25th September 1943 (Full Version)

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Speedysteve -> 25th September 1943 (7/24/2006 10:44:18 PM)

Hi all,

Hi Bruce - I hope so[8D]

Well it was good that I moved a CV division and 2 x Corsair squadron into Makin. Faber launched a massive raid from Maloelap towards AK's unloading at Makin. A massive aerial battle ensued between A6M3a's vs Corsairs, Hellcats and Wildcats. My Corsairs performed very well.

Over the day (incorporating 2 attacks) 92 x Zero were shot down + 28 x Betty vs 10 x Wildcat, 9 x Hellcat and 4 x Corsair.

7 x Betty broke through my CAP but were unable to hit any ships.

My convoys are continuning to unload at Makin and Apamama while other fleets return to Baker Island to refuel.


SS Flasher sank a PC from an ASW TF 60 miles SE of Iwo Jima. PC Shimushu was blown out of the water by a torpedo. The other PC's dropped lots of DC's causing 12 SYS/28 FLT. She is to return to Midway for R & R.

SS Tunny hit the oil laden TK Goyo Maru with a torpedo 180 miles east of Tarakan.

SS Cod hit the empty transport Nojima Maru with a torpedo 60 miles NW of Bonin Islands.

SS I-21 was detected by DD Fanning and Dunlap 180 miles east of Apamama. Lots of DC's were dropped. No confirmed sinking.


4 x AK, AGC Rocky Mount and 2 x SC arrive in theatre tomorrow.


Speedysteve -> 26th September 1943 (7/27/2006 9:25:48 PM)

Hi all,

Lots of sub activity today:

SS Apogon avoided 3 x MSW SW of Tori Shima.

SS Tarpon missed ML Katsuriki 180 miles SE of Kwajalein.

SS Trigger scored her first kill of the campaign sinking the empty transport Meiten Maru with 2 torpedoes 120 miles ESE of Lae.

SS Escolar missed AP Hofuku Maru NW of Tori Shima.

SS Harder hit the transport Baikal Maru with 2 torpedoes in the Phillipine Sea.

SS Seal scored the most enjoyable victory of the day sinking ML Tsubame SW of Borneo.


Men and material continue to move ashore at Makin and Apamama.


5 x AK, 2 x LST, 1 x DE and 1 x DD arrive in theatre tomorrow as does a Catalina squadron.

Speedysteve -> 27th September 1943 (7/29/2006 6:13:24 PM)

Hi all,

Probably my last turn before heading of to San Francsico tomorrow. I'll be away on business until next weekend.


A mixed day today.

A mine success! A sub laid mine heavily damaged the minelayer Shirataka at Guam[8D]


SS Kingfish intercepted by 2 x PG 240 miles north of Pagan. Some hull damage was sustained by DC's and since the sub is low on fuel she will return to Midway. SS Bowfin is en route to replace her.

SS Grunion was detected by light ASW forces 180 miles south of Hong Kong. No damage was sustained.

SS Escolar was weakly attacked by 2 x MSW near Tori Shima. No damage sustained.

SS I-178 attacked my empty Apamama troop convoy on its was back to Baker Island. She hit AVD Mackinac with a torpedo which left her heavily damaged (she should make Baker Island though). In return DD's Dale and Whipple searched frantically for her attacker, located her and sank her.

SS I-39 was also reported sunk in Tarawa harbour today.


Engineers at Apamama succeded in finishing a small airstrip today. A Corsair squadron flew in to provide CAP[:)]

A PBM Squadron also landed at MAkin today to scout the seas towards Kwajalein. My arms are reaching out.

Soon my CV's will all be back at Baker Island, will re-arm and refuel and then we head out towards the Kwajalein area to gain air supremacy......in their wake will be transports carrying troops for.............


Tomorrow 3 x AK, 2 x DE, and an LST arrive arrive in theatre.

Speedysteve -> 28th September 1943 (8/4/2006 6:41:01 PM)

Hi all,

Back from San Francisco! A busy few days and i'm not sure what the day is, where I am etc[;)]

Glad to be back at this.


A further Japanese Tanker to probably add to Davy Jones' locker - oil laden San Luis Maru was hit by a torpedo from SS Grunion 180 miles SE of Tarakan.

