation an unknown TF from 300 miles south of my CV's (currently 120 miles south of Kiska) launched a large strike of 50ish Zero's escorting 80ish DB/TB's. Over 100 F4F's were on CAP. I was expecting a lot of his planes to get through but it was almost a slaughter with only North Carolina taking a bomb hit, CLAA Juneau 1 bomb hit and CV Enterprise another bomb hit.

Approximately 180 enemy planes were lost in the day vs 40 of mine

No retaliatory strikes were launched from my CV's due to strikes being ordered against Attu airfield (which was pounded with over 50 enemy planes - Zero's, Nells, Tojo's, Emily's being destroyed on the ground). I still have no idea what was in that CV force.

I decided not to be diverted from my plan and my CV's remained on station.


My 2 x 4 BB bombardment groups moved in and shelled Attu to pieces hitting 100's of men and wiping out another 40 + enemy planes, sinking an RO class sub, AS and AR ship.

Then the landings took place. Despite the pounding of the place the enemy mines and CD guns have taken their toll with upto 8 x MSW's, 3 DD's and 3 x AP's being lost so far.

After 3 days of landings many ships have been damaged and despite my troops being well prepared for the invasion some heavy disruption has been caused........


On with the Turkey Shoot:

Attu airfield has remained inoperable due to BB and CV action BUT Kiska (size 2) has remained active. Faber moved in Tojo's, Val's and Kate's (maybe CV relics). Over a 3 day period: upto 40 Tojo'shave been escorting 20ish Vals/Kates against my various TF's:

2 x BB's have eaten a fish but will be fine.

When launched against my CV's my F4F's have performed magnificently and in total about 80ish Tojo's along with 40ish Vals/Kates have been lost to about 35 F4F's.

Speedysteve -> RE: Speedy vs Fabertong: Death to the Penguin! (1/19/2006 2:44:41 PM)

Current situation:

All CV's, BB's and transport TF's moved back from Attu to Dutch Harbour.

In the process another DD, AP and TK sank due to damage.

CV Enterprise was sent back to San Francisco with 51 SYS damage as was CA Portland with 26 SYS damage.

In Dutch Harbour itself I have 2 x BB's + about 15 other DD's, MSW's, AP's and AK',s pumping out water before returning to the US for repairs.

The 5 other CV's have refueled and taken stock of new planes and pilots. Also BB Indiana fresh from San Francisco moved into one of the bombardment groups.

Due to the fact my LCU's have taken a lot of disablement at Attu I have 2 x Canadian brigades en route to supplement the force. They should be at Attu within a week.

As such I sortied my 3 x CV's TF's 2 days ago tohead for the Attu region to supress the airfields at Kiska and to bomb the Japanese on Attu.

120 miles north of Adak and on board Yorktown there was a sudden and terrific explosion port side. Followed by another almost immediately aft. She had been hit by 2 sub fired torpedo's!!! The escorts flailed in the dark and locatd the attacker on sonar. The b*stard was despatched to a watery grave............

Yorktown was hit hard at 57/48/16. She was immediately detached and sent back to Dutch Harbour.

Next day another I-boat found her and put 1 more torpedo into her! She limped nearing Adak Island at 78/90/10. I think she'll sink now. I accordingly unloaded her air groups onto Adak just in case.

My remaining 4 x CV's moved on towards Adak whilst a BB group moved into Kiska to sink enemy shipping and shell the place. They encountered a small transport TF and sank 2 x PG's and 3 x AP's which ere unloading men. They then shelled the place causing little damage.

My CV's will remain on station for the next week protecting the Canadian brigades en route...... my 2 x BB's divisions will sortie back and forth between Attu/Kiska and Dutch Harbour.

Within the next month I receive CV Essex + 3 CVE's + my first Corsair Squadron [8D]

This game is heating up. I wonder how Fabertong will react in the Aleutians.....its turning into a longer and more drawn out battle than I expected. So much for a quick training operation!

Speedysteve -> RE: Speedy vs Fabertong: Death to the Penguin! (1/19/2006 2:51:20 PM)

Sub operations:

I've always classed my sub ops and my ASW as being one of my better points of my PBEM play and I thought i'd post a brief summary of how the sub warfare has gone over the first 7 months.


His I-boats have achieved virtually nothing up until the probable sinking of CV Yorktown.

I have managed to sink 11 of the blighters.