SS Tarpon encountered an unknown TF 180 miles SE of Kwajalein. No torpedoes fired or DC's dropped.

SS Cabrilla received some moderate hull damage from DC's dropped by DD Yunagi and APD APD-46. This happened west of Tori Shima.

SS Halibut missed AP Koryu Maru 240 miles north of Pagan.


More material is unloaded at both Makin and Apamama. Both CV divisions will leave for Baker Island tomorrow since Corsairs now patrol the skies of both bases.

In due course I will outline which bases are to be invaded next in the Marshalls.

The engineers worked overtime and created a 2nd runway at Apamama today.

More men and material is embarked in San Francisco for the liberartion: 6 x BF and 5 x SeeBee units were embarked. As were 8 more airgroups.

3 x AK and a DE arrive at San Francisco tomorrow.

pauk -> RE: 28th September 1943 (8/4/2006 7:30:06 PM)

ah, there you are.... i was afraid that you stuck in San Francisco...i'm sure you know why[:'(][;)]

Glad to see you online.[:)]

Speedysteve -> RE: 28th September 1943 (8/5/2006 12:57:32 PM)

Aye mate i'm still here. Just very very busy nowadays with the new job.

Hope you're still practising for our big showdown[:'(]

Speedysteve -> 29th September 1943 (8/6/2006 6:45:56 PM)

Hi all,

An unsuccessful day in the undersea war........

SS Cod missed AK Hozan Maru #5 with her last 6 torpedoes NW of the Bonins. SS Skate is en route to replace her.

SS Grunion missed DD Hakaze 120 miles SE of Tarakan.

SS Escolar and SS Apogon received sustained ASW attacks from DD's and PC's around Tori Shima. Both subs received light hull damage. SS Escolar is to return to Midway for fueling while SS Apogon relocates.


All of my CV divisions should be back at Baker Island tomorrow. Only Hornet needs her Hellcat upgrade. When that has happened it's time to move towartds the Kwajalein area whilst my LCU's and support units are made ready to leave Baker Island.

In the meantime Makin and Apamama will be built up and will bomb Tarawa in due course.


An AK arrives at Karachi tomorrow.

Onime No Kyo -> RE: 29th September 1943 (8/6/2006 7:33:12 PM)

Dammit! This is no help. If you guys started an AAR earlier I could at least see how Faber does in the early war. [:@]

rtrapasso -> RE: 29th September 1943 (8/7/2006 4:35:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo

Dammit! This is no help. If you guys started an AAR earlier I could at least see how Faber does in the early war. [:@]

I don't think they started in Dec 1941, but rather the Mar (?) 1942 scenario...

Speedysteve -> 30th September 1943 (8/8/2006 1:11:13 AM)

Hi all,

That's right guys - started 42A Campaign - 05/42 onwards.


Well October approaches and all of my CV's are back at Baker Island refuelling. Apparently Hornet's F6F's will arrive tomorrow or the day after. When they do we move towards the enemy.


An ML was sunk today by my submarines....well done guys:

SS Aspro sank ML Sarushima with 2 torpedo hits 240 miles east of Truk.

SS Cisco missed AP Hakuyo Maru with 4 torpedoes 60 miles east of Legaspi.

SS Jack avoided 2 x IJN Destroyer 120 miles north of Pagan.


With October approaching Spitfire VIII and F6A Mustangs are now being produced.


Every day that passes brings thousands more tonnes of supplies and fuel aswell as men and planes nearer to Baker Island and ultimately the Marshalls...........


1 x MSW, 1 x DE and 2 x DD arrive at San Francisco tomorrow.

Speedysteve -> September Statistics (8/8/2006 1:13:40 AM)

Intel score:


Japanese: + 540
Allies: + 709


Allies lost: 228 (mainly ops)
Japanese lost: 216


Allies lost: 64 points
Japanese lost: 132 points


Allies lost: 3 ships - 151 points - CVL Independence the main one. Along with an AP and a DE.
Japanese lost: 35 ships - 10 x IJN SS, the rest due to subs = 25 ships - 295 points in total.

Still very happy with my subs.

A quiet month overall with very little opposition in the occupation of Makin and Apamama. I expect more opposition as I advance deeper into the Marshalls this month.


Speedysteve -> 1st October 1943 (8/8/2006 11:46:48 PM)

Hi all,

Well a 'token' raid by 80 x B24D on Lunga didn't go well. Intercepted by 50ish CAP they lost 27 planes to Faber's 24 for the day.


My subs performed ok again.

SS Escolar evaded ASW forces SW of Tori Shima.

SS Aspro hit AP Sanfuku Maru with a torpedo 240 miles east of Truk.

SS Shark sank freighter Mutsuyo Maru with 2 torpedoes 240 miles SE of Guam.


Hornet's Hellcat complement should arrive tomorrow. Then we move out to raid some Japanese territory.


AD Prarie arrives at San Francisco tomorrow.

Speedysteve -> RE: 1st October 1943 (8/9/2006 1:07:11 AM)

Also meant to say i've ordered the 'Darwin Heavies' to hit Maumere's airfields tomorrow and i've ordered a Makin based Corsair Squadron to fly CAP over Tarawa to see if any transports are flying stuff in.

Speedysteve -> 2nd October 1943 (8/9/2006 9:36:07 PM)

Hi all,

Well the Maumere raid pounded the airfield and caused the destructioon of 12 x Thora.

My Corsair intercepted 2 x Tabby, 2 x Tina and 2 x Mavis squadron over Tarawa during the transport phase but shot none down[8|].

Usual bombing of IJA troops in China and Burma + Mandalays airfields.


SS Gar missed the lone freighter Yamaoka Maru 120 miles east of Tori Shima.

SS Runner evaded 2 x MSW 120 NW of Jesselton.


My 4 x CV division are fueled and stocked with Hellcat's.....time to move deeper into the Marshalls.......

BrucePowers -> RE: 2nd October 1943 (8/9/2006 11:48:08 PM)

I also posted this in the thread.

I want to know if Speedy's operatives (or Niceguy's) are working in Texas.[X(]

Niceguy aren't you in Texas right now?[:D]


Speedysteve -> 3rd October 1943 (8/10/2006 9:12:09 AM)

Hi all,

Within 3-4 days there should be a fair bit more action in the Marshalls as my CV Divisions move towards the enemy..........


SS Grunion was unlucky as her 4 torpedoes failed to detonate against the hull of TK Koryu Maru 120 miles SE of Tarakan.

SS Muskallunge had more luck in probably sinking the troop laden transport Zinzan Maru 240 miles west of Tori Shima.


Engineers on Makin have created a 2nd airfield while on Apamama a 3rd was created.

2 x AK, an LST and a DE arrive in theatre tomorrow as does an SBD squadron.

Speedysteve -> 4th October 1943 (8/10/2006 8:58:14 PM)

Hi all,

Well my CV divisions moved nearer towards the enemy and tomorrow we will be in his airspace. Today, as ordered, in nearing Tarawa 2 x TBM Squadrons paid Tarawa's port a visit. Recon had indicated 3 x damaged subs had been harbouring there from the recent Makin/Apamama invasion.

All 3 submarines were hit and I-7, I-8 and I-175 all sank within minutes.

3 x TBM were lost due to flak


No submarine attacks today.


Status quo in Burma/China with me bombing him every day but no movement on the ground due to the Japanese fielding superior numbers. E.G. at Mandalay:

Ground combat at Mandalay

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 146250 troops, 1356 guns, 983 vehicles, Assault Value = 3649

Defending force 284327 troops, 1528 guns, 388 vehicles, Assault Value = 5308

Japanese ground losses:
77 casualties reported


3 x AK and an LST arrive in theatre tomorrow as does a TBF squadron.

Here's my CV's involved in the Marshall's raid:


Speedysteve -> 5th October 1943 (8/10/2006 11:55:33 PM)

Hi all,

Well my CV's penetrate enemy airspace.....they invoke no air attacks but scouts do find an IJN ML trying to lay her seeds at Majuro. 7 reported direct/close bomb hits lead to ML Katsuriki sinking quickly.

Tomorrow as we near the main enemy bases all TB's are ordered to bomb enemy airfields........


SS Tinosa, Aspro, Runner and Devilfish evade enemy ASW forces easily.

SS Halibut hits the large tanker Nitiei Maru with a torpedo 240 miles north of Pagan.


A new plane enters combat in Burma....P47C's have recently arrived and flew from Akyab to bomb enemy troop positions at Mandalay.