My subs have performed pretty well so far. I'm at work so don't have accurate figures but i've only lost 5 subs (4 x S-boat, 1 x fleet boat). I'm focussing on interdicting his movement/resource/oil rather than hitting fleet units.

I have subs in most choke points in the SRA and also from Japan to the Marianas.

Due to the Aleutians campaign I have 10 x S-Boats operating up there which have so far damaged an AK and sank an ML.

My SRA operations have sank several enemy vessels so far (1x AS, 1 x MLE and from memory upto 10 x TK's and 20 x AK's).

Fabertong has so far not dedicated a lot of air or sea material to ASW. Fine by me.

I always keep a smooth running operation with my subs:

1. 1/3 are always in port ready to sortie. 1/3 are on their inbound fuel level. 1/3 are on their outbound fuel level.

2. All subs rotate back to receive their flak and radar upgrades at the alloted time.

3. Forward sub bases established at Darwin, Brisbane and Midway.

Speedysteve -> RE: Speedy vs Fabertong: Death to the Penguin! (1/19/2006 2:52:30 PM)

Sorry for all the text guys. Just a lot of stuff to say to get you upto date.

From now on they'll be more screenshots, CR and a bit less talk if that's what you want [:D]

Speedysteve -> 11th December 1942 (1/19/2006 10:28:11 PM)

Hi all,

My 4 carriers reached a point 60 miles east of Attu overnight. At the same time a battlegroup led by BB Washington steamed towards Kiska to sink any ships and bombard the airfield there.

They encountered the AP Kogyo Maru and a PG escort. The PG fled at the sight of the oncoming horde (to be sunk by TBF's later in the day) but the AP was useless and was shelled into a burning sinking wreck. They then proceeded to bombard the airfield causing minor damage and destroying 5 planes.

During the day a large air raid was launched from Kiska towards my CV's. The battle was intense but my more experienced pilots downed several enemy aircraft:

Day Air attack on TF at 93,34

Japanese aircraft
D3A Val x 6
A6M3a Zero x 18
B5N Kate x 30
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 65

Japanese aircraft losses
D3A Val: 2 destroyed
A6M3a Zero: 10 destroyed
B5N Kate: 15 destroyed
Ki-44-IIb Tojo: 24 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat: 17 destroyed, 3 damaged

Allied Ships
BB North Carolina
CV Saratoga
CLAA Atlanta

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x B5N Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
2 x B5N Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
2 x B5N Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
1 x B5N Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet

An hour later my SBD's pounded Kiska's airfields causing heavy damage:

Day Air attack on Kiska Island , at 92,35

Japanese aircraft
A6M3a Zero x 5
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 12

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 65
SBD Dauntless x 70

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M3a Zero: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
Ki-44-IIb Tojo: 6 destroyed, 1 damaged
B5N Kate: 4 destroyed
D3A Val: 3 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat: 7 destroyed, 4 damaged
SBD Dauntless: 1 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
203 casualties reported

Airbase hits 5
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 23

All in all 100 enemy aircraft were destroyed today to my 29[8D]

Tomorrow the SBD's of 2 CV's will bomb Kiska's airfields whilst the SBD's of my other CV's bomb the Troops at Attu. The TBF's are to bomb the port of Attu.

My men on Attu still well supplied have been resting for the past week and more combat elements are ready to go. It's hoped that with the air support some inrodes can be made into the enemy defences...............


Yorktown update:

Still afloat at Adak Island! 90/78/1

Arstavidios -> RE: 11th December 1942 (1/19/2006 10:44:19 PM)

Don't let the Penguin take Alaska[:D]

Speedysteve -> RE: 11th December 1942 (1/19/2006 11:00:18 PM)


No chance. If he does call me Meyer [;)]

Speedysteve -> 12th December 1942 (1/19/2006 11:43:51 PM)

Hi all,

Today was a day of successful sub action for and against. It shows what can be done even in late 42 with allied subs that are well trained and upgraded with SJ radar.

Firstly 300 miles NW of Marcus Island the ancient SS Cachalot found an AK travelling alone and surfaced to attack it! Unfortunately the torpedo's did not detonate but the AK was hit by 4 x 3" shells leaving it damaged:

Sub attack at 72,51

Japanese Ships
AK Bandoeng Maru, Shell hits 10, on fire

Allied Ships
SS Cachalot

- A minelaying mission by SS O-19 at Truk had success in hitting and sinking AK Tsukikawa Maru with 2 torpedo's.