I am thinking of a new plan in Burma within 2-3 months. I will say more in time.


pauk -> RE: 5th October 1943 (8/11/2006 6:13:49 PM)

just wanted to return you a favor and spam your's AAR:


From best looking AAR on the board - Pauk's corner:

However, there are some rumors seen on the main forum that the shogun Pauk is incompetent. We believe that Jamie Oliver look a alike creature is responsible for such disgusting lies. We will found him and forced to read loudly the whole AAR - from the start. After that, Speedy will be, in traditional Japanese manner executed.


Speedysteve -> RE: 5th October 1943 (8/11/2006 6:17:53 PM)

Get out SPAMmer[:'(]

Speedysteve -> 6th October 1943 (8/12/2006 10:38:09 AM)

Hi all,

Well well an interesting day.

The IJN Submarine arm has performed well against my CV fleet. So far they have sunk CV Yorktown, CVL Independence and NOW have damaged CV Bunker Hill 60 NE of Jaluit Island. SS RO-62 put a fish into her port side. Damage is moderate - 15/35/11.

No sub contacts by me....hmm i've noticed an increased amount of sightings by Japanese planes. I assume Faber is flying either more planes on ASW duty or is flying at lower altitude. He hasn't hit anything more but is preventing sub attacks. Time to move a bit more.


My CV's moved to 180 miles SE of Kwajalein but bad weather prevented any attacks by me. No Japanese attacks were launched either. We stay on station and hopefully bomb Kwajalein and Maloelap airfields tomorrow.


A further war direction was agreed by the General Staff today. At present we are slogging in the jungles of Burma (going nowhere fast), surviving in China, and moving into the Marshalls.

I have decided, as well as the future new attack by Indian, USA, British Forces (details provided in a months or so time), to open a new front from Australia through Timor.

I have a shed load of air units in Australia, the men necessary to do it. The main components lacking were: shipping and aviation support. As such it has been decided to use 50 x AK from San Francisco to initially move:

2 x large BF
4 x SeeBee
4th RCT
2 x Para Bn
2 x Raider Bn
128 x C46 Commando transports
144,000 tonnes of supply
180,000 tonnes of fuel

This operation is also months away due to the time it will take to traverse the Pacific Ocean. The war will be fought on 3 fronts in due course, hopefully!

Timor looks pretty deserted and airpower from Darwin controls the area. The main force will go ashore at Lautem and Koepang whilst Para's/Raiders take local islands/bases.

Speedysteve -> 7th October 1943 (8/12/2006 12:27:03 PM)

Hi all,

Dog nammit.....CV Intrepid ate a torpedo today fired by SS I-171. The git who fired it was soon located by DD Beale and was blown to millions of little bits. Good riddance!

TF1061 is now ineffecitve as a CV Division:

CV Bunker Hill - 20/29/6
CV Intrepid - 27/27/4
CVL Langley - Operational.

CVL Bataan is leaving San Francisco to provide support in the future.

All 4 x CV Divisions will remain on station until their air trouncing campaign of Kwajalein + area is complete.

Have to becareful though. I expect the Combined Fleet to be pretty much repaired by now. I will proceed with caution but hope to move surface fleets and invasion fleets into the area over the next few weeks.


The air campaign started today..........

147 x Hellcat escorted 141 x SBD and 108 x TBM to bomb Kwajalein's airfields. A mixture of 75 enemy fighters were on CAP (Jack, Tojo, Tony). Most were shot down for the loss of 21 x Hellcat. The airfields were plastered and remained 3/4 knocked out. 40 enemy planes were destroyed on the ground.

Maloelap also received a plastering. No enemy planes on CAP or lost on the ground.

The only Japanese response was to send 6 x Betty and 4 x Zero from Eniwetok. They were all shot down by patrolling Hellcats.

Total losses for the day:

Allied: 31
Japanese: 120


SS Escolar evaded ASW forces SW of Tori Shima.

SS Seal sank AK Atlantic Maru with 2 torpedoes SW of Banjarmasin. This completes a successful patrol and she will be replaced by SS Seadragon. Her report:

02/07/43 - Sank TK Nissan Maru with a torpedo.
18/07/43 - Sank AK Nozima MAru with a torpedo.
13/08/43 - Hit AK Awata Maru with a torpedo.
23/09/43 - Missed TK Shinkoku Maru with 4 x torpedoes.
07/10/43 - Sank AK Atlantic Maru.