- SS Kingfish patrolling 240 miles north of Pagan attacked a small convoy hitting AP Tutukami Maru with 1 torpedo.

- The enemy SS I-162 patrolling inbetween PH and Midway was found and sunk by 2 x US DD's...............


Weather was atrocious in the North Pacific today hampering all air activites. The Candians are nearing Attu though and are probably 3 days out.

My men on Attu attacked in the afternoon and did well in taking some of the enemy fortifications:

Ground combat at Attu Island

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 19712 troops, 240 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 13263 troops, 54 guns, 0 vehicles

Allied assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 6)

Allied Assault reduces fortifications to 5

Japanese ground losses:
125 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Allied ground losses:
263 casualties reported
Guns lost 18


Yorktown watch: 90/83/0....not looking good

Below is the situaion in Myitkyina, Burma. I am currently moving a further UK division there along with 2 more ART Rgts. They will take a couple of months to reach there.


Speedysteve -> 13th December 1942 (1/20/2006 10:08:53 AM)

Hi all,

Progress is being made against the Japanese aggressor in the North Pacific.

Today weather conditions were calmer allowing SBD's from Lexington and Saratoga to strike out at the active airfield of Kiska. Over 50 x F4F's provided escort. A small number of enemy fighters were on CAP but they were repulsed and a number of enemy fighters and bombers were torched on the ground; 29 in total:

Day Air attack on Kiska Island , at 92,35

Japanese aircraft
A6M3a Zero x 4
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 17

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 56
SBD Dauntless x 72

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M3a Zero: 2 destroyed
Ki-44-IIb Tojo: 9 destroyed
B5N Kate: 5 destroyed
D3A Val: 5 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat: 3 destroyed, 1 damaged
SBD Dauntless: 1 destroyed, 3 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
214 casualties reported
Guns lost 3

Airbase hits 4
Airbase supply hits 5
Runway hits 20

In the far distance the heavy guns of 3 US BB's were shelling enemy positions on Attu in conjunction with a further land attack which resulted in another section of the enemy defences falling. Progress is at last being made on the ground. 2 x Candian Brigades will be landing tomorrow to supplement my men.


Under the sea...........

SS Barb patrolling 120 miles SW of Okinawa found a small TK convoy but failed to hit the TK Yamazuru Maru.

SS Blackfish further south inbetween Truk and Wewak found a lone AK (Chikuzan Maru). In the morning she surfaced and attempted to persuade the crew to surrender by firing a number of 20mm shells into the freighter. The ship refused to stop so at 2.30PM Blackfish fired a salvo of torpedo's 1 of which hit the small freighter amidships leaving her heavily burning and listing............


Here's the total air losses for our campaign to date. Note of 2900 Japanese losses, almost 1400 have been on the ground (some in Burma, New Guinea. A lot from Attu/Kiska and from his sunken CV's.........)


Speedysteve -> Thoughts (1/20/2006 1:06:29 PM)

Hi all,

Just wanted to update you on my operational plans for the next months or so.

The 2 x Canadian Brigades are both ashore at Attu. I am going to unload supply for a day or 2 whilst my CV's remain on station surpressing the Japanese on Attu. A bombardment will also take place over the next couple of days. Hopefully by then I will be strong enough to take the place.

A large Base Force is about 3 days out along with several fighter and bomber groups.

If I can just take the place I doubt Fabertong will be able to take it back (72 x P38's sitting at Dutch Harbour for example ready to be flown in).

Whatever though in 2-3 days i'm going to move back my ships to refuel and re-arm.

To be honest i'm anxious at the amount of time this operation has taken. It will surely have given Fabertong enough time to assemble a counter-offensive force if needed.


Beyond that. Provided I take Attu on schedule i'll supress Kiska with LBA from Attu and in time take that with a RCT or 2.

I plan on moving back the 43rd Division + 2 x RCT's + Engineer Regiment to allow them to R & R (they need it!)

Within a month i'll have CV Essex + 2 x CVE's. I plan to use them if needed in the Aleutians. It all depends how the next month goes and what (if any) reaction Fabertong comes up with.

The Aleutians is not a major long term springboard for me.

As mentioned before it was meant to be a quick short term exercise for my men.

I want to take Wake next and then hopefully move into the Gilberts either from Wake OR from Nanomea/Baker Island which i'm building up. Both have Catalina's and F4F's currently.

Speedysteve -> 15th December 1942 (1/20/2006 4:09:06 PM)

Hi all,

The Battleships Maryland, Colorado, Pennsylvania and Nevada pounded Kiska throughout the night of the 14th destroying 39 enemey planes on the ground:

Naval bombardment of Kiska Island, at 92,35

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N Kate: 11 destroyed
Ki-44-IIb Tojo: 7 destroyed
A6M3a Zero: 2 destroyed

Allied Ships
CL Helena
CA Louisville
CA Northampton
BB Pennsylvania
BB Nevada
BB Colorado
BB Maryland

Japanese ground losses:
1559 casualties reported
Guns lost 7

Airbase hits 2
Airbase supply hits 4
Runway hits 45


All troops are ashore at Attu and all transports are moving back. A bombardment TF or 2 should hit Attu tomorrow and i've ordered all bombers on my CV's to bomb the troops at Attu. I want to take the place soon! After tomorrow my ships will move back to Dutch Harbour for fuel and ammo and we'll see how things lie then.


The usual bombings by me in Burma. Here's an example:

Day Air attack on Myitkyina , at 36,28

Allied aircraft
P-40B Tomahawk x 29
F-5A Lightning x 5
B-25C Mitchell x 33
B-24D Liberator x 26

Allied aircraft losses
B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged
B-24D Liberator: 2 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
29 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Airbase hits 9
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 75


The enemy submarine I-156 snuck into the waters around Attu and sank the heavily damaged AP President Hayes with 2 torpedo's.

Search planes identified at least 3 more enemy submarines reaching the area.......


Yorktown looks doomed - 90/93/0


Here's the morass of China. The next defence will decide who gets China. Chungking, the crossing north of it and Kweiyang MUST be held!


Fishbed -> RE: 15th December 1942 (1/20/2006 4:53:57 PM)

The Great Aleutian Penguin Shot [:D]

Where are all the CVs? Is his air carrier wings already completly depleted?!

Speedysteve -> 16th December 1942 (1/20/2006 7:30:09 PM)

Hi all,

Fishbed - I'm not sure where the 'big 6' are but they lost over 150 aircraft on a long range attack against my CV's about 2 weeks ago. He'll probably have replacements on board by now.

Attu was subjected to further punishment throughout the 16th.

At first light a bombardment group led by BB Washington shelled the place causing 200 casualties....on their departure they found and sank the MLE Nagato Maru.

During the day over 50 TBF's targetted supply dumps in the port area and injured more Japanese scum.

A further land assault went in and is slowly forcing the Japanese into a smaller and samller pocket. Fortifications now down to level 3. Interestingly the 2nd Sasebo SNLF Squad was reported in combat = Faber must be airlifting troops from either Kiska or Paramushiro.


On the sub front I sank I-122 which was patrolling too near Attu and was cornered in shallow water...no survivors were reported.

2 of my subs reported firing at enemy vessels today.

Firstly, SS Triton fired 4 torpedo's at an AK 120 miels SW of Kendari. No hits were reported.

Secondly, SS Halibut found a tanker and also launched 4 torpedo's at her. No hits were recorded. This was 120 miles NW of Okinawa.

Radio intercepts recorded the sinking of the AK Chikuzan Maru. This vessel was hit by SS Blackfish 3 days agao inbetween Truk and Wewak.


Tomorrow a further bombardment of Attu will hopefully occur and a BF will be unloaded. The next day all ships will move back to Dutch Harbour since my CV's are getting low on fuel.


Amazingly CV Yorktown is still afloat 90/87/0

Speedysteve -> Attu falls! (1/21/2006 3:22:12 AM)

Hi all,

Excellent news. Attu Island fell today to my Allied troops.

It's been a joint operation alright. Today the Japanese positions were shelled mercilessly for hours by 4 x BB's and then 140 bombers from my CV's targetted the main defence line remaining occupied by the Maizuru 1st SNLF. From my men on the ground it looked as though hell was being unleashed upon the remaining Japanese postions.......

The order to assault the Japanese was given at 3pm and by 6pm it was over! The Japanese had been pushed up into the mountains leaving a wrecked port and airfield for my engineers.


All ships are to move back to Dutch Harbour for R & R. It's amazing how these operations attrite your ships in general.

Only 1 transport TF will remain at Attu for now unloading the remnants of a BF.

At first light on the 18th the first pilots from the 56th FG left Dutch Harbour for Attu Island flying their P38's. By Lunchtime 70 were on the ground ready for action.

Attu will receive fighters, DB's, TB's and LB's. Everything it needs to control the area and flatten Kiska.