An AK, LST and LSD arrive at San Francisco tomorrow.


Speedysteve -> RE: 7th October 1943 (8/12/2006 12:27:56 PM)

Are you still enjoying this? Any comments?

Modification of style or like it still?

aztez -> RE: 7th October 1943 (8/12/2006 12:41:46 PM)

I'am following this one.

Maybe you could post the strategic map from Pacific?

This AAR has been going for a while so maybe a short summary of things happened thus far? That would attract new readers too I would assume.

Speedysteve -> 8th October 1943 (8/12/2006 2:47:02 PM)

Hi all,

Aztez - a good point. I will do that next turn. Thanks[:)]


My CV's dominated the air once again today. Kwajalein was smashed to pieces and the Japanese were caught napping. No fighters were on CAP and 145 planes were bombed and strafed on the ground!

My CV's are to retire to re-arm and to allow CV Division 4 to disband and repair Bunker Hill and Intrepid. Tomorrow they will move 300 miles SE and bomb Maloelap and Jaluit before leaving the scene.

Once re-armed they will come again with BB's and smash the area again.


Darwin heavies were also in action bombing Sorong's airfield destroying 5 x Tabby and a Jake on the ground. We strike again tomorrow.

Time to push everywhere.

I have ordered Libs at Mandalay to bomb Rangoon for the 1st time tomorrow. P38's will provide escort.


SS Dace avoids 5 x DD 240 miles SE of Hong Kong.

No sub contacts today.


2 x AK, 2 x DD, 1 x DE and an LCI arrive in theatre tomorrow as does 5th USA Prov. Tank Bn at Karachi.


Onime No Kyo -> RE: 5th October 1943 (8/12/2006 11:42:48 PM)



just wanted to return you a favor and spam your's AAR:


From best looking AAR on the board - Pauk's corner:

However, there are some rumors seen on the main forum that the shogun Pauk is incompetent. We believe that Jamie Oliver look a alike creature is responsible for such disgusting lies. We will found him and forced to read loudly the whole AAR - from the start. After that, Speedy will be, in traditional Japanese manner executed.


Did someone note that he looks like the Naked Chef before me or was I the first? [:D]

Speedysteve -> 9th October 1943 (8/13/2006 10:19:03 AM)

Hi all,

The irony of war..........DD Beale was sunk today by SS I-41. 2 days ago Beale sank SS I-171. 2 torpedoes slammed into the port side of the destroyer and she quickly foundered and sank. Some DC's were dopped on the I-Boat but damage is unknown.

SS Aspro evaded ASW ships 240 miles east of Truk.


Rangoon was hit today for the first time in the war! 81 x Liberator were escorted by 37 P38's. 42 enemy Tojo and Tony fighters were on CAP but it seems they were flown by poor quality pilots. 14 were shot down for the loss of 2 x Liberator and a Lightning. 50+ more planes were torched on the ground. We go again tomorrow.

Also intereringly 2 x Liberator hit the port damaging 3 x AK and an AS.


CVE Battler arrives at Karachi tomorrow - the first CVE for the British in the Far East.

2 x AK also arrive.

Speedysteve -> Summary to date (8/13/2006 10:38:14 AM)

Hi all,

Here's a brief summary of the war to date:

We started a 05/42 Campaign.

Phase 1

The first 3 months saw 2 action in 2 theatre's:

1. China - Faber occupied most of China but I always managed to extricate my troops and I have ever since held the impregnable fortresses of Chungking, Kunming, Yunan and Chengtu. All are supplied ok and are covered by Spitfires and Lighhtnings.

2. South Pacific - Faber occupied the Solomans and took PM without a fight from me. At that time it was decided it would be folly to tackle the KB.


Phase 2

I planned a little 'training operation' in the Aleutians for October/Novermber 1942.

Faber had occupied Attu and Kiska in October.

I planned in using RCT's to take the places supported by my CV's.

Faber also had ideas up there and we had a totally unexpetced CV duel which I won convincingly:

He lost Junyo, 2 x CVL and I had Lexington damaged. He also lost almost all of his KB pilots in fierce air battles.