It will need more suppot troops, supply (currently at 16,000) and fuel (currently at 13,000) and the combat troops will be withdrawn.


Speedysteve -> 18th December 1942 (1/21/2006 1:29:25 PM)

Hi all,

Most of my ships in the Aleutians are within 1 days sail of Dutch Harbour now where 1000's of tonnes of supply and fuel are waiting my war weary men, ships and planes.

2/3 of the BF at Attu is unloaded along with several more planes. There now resides:

1 PBY squadron
1 x P38G FG
1 x F4F squadron
2 x SBD squadron

The problem I have is thus:

I only have 16,000 supplies on Attu and the airfield has 38 Service Damage and 88 Runway Damage. Of 238 Engineers on the island (combat + base) only 64 engineers and 3 engineer vehicles are operational.

I need to get the airfield operational and fast to control the area. Then I can safely bring in 1000's of tonnes of supply by ship escorted by my CV's and planes at Attu.

The reason why this is even more imperative is thus:

"E13A1 Jake sighting report: 1 Allied ship at 89,41 , Speed 13 , Moving West"

This is an S-boat sighted about 600 miles SW of Attu! This means either surface units or CV's are coming i'd imagine.

In other news:

SS Permit patrolling in the narrow straits between Sulawesi and Borneo found a small convoy and twice fired a spread of 4 fish at 2 x AK's...achieving no hits......[:(]

China - Faber is nearing both Chungking and Kweiyang. The good thing with Chungking is that it's far enough away from his airfields to be subjected by air attack successfully. Kweiyang isn't so.

Yorktown - still afloat! 90/95/0. Will probably sink now. She's done well.

Here's the view in the Aleutians:


Terminus -> RE: 18th December 1942 (1/21/2006 1:39:41 PM)

It's going to be an interesting few days, to be sure. If the Penguin shows up with KB, it'll get REALLY interesting.

Speedysteve -> The Penguin strikes back! (1/21/2006 6:31:40 PM)

Hi all,

Fabertong somehow slipped into Attu an SC group led by Yamato no less:

Day Time Surface Combat, near Attu Island at 92,34

Japanese Ships
BB Mutsu
BB Yamato
CA Kumano
CA Kako
CL Sendai
CL Jintsu
DD Urakaze
DD Suzukaze
DD Wakaba
DD Inazuma
DD Uranami
DD Mutsuki
DD Yayoi
DD Uzuki

Allied Ships
DD Crosby, Shell hits 15, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
DD Kennison, Shell hits 3, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
MSW Skylark, Shell hits 3, and is sunk
MSW Swallow
SC SC-699, Shell hits 3, and is sunk
SC SC-700
AP Chaumont, Shell hits 8, and is sunk
AK Fomalhaut
AK Alhena, Shell hits 11, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
AK Adhara
AK Electra, Shell hits 9, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
MSW Ungava, Shell hits 9, and is sunk
MSW Wasaga, Shell hits 5, on fire, heavy damage

Allied ground losses:
527 casualties reported
Guns lost 3
Vehicles lost 1

Not good. I lost a lot of ships and 2/3 of the 112USN BF.....

These are retiring NE and then back to Dutch Harbour.

The good news is that PBY's from Dutch can airlift men into Attu. So far 15% of the 108th USN BF has been airlifted onto Attu Island.


I now think there are at least 2 TF's out thewre. My reasoning is thus. The SC group is still at Attu BUT throughout the day SS S-28 was attacked by Jake's once again. She is about 600 miles away from Attu = too far to be from the SC group. My guess it's probably CV's.

Ok you want to play. Lets play. In 17 days I receive CV Essex. She'll move upto the Aleutians with 2 x CVE's. Then we'll play under cover of my LBA.


I need to get Attu operational. Damage hardly decreased yesterday.


Yorktown sank today after a terrifc fight. Well done men [8D]

Speedysteve -> KB Strikes! (1/21/2006 8:25:45 PM)

Hi all,

As suspected KB is around.

On the 20th Vals and Kates screamed down attacking my 5 fleeing ships from Attu. They sank the SC and heavily damaged every other ship.

I'm keeping my ships at Dutch under cover of LBA. If he comes near there they'll be hell to pay from my CV's and LBA.


SS Finback attacked an AK 120 miles SE of Batan Island but failed to hit it [:-]


Attu Island's engineers repaired 10% of the runway damaged today. Come on men work faster!