Rather than a training operation this turned into a 4 month slugfest which I eventually won by taking both Attu and Kiska, destroying 1000 enemy planes, sinking many I-Boats + AK's.

The big loss for me was CV Yorktown was sunk by I-boat's over 2 attacks.


Phase 3

February-May 1943 saw a buildup of forces by me whilst I upgraded my ships with heavier AA and awaited more CV's and advanced models of planes.

Faber did nothing in this entire time.

Burma heated up in this period with a HUGE stalemate atr Myitkyina dragging on. I eventually gained control of the air but he had moved so many LCU's from Japan/Kwantung that it was not possible to force him on the ground. By July though I had cut supply to Myitkyina on the rail line and have forced his retreat to Mandalay which is where we are now.

My next operation was to take Wake Island for a push through the Central Pacific.

I elected to go for the surprise option (which was a nig mistake). As such Faber had little time to react when my forces were on the scene but my 7 x Division+ were cut to pieces when they landed amongst mines and CD's + IGD!

We then had the mother of all sea battles with Faber sending in everything he had:

CV Kaga and BB Mutsu were out of the fight from the start when they were damaged by SS.

CV Hiyu and Soryu were sunk in the CV battle with light damage once again on Lexington.

We had huge surface battles of BB vs BB at Wake which Faber edged. I lost 3 x BB + 10's of other ships of all types.

During the next day my CV air pounded his retreating ships and it evened the BB losses out with Musashi + support going to Davey Jones.

I had to evac Wake since my men were worn out. Evac went 100% perfect.


Phase 4

July -

I repaired my shups, awaited Hellcats and moved forces from Australia/America to be able to plan a further invasion. Thsi time it was the Tarawa region in the Gilberts.

My forces went in and recon showed Apamama and Makin unoccupied. As such I took those places and cut off the 12 units on Tarawa.

I am now planning to move towards the Marshalls and have just conducted CV operations to weaken enemy air defences.

Enemy I-boats have performed well in sinking CVL Independence and damaged CV Bunker Hill and CV Intrepid.

My subs have performed well throught the war but over the past 2 weeks Faber appears to have changed his air search roputine and is detecting more of my subs and my attacks have dropped substantially. I still move mine around a lot though so none have been lost to Faber.


Here's a map of the theatre. Note all the green dots in enemy territory are subs.......


Speedysteve -> 10th October 1943 (8/13/2006 11:23:31 AM)

Hi all,

Rangoon was hit again today and the enemy appears to have pulled his air units out. 12 damaged enemy planes were destroyed on the ground and 4 x damaged AK and 1 x AS were hit again in the port. We keep going..........


SS Greenling performed well today in hitting any empty AP 240 miles south of Truk. Enemy ASW vessels pursued hard and some hull damage was sustained. SS Permit is to replace Greenling whilst she returns to Brisbane for repairs.

SS Dace evaded 2 x DD south of Hong Kong.

SS Nautilus evaded ASW vessels 360 miles south of Okinawa.


MY CV's are making their way back to Baker Island.

CVE Liscombe Bay, SS Sand Lance, an AK, LSD, DD, AS, and DE arrive in theatre tomorrow.

Look at the other goodies we get in the future also - CV Franklin, CVL San Jacinto, BB New Jersey, BB Iowa [8D]


Speedysteve -> 11th October 1943 (8/13/2006 3:35:35 PM)

Hi all,

Some attacks again....which is good:

SS Puffer missed AK Ryokna Maru 120 miles south of Tarakan.

SS Hake evaded 4 x MSW 120 miles ESE of Batan Island.

SS Muskallunge hit the empty transport Michiyu Maru with a torpedo 300 miles west of Tori Shima.

SS Aspro missed ML Sokuten 300 miles east of Truk[:-]


Bad weather over Burma prevetned any airstrikes.

Sorong hit again today from Darwin. Bombers ordered to rest and then will hit somewhere else - Kendari.


CV's passing Tarawa tomorrow and will hopefully bomb the place en route to Baker Island. Almost all of my transports have been assembled and readied at Baker Island. We wait until my CV's and BB's have smashed the Marshalls up a bit though.

A B24D Group was flown from San Francisco to PH today.

A DD arrives at San Francisco tomorrow as does 298th RCT at PH, 9th RDH Cavalry Tank Bn at Karachi.

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