Speedysteve -> 21st December 1942 (1/22/2006 6:06:42 PM)

Hi all,

Interesting. The CD Rgt at Attu was evac'd by Faber on the 21st. Seems he's pulling it back to Kiska. I have a flotilla of PT boats that reached Attu yesterday. They siphoned off fuel from some of the undamaged silo's and will race to Kiska tomorow to try and intercept enemy shipping there.

KB is still on station. I assume to either protect is evacuation or facilitate a re-invasion of Attu.


On Attu itself the runways are down to 66% damage. Come on boys keep working.

I have 100's of ships and planes just waiting at Dutch Harbour to begin the next move.............


China - Faber has moved in the south. 28 units marched towards the defences of Festung Kweiyang. One of the key battles for China is about to begin.


Here's a snapshot of due air reinforcements. Oh goody. Look a Corsair squadron in 23 days time. It will be going to the Aleutians unless Faber pulls out [8D]


Speedysteve -> 22-23rd December 1942 (1/23/2006 11:55:08 AM)

Hi all,

A couple more days have passed which have been relatively quiet compared to the previous couple of weeks. I assume it's the calm before another lashing of the storm!

The usual air raids by me on Myitkyina from Imphal, Dimapur and Ledo.

In China we are fairly evenly matched at Kweiyang. 200,000 IJA vs 220,000 Chinese. If I can keep in supply i'll be ok. 10,000 supply currently there. If worst comes to worst i'll bug out and retreat back to Kunming for a final stand in the south.


Aleutians -

Strange. I was expecting a heavy assault on Attu but it hasn't happened. No air raids from either KB or from Kiska. No more sea bombardments. Strange.

One downer has been that KB sank the rest of the fleeing transport TF on it's way to Dutch = the whole of the 112USN BF is gone too [:(]

Attu itself is almost partly operational. Runway damage is down to 53. Hopefully on the 24th P38's will be able to fly CAP [:)]

On the ground my men have been sending scouting/hunting groups in to the mountains to hunt for the Japanese. Fights have been local but vicious with 50-100 casualties on both sides most days. I'm happy with this. I'll starve him out all being wlel. I think he is still evac'ing stuff though since intel detected barges yesterday.

IF I can get Attu's airfield fully operational ovrer the next week. I may well move out from Dutch with my CV's, SC groups + supply TF's bound for Attu......

Speedysteve -> 24th December 1942 (1/23/2006 8:32:44 PM)

Hi all,

PT's at Attu into action!

Whilst patrolling around the island of Attu on the evening of the 23rd my 9 x PT boat squadron encountered 2 IJN Destroyers. The Asashio and the Natsugumo. It was a frantic, close and short lived battle in the icy waters.

The Asashio blew PT-82 out of the water with a few well aimed salvo's. PT-116 in turn hit DD Natsugumo with a torpedo which almost instantaneously blew the bow off of the destroyer lighting up the sky with a mirage of colours.

Very soon after DD Asashio was hit by a torpedo and immediately disengaged rightly fearing for her own safety.

A victory for the USN [8D]


By 11.30AM the airfields of Attu were open for business. The first 3 planes ot leave were Catalina's sent out to scout for the enemy. Interestingly 4 enemy TF's were spotted heading towards Paramushito Jima -presumably KB + transport TF's either having delivered or brought out stuff from Kiska.

Tomorrow the few serviceable SBD's are under orders to attack anty enemy shipping in the area. Some potential light enemy vessels were detected at Kiska (barges/DD/APDs?)


SS Finback patrolling 120 miles SE of Batan Island was discovered by 3 Patrol Craft. They attempted to locate the Gato class sub but failed in doing so.

PT-116 strikes home!


rtrapasso -> RE: 24th December 1942 (1/23/2006 9:10:15 PM)

Don't know if you've seen Fabertong's new flag:


rtrapasso -> RE: 24th December 1942 (1/23/2006 9:11:17 PM)

or the tag (license plate) on his car...


Speedysteve -> RE: 24th December 1942 (1/23/2006 11:38:40 PM)

Excellent stuff Robert......excellent [:D]

I need to find one of penguin's being squished [;)]

Terminus -> RE: 24th December 1942 (1/23/2006 11:39:58 PM)

Happy X-Mas![:D]

Nikademus -> RE: 24th December 1942 (1/23/2006 11:42:18 PM)

you need to send me a turn so i can continue squashing your penquin bases. [:D]

